My eldest has weak ankle ligaments, perk of being prem for him but his hips were ok, he was a later walker but we were advised to stick with the shoes that were a cross between boots and shoes, effectively shoes with the higher sides like these[1]=1283 obviously these aren't ones you would go for as they are school shoes but they show the higher bit around the ankle compared to a standard shoe but less than an actual boot if that makes sense?
We are due to see the SLT again in a fortnight or so and are hoping to be able to confirm the plan for when J starts reception in September. Places are confirmed next week so getting nervous! Good news is that all his development is now within the correct range although that range is 30-50 months

his physical skills reach the 40-60 month range easily and his "self help" skills are going from strength to strength.
I feel a little uneasy as to whether this is it and he is now catching up himself and the support should be withdrawn or not? I dreamt of the point where he was within the correct range for speech, now he is in it albeit potentially still 10 months or so behind worst case scenario I am worrying what happens now. I don't know what to expect when we meet her, can you guys help me with any questions you think are important to ask and have answered? At the moment we are just wanting to make sure the level of support he gets from his keyworker at pre-school can be maintained in school, he doesn't need statementing but he does need support which school have indicated they will be able to offer assuming he gets a place....
His speech is unrecognisable these days to the little boy who barely uttered a word, we had the speech explosion as more of a trickle that started a few weeks after his 3rd birthday, now he is learning new words and phrases all the time and he loves to sing, I was reminded how delayed the speech was though today when we were looking after a friends little girl, she was 2 last month and was copycatting me and trying to say what I said, Pickle never did that

He is now making up for it though and am so proud of his progress, the SLT's have given us some fab tools to help him and his key worker has been AMAZING!!!
Looks like Butlins was fun Sarah

Thomas looks likes he had great fun!
Do you hear about school next week too Rach?