Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Sugar...congrats! I agree with Hearty, calm down and be positive. You know the drill, any number of reasons can cause a lighter than expected test at 10DPO (late implantation, crappy tests, PARANOIA!). Having symptoms is a wonderful sign. I've got everything crossed for you!!

Hearty, I (as you know) feel your pain! I bet it's teething. Bryce was in a good stride - only waking twice a night, then we cut two new teeth and it all went to hell. He's getting back into a routine now, but it's be a long month...wait make that year! Can you believe our babies are almost 1? Any big party plans? We're having a BBQ and I'm making him an apple cake made with OJ instead of sugar for his first 'cake'. My mom says I'm mean, but I just can't give him a plate full of sugar just yet!!

Allie, sorry to hear you're sick again! Gessh, it's been a rough year. It's so hard leaving you baby to go to work. I'm dreading every minute of it. I guess you can always give it a try, if it's not for you then quit, at least you can tell Alex that you gave it a shot.

Gibs, sorry to hear about team yellow, it's fustrating, but just focus on the healthy little bean you have growing.

AFM, we leave for our trip to LV/SoCal in 2.5 weeks. I'm feaking out! I can't believe I agreed to leave my baby for 6 nights this early!! I'm so not ready. I know this is a good thing for my marriage...and probably myself as well, but it hurts! I don't know how I will get on the plane.
Sorry ladies, I didn't know how to do it as a spoiler.
Allie, I don't think I could ever leave Charlotte for that long, but I suppose needs must if you are short of money. Hope you feel better soon
Sugar, I'm looking at my 10DPO test and that's exactly how mine looked with Bryce.
Sugar congratulations can definitely see the line no need for squinting. I know it's hard but try not worry I think for 10 dpo that's looking good. Symptoms are a good sign.

Hearty poor you sounds like it could be teething Benjamin's been teething to this week and his sleep has been all over the place. Enjoy your nap hope you have a better night.

Allie I can't imagine leaving Benjamin but I guess in the short term if needs must. I'd go for the interview and take it from there you don't have to take the job. Have you sat down & talked to Alex about the numbers at least he can see you are trying. One of the reasons I didn't go back to work was because I'd only cover the childcare cost. Sorry your poorly hope you feel better.

Round hope you have a good break away it wil be hard going but hopefully once you've gone you'll be ok. I've only left Benjamin once for the day and one evening we're trying to find a babysitter so we could go out for a meal but Im nervous about that so can't imagine being away longer. How is your hubby?

Afm: I have my cervical length scan tomorrow bit nervous about it just hoping nothing has changed. It's Steve's birthday tomorrow and we have an appointment with mortgage advisor too we've been looking for a house & are in the process of putting ours on the market all a bit scary.
Thanks ladies, I feel a bit calmer now. Had mild pulling pains all night and the tingling boobs. Will test again tomorrow.

Rounders I can't believe Bryce is coming up 1. Where did that year go? I hope you manage to have a wonderful holiday. There might be a few tears at first, but hopefully you can have a nice relaxing time away
Sugar Congrats!!!!! I can also see the line on my crappy laptop which hasn't been dusted in months!!!!

Allie i would take the job purely to show Alex that im taking his lead. At the same time i would be looking for something that would bring in more money so i would be able to justify being away all day. As you know i also work 10 hours a day and went back full time when hero was 2 months old. It is difficult but like everything else, its a routine that both you and Alistair will fall into very easily. You will also find that the time you spend with him will be of more quality. I have friends who dont work but actually spend much less quality time with their kids than i do.

Round, go and enjoy! your marriage is very important not only for you but also for Bryce. A loving marriage creats a loving home, its only 6 days!

Hearty sorry about the crappy sleep! No advice from me, you know what a crappy sleeper Hero is...Still waking twice a night if not more...
Round, I don't have any bday plans yet, but I was just looking up sugar free cake recipes yesterday. I'm not giving her sugar for as long as possible. Good luck getting on the plane! On one hand, I can't imagine leaving Delilah for that many days. On the other, I fantasize about it. LOL!

Sugar, that test looks perfect to me. I mean it.

Allie, that sounds like a tough decision. I guess it's best to go on the interview. If offered, you don't have to take the job. Think of it as a practice interview for your dream job.

Delilah took 2 long naps. I rested. I'm giving her ibuprofen tonight. Please god, let her sleep through the night tonight.
I had to go back to work when Meme was 10 months old...I had to leave her every day because we couldn't afford for me to be off work. It's hard at first but you have to do what you have to do, iykwim.
Hearty, I'm so glad Delilah napped well. How did she sleep last night?

Lucy, happy V day and good luck with your scan today. Can't wait to hear. :hugs:

Sugar, that line looks perfect to me. Did you test today?

AFM, thanks everyone, I will for sure go to the interview and see what happens. Alex also has an interview for a (hopefully) better paying job that I found for him (of course :dohh:) so hopefully he gets that and it takes the pressure off me a bit. I'm happy to work....but it does kind of suck to halve my hourly wage in order to do it.
:hi: girls

Today went well although a little worried about my cervical length it has shorten a little now measures 25mm 4 weeks ago it was 28mm the scan lady put pressure on my tummy while doing the scan to see how the cervix reacted to pressure there was no change which is good. I saw a different consultant today and she was very dismissive said it was in the normal range which is fine but when I asked if it was concern it had changed on 4 weeks & would it again she didn't really respond just said I could request they do another cervical scan at my 28 week scan (surely they should be organising that). She was literally with us for mins going to have a chat with my midwife when I see her next week. The consultant I saw last time said at 28 mm it was ok but just ok the scan lady was reassuring which has left me feeling a bit better. On the plus side when I went in for the scan she said they were doing a growth scan to so I got to see my baby which I really needed as had a rough night last night with some horrid pains Steve & Benjamin were able to come in for it too so they got to see the baby then we chucked them out for the intetnal scan. It was quite funny as she was scanning for best view of my cervix then all of a sudden this little head appeared on the screen. Baby is doing really well still head down woo hoo and growing well baby weighs 1lb 9oz.

Yay to being 24 weeks today and V day :dance:
Great news Luce!!!!!!!!!!! happy v-day!!!!

Im getting ready to go out YAY!!! Bring on the booze!!!!!!
Lucy, mine hovered around that length. 25mm is still in the "safe" zone, but it is borderline. Anything under that is concerning. There is a lot of research now that shows very, very good results from women who took progesterone with short cervixes. There was no difference with women who had a length of 25mm or higher. But anything under 25 was very beneficial. It prevented further shortening and preterm birth. I never did the treatment as mine never went lower than 25mm (maybe once it went to 24, but then went back up). It's good that there was no change when pressure was put on it. Once you go on the treatment, you shouldn't stop it. I decided if mine went below 24mm, then I would do it. You might want to talk to someone about that as a possibility. Getting a stitch this far into a pregnancy isn't really an option unless your cervix is funneling or dilating and is really really short. There is a risk to rupturing the amniotic sac. Bedrest and progesterone are the best options for you if you feel worried. Obviously I did bedrest and had scans every 2 weeks. I would push for another scan given how much yours shortened. Don't want to scare you, just want you to have all the info.

Happy V day tomorrow!!!

Sugar, any new lines?

Allie, I hope Alex gets the job.

Vicky, get your booze on! Enjoy!

Delilah took another super long nap this morning after sleeping 12 hours last night! I feel much better. Hoping she'll take another long nap this afternoon. I gave her ibuprofen last night. It must have been teething.
Thanks Amanda that's reassuring to know I scared myself a bit by looking at google (I should know better than goggling). I think I expected them to scan me again as it had shortened. I will definitely speak to my midwife and see if she can get me in for another scan and see what she advises. Bed rest would be difficult with Benjamin but will try and take it easy whenever I can Steve's great at the weekends with letting me rest.
you girls got chatty all of a sudden lol!

Congrats Sugar!!! I see the line clearly as well :)

Gibs - I hope they give you a sneak peak so you can find out! I know how much it sucks to have to wait to find out because the little monster wouldn't play nice in the ultrasound lol!

Luce - great news!

Allie - I am sick again too! Ugh! Now Kash woke up with it this morning too. Hopefully it's all short lived. About the interview, I would go on the interview for sure. If you are offered the job, you don't have to take it. Just keep looking for something that pays better, and then accept the job that makes more sense to you to take :)

I work full time, and I drop Kash off at daycare at 7:15am, and I don't pick him up until 5:00pm. The first week was a little hard, but when I seen how much he liked being there, it made it a lot easier on me. We have our few hours of quality time together in the evenings, and then we have the whole weekend together. I find we appreciate each other more as well, then if I was home all day with him. For me, I fully believe in socialization and him learning and being with friends. This is also what my background in College is, is early childhood development. It's important to me that he has these experiences. I live in a rural area that does not have play groups and such, so this is a very good thing for him.

Now, in a few weeks, I am going to be off of work again for another year. Gord and I have decided though that for the month of July, Kash will still go to daycare full time, and then for the other 11 months, he will go part time. I don't think it would be fair to pull him straight out and him miss out on all that social interaction for 11 months, and then all of a sudden be forced to go back to full days again when I return to work. He would miss it so much.

Basically, it's going to be hard for the first week, but once you know how much they enjoy being where they are, it's so worth it! You go to work with zero worries about where your child is, and are they happy?!
Hi girls, today's test is darker, so I more relaxed. Just trying to take 1 day at a time

Lucy congrats on V Day and pleased your scan went well! :thumbup:

Hearty, hope you get another good night's sleep tonight. Charlotte is still teething like mad and has a cold to go with it too, but she's just very bad tempered through the day and seems ok at night.

Mel, that sounds like a good plan with the daycare.

Have a good night Vicky

Allie, fingers crossed Alex gets the better paid job, so you don't have to take the lower one

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