Nato, sorry about AF. How's your Dad doing? Thinking of you
Lucy, that's funny that Benjamin managed to escape from your bed.

I left the upstairs stairgate accidently open last week, screamed when I saw it and then looked downstairs and saw Charlotte grinning up at me. She had crawled down safely herself. I nearly had a heart attack and felt so guilty!
Hearty, that's great news that you're getting some quality sleep. I wouldn't worry about the rocking to sleep, I often still cuddle Charlotte to sleep if she's unsettled.
Vicky, get you you party animal! I used to be the last one standing, but haven't got the stamina anymore. You Greeks certainly know how to party!
Round, you've got snow, we've finally got some nice weather in the UK! Clever boy Bryce in walking!
Afm, I tested again this morn and the line on the FRER is nearly as dark as the control line now. I'm still having wobbles though as had some really strong pains today, but I keep reminding myself that I had this with Charlotte too. Went to a lovely bbq at a friends and it was so lovely seeing her run around with her little sun hat on and podgy little legs.