Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

I still rock and cuddle hero to sleep hahaha!
Mel that is one expensive daycare! Here its around 300 dollers if you
Dont get a place in public daycare and go private.
Nato- sorry the witch got you! I’m thinking of you and funnily enough had a dream about you… We were at some one’s wedding dancing the night away with out other halves.

Lucy- the early waking is rough! Penny did that last week when she was getting her molars. At least the worst he did was draw on his feet. Penny would have pulled every book out of the book shelf, climbed on my vanity and put on make up and then would have drawn on her self and the walls.

Sugar- the test is looking great! I’m glad Charlotte made it down the stairs safely. We actually don’t have a stair gate and let Penny roam them freely during the day… she is now a master climber which is a good and a bad thing!

Vicky- OMG you are a trooper staying out that late especially with heels! The last night we went out I was done by midnight and still had a massive hang over.

Round- enjoy your vacation! You both deserve it!

Amanda- I hope Tim had a great birthday. Waking up at 7am and caring for a baby with a hangover is rough! I’m glad she went easy on you.

Gibs- wow! What a shock for your sister! Your post actually reminded me that I am 2 hours late taking my BC. That would be my worst nightmare… getting pregnant while waiting for our transfer for the surrogacy.

Mel- I thought day care in our area was expensive! I am definitely getting Penny into pre-school for the socializing aspect. I hope your sinuses are better!

AFM- Penny had her 1st stint as and activist on Saturday. I took her to the capital to march against Monsanto. It was such a hot day so on the way home I treated her to some froyo. She was in heaven! We also sipped strawberry infused water and before every drink she would cheers me and erupt into giggles.
She's super shocked and really anxious but she told my 4 year old niece and Peyton goes "is it a girl baby this time? Maybe it's TWO GIRL BABIES!" She's getting used to the idea but she is still really nervous and keeps thinking of all the bad things, like money and she just started back to work last month. Just a lot to think about.
Hi girls I'm so scared, I think I'm heading for another mc. Did a test this morning and it was lighter than yesterday's test and I've had really bad back ache on and off. I'm so disappointed and had enough of it all. There's no bleeding yet, but I think it's on it's way :cry:
Ah Sugar, I really hope you're wrong. Can you get to the doctors and do a beta? That's the only way to really know at this stage. Thinking of you.
:hugs: Sugar...I hope you are wrong though and everything is fine

I pay normally $930 a month for daycare with Kash right now for full time. There are other places that are way more expensive then that as well. It's a complete tax write off, so it's all good :)

Pollen is flying around like crazy right now, so I believe it is definitely allergies. Woke up with a sore throat again this morning. 34 more days until I can take drugs again lol!
Round they don't do betas in the UK anymore. In fact, they don't even do a urine test to confirm. I rang my doctor already and he just said to ring back if the pain gets any worse. Even if I get referred to EPADS, it's too early to see anything yet as I'm only 4+4
Sugar I am praying that all will be ok and baby is just getting snug. Sorry they won't do betas I had to really push for them to do then with thus pregnancy. I don't know if this helps but I had bleeding & cramping with both Benjamin & this pregnancy don't give up hope yet I know it's easier said than done.

Mel that's good its a tax write off. Childcare is so expensive but you do get 15 hrs free a week when they turn 3. Sorry about the allergies hope it eases for you wow 34 days to go not long.

Hoping that's so cute with Penny & her drink.

Arm: had a rough 24 hrs been told to rest and
Not do anything which I've doing. Benjamin has been good as gold had hardly left my side wanting to sit next to me he keeps cuddling and giving my tummy hugs so cute. Have copied from my journal what's been going on & put it in a spoiler I hope!

What a 24 hrs it has been I didn't feel to good yesterday by early evening I was getting horrendous lower back pain (first time this pregnancy normally my back ache is much higher round my ribs) and tightenings in my tummy on top of that I had hardly felt the baby move. I'd had a busy day as we were getting our house measured & pics taken today to put it in the market so had been busy getting the house ready we also went to view a house. Steve thought I was just stressed so sent me to bed to rest. We did the Doppler found hb ok so tried to sleep and not worry. Had a dreadful night was so uncomfortable couldn't sleep and still no movement at times when baby is normally active. At half 6 this morning I tried my midwife who is on annual leave untill tomorrow as the midwife team wouldn't be in the office yet I phoned the labour ward/fetal assessment unit as who were lovely they said to contact my midwife so she could assess me. Phones & left MSG with midwife team they Steve canceled the estate agent and didn't go to work I stayed in bed waiting to here from a midwife. They called me about 10ish and told me to come down to be checked out. All is ok with baby thankfully hb good and as soon as she felt my tummy the baby gave het a kick.

I was concerned about baby's movements the midwife was concerned about the tightenings in my tummy I had one why I was there. Due to the shortening on my cervix she called the fetal assessment unit to check they didn't want to see me as I wasn't in labour, hb was good & movements felt they didn't want to see me. So I got told to come home & rest Steve's had to go back to work Benjamin has been as good as gold he's now having a nap. I'm under strict orders to rest and not do anything. If I have anymore tightenings and they become regular I have to call the labour ward.

I'm seeing my midwife tomorrow which Im pleased about feel exhausted guess I should be napping while Benjamin does.
Lucy so sorry to hear about your scare. Sounds like you are in excellent hands though and it's great that they were happy with movement etc. Rest up as much as you can x

I just don't know what to think, I did an FRER this afternoon and the line came straight up and is darker than the control line. Did another £1 shop test at the same time, and it looks about the same as the one I did first thing. It's defo lighter than the cheapo one from yesterday though. Can the amount of dye vary in these tests does anyone know? I've also still got horrible lower back pain. I wish they would just do the bloody betas to take away the guess work :-(
glad everything is ok Luce!

Sugar - maybe it's all implantation? maybe the cheap tests aren't the answer? If it's coming up on the FRER like it is, then I would think everything is ok?
Sugar I'd ignore the cheapie test and stick with the frer. The cheapie was seem to vary so much my friend used them and they said she wasn't pregnant I eventually convinced her to buy a more expensive one & yep she was pregnant 9 weeks by that point. She had a little boy 2 weeks ago.

Hopefully the back ache is all to do with the baby getting snug.
Sugar, toss the cheapo's! I hate those things. I would trust the FRER. Try re-testing tommorow at the same time. That will give you a clear idea.
Oh Sugar , I'm so sorry. I know you're trying to prepare for the worst...but I still think there is lots of hope. I understand if you don't want hear that though. Big hugs, we're all here to talk.
Sugar hun we have seen so much spotting and bleeding on this thread which turned out ok...I know how hard it is to try and stay positive given our history, but all these symptoms are considered very normal in early pregnancy....Sending you all the positive energy i have babes...
Thanks ladies but I'm in a lot of pain with my back and stomach cramps now. That, coupled with a light test and brown spotting is not giving me any hope I'm afraid. If I were to stop the progesterone, I'm sure it would speed things up but I'll do one more test tomorrow to make sure. Hopefully I might get referred for some tests on the nhs now. That's 2 mc this year and 1 before Charlotte. Maybe it's just really unlucky!

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