Mel you are officially one day further than I was when I had Delilah!
I used to love daylight savings. I loved having longer days of daylight. Now that I have a child, I hate it! LOL! I need it to be dark for her sleep. I have blackout curtains, but she still seems to know. I can't imagine having as much daylight as you have!
Another good night last night. It only took 17 minutes to put her down compared to the 30 minutes the night before with the pick up put down method. She woke once at midnight (I didn't even hear her) and Tim went in, put her back down from standing position, patted her bum and she went right back to sleep until 7am.
How is everyone today?
Sugar, how are things with you honey? Thinking of you.
Lucy, I hope you are resting.
Allie, Amber, Vicky, Gibs, Round, Nato?