Sugar, that really pisses me off! I hate to throw around the word ectopic, but having been through one, I really wish they would do betas in order to rule it out. If it is a mc, progesterone isn't going to stop it from happening. I know more than one woman who had a mc even though they were taking progesterone. So definitely keep taking it. Is there anywhere that you could pay to have betas taken? On Monday you should tell him you are concerned about an ectopic (even if you aren't) because you are feeling pain on one side where your tube is. Plant the seed in his brain and see if he'll do bloods then.
I seriously think that we're smarter than most doctors at times.
Gibs, I didn't realize you were getting another scan. Sorry about team yellow still. How is Ian taking it?
Allie, I hope the Effexor works. I'm sure you already know this, but it can take a few weeks for it to take effect. I'm really glad Alex is addressing this. Good luck to both of you on the jobs. I doubt you have cancer. That sounds like your anxiety talking. It sounds more like a hormonal shift compounded with stress. But by all means get it checked if it persists.
Lucy, I hope you get your cervical length appt. sorted. Glad your tightenings are subsiding a bit. Don't forget to lie on your left side as much as possible too.
Dazed, good to see your name pop up.
The sleep saga continues. Well not really. It took her longer to go down last night with the pick up/put down method. And she woke at 11pm and I had to do it for a minute before she fell back asleep. Today for nap though, we did it for 30 minutes. She mostly played and I sat still with my eyes shut. When she cried, I picked her up and put her down and told her it was time to sleep. Eventually she decided to lie down by herself, play with her stuffed animals and fall asleep. First time she's ever done that. It felt like progress. I want her to think of going to sleep as a fun experience, not a labored one. May this trend continue.
Going to a dinner party tonight in San Francisco and Tim is staying home. I can't wait to be with adults and drink wine!