Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Happy birthday delilah! Hope the party is great! On my
Phone which I hate so will respond. Later to every one
I know Gibs...It's so crazy that Northern Alberta is sweltering in heat, and yet Southern Alberta is flooding like crazy! I wish we could share our heat with them and we can take some of that rain. It's going to be another hot one today!

I think the boobs grow whenever they grow. Mine went to an E with Kash (almost an F), and I normally wear a D. But yet this time, they convinced me to buy a C!! They don't seem to have grown really this time around, but then again, all my weight I have gained is completely in my belly! I am hoping this means I have a much easier time losing the weight this time!
Happy Birthday Delilah! It was Bryce's birthday on Thursday. We had a little party on Friday. He had apple cake with cream cheese icing. He wasn't even that excited about eating cake for the first time - he was more interested in the strawberries on the counter. I guess that's a good thing! Can't believe our babies are toddlers now!

It's been a busy week here, still trying to unpack from the trip. The kids did great and we had a blast. Bryce went right back to nursing without a problem. It was good, because it made for an easy way to begin weaning him. My supply dropped during our vacation, so now I just feed twice a day. He's still getting up once a night to nurse as well - but he's doing much better now sleepwise.

Mel, I can't believe how close you are. What crappy weather to be 9 months pregnant in! That was me last year. It's such a bitter sweet feeling extending your family. Enjoy your last week together with an only child!

Lucy, sounds like things are doing great. I can't wait to see what you get this time. I'm thinking girl!

Nato, I hope you're doing okay. I'm so sorry you're going through this right now. I don't even know what to say as I've never experienced anything like that. I just hope you can find some peace and some strength to get through this. We're all here for you.

Gibs, sorry about the dead beat dad situation. My dad was one and I know he put my mom thorugh hell.

Sugar, how is the ms treating you? Hope Charlotte is letting her mommy get some rest.

Hi to everyone else, can't remember everything that I've read!!

Well, I just found out this week that my leave is extended another two weeks...they processed my vacation wrong and now I don't go back till middle of August! I'm so happy/scared! Maddy is done school this week, so it's going to be a busy, crazy summer. With Bryce running every different direction, my patience is surely to be tested. I know we'll have fun though.
Happy Birthday Delilah and Bryce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cake: :cake: :yipee:

Round, that is so cute about Bryce and the cake. Alistair was a bit unsure of his whole piece but once we broke it up he was very happy with it. Glad you had a great trip, and it sounds like you have a fun summer ahead of you!

Mel, that is hot! I'm glad you got in a good day at the lake as well. It's nice to have this time as a threesome. You are so close! I can't believe it.

Gibs, I don't remember what my boobs did during 2nd or 3rd tri. I do know that they shrunk while I was BFing and now they are bigger again. :dohh: I laughed at the image of you busting out of your bra....I've been there.

Lucy, I'm so glad you had a such a great scan!! :hugs:
Well used my first pre-seed today , I may go camping this weekend so I gotta get the :sex: in before we go :haha: Started feeling my pre o pain and hoping it isn't as bad as last cycle having to go to the er and all
Happy Birthday Delilah and Bryce hope you both had wonderful days :cake:
that's nice Round that you get most of the summer off now too :) Happy Birthday to Bryce as well.

the air conditioner I ordered will be in on Friday, so hopefully we get some rain before then to cool things down!

Good luck Ruskie!
Oh sweet air conditioning...how I dream of you at nighttime.
I love having a swamp cooler its amazing in the summer , Although it has not been hot enough to use it yet been nice with just the windows open :thumbup:
Happy Birthday to baby Bryce and Delilah! Can't believe they are 1 already. Hope you had an amazing time celebrating! Rounders, I loved the pics you put on fb of Bryce, he's adorable!

V sorry to hear of your financial worries

Great news on your scan Lucy, hope you're managing to rest up a bit

Afm, I've booked a private scan for Sat when I'll be 9 weeks just for reassurance. In still puking every morning, but not feeling as wretched as I was. I swear I'm starting to get a baby bump too. A few people have noticed! I'm not sure how so early on, maybe it's just where it was stretched last time with Charlotte :-).

Hope everyone is good
The puking is a great sign although not fun for you at all. Good luck with your scan I'll be thinking of you.

I showed much earlier this time round I guess everythings just softer so stretches quicker and easier. I was sure this baby is a lot bigger than Benjamin as I feel and think I look much bigger but I read through my pregnancy journal and at my 28 week scan Benjamin weighed 2lb 9oz this baby weighed 2lb 8oz.

I've had a busy week with viewings so been in and out the house plus making sure its neat & tidy finding places to hide the ironing :haha: We've had an offer on our house its under the asking price which we expected as the house needs double glazing its a good offer but a little bit less than we were hoping for but they are first time buyers so can wait for us to find somewhere they are living with parents at the mo. Said we'd let them know by close of business today I don't know what to do part of me thinks its early days and we should take the risk be brave and see if we can get a little bit more but the other part thinks I don't want to lose a buyer with what is a good offer. If we'd been with a different estate agents we probably wouldn't of got what they are offering as the house would of be on at a lower price.

Benjamin is a real sweetie is has a birthday present my mum wanted to buy him a sandpit and when she was down we had a look at one they had a little tikes turtle sandpit with lid on offer it was half price so a really good deal so we she did that for him as its too big to store anywhere we let him have it yesterday after Steve had got some play sand which we did with our Tesco's clubcard points in the double up summer exchange we also bought him from Sainsburys using are nectar points some sand moulds, a bucket with spade, rake, little watering can, a small sand mould and a mickey mouse digger for the sandpit he had so much fun last night playing with his daddy in it (think Steve had fun to) then this morning the first thing he said was turtle and ran to the back door. We spent all morning in the garden he even gave his sandpit a kiss bless him. He's always given my tummy kisses and cuddles to the baby but now has started knocking on my bump very gently saying hiya buba then will give my bump a kiss last night he tried to give my bump a piece of potato, it was very cute and funny. Think we will have to keep an eye on him when baby's here don't one little one be starting on solids to early.
awe that's cute. Kash is always kissing my belly too. Thankfully the little guy will be out of my belly next week and I can have my body back!!! I am so over being pregnant!

We finally got a little bit of rain yesterday, but not enough and not near for long enough!! It did not cool the house down at all. I ended up stealing a pair of Gord's shorts last night and wore those with a tank top. I can't wait until tomorrow when we have the air conditioning!

Sugar, I'm sorry you are feeling so sick, but it is such a great sign! Can't wait for you to have your scan so you can rest a bit easier knowing this bean is sticking around :)
Sorry you're so hot, Mel!!! Bring on tomorrow.

Sugar, that's great news, but sorry you're sick. Looking forward to your scan.

Lucy, I wrote in journal.....looking forward to hearing what you've decided?
Thanks for all the kind thoughts, I've read up on everyone's news, feet up Luce and sparkly and hb whoopee sugar

Sorry to sound off again but I'm in trouble here, I can't cope with what's happening. Fathers ex has gone MENTAL, shouting at me, calling me a 'nasty bitch', she refused to let me come home to london, I had to stay at dads on my own with her with a fucking gun in the house.

I've talked her down, but it gets worse. My dad is near the end, he is very ill, and now things are getting beyond my comprehension.
My uncle called my sister and left a MSG for me.

He is trying to stop the will and wants us to join forces with him. Dad has changed the will to leave the ex more Than my sister and I. This is my sisters 'fault'. She asked him to reduce the amount and he has, but done it so she pays no tax, so will actually get much more than us. I can accept that's his will without issue, but my uncle says the property that dad has willed to us isn't actually my dads, so my uncle should get that property and we should get the money dad is leaving to his ex

I am being pulled into something against my will here. I don't want this. There's much more. Dads solicitor is working for his ex. We can't ask him advice. The ex has hidden dads will so we don't know what's in it exactly. The ex apparently was putting papers under dads nose to sign and get residency in his house that will be left To me and my sister but we will sell that to pay tax and be left nothing as she gets a huge untraceable amount

. Everyone is trying to get something and saying we can't trust our own dad, and dad has valued his ex over us. They all have their own agendas but dad HAS left more to her in a way that we weren't supposed to know ie through tax. I want out of this.

Mil has been awful, my sister has done something else bad which we argued about and I am about to drown.
awe Nato, I wish I could help you somehow :hugs: I am so sorry you are going through all this on top of your dad. I hope this can be resolved soon and in a friendly manor for you.
Nato, why is she calling you names and then forcing you to stay at your dad's house? This is all so confusing to me.

I've sadly seen this scenario so many times when money and property are involved and families aren't tight knit. People lose sight of the person who is dying and start arguing over money. It can get so ugly. It looks like it already has. I don't know all the details so I'm not sure what exactly to tell you. If your father is of sound mind, then it is his right to write his will any way he wants. It sounds very unfortunate that he is getting persuaded to make changes that are causing upheaval.

You have to ask yourself if you really, truly care what you end up getting from the will. An inheritance is a lovely thing to get, but when it comes down to it, do you need it? Could you get by in life without it? Is it worth all the fighting? Is it possible to stay neutral in this argument and put your focus on your dad? It sounds to me like you aren't interested in being in the middle of all of this. Is there a way to get yourself out of it?

Why is your MIL being awful? I know she isn't your favorite person. Is John supporting you emotionally? How can you keep from drowning in this? You need a life line. Is there anything you can do to escape this for a little while, even if for a few hours at a time?

I wish I had more to offer. This sounds impossible. Please check in with us often if you need to.
Thanks for the bday wishes everyone. Delilah cried for most of her party. She hates men and my dad, my step-mother and her brother came. Another male friend of ours came too. Too many adults and too many men for her. Once she started opening gifts, she was better. Went to the pediatrician the following day and she's 20 lbs (52nd percentile) and 30 inches (80th percentile)! She caught up to her full term peers! We're going to get her tested next week for nut allergies. Her iron levels were perfect which I'm very happy about as I've kept her vegetarian.

Happy birthday to Bryce too! How great that he took back up with nursing! Well done. I'm so glad you got that break Round. You needed it. I hope he starts sleeping through the night soon. Sounds like he's on his way. Good luck having 2 this summer!

Sugar, yay for a scan and for sickness! I really have a good feeling about this little one.

Lucy, what did you decide about the house? That is a very difficult decision. I love that Benjamin tried to feed your bump some potato. Did I see on FB that you fainted? I hope you are doing ok. I know you are prone to fainting. How scary!

Mel, you are so close! How exciting! I can't wait for another disco baby to be born.

Some pics from the party and the following day which was actually her birthday:





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