Thanks for all the kind thoughts, I've read up on everyone's news, feet up Luce and sparkly and hb whoopee sugar
Sorry to sound off again but I'm in trouble here, I can't cope with what's happening. Fathers ex has gone MENTAL, shouting at me, calling me a 'nasty bitch', she refused to let me come home to london, I had to stay at dads on my own with her with a fucking gun in the house.
I've talked her down, but it gets worse. My dad is near the end, he is very ill, and now things are getting beyond my comprehension.
My uncle called my sister and left a MSG for me.
He is trying to stop the will and wants us to join forces with him. Dad has changed the will to leave the ex more Than my sister and I. This is my sisters 'fault'. She asked him to reduce the amount and he has, but done it so she pays no tax, so will actually get much more than us. I can accept that's his will without issue, but my uncle says the property that dad has willed to us isn't actually my dads, so my uncle should get that property and we should get the money dad is leaving to his ex
I am being pulled into something against my will here. I don't want this. There's much more. Dads solicitor is working for his ex. We can't ask him advice. The ex has hidden dads will so we don't know what's in it exactly. The ex apparently was putting papers under dads nose to sign and get residency in his house that will be left To me and my sister but we will sell that to pay tax and be left nothing as she gets a huge untraceable amount
. Everyone is trying to get something and saying we can't trust our own dad, and dad has valued his ex over us. They all have their own agendas but dad HAS left more to her in a way that we weren't supposed to know ie through tax. I want out of this.
Mil has been awful, my sister has done something else bad which we argued about and I am about to drown.