Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Hi tim!!!!!!!!!! :coolio:

Ohhhhh green eyes....so dreamy.....
He just asked what you looked like. I showed him your FB picture, hope that's ok! He loves knowing about you ladies! I think he loves that you all give me the support I've been craving. It takes some of the pressure off of him!
Hearty im gonna steal your man!!!!!!!!!!! Alex just rolls his eyes everytime he sees me on this site GRRRRR!!!!! Greek men can be such a pain sometimes!!!!
Hearty - I am doing great thanks....how about you?? I've woken up in the middle of the night twice this week completely starved, and then ended up sick, but that is it. I've been feeling really well though....hope you are too!

Vicky - mine does the same thing......
Hey Tim :flower: and my lovely girls,

Been out today shoppping and popped to see my brother and my niece now back home. Well last night didnt go as planned just as I was settleing down for a relaxing evening and early night with hubby :winkwink: He announced he was going out to see his dad so we had a bit of a fight well not a fight just a few cross words mainly from me as I didnt know he had planned to go out and he had promised me he wouldnt drink this week as he knew this week was our build up towards O so I got cross with him as he had been out during the week met his brother for a quick pint (promise broken). He's not a heavy drinker but it worries me that it will effect us getting pregnant I havent been drinking at all. Just feel that sometimes he puts having a drink and going out before me just pissed of as I was looking forward to our evening together I ended up on my own and irritated :growlmad: I'm probably being to sensitive and worry about things that I shouldnt.

Hearty I know how scared you must be all you can do is take one day at a time :hugs:. I have a good feeling about things. You should demand to get your bloods done and if they wont then you can tell them I'm going to take a leaf out of your book and come over there and make them!!!!!

Vickyd I can't wait till monday to find out your results I think its a good idea to get your bloods done that is so crasy about the price of tests!

Caz hopefully you will of caught your egg sending lots of PMA your way :dust:

I hope Nato comes back to us but understand if she stays away big :hugs: to her if shes reading this we miss you loads!!
Mel glad your doing ok enjoy relaxing on your coach :hugs:
Caz - FX'd you didn't miss your surge! And, YESSSS! The werewolf is FUCKING HOT!

Hearty - The vamp who's keen on Tara is fugly! LOL As far as telling people, it was way harder to have to tell them after it was over when they never knew anything in the beginning... but I was randomly bursting into tears, and I had to explain! :(

Aww @ Tim saying hi! :wave: Hi Tim!!!

Vicky - Can't wait for your bloods Monday! :hugs:

Lucy - Grr @ your man for breaking promises! Mine doesn't drink at all anymore... It was very much a "if you want a baby, you don't drink" situation. Tell your husband that... Then he'll see how good he has it! LOL

Mel - Hey, honey! Yay for relaxing!

Meggles is out of town! LOL But, I'm online at night! I'm CD9 for another hour... took my last bit of soy this morning... left ovary going NUTS! Can't wait for O!!!
Megg - this is going to be your month :)

Vicky - I can't wait for those test results......lots of PMA your way
Mel - I SO hope you're right!!! I'm torn! I have a prediction of Sept 13... but I'd much rather it be now... I really would! How you feeling, sweetie?
:hi: Hello Girls!
I'm happy to say the :witch: has left the building! :happydance: yay me!
hey all,

How is everyone? I did an opk today and it was negative :cry: think I may have missed O damn it although we :sex: on wed night and last night so hoping the timing was right. I will test again tomorrow. :shrug:

How are my lovely ladies doing today? :flower:
Hey girls!

Jaymie - Glad she's gone! :hugs:

Lucy - Hoping you didn't miss O! FX'd!!! :hugs:

I'm okay today, but my temp is always super low here... and I refuse to put it on my chart! :sulk: Nope, nope, nope!
Lucy, I just read your post from yesterday. I’ve had similar issues with Tim. He’s not a heavy drinker, but he likes to drink a few on the weekends. He smokes ciggys and pot from time to time too. Not a lot, but any is too much in my book! It all really irritates me. I don’t smoke anything, ever, and I’ve asked him to quit a million times but he won’t. He says it helps with his creativity when he’s making music. As for the drinking, I cut way back when ttc. I usually have a 1-3 glasses a week. I got Tim to cut way down on all of these bad habits by telling him that my losses weren’t necessarily due to my body. He could have given me some bad sperm. He thought that if his sperm fertilized the egg, he had done his job. He was shocked to learn that he might be the cause of all of my sadness. It really helped put things in perspective when he could see direct results of his actions.

As for your OPK, how often have you been testing? I always tested 2 times a day so that I wouldn’t miss the surge. It can happen so quickly that you might have missed it if you only tested once. Or, you might not have had your surge yet. I’m not counting you out. Just BD like crazy! Nice ticker by the way!!

Megg, glad to hear you are feeling the ovaries! That soy is going to kick your Ov in! You are so funny about your temps. I always get a dip before I ov. I can’t wait to see your temp rise. I hope you are practicing a lot with that Conceive Plus! Yeah, Tara’s vamp is not attractive at all. That’s ok, there is enough eye candy on that show to keep me interested. Lafayette is still my favorite character by far. I hope they focus on his story a bit more, he’s hilarious!

Jaymie, yay for AF going away!!!

Vicky, you are getting so close to Monday morning. I hope AF is still keeping away. Can’t wait to hear about your bloods. I’m getting really excited.

Mel, glad you are doing ok.

AFM, we had our little BBQ last night. I decided to tell people the news and everyone was appropriately excited! I felt like it was a celebration for my bean! I loved every second of it. It was actually kind of fun to watch everyone else drink while I stayed totally sober. Drunk people are funny.

Watching Wimbledon right now. Hoping Nadal will win. My step-father was from Spain so I have a soft spot in my heart for Spaniards. They are looking good in the World cup too! I can’t believe I just talked about sports. I’m such a fair-weather sports fan!

Hope everyone is having a fab weekend.
I may even feel confident to post in here with you lovely ladies!
Hi honey! Well, you can post here whether you are pregnant or not. We don't discriminate! I really hope you get your BFP! As I said on another post, I didn't get my BFP until 16dpo. I got a BFN on 13dpo and then didn't test again until 16dpo. I might have gotten a BFP earlier, but you are still so early to test.

Welcome back!
Lol thanks sweetie!

Looks like I am having IB as had one streak of red blood close to cervix and back to pink now with a closed cervix
Hearty - Hope you're right about ov. Agree completely about Lafayette! Glad your friends were appropriately excited about beanie!!! Yay! :hugs: And, drunk people ARE funny! :)

Lawa - Hey, sweetie! Glad to see you in here! How are you feeling, love? :hugs:
Nervous excited apprehensive lol!

I hope this month is my month just want a strong BFP this time!
Hearty I am so pleased you told your friends and got a good response its good to celebrate your little bean :flower:

My hubby is normally quite good could but I just don't think he realises the impact drinking has and I always get well Idont smoke and never have which is annoying. We had a chat and I think he understands I feel mean sometimes because he has been through a lot as well so dont want him to feel pressured but also want him to understand how important it is. I tested the once so maybe I've just missed the surge or it hasn't happened yet but I did have pain on my left hand side on fri and yesterday. Will carry on :sex: and just let nature take over fingers crossed.

Hey Lawa.
Lucy, I'm not a big POAS addict with HPT's, but when it comes to OPK's I'm such a freak about them. I can't get enough of them for fear of missing my surge! I agree, keep going and hopefully nature will take it's course. Surely millions of women have gotten pregnant without an OPK! I'm seriously mystified at how populated this earth is. It seems so damn hard to get pregnant, doesn't it?

It is really important to talk about your feelings with him. The point isn't to pressure him, but to give you both an opportunity to talk about how you feel regarding ttc. I'm glad that you are able to do this with him. Keep in mind that it takes 3 months for sperm to fully mature. So whatever he did last night won't have an effect on his sperm for 3 months. Honestly, I think as long as he isn't getting drunk every night and as long as he is drinking in moderation, things will be fine. Has he done a sperm analysis? Even with all of Tim's bad habits, his sperm were amazing. I still made him take vitamins and cut down on his bad habits though. If you find it is taking a long time to get pregnant, you might want to do a sperm analysis. Honestly though, I don't think it is going to take you long at all. How long did it take you when you started trying the first time?

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