Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

wow vicky! This is great! No need to worry, although I know we may never not worry again :( Looks like the girls have given some great advice!
Thanks guys for all your PMA. Si got hold of my doc, who first of all yelled at me for getting the test in the first place. He said that basically although it is on the low side compared to the average value it doesnt mean much without a repeat test to see if the levels will double. He recommended that i retest on Thursday. Basically after this call im feeling slightly better and trying to ignore the nagging feeling that it will all go to shit. However, as my sis was with me while i was freaking out she calls her doc who apparently is this big shot ob-gyn. His opinion is that yes the levels are too low and it doesnt look good...I started crying at this point so i couldnt follow him completely but he also said to test again in a couple of days but that it isnt looking good. So i hang up and go completely hysterical. Alex realises that im gonna have a nervous breakdown so he calls his uncle who is an ob (almost retired). He starts off by saying that "Vicky got hcg levels checked and the result is 210" his uncle i guess figures out where this is going and tells him to stop right there. He basically says that the only thing we can take from the test is that im pregnant. He ordered us not to make anymore assumptions and to retest on Thursday....
So 2/3 docs say not to read too much into the 210 and 1 practically told me i will be miscarrying..
How am i gonna make it to Thursday?
oh Vicky, hugs to you :hugs:

You just need to take it one day at a time, and not stress yourself out. I know it is much easier said then done, but try to find something you enjoy doing and relax.

The 2/3 doctors are right, and you shouldn't worry about it. I don't even know what my levels are, but I don't think I want to know either. Don't stress hun! It's not good for your little bean. Your little bean wants you to be happy and to celebrate him/her :)

We all love you Vicky, and we are here for you no matter what!
Vic big :hugs: You should listen to 2 out of the three dr's and ignore the other one. As mel said take each day at a time and try to relax (I know that is so much easier said than done) lose yourself in a book or try some meditation/yoga what ever works for you.

I am sending you so much PMA and :dust: I want everything to be ok for you wish I could come to greece and wrap you up in cotton wool and just look after you. We're all here for you massive :hugs: sweetie and try to stay positive.
I agree with the other ladies, listen to your doctor and Alex's uncle. Screw the other doctor. I went back to read a thread by Smudgelicious. She got a BFP after her mc and the doctors kept telling her the levels were really low. They were 25 and she was about 11dpo. They wouldn't test her again for 2 weeks. When they did, her levels were up to 12877. She's now 9 weeks pregnant and has a heartbeat. How many dpo do you thing you are? Here is an interesting chart with hcg levels and how many dpo you are. These are all successful pregnancies. Notice the lowest levels recorded. You are already so far ahead of those women. https://www.betabase.info/showBasicChart.php?type=Single

As for getting through the next few days, it will be awful. Watch good movies or tv to escape into another world. Distract yourself with work and friends. You won't completely stop thinking about this, but Thursday will be here in no time.
Hearty i think im either 18 or 20 DPO. If i go by my cycle length i should be 20 DPO, if i go by my diary where i wrote most ewcm and slight ov. pain then im 18 DPO.... I really wish i hadnt done the fucking blood test... I just googled my hcg level with miscarriage and read like 100 miscarriage threads...:cry::cry:

Thec last chart you linked is a bit comforting although at this point im convinced the outcome will be bad...To make matters worse in order to get his uncles number Alex had to tell his mom...Now ill have to deal with her looks of pity once again and with my luck my sil will be pregnant and everything will be ok for her and she will be giving me conceiving advice....

The only good thing so far is that Alex told me that if this one goes bad as well hes getting his sperm checked ASAP.
google can be a person's worst enemy! You need to think positive thoughts hun. I know it is sometimes easier to prepare yourself for the worst, but I don't think you should give up on your little bean.

When I first found out, I was more nervous and scared then anything else. Now I am totally excited, but yet I still have the fears. I know I have to be positive though, and so I do my best. I still check for blood every time I go to the washroom, but I think I will end up doing that right until delivery. All of us that have lost previously all know the fears you are going through. You just have to hang in there. Find something comforting to do (and don't do anything that you shouldn't) to take your mind off of it. Stay away from google as well........
Well after you've had this baby and you are thinking you are pregnant with your second baby, you need to just buy a pregnancy test and not get bloods done.

You beat your SIL regardless of what happens. Take that Alex's mom! Your SIL is going to have a hard time getting pregnant, I can just sense it. Don't you worry about her or Alex's mom.

I'm glad Alex is willing to get his sperm checked. There's a small silver lining.

I think you are spiraling into a negative space and I can totally understand that. In a way it is almost easier to convince yourself that things aren't right so that you can detach from the pregnancy. It's a good defense mechanism. I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise at this point. I've done as much as I can do. I just want to validate your fears. Stay away from the miscarriage threads though. You haven't had a miscarriage. Currently you are pregnant and that is the only fact we know right now. You can feel scared and upset, but don't make it worse by reading other people's bad experiences. Those are their stories, and their stories only. Not yours. Your story will reveal itself in the next few days.

Why can't this be a happy time for us? This really is one of the greatest injustices we've been dealt. I'm so sorry you aren't feeling ecstatic right now as you should be. It's not fair. xoxo
Sorry to be such a neurotic, pessimistic bitch....Ironic since im always trying to keep things upbeat eh???
Anyone got aanything funny to share to help get me out of this slump????
Vicky you need to stay away from google and the miscarriage thread it's not going to help you just cause you to spiral into a negative space. You need to try and stay positive although we all understand your fears and why your feeling the way you are. I am thinking of you, alex and your little one big :hugs: to you. I'm glad you have him there for support.

I'm off to bed now will check in tomorrow (teaching so may not be on till later).

Night night :hugs:

I have nothing funny right now, DAMN IT!

I have a disgusting sunburn from sitting outside yesterday. One of those lovely burns where you can see the outline of your tank top when you take your shirt off. Tim was trying to seduce me and I kept pointing out my lovely burn. He had to tell me to stop talking. It was very a very sexy moment.
Sorry to be such a neurotic, pessimistic bitch....Ironic since im always trying to keep things upbeat eh???
Anyone got aanything funny to share to help get me out of this slump????

Don't be crazy. We don't think of you like that at all....and that's what we are all here for, is to listen to each other.

I don't have any funny stories, but I can tell you that I am ready to punch out people today:) My parents just moved away to a different Town 11 hours away from here on Saturday. At work today, people keep coming up to me and asking how I am surviving. I am 28, not 12, so I am pretty sure I am surviving ok thanks! Oh and on a happy note, my annoying co-worker is going on vacation in a few more days!!! yah:)
Oh yeah, I meant to say what Mel said. We don't think of you that way!

ow, just scratched the damn burn. You got burned too, didn't you? Blotchy if I remember! We're a bunch of burned, pregnant bitches! Woo-hoo!
I am so jealous of your burns:( It has been so rainy here, so I don't even have a tan (thank god for my natural olive color). It's supposed to be hot later this week, so maybe I can get a burn too:)
I have news I have another interview for a teaching job this friday have to teach a 20 mins maths lesson on problem solving then a formal interview. When I told my dad this he said to me "well maths isn't your strong point but even you should know more than them" isn't that charming well I kind of know what he means though I wont set the mathematical world on fire :haha:

Right I am going to bed now :flower:

p.s. oww that sounds painful sunburn is never good. Hearty you'll have to get Tim to rub some after sun on you :winkwink:
Hearty my burn is even sexier cause i got it in blotches around my thighs and belly, Alex didnt even try to seduce me!!!!!

Mel you live in Alberta, how sunny do you expect it be?????????? Get your ass over to the med if you want a proper tan (or blotchy red skin if youre moi)!!!

Did i tell you guys that im babysitting the boss's daughter at work? Shes on holiday from Uni where she is studying Chemistry (surprise surprise) and shes supposed to spend July as my assistant in the lab. Shes really nice and pleasant but this week i kinda just wanted to zone out at work. Especially tomorrow through Thursday i have no motivation to do my work let alone train her.
lol Vicky, especially being in Northern Alberta!! Being in Greece would definitely do good for my tan!

Maybe having her around at work will help you take your mind off of it? I know what you mean though, I have no motivation at work lately....entering payroll right now and keep coming on here:)

Lucy - good luck on your interview :)
Lucy, you just can't quit us can you? That is a pretty funny story about your dad's comment. Not very nice, but funny! Good luck with the interview!

Mel, if it makes you feel any better, it has been completely overcast here today and I'm thinking about putting on the heat it is so damn cold outside!

Vicky, I think Tim is so relieved he isn't being pressured any more, he is trying to seduce me at every corner. I'm getting really annoyed. I can't say no every time. I love him and all, but really! He could have cared less about the burn. Splotchy on stomach and thighs...that is hot!

Maybe the bosses daughter will force you to concentrate on work. I know it sucks, but it might be better to help keep your mind off of things. If she is too much of a nuisance, I can come to Greece and kidnap her for a few days. I'd be a nice kidnapper. We could go shopping and go to the beach. I need to fill out these hideous tan lines.
Mel, I feel like you and I respond at the same time and we keep saying the same things! Great minds think alike!!!
lol! I've noticed that too

And yes, it does make me feel better. Although I am very hot right now, that I feel like stripping down....I am pretty sure that would be a scary sight for everyone in the office to see.....

I said to my OH last night that you would think he is the pregnant one, as he has been so horny lately....I feel you Hearty!

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