Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Hi everyone..how's everyone doing tonight? vicky-you have to stop with the googling! I am guilty too though..
I am now in the tww and am trying really hard not to obsess but I find myself also googling every stupid little symptom and one minute convince myself I'm out and the next thinking it's something.
everyone at work is now gone for the summer holidays and I still have to stick around until we leave in August. It's so boring at work now so I spend WAY too much time on this site now!
Hi ladies, just a quick hello. I'm very busy at work today and won't be checking in much. Vicky, you know I'm rooting for you and this little bean. It is really hard to stay away from google, I agree. But try. Or, as Mel said, focus on the good sites. I really think this is one reason my doctor has not done my blood levels until she does a scan. I think her theory is that they can be so all over the place that really the only sure way to tell if this will be viable is by a scan.

You are allowed to be in a funk and it won't bring our mood down, trust me. We've all been through this. We all know how scary this is.

AFM, I'm ok. I thought I was feeling nausea yesterday, but now am not sure since I don't feel it today. My boobs don't hurt like they did yesterday and I've had some mild cramping. I know I shouldn't worry, but of course, I am! I really, really, really want to enjoy this, but am having a hard time with it. I'm expecting the worse at my scan next Tuesday. It's the only way I can cope. I don't want to get my hopes up. See Vicky, I know exactly how that feels. And I know, no matter how much people try to reassure you, doubt still creeps in.

That being said, I love the reassurance, so feel free to pile it on!

Lucy, good luck with your interview. Mel, sounds like you are in a really positive place right now. That is helpful for me!

I am feeling very positive and in a good place right now. Passing the date of my miscarriage has given me hope that everything is ok, and I am going to quite stressing about it. I am getting more excited as each day passes :)

I will definitely be here to reassure you all! Fears are a natural instinct we have, and we just have to work with them. We just have to remain positive, and when we can't do that, we will be positive for each other. I won't give up on any of you :friends:
Hearty I'm feeling good about it all for you can't wait till your scan I'm sure that everything is going to be alright and once you've seen your little bean well it will be amazing. Mel cant wait for your scan either it must be reassuring to know you've passed the date of your miscarriage. :hugs2:

I hope to join you in this wonderful but scary journey soon.
Hearty im the kind of person that cant be reassured!!! Honestly, im either very conceited or think too highly of myself that when im feeling bad no matter who says what, nothing can make me feel better lol!!!
Mel glad to see you are so positive, you go girl make us proud!!

MEGGLES WHERE ARE YOU??????????? The Sheriff needs a good ass whipping!!!!!!
lol! I will do my best Vicky. It is honestly a huge step up for me to be so positive.....people at work always think I am cranky because I don't smile very often. :)
Hearty im the kind of person that cant be reassured!!! Honestly, im either very conceited or think too highly of myself that when im feeling bad no matter who says what, nothing can make me feel better lol!!!
Mel glad to see you are so positive, you go girl make us proud!!

MEGGLES WHERE ARE YOU??????????? The Sheriff needs a good ass whipping!!!!!!

I was busy making a baby! Sheesh! :rofl:

I'll be more than happy to give you a good ass whipping! Didn't I effing tell you that you'd get your BFP this cycle? I wouldn't have said it if you weren't going to get to keep it! Now, chin up, dammit! If I have to be positive that I might O, then you have to be positive that you might get a baby in 8 months! :hugs:
Hi ladies,

good luck Vicky, i've a feeling that your bloods will prove you wrong on Thurs hun, fingers crossed for you x

Msarkosi, nice your feeling good about yourself hun, when i was tired with my DS's pregnancy i used to feel soooo sick, it definately makes a difference if you get a good nights sleep x

Heart hun symptoms coming and going are such a pain, i can understand totally that your freaking out, just hold tight and i'm sure it'll be fine next tues,PMA!!! x

AFM had a really bad night, cramps were so bad a one point i thought i was gonna definately loose this one, couldn't believe it when i woke this morning and still no bleeding. Had bloods drawn and will get results tomorrow hopefully. I picked up another CB digi when i was out and its come up preg 2-3 weeks, so my hcg must be increasing, wish these cramps would go and just give me a break, trying to keep positive but struggling with it at the moment xxx
roonsma good luck with you bloods let us know how you get on I'm sure they will be alright. I know cramps are scary but they are also a sign of pregnancy and can be normal what with the hormones and everything stretching. :hugs:

Meggs woo hoo hope you had fun :winkwink:
roonsma good luck with you bloods let us know how you get on I'm sure they will be alright. I know cramps are scary but they are also a sign of pregnancy and can be normal what with the hormones and everything stretching. :hugs:

Meggs woo hoo hope you had fun :winkwink:

Thanks Lucy, scary they are too!! I'll post when i know my blood results tomorrow xx
I did have fun! LOL I wouldn't have volunteered the info if someone hadn't ask where I was! :rofl: Ahh... Taking advantage of my OH on his lunch break!
Good Luck with the blood roonsma....looking forward to hearing the good results:)

:rofl: Megg
I'm on my stupid iPhone so can't read back it takes ages to load :-( should have my Internet back on tomoz OH has been doing all the decorating it looks AMAZIN i'm so proud of him :). Lov all my girls hope ur all good? Speak tomoz lov Caz x x x x night night x
Hi everyone! Just checking in. I started my nannying position today and started moving into my new house so I am pretty beat. To top it off AF hurts and my (bipolar) mom is acting strange and it's stressing everyone out. All in all, a pretty rough day!

hearty, it's normal to have fear when you are pregnant after a loss, but it doesn't mean anything is more likey to happen this time. It's such a shame that the innocence of pregnancy had to be taken from us in such a cruel manner. :hugs: You are always full of reassurance and kindness and I wish I knew just the right thing to make you feel better. :hugs: From what I understand symptoms come and symptoms go in ALL pregnancies and I am full of PMA about this pregnancy!! :hugs:

Lucy good luck on your interview! :hugs:

Mel, a a three hour nap sounds divine! You certainly deserve it. Glad your nausea is waning. :hugs:

vicks, hang in there until Thurs when your fears will be put to rest! :hugs: Don't feel bad about posting your fears and doubts, that's what we're here for and we all undestand what you're going through. But STAY AWAY from Google! Google has led me to believe I had a brain tumor, a blood clot, was dying from Swine Flu, etc....gosh, I sound like a freak, lol, but seriously, Google can convince you that you have anything wrong with you imaginable. If you're in a place where you are looking for reassurance, it's hard to stay away but it probably won't help. Hang in there!

roomsma, good luck with your blood results tomorrow :hugs:. As Lucy said cramps can be a totally normal part of pregnancy!

Meggs, glad you enjoyed your weekend lol. :winkwink:

Cazz, good night! So you're redecorating your house?
Sorry you had a hard day, Allie! :hugs: It'll get better!
Hi everyone. Whew, long day at work. Thanks for all the reassuring words. I'm ready to be 9 months pregnant and having this baby tomorrow damn it! Who needs all this stress?

Megg, I love that you were gone making a baby! So cute! I hope you are working hard!

Allie, you are so sweet. Sounds like you did have a rough day, my god! I hope you are taking good care of yourself!

Prego (who's name is Amy to everyone who doesn't know) the 2ww is so freakin' hard! Try not to symptom spot because it is totally useless. They call me Master Yoda here because I told everyone I KNEW I wasn't pregnant because I didn't have any symptoms like the last 2 times. I made sure to tell everyone not to even mention that I might be pregnant because I KNEW I wasn't. Lo and behold, I was. What a dumb ass! Anyhoo, I truly didn't have any symptoms. I have a few now, but even those aren't consistent. I keep googling things like "when will I start feeling pregnant." I have a love/hate relationship with google. I love to hate it and hate to love it! I hope this is your month!

Caz, get off your phone and get onto your computer. We need Caz input! I want pics of your newly designed house. Is it a disco theme?

Vicky, I have nothing but high hopes, but I know I won't reassure you. How's work with boss's daughter? Does she need to be kidnapped?

Lucy, did you have your interview yet? I can't remember when it was.

Roonsma, please let us know your blood results. Cramping can be normal but it is incredibly scary I know.

Love you all!!
Morning girls!

Hearty my interview is on friday so spending today planning my lesson getting resources together and probably some of tomorrow. I've got a friend coming round tomorrow with her two little ones which I am really looking forward to we're going to go to the beach if the weather is nice.
Hey everyone!
as hearty mentioned, my name is Amy and I recently joined this group because after reading the thread for so long I really felt like you guys were a cool group of girls and very accepting and comforting. I am so happy for you girls with the recent BFPs and wish the best for you! And good luck to all you other ttc-ers:) Hopefully we can get through this together ;)

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