Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Morning girls. I'm lovin all the stories & the theories about angels :hugs:.
I have a link on my computer for an actual website called ask the angels I too am a great believer that we all have a little guardian. I will post the link when i get home :).

Hope ur all ok this morning xxx

lots of love to our gorgeous Luce xxxxx

lov Caz xx
Loving the angel stories. I am quite spiritual and believe in these kinds of things but I haven't had any experiences for such a long time. I'm beginning to think they may have forgotton about me :(

Not sure whether it's because I work in a very haunted hotel and I'm surrounded by spirits all day it puts them off!
Morning all

Luce, Im thinking of you today bebe

I know a few people who have a thing about 11.11. A girl i went to uni was terrified of the number 22 and all its multiples - think thats an ocd thing rather than a spiritual thing mind.

Mel, 333 must be holy trinity. Im watching you for head spinning out of the corner of mine eye, just in case.

it might be hard to get a sign if I don't leave my bedroom.

haha. Yes, must leave house.

Post the link cazza, lets have a look.

You haven't been forgotten cesca, they are well on your case

Yesterday i went to get some cough medicine as i am starting on the smep tomorrow, being CD8. I just took some, and remembered when i got my bfp in January, i had just had pneumonia and was taking cough medicine at the time. I just got the medicine out and its the right one for ewcm. I wonder if that helped me last time.

My plan is hatched about about to be deployed.
Cesca out of curiosity whats haunted about the hotel???? Do things move around on their own???? I would be afraid to go to the loo...

Nato good luck mate and may the force be with you!
Thinking of you today, Luce. :hug:

Interesting about the cough syrup, Nato. May it bring you lots of EWCM! :dust:

Cazz, yes please do post the angels link, I'd love to see it. How are you feeling?

Cesca, I don't think you've been forgotten about! :hugs:

Enjoy your walk, Raz!

AFM it's the middle of the night and I'm up with horrid AF cramps; she is here with a vengance! I have actually called off sick for the day. My first sick day and I feel quite guilty but I think since my cycle was so long I'm making up for lost time AF wise (tmi, sorry) and cannot face a day of teenagers while running to the loo all day! :wacko:

I hope everyone has a good day today! :hugs:
:hi: girls,

I'm back from the dr's she was so lovely and supportive have been referred to the epu unit have an appointment tomorrow at 9:15am for another scan then we will take it from there. Is it wrong that I'm praying for a miracle I know in my heart the chances of everything being ok is slim to nothing but I just keep hoping my dates our wrong and its to early to see the heartbeat (last time we had a scan at 5 weeks (thought I was just over 6 weeks got put back a week and a bit) and there was nothing then a week later at 6 weeks we saw a heartbeat. I dont know maybe I'm lossing my mind. My dr said that I could be referred for further testing as she counts this one as my third miscarriage but the epu have to refer me so will see what they say tomorrow. I feel confused and unsure I guess abit stuck in a bit of limbo at the moment.

Love all the angel stories I hope the angels bring us all peace and good news. Nato the picture of MYSON gave me goosebumps.
Luce im so glad your doctor is being such a gem. I dont think its sad that youre praying for a miracle...I did exactly the same thing...
Glad your dr is doing another scan lucy, I think it's for the best and i'll pray for a miracle.

Vicky, lots of things happen around the hotel. Mostly in the bedrooms though, like spirits being seen (my mum saw a lady last time they stayed), things bumping and moving etc. In the public areas we get a few apparitions walking around (i've never seen one of the most reported ones though) and problems with the electrics and stuff. The main things that happen to me are I get 'pushed' and prodded a lot when I'm stood around doing nothing!! Oh, and I saw a little boy in front of one of our fireplaces once and ran into the bar (it was 8:30am and I was concerned there was a child in my bar so early!) and nothing was there. I can see him so clearly even now, he had a grey waistcoat on and a flat cap. He was in front of the fireplace were a little child chimney sweep was killed about a hundred years ago, so you never know.

If anyone can spare me any thoughts/prayers - we have our 12 week scan tomorrow. I am very scared as you can imagine and just hoping all will be ok as I haven't bled since I did at 7w and all my symptoms are still there etc. Appointment is at 11:15 but it's the bloods too and then I'm 30 miles from the hospital so will hopefully be able to update quickly after lunchtime my time.
Cesca ill cross everything for you babes!!!
Oh my god please tell me the name of the hotel so that i never stay there!!!!! Jesus thats some scary shit...
Lucy – I hope with all my heart that you get your miracle tomorrow – I guess this is the downside to very early scans, if you’re a week out, it makes all the difference between seeing a hb and having an agonising wait. I’m so glad your dr is doing the right thing, you’ve got a good un there. What are you doing for the rest of the day? Have you got plans?

Cesca – I shall send you lots of prays tomorrow – you’ve got this far and nothing’s stopping your disco baby now. I would be very scared too, but this is your happy scan time

OOooOOoooOo at the chimney sweep. I’m scared and feel sorry for him all at the same time.

On the ewcm, I have just had my lunch. I had some chilli left from last night and my nose is running. I wonder if chilli thins cm as well as nosals too.
I am PRAYING for a miracle for you too Lucy. And I am a very spiritual person, and I genuinely believe we all have an angel looking over us. Yours will be looking over you darlin. :hugs:

Cesca...you are going to be just fine hunni!!!!!! :hugs:

Oooohhh ghosties....rather a thing for me LOL. I come from a long line of clairvoyants and have had the urge on many occasions to give a message to a random stranger from a loved one. And I love what you said about the poking and pushing in the hotel. Its exactly like that. Like a child trying to get your attention continually poking you LOL. I find myself shouting out loud 'leave me alone'. Nut job much....oh yes me think sooooo!!! LOL

AFM my temp is still way down and I think I am going to have to go to the hospital for a scan cause I think I have a cyst from a clotted follicle. I was sure that my temp was going up but waking temp this morning was 97.8. Going to do an OPK now and see if its positive. Feeling sorry for myself which is pathetic I know but July I was 2 weeks late because my thyroid was out o whack...so nothing....August I miscarried, September I was 5 days late and was sure I was preggers....now this month I'm not ovulating and may have a cyst! Just want to scream with frustration.

Any sign of the ho bag Megg???
Nato no idea about the chille but my DH always said too much mayo can make your CM thicker and smelly LOL Arnt men lovely!

Lucy - Glad it went well at the doctors and will be hoping for a miracle for you. When i had my 2nd scan after the MMC i remember hoping they were wrong, i dont think we can help it xxx

AFM - Well I have a dodgy tum and just had to do the unthinkable go to the loo at work for more then a piddle, oh the shame! When i was up the duff my tummy was very upset the whole time and i remember having to poop in the ASDA toilets, oh the horror and humiliation!!!!!

Temps still low but have gone up a tiny bit from yesterday (36.84 yesterday and 36.88 today and i was up an hour early) CP high and CM creamy thats my 5DPO report :)
I'll be happy to hope for a miracle for you, Lucy! :hugs: You do deserve it!

Ghosts... uhm... I won't doubt their existence in exchange for them never showing themselves to me! Its the silent deal I've made with them (without their consent). I've made the same deal with aliens! :haha:

CJ - I totally believe that some people are clairvoyant, so that's very cool! Can you kindly tell me when to expect my period? Or, better yet, my baby? (I'm kidding of course!)

AFM... Temp dropped a good bit again today. I hoped it would. Obviously, that doesn't necessarily mean much. But, its a step in the right direction!
Cesca I know how scarey tomorrow will be for you but have faith that everything is ok with your little one. I will be thinking of you and keeping everything crossed for you. :hugs: Hotel sounds very exicting but a bit scary at the same time

Nato I'm not up to much steve is busy doing things in the house the guy he has been working for has been great about him having time off he's self employed so he has that flexibility but paul has been very understanding and supportive which is good. Steve has made me lunch keeps making sure I'm eating and drinking bless him. We may go for a walk later on the beach to get some fresh air.

CJ my friends hubby has a spiritual guide that talks to him I find the whole topic very interesting at the end of the day there is a lot we dont know about this world and beyond!!

Razcox all good signs hope it is good news for you.

Believe it or not we do all have spirit guides. I know 3 of mine. But I haven't done any spiritual work for a while. Its very physically draining and I cant afford that while trying for a baby. I have never been paid as I dont believe in that. I just help people if they need it. My gifts are fairly expansive as I am a healer too. I have done astral projection, healed auras, done spirit and (tarot reading - but not my favourite), and I have premonitions - but not for a long time. I believe that I am like this because of the amount of trauma I have been through in my life because for some reason they are connected. But it fascinates me. The first baby I lost when I was 21 has been with me ever since. My friend who is very gifted enlightened me on that fact because I thought she was a spirit guide. I called her Anna (Parts of 2 of my favourite names...Antonia and Lana). She was the one who pointed out it was my daughter. I broke down in tears and was shaking all over so I knew she was right, the emotion was so strong.

Megg....I am going to go with early hours tomorrow morning...gives me tingles thinking. I would crack up now if I was right :haha: But I hope you get the witch soon chick. Did you try clary sage??
Believe it or not we do all have spirit guides. I know 3 of mine. But I haven't done any spiritual work for a while. Its very physically draining and I cant afford that while trying for a baby. I have never been paid as I dont believe in that. I just help people if they need it. My gifts are fairly expansive as I am a healer too. I have done astral projection, healed auras, done spirit and (tarot reading - but not my favourite), and I have premonitions - but not for a long time. I believe that I am like this because of the amount of trauma I have been through in my life because for some reason they are connected. But it fascinates me. The first baby I lost when I was 21 has been with me ever since. My friend who is very gifted enlightened me on that fact because I thought she was a spirit guide. I called her Anna (Parts of 2 of my favourite names...Antonia and Lana). She was the one who pointed out it was my daughter. I broke down in tears and was shaking all over so I knew she was right, the emotion was so strong.

Megg....I am going to go with early hours tomorrow morning...gives me tingles thinking. I would crack up now if I was right :haha: But I hope you get the witch soon chick. Did you try clary sage??

Aww! I was joking, honey! You have more important things to think about than my period! But, thank you! :hugs: Oh! And, I did try the Clary Sage. I even did a bath/soak with it yesterday. However, 5-6 days is about normal after Provera and today is day 5... So, I don't know if the Clary Sage or the parsley tea did anything or not! I'm going to tell myself that they helped! LOL

Actually, I've had a temp drop, cramps, and now spotting this morning! :yipee: I already called the clinic and left a message for her. I think this is close e-fucking-nough! So, this will probably be called CD1, but it might not start properly until tomorrow, tbh! I just can't risk missing the cycle, and I have a feeling all my levels are probably down to "new cycle" levels for the blood work they need. Hopeful that she won't make me wait and see if today progresses! The bleed itself doesn't matter, so I'm hoping not! The clean out will come when they pull me off of the birth control!
Wow spotting that is awesome!!! Your in a different time zone to me so I couldn't tell if my tingles were early morning for you or for me :haha: But yes maybe full flow in the morning....for you :dance: I hope the clary sage and the provera did the trick. And brave you for having a bath with it!!! When I sense that something is right or now I get huge butterfly tingles all over...weird way of my body saying if I am right or not.

Well I have had my first negative OPK...but I think because the eggie has been ready for a week its probably a gonna...but I am still doing the deed. If the pain doesnt ease I will ask for a scan. I am just praying that my temp goes up tomorrow which it should now I have had a negative OPK.
Nato - I promise my head won't start spinning, lol!

Luce - I really hope you have a miracle hun!! I was wondering myself yesterday if maybe it was just too early to see a heartbeat. I am praying for you sweetie!! :hugs:

Megg - great news!!

Cesca - I am sure your scan will be great tomorrow. Can't wait to hear how it went :hugs:

Allie - hope you feel better soon!

Good Morning/Afternoon to the rest of the girls :)

speaking of ghosts, have any of you ever seen the movie Mothman Prophecies???? I have actually heard voices before when there was nothing there.....When I was living with my Aunt and Uncle the one year I was in College, I slept down in the basement....one morning, before I had to get up, I knew my Uncle was downstairs getting ready for work and I swore he had come to the bedroom and was rubbing his arm against the wall trying to scare me...that night I asked him about it, and he told me he was nowhere near the room and that he was trying to keep the dog out from there as well. They thought I was crazy, but I actually heard it very clearly and loudly.....then another time while I lived there, I was having a nap, and I swore my Aunt was sitting beside me on the couch that was by the bed, and she said time to get up Melissa. I woke up and no one was there. It was creepy!! I haven't heard voices for awhile now, but I do hear them at times.....I totally believe in spirits!
have had the urge on many occasions to give a message to a random stranger from a loved one.

You are like the Doris Stokes of bnb

Youve had a rough few months CJ, i hope next month things buck their ideas up. What is a clotted follicle? What makes you think you have one? Ive read that it is quite usual not to ov for a month or 2 after mc, your body might just be finding its hormonal feet again - although the pain is something that might need checking out. My first month (rather than 2nd) after mc, i had 19 days of either nearly positive, or positive opks. I remember being pretty distressed about it too. Can you do some healing on yourself?

haha at Raz, thats rank!! Dont think theres any mayo in chilli so i should be ok. Oo thanks for reminding me about the chilli though, im going to do a bit of googling on that. I will watch out for the 5dpo report on the news too. They should do that, report on TTC'ers symptoms after the local weather on ITV. Bit downmarket for BBC1, espec if theres mayo involved.

haha at megg, i have a similar unspoken pact with cauliflower cheese.

And banners out for the witch!!

Lucy a walk on the beach is a great idea. Get some ions going. How are you feeling this afternoon lovey?

Mel, think my head might start spinning after that story. OoooOOoo again

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