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bloody hell Sassy!!!

Thats the most amazing, incredible, wonderful but hilarious news in the history of news


massive massive almighty congrats!!

wheres cazza, seeing as you 2 are on the same gig i wanna know what she's cooking up now

Luce, this truly is the week for miracles, i sincerely hope that you get your miracle. I'm saying 'grow, grow' under my breath to your little one.

It just had to be twins to end the crazy embarressing story right :haha:

Best end to an embarrassing story.



you will be able to tell your twins children about this, in the year 2045
yeah I am guessing it's all over Canada too. They send you for so much blood tests....they test you for Aids and everything, as well as your blood type so they know if you need the RH injections or not as well.

I am so confused about the RH factor, and I am RH-. Maybe someone on here knows about it and can fill me in?

In my initial blood tests it came up that I was RH- but they didn't tell me and I didn't get an injection or anything. Then when I had my MC it was suddenly urgent that I get the RH injection within 72 hours of the MC to prevent it from happening in my next pregnancy...I was like WTF?!?! If that is what caused the MC in the first place why wasn't I given an injection when it was discovered? The Dr's explained that me being RH- didn't cause the MC and that I would only get an injection at about 25 weeks, then after giving birth or after any sort of bleeding whatsoever throughout the pregnancy.

I was still not pleased that I don't feel very informed about it and that they didn't tell me about it once it was discovered. And I also still feel misinformed about how getting that injection will prevent a MC in the future. It left me feeling very uneasy. I hope someone can shed some light.
My sister and mum are RH- and i thought i was, but im not.

My laymans knowledge is that I think the problems arise when the blood supply mixes - ie during birth / mc/ D&C or ERPC - assuming your baby was RH+ is can cause problems because once your supply is mixed with RH+ during those events, your body would then reject the next pregnancy if it was RH+ as you would then produce antibodies against the RH+ once mixed with it - so the first baby is ok, but the 2nd baby after mixing would create an immune response

or somert, im sure others are more informed

if you were RH- you would need an anti D injection, but not till the birth
Hi Yogi, I'm RH- too. When I had a mc in April, the Nurses didn't know whether to give me the Anti D jab or not, but they spoke to the Doctor who said that as I was only 7 weeks, I wouldn't need one. If I had been further along, I would have got one.

I'm sure the fact that you are RH- didn't cause your mc. As Nato said, it's to do with the babies blood mixing with your own e.g. there might be 2 different blood groups mixing together and your body can reject the next one.

I got told when I next get pg, I will get a jab later on in the pregnancy, and then another one at some point.

Megg - the last status I had seen from you was about steam I think, and everyone dying! I don't quite remember what I read now, but I giggled when I read it :)

Yes... I was cursing the very living and breathing of each and every Steam employee. My game was released at midnight, but when I went to install, I learned that Steam (the company that handles the game's DRM) wouldn't unlock the game until ALL of the US timezones were past midnight. So, they wanted me to wait for freakin' California... which is 2 hours behind me. So, despite HOLDING my game, I couldn't even INSTALL it until 2:01am. I said "fuck it" and went to bed at 1am!

How're you?
Luce how you holding up girl?

I'm very up and down feel awful to be honest not sleeping well my eyes are killing which doesnt help. Part of me doesnt want to go on thursday I want to hold on to hope and imagine our lives with out little one and the other part of me needs to know so I know what we're dealing with. I'm scared if its bad new that I'm not strong enough to cope :cry:

Aww! We're all hoping for a miracle on Thursday... but if, for any reason, it goes the other way, you WILL cope. It doesn't feel like you would... but you would. I said I could never handle a 2nd loss, but I did... I handled it badly, but I handled it! And, I don't feel like I could possible handle a 3rd, but I'm certain I would if it happened. So, just think as positively as you can, and don't worry about any bridges that you might not even have to cross, ya know? :hugs:

bloody hell Sassy!!!

Thats the most amazing, incredible, wonderful but hilarious news in the history of news


massive massive almighty congrats!!

wheres cazza, seeing as you 2 are on the same gig i wanna know what she's cooking up now

Luce, this truly is the week for miracles, i sincerely hope that you get your miracle. I'm saying 'grow, grow' under my breath to your little one.

It just had to be twins to end the crazy embarressing story right :haha:

It is the logical conclusion! I'm still really bloody impressed that you managed twins from "pull-out"!!! OMG!

yeah I am guessing it's all over Canada too. They send you for so much blood tests....they test you for Aids and everything, as well as your blood type so they know if you need the RH injections or not as well.

I am so confused about the RH factor, and I am RH-. Maybe someone on here knows about it and can fill me in?

In my initial blood tests it came up that I was RH- but they didn't tell me and I didn't get an injection or anything. Then when I had my MC it was suddenly urgent that I get the RH injection within 72 hours of the MC to prevent it from happening in my next pregnancy...I was like WTF?!?! If that is what caused the MC in the first place why wasn't I given an injection when it was discovered? The Dr's explained that me being RH- didn't cause the MC and that I would only get an injection at about 25 weeks, then after giving birth or after any sort of bleeding whatsoever throughout the pregnancy.

I was still not pleased that I don't feel very informed about it and that they didn't tell me about it once it was discovered. And I also still feel misinformed about how getting that injection will prevent a MC in the future. It left me feeling very uneasy. I hope someone can shed some light.

I assume you're RH- and your OH is RH+? If not, then this is just silly! But, let's assume that for a moment!

You didn't need the shot with the first, because the first pregnancy is a bit of a freebie unless there's bleeding or MC. If you have an RH+ baby when you're RH-, then you require the shot after the baby is born in order to protect the next baby from being attacked if its RH+ too! You would require 2 shots of it.
Thanks nato and yogi.

Yogi my mum had to have to antiD injections after her first pregnancy and that was to stop her body rejecting a future pregnancy. I think she had after all her pregnancies and after the 2 miscarriages she had.
Aww! We're all hoping for a miracle on Thursday... but if, for any reason, it goes the other way, you WILL cope. It doesn't feel like you would... but you would. I said I could never handle a 2nd loss, but I did... I handled it badly, but I handled it! And, I don't feel like I could possible handle a 3rd, but I'm certain I would if it happened. So, just think as positively as you can, and don't worry about any bridges that you might not even have to cross, ya know?

Thanks megg I know your right I had a chat with steve about things and he said that no matter what the news on thursday we will survive that we can cope as long as we are together so sweet. I know I have a lot of support.
Hi Yogi, I'm RH- too. When I had a mc in April, the Nurses didn't know whether to give me the Anti D jab or not, but they spoke to the Doctor who said that as I was only 7 weeks, I wouldn't need one. If I had been further along, I would have got one.

I'm sure the fact that you are RH- didn't cause your mc. As Nato said, it's to do with the babies blood mixing with your own e.g. there might be 2 different blood groups mixing together and your body can reject the next one.

I got told when I next get pg, I will get a jab later on in the pregnancy, and then another one at some point.


Thanks...I was about 7.5 weeks and they said I had to have it.
Yogi, they did the right thing. They will give the first injection at 28 weeks in a pregnancy, and then I can't remember if there is another one or not, but then right after birth you are given another one.

It won't cause a mc, but there is the possibility at birth that the blood can mix together, and then cause rejections to happen in future pregnancies...so they give the antibodies to prevent that from happening.

It's all in my pregnancy book, but I can't remember everything specifically about it. My one co-worker has to receive the RH injections. I'm luckily AB+ so I don't have to worry about it. My doctor told me to keep that quiet though as I would have people hounding me for my blood, lol!
Megg, we didn't even know if OH was RH+ at the time but they gave it to me anyways, they were very urgent about it...I guess the "urgency" of it caused me more stress than necessary. OH just had his blood tested a couple of weeks ago but they don't tell you what blood type you are unless you ask, so now I think we should definitely find out!
Yogi, they did the right thing. They will give the first injection at 28 weeks in a pregnancy, and then I can't remember if there is another one or not, but then right after birth you are given another one.

It won't cause a mc, but there is the possibility at birth that the blood can mix together, and then cause rejections to happen in future pregnancies...so they give the antibodies to prevent that from happening.

It's all in my pregnancy book, but I can't remember everything specifically about it. My one co-worker has to receive the RH injections. I'm luckily AB+ so I don't have to worry about it. My doctor told me to keep that quiet though as I would have people hounding me for my blood, lol!

Thanks Mel, I feel ok about it now but I was very annoyed that they didn't tell me about it at first or really inform me about it at the time of the injection.

I have O- blood, so same thing for me, everyone wants it LOL!
I am lost for words I am choked up with emotions for you sass for both you and danny, I am actually sat here crying, Lee thinks I'm a loony. I just explained why there such happy tears & he said well hopefully we can have our own happy tears next week bless him.
I am sooooo incredibly happy for you babe I wish only fabulous things for you danny, woody & ur 2 miracle beans :hugs: lov you trillions xxxx Caz xxxx

hey all my gorgeousnesses!!! I'm sorry I've not been on much I've been well asleep mainly :sleep: that & crappy work! I'm completely wiped out I need matchsticks to stay awake!! I've just walked in from work so I'm gonna go grab a shower then I'll be back in to catch up with u all xxx lov hugs n kisses Caz xxx
Hi everyone.

Have been lurking for a while as have been having a bit of a pity party home alone, and with all the brilliant news didn't want to land a downer.

Sassy - OMG hun, that is such brilliant news and is probably the first time I have smiled since last weds. Roll on the next scan!

Nato - great news on ewcm and seems like you are following SMEP to the letter.... i'm thinking it's going to be a BFP

Megg - that must have been a shock but rather it's gone and you will be all set for your first cycle... sounds like you have amazing doctors.

Lucy - I'm praying for you for Thursday, I can understand your fears and nothing is going to make the next few days anymore bearable, but whatever happens you will find the strength to get through, I never ever thought I would be able to get through another after the 1st and here I am 4 down and still fighting, still hoping, still praying and that's all we can do. The human spirit is an amazing thing. Just believe hun and it will happen.

AFM, I got my 2nd blood result this morning, and I'm still as confused as I was. It's 237 from 37 last Weds, so if it's double in 48 hours then by my reckoning it is still not high enough, although by the 3 trillion hcg websites I have read, at 20dpo average should be 522, so well below that but still within the parameters. My GP said it is now a waiting game and he has scheduled me for a scan at 7 weeks (although I'll go private before I think and get an earlier one).... he does think I will mc before tho', so I can't even begin to have any hope.

I'm in such a state of inertia... I'm supposed to be looking for another job, but can barely drag myself out of bed.

The good news is I've made a shepherds pie and it's currently bubbling away in the oven.
Depression hasn't seemed to stop my appetite!

Sorry if I missed anyone... hope you are all good x
Yogi, I must admit I didn't have a clue that I was RH- until I had my mc.

It caused a lot of stress for me too, because nobody explained at the time what it meant. I then kept reading on here that everybody else seemed to get the jab, and I was terrified that the next pregnancy I had would be destined to go wrong.

It would be so much easier if they just explained things some times.

Yogi, they did the right thing. They will give the first injection at 28 weeks in a pregnancy, and then I can't remember if there is another one or not, but then right after birth you are given another one.

It won't cause a mc, but there is the possibility at birth that the blood can mix together, and then cause rejections to happen in future pregnancies...so they give the antibodies to prevent that from happening.

It's all in my pregnancy book, but I can't remember everything specifically about it. My one co-worker has to receive the RH injections. I'm luckily AB+ so I don't have to worry about it. My doctor told me to keep that quiet though as I would have people hounding me for my blood, lol!

Thanks Mel, I feel ok about it now but I was very annoyed that they didn't tell me about it at first or really inform me about it at the time of the injection.

I have O- blood, so same thing for me, everyone wants it LOL!

I knew I was AB+ before, but I had the doctor confirm it and made sure that I didn't need the RH injections. I was glad I read about it, otherwise I wouldn't have really known anything about it before being pregnant
I am lost for words I am choked up with emotions for you sass for both you and danny, I am actually sat here crying, Lee thinks I'm a loony. I just explained why there such happy tears & he said well hopefully we can have our own happy tears next week bless him.
I am sooooo incredibly happy for you babe I wish only fabulous things for you danny, woody & ur 2 miracle beans :hugs: lov you trillions xxxx Caz xxxx

hey all my gorgeousnesses!!! I'm sorry I've not been on much I've been well asleep mainly :sleep: that & crappy work! I'm completely wiped out I need matchsticks to stay awake!! I've just walked in from work so I'm gonna go grab a shower then I'll be back in to catch up with u all xxx lov hugs n kisses Caz xxx

Aww thanks Caz, maybe we are going to be twin bump buddies! When's ya scan hunny?xxx
Megg, we didn't even know if OH was RH+ at the time but they gave it to me anyways, they were very urgent about it...I guess the "urgency" of it caused me more stress than necessary. OH just had his blood tested a couple of weeks ago but they don't tell you what blood type you are unless you ask, so now I think we should definitely find out!

If he's RH- too, you don't need the effing shot. I don't understand why doctors don't bother to make sure its necessary first! :growlmad: Please do find out!

Hi everyone.

Have been lurking for a while as have been having a bit of a pity party home alone, and with all the brilliant news didn't want to land a downer.

Sassy - OMG hun, that is such brilliant news and is probably the first time I have smiled since last weds. Roll on the next scan!

Nato - great news on ewcm and seems like you are following SMEP to the letter.... i'm thinking it's going to be a BFP

Megg - that must have been a shock but rather it's gone and you will be all set for your first cycle... sounds like you have amazing doctors.

Lucy - I'm praying for you for Thursday, I can understand your fears and nothing is going to make the next few days anymore bearable, but whatever happens you will find the strength to get through, I never ever thought I would be able to get through another after the 1st and here I am 4 down and still fighting, still hoping, still praying and that's all we can do. The human spirit is an amazing thing. Just believe hun and it will happen.

AFM, I got my 2nd blood result this morning, and I'm still as confused as I was. It's 237 from 37 last Weds, so if it's double in 48 hours then by my reckoning it is still not high enough, although by the 3 trillion hcg websites I have read, at 20dpo average should be 522, so well below that but still within the parameters. My GP said it is now a waiting game and he has scheduled me for a scan at 7 weeks (although I'll go private before I think and get an earlier one).... he does think I will mc before tho', so I can't even begin to have any hope.

I'm in such a state of inertia... I'm supposed to be looking for another job, but can barely drag myself out of bed.

The good news is I've made a shepherds pie and it's currently bubbling away in the oven.
Depression hasn't seemed to stop my appetite!

Sorry if I missed anyone... hope you are all good x

Am I right that your bloods were done on Oct 13 and Oct 16? If no, they're doubling in less than 27 hours. That's FANTASTIC! Don't you dare worry about that! :hugs:
AFM, I got my 2nd blood result this morning, and I'm still as confused as I was. It's 237 from 37 last Weds, so if it's double in 48 hours then by my reckoning it is still not high enough, although by the 3 trillion hcg websites I have read, at 20dpo average should be 522, so well below that but still within the parameters. My GP said it is now a waiting game and he has scheduled me for a scan at 7 weeks (although I'll go private before I think and get an earlier one).... he does think I will mc before tho', so I can't even begin to have any hope.

I'm in such a state of inertia... I'm supposed to be looking for another job, but can barely drag myself out of bed.

The good news is I've made a shepherds pie and it's currently bubbling away in the oven.
Depression hasn't seemed to stop my appetite!

Sorry if I missed anyone... hope you are all good x

oh sweetie, don't worry about job stuff right now, you need to look after yourself and have shepherds pies. I think its a good idea to go private if you can, you've been put in a horrible position but by no means an inevitable one.

I understand that it feels inevitable, but you are within parameters as you say, and the ultrasound is more important than the levels, and it says here:



hCG that does not double every two to three days does not necessarily indicate a problem with the pregnancy. Some normal pregnancies will have quite low levels of hCG, and result in perfect babies.

have you seen this site? there's a calculator on there - i put in 37 and 237, saying 4 days between tests and it came up with doubling every 35.8 hours

If there was 5 days between tests, its doubling every 1.9 days, and if there were 6 days between tests then its doubling every 2.2 days. If there was 7 days, its doubling every 2.6 days

its supposed to double every 2-3 days, so they are all good if you ask me

given the above, did the fs have any more information to make that rather bold statement that he thinks you will mc?
im thinking the same Megg. Im getting a bit mad that mone is put in this situation again and by yours and my calculations, unnecessarily.
Under 1200mIU of HCG usually doubles every 31-72 hours! She's definitely within that range, no?

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