Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Raz, there is no doubt about it, that looks like a BFP to me! I can’t wait to see the free fred (frer)

Nato, I think you’ve Ov’d too. The question is when. You’ll know soon enough from your temps. I think you can stop shagging now. You must be exhausted! Temping can cause more panic, I agree. It is causing me panic and I’m not even trying this month! I’m on CD 26. I got a positive OPKs (well 3 of them) on CD 24. My temp dipped and had a slight increase today. Usually after I’ve Ov’d, it shoots up. My CBFM keeps telling me it is low. I did miss one day using it as I ran out of sticks. Of course the day I missed using it was the day I got my positive OPKs. Color me confused. I’m not sure I’ve ovulated yet. I’m afraid I’m not going to. I’ve ALWAYS ovulated every cycle. Luckily I’m taking ovulation drugs next cycle so even if I don’t Ov, I know I’ll be helping it out next time. But, I just want to Ov and get this cycle over with so I can move on!!!

I’m glad you took on an SF roommate on my behalf. Will you ask her what part of SF she lived in? I can tell you if she was from the “cool” part of town!!

Vicky, good on you for not getting a scan. Only 2 more weeks today until your 22 week mark. I know you are scared. I’ve said my piece to the angels about you even if you don’t believe in them.

Mone, I’m glad you are finally accepting you are pregnant. Go get those NK cells!

Dawny, it’s true, we have been in the presence of greatness with Megg for quite some time now. We shall bow down to both of you.

CJ, I think you are reading into your temps too much. Don’t. Just see what happens if you can. You are not out until the ho bag shows her face.

Good luck tomorrow Megg!!! You’ll be just fine through all of this. I read your journal. I loved the questions you asked the doctor. I have faith you are in good hands.

Yay Allie for some time off. Enjoy babe. You deserve it!!!

Amy, good to see you. I was wondering where you were. Sounds like you decided to possibly move and leave your job. It’s great that you already have an interview. Please keep us posted even if it isn’t related to TTC.

I’m working today and then have the next several days off to spend with my family. I’m sooo excited to see my mom!!! If I can ever have a baby, I know we’ll see each other more often. I’m hoping this trip will encourage her to come visit more often. She hasn’t traveled since my step father died. She’s been afraid to travel because it would solidify that he was dead. They used to travel all the time. He died 4 years ago. It’s a big step for her. We all have to move on from our losses even if it takes 4 years.

Love you all!!!
Aww... Its good to see you, Amy! I was just looking for you today! Sorry the ho bag got you! :hugs: But, glad to know you're okay! Don't be such a stranger! :kiss:
Welcome and HI to Dawny!

Raz, congrats again on your BFP!

Nato I looked at your chart but I'm not an expert...hopefully CD 13 will turn out to be the O date.

Vicky good for you for relaxing, you have a good OH for sitting you down and setting you straight!!

Mone I'm glad your specialist has some more sense than your silly doc!!

CJ I can't see your updated chart either!

Allie enjoy your days off woo hoo You will have plenty of time for :sex: !!!

Amy good luck at your interviews!

Hearty enjoy your visit with your mom!

I don't really have any news except that DH and I had a talk yesterday and the whole SMEP and trying to "save up" by making sure we do it every second day, or worrying about whether or not we're doing at the right time of day (morning, afternoon??) was reallllly getting to us. We just want to do it when we WANT to do it. It was becoming hard to do it on a schedule and it was getting into our heads. I'm not even sure I'm going to keep temping this month. It felt like a huge weight was lifted after our talk...and then we ended up having enjoyable :sex: last night. What a relief!
Raz, there is no doubt about it, that looks like a BFP to me! I can’t wait to see the free fred (frer)

Nato, I think you’ve Ov’d too. The question is when. You’ll know soon enough from your temps. I think you can stop shagging now. You must be exhausted! Temping can cause more panic, I agree. It is causing me panic and I’m not even trying this month! I’m on CD 26. I got a positive OPKs (well 3 of them) on CD 24. My temp dipped and had a slight increase today. Usually after I’ve Ov’d, it shoots up. My CBFM keeps telling me it is low. I did miss one day using it as I ran out of sticks. Of course the day I missed using it was the day I got my positive OPKs. Color me confused. I’m not sure I’ve ovulated yet. I’m afraid I’m not going to. I’ve ALWAYS ovulated every cycle. Luckily I’m taking ovulation drugs next cycle so even if I don’t Ov, I know I’ll be helping it out next time. But, I just want to Ov and get this cycle over with so I can move on!!!

I’m glad you took on an SF roommate on my behalf. Will you ask her what part of SF she lived in? I can tell you if she was from the “cool” part of town!!

Vicky, good on you for not getting a scan. Only 2 more weeks today until your 22 week mark. I know you are scared. I’ve said my piece to the angels about you even if you don’t believe in them.

Mone, I’m glad you are finally accepting you are pregnant. Go get those NK cells!

Dawny, it’s true, we have been in the presence of greatness with Megg for quite some time now. We shall bow down to both of you.

CJ, I think you are reading into your temps too much. Don’t. Just see what happens if you can. You are not out until the ho bag shows her face.

Good luck tomorrow Megg!!! You’ll be just fine through all of this. I read your journal. I loved the questions you asked the doctor. I have faith you are in good hands.

Yay Allie for some time off. Enjoy babe. You deserve it!!!

Amy, good to see you. I was wondering where you were. Sounds like you decided to possibly move and leave your job. It’s great that you already have an interview. Please keep us posted even if it isn’t related to TTC.

I’m working today and then have the next several days off to spend with my family. I’m sooo excited to see my mom!!! If I can ever have a baby, I know we’ll see each other more often. I’m hoping this trip will encourage her to come visit more often. She hasn’t traveled since my step father died. She’s been afraid to travel because it would solidify that he was dead. They used to travel all the time. He died 4 years ago. It’s a big step for her. We all have to move on from our losses even if it takes 4 years.

Love you all!!!

Yeah... I honestly pulled no punches. I just HAD to ask him. He didn't seem concerned... It did put me a bit at ease. I wish that I wasn't signing to say that there was no limit to what they could do... but I do know that its only in the case of life and death.

Its really sad but sweet about your mom. I'm sure this is so hard for her... but she must know that seeing you is worth it! :hugs:
well thank god that IV is done, it was awful as my vain collapsed half way through the first saline drip and started to go into my tissues.... I'm lying there in such pain saying to the nurse is my arm supposed to be swelling like that (there was a lump about 3 inches across coming up from the candula) and she was like 'No! oh god I need to take it out'... she was then too nervous to try again (bless her she was about 70!), so she called up her team leader, a lovely little chap who zoomed round on his bike and had the needle in and the drip going again in about 10 minutes... then just had to let it do it's job for 2 and a half hours, then a last saline flush, then done! Please god let it all be worth it, my nerves can't cope.

Hearty, I am trying to believe honest, and I definitely have a bit more hope now, but until we see the hb I don't know if I can really convince myself that this time could be the one... I guess after so much disappointment I feel safer erring on the side of negativity even though I would love to be imagining all the amazing things to come... there is something that just stops me. I'm taking one day at a time, and not getting paranoid everytime my boobs stop hurting or start to cramp a bit, so for me that's a huge way forward. That's a sad story about your mom, hopefully this will be the impetus she needs to travel some more.

Nato, forgot to say earlier, I think you can stop the shagging marathon! Did you ov day of + and day after, they say to do one more for luck then miss one day then one more, but unless you don't get a + I wouldn't have thought that was necessary, I mean if it stays in there minimum of 2 days, then it will cover all bases. If I have to ever do SMEP again then I would start day 10 not 8. I can't remember who said they carried on to CD24, but god girl your man deserves some kind of medal of men...!a

Yogi - if I had had time on my side, I think that's what I would have turned to, it is so tiring bd'ing to order and takes the spontainety out of lovemaking... as long as you have an idea when you might be ovulating then you will be on track, plus just having the weight off your shoulders with the chat will probably make everything feel more relaxed. Good for you for having the talk.

Lucy - thinking of you.

Right I'm going to go have a lie down, and let all this good stuff in me do it's job.

Megg - it's great you have such amazing medical attention, and it all happens so quickly, I don't think you'd ever get that sort of treatment on the NHS.

Hearty, I am trying to believe honest, and I definitely have a bit more hope now, but until we see the hb I don't know if I can really convince myself that this time could be the one... I guess after so much disappointment I feel safer erring on the side of negativity even though I would love to be imagining all the amazing things to come... there is something that just stops me. I'm taking one day at a time, and not getting paranoid everytime my boobs stop hurting or start to cramp a bit, so for me that's a huge way forward.


I know what you mean, it is a lot easier to set yourself up for a fall than to be super excited and then get let down. I think it is a HUGE step forward to release some of the paranoia that you've been having. Like you said, one day at a time. If I could give you a magical fast forward button, I would.

The drip sounds awful. I'm so glad you are done! How often do you have to do it? Hopefully just this once.

Allie was the girl who did SMEP until CD 34!!! She does deserve a medal!!!
Lucy I'm so so so sorry, I wish I had something to say that will make you feel better but I know that's not possible. I hope all goes well with your op, I will be thinking of you and Steve, always here for you.xxxxxxxxxx
Lucy, I'm so sorry. The last week must have been utterley horrendous for you . Take care of yourself :hugs:

Mone, your IV sounds vile! Sounds like you are in a more positive frame of mind though and are believing it a bit more.Good for you. This must be your turn hun! :thumbup:

Hi Dawny :hugs:

Yogi, your approach to the BD'ing sounds very sensible. I must admit I'm getting pretty sick of temping, CBFM and OPKs. Spontaneous sex has become a thing of the past for me.

Nato, I'm fairly clueless with FF charts as you know. Still trying to figure it out, but well done on all your BDing. I'm waiting to get a high on CBFM. Didn't ov until god damn day 23 last month :growlmad: and I'm only on day 10 so got ages to wait.

Megg hope you are feeling ok :hugs:
Just once more hearty at 8 weeks, then all being well I start to wean off the steroids at 12 weeks over a one week period, then off aspirin, then finally the progresterone I think at 20 weeks. Once the placenta takes over at 12 weeks ish then it becomes like a normal pregnancy, the NK cells can no longer attack the foetus. I would do it every day if it helped, even tho' I have never been so scared, I thought I was quite good with needles et al, but that was some scary shit when my arm started swelling.... she said in all her time she never had a collapsed vein. I gave her a big hug when she left as she was almost crying that she thought she had hurt me... bless little old english nursey nurse.
Hahahah Allie you do need a medal...your medal will be those 2 lines on a stick one day soon!
My girlfriend just sent this to me. I thought it might help lift people's spirits:

Because you’re important to me, I’m sharing this w/ you…

Important Women's Health Issue:

* Do you have feelings of inadequacy?
* Do you suffer from shyness?
* Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive?
* Do you suffer exhaustion from the day to day grind?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your doctor or
pharmacist about Margaritas.

Margaritas are the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident
about yourself and your actions. Margaritas can help ease you out of
your shyness and let you tell the world that you're ready and willing
to do just about anything. You will notice the benefits of Margaritas
almost immediately and with a regimen of regular doses you can
overcome any obstacles that prevent you from living the life you want
to live.

Shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the past and you will
discover many talents you never knew you had. Stop hiding and start
living, with Margaritas.

Margaritas may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or
nursing should not use Margaritas. However, women who wouldn't mind
nursing or becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it.

Side effects may include:
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Incarceration
- Erotic lustfulness
- Loss of motor control
- Loss of clothing
- Loss of money
- Loss of virginity
- Table dancing
- Headache
- Dehydration
- Dry mouth
- And a desire to sing Karaoke

* The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you are whispering
when you are not.
* The consumption of Margaritas may cause you to tell your friends over
and over again that you love them.
* The consumption of Margaritas may cause you to think you can sing.
* The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you can logically
converse with members of the opposite sex without spitting.

Please share this with other women who may need Margaritas
Looks like the :witch: is on her way went to the toilet this evening and I have some brown gunky discharge not far off light flow :yipee: about time too xxxx
:haha: that was funny. I needed a chuckle. Working at my friends pub and have to stay the night so wont see the husband till tomorrow. :cry:
That's funny, Hearty! Love it!

I'm sorry you had such a shit day, Mone! :hugs:

AFM... I had a shit day too! Good news first! I got my clearance to become pregnant! :haha:

Bad news is that somehow one of my test results was overlooked and I'm POSITIVE for Heterozygous MTHFR! So, I have a clotting factor issue too! Greeeeeeeeat! :(

My doc says that if I have 6 babies, she'll be really pissed if I don't give her one of them! :rofl:
Wait Meggles...you need to be positive for homogeneous MTHFR to have a clotting disorder. 50% of the population are positive heterozygous MTHFR, me included. If you are heterozygous MTHFR AND you have a high homocysteine level, then you may have a clotting disorder. My homocysteine was normal so I was told I didn't have a clotting disorder. As a precaution, they advised me to take extra folic acid. I'm also taking baby aspirin because I did actually have a blood clot in my first pregnancy.

I noticed you are already taking a baby aspirin. I think you are fine. Congrats on getting the all clear!!!

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