Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Thanks girls lov you all millions xxxxxxxxxx

& sparkly huny im lovin how much u believe im havin twinnys bless ur cottons!! we'll see if ur right tomoz chick xxxxx

:hugs: lov caz
Hey gorgeous girls,

CJ - So sorry she treated you like that, what a frigging bitch!! Sorry but my consultant says the same on low dose aspirin and I have always taken his advice. When do you get all the results?

Megg- Can't believe you only just found out about having a D&C, thats awful! Are you not in pain? I'm in agony after one of those! 6th Dec is noted in my memory for your IVF, I can't wait, I'm really excited for you.

Who's next to test? I need to see some new BFP.

Lucy - How you feeling today hunny??

Allie - So sorry to hear about your Mum, that's pretty scary. I hope her levesl reduce very quickly.

Nato - Hubby's bringing home ginger and lemon's so will give your suggestion a try tonight! He also bought everything and anything he could find with ginger in it, even some bubble bath :rofl:

Cazza - How you feeling hunny?? Start yacking at work? I hope not! 1 more sleep sweetie, sooooooooo excited for you.

As for me I'm shattered after a full day at work, could literally go to bed right now, I have never felt tiredness like it!!!

DRUM ROLL PLEASE............................................Puke count today = 0 at 6pm!!
Woo hoo, so it's seems I have found a cure for my sickness, I have to eat approx every 3-5minutes, fruit, crisps, cereal bars, soup, hot chocolate, salad, etc etc etc
So here's the dilemma do I continue to eat like a pig and end up looking like a house by my 12 week scan and a whole city by full term OR do I continue to eat healthly and carry on feeling and being sick 24/7??? What would you do????

I honestly haven't had much pain at all... maybe a stray cramp here and there, but much like AF cramps, and only one every few hours at worst. I don't know how he did it, but he definitely left me feeling pretty normal. :shrug:

I say eat, eat, eat! Any reasonable doctor will tell you the same. And, the sickness will likely pass within a few weeks... So, you won't be eating for England for 9 months... You're still better off gaining slightly more weight than puking constantly. Do what you must for your little beans! :hugs:

oo talking of shopping, who wants to see what i got with the rent i should be spending on my mortgage

I got a dirty pink silk dress which looks loooverly over a black cashmere jumper...and some khaki brogue chelsea boots


Gorgeous purchases! :thumbup:

:hi: Hi lovely women. I've managed to read everything and catch up, but of course can't remember half of what I read to respond to. Forgive me. My mother is still here and we are having a wonderful time. My younger brother went back to San Diego on Sunday. My older brother is still here too. He's staying with a friend in San Francisco. If you were wondering why none of us looked alike it is because my older brother is adopted and my younger brother and I have different fathers. But we're all family just the same.

I want to send a collective hug :hugs: to everyone having rough times right now. My heart goes out to you all. Lucy, Megg, Allie, CJ, Sarah. Anyone else?

Glad some of you are just status quo. Sometimes no news is good news.

AFM, my temps still haven't risen. I got a positive OPK a week ago!!! I'm in shock. Normally, my temps are high at this point. My cycle has never been this long. WTF is going on??? I'm taking my temps at the exact same time every morning and my mouth is closed when I sleep. Maybe my thermometer is broken? Grrr...I just want to wrap this cycle up so I can get on with my letrozole. I'm annoyed. Don't bother looking at my chart. I haven't put my temps in because they are depressing me to look at.

I'll be back on the site in full force next week, but I'll keep checking in even if I don't have time to post.


Sorry your cycle is being such a pain... but your family sounds lovely! :hugs:

Hi everyone

Just had a catch up... omg cj, that doctor sounds like such a cow, I definitely think you should try and be referred to someone else if you can though in my experience most of the doctors I've come across have that condescending, patronising tone, even worse because of my age, they all seem to think it unbelievable that I'm even conceiving. And as for the smear, I always ask for a male doctor as I think they are much more gentle, the last smear I had with a woman she forgot to release the clamp and pulled my cervix with it, the blood! and it turned out I was pregnant too.... I ached for days.

Megg - I cannot believe they can do a d&c without telling you, that's why I am so scared to ever have any kind of gynae surgery and have always refused the erpc. Good news you are going to go with the Dec cycle tho' and lovely that your family will be there to support you over xmas.

Lucy - sweetie, I know that feeling only too well, not wanting to leave the house, but you will gradually get the urge to venture out little by little, go with how you feel, don't force yourself or feel bad if you are making little steps..... it is still very early in the grieving process... give yourself lots of time.

AFM - I have been very depressed and spent all weekend in bed, unable to talk to martin, just crying really, i've wanted to be on my own. I took a digi again at just over 5 weeks and it was still 2-3 so I think that was the start of it..... we are now in a dilemma as to whether to have the first scan tomorrow (6 weeks 1 day) or next Tuesday (7 weeks), as they are the only days M has off so can come with me to Kings. If we have a scan tomorrow and there is no hb I know they will say come back and I'll have an even worse wait, whereas if there is no hb at 7 I will know that that's it (even though I'm 99% sure it's bad news already).... so that's the decision really, a part of me wants to go tomorrow but another wants a few more days not knowing..... crazy stuff really... some days I actually feel like I might be going nuts, that finally it has all caught up with me... this would be my fifth in a year, my next due date is 31st october, then 24th dec, i guess it's a lot to have had to go through in such a short space of time, but i wish i could just be stronger and stop feeling so sorry for myself.

ooooh that was a bit of a rant sorry!:dohh:

I never write much then when I do, i could moan for england... sorry again!:nope:

You say whatever you need to say, love! Don't you dare feel like you're moaning! I read later that you're planning to wait, and that's exactly what I would have suggested too. I think that knowing 100% will be much better than the possible limbo! :hugs:

Hi girls

wow im sooooo sorry for everyone who is having a shitter of a day :hugs: it seems we've had some real lows recently im so sorry hugs all round!!!

Hey Nato im lovinnnn ur new frock huny switt swoo!!! Glad ur temps are up :happydance: anymore tests today??

Hey sparkly 3dpo hey hun! how long u gonna hold off untill testing babe??

Luce i had a real heavy bleed a week after my D&C i dont remember being in a lot of pain though, if ur worried sweetness then seriously got back to the hospital ok :kiss:

Heartylicious im sorry ur temps arent playing ball gorgeous, stupid mofo bodies gggrrrr!! sending love ur way!

Sass yayyyyyy for no puking :bunny: u seem to have passed it over in my direction lol!! Im only a mornin puker thank fook once ive had some toast im fine but without butter because :sick: it stinks funny!! My boobs have been on & off sore today?? usually its full on all day im in agony but today ive found myself prodding them randomly in fornt of people :rofl: i think im worrying myself and talkin myself back into negativity because of the scan tomorrow, i am soooooooooo scared its unreal, Lee just said he's excited i mean WTF?? How can he be excited when all i feel is fear & those anxcious butterflies :cry: i think maybe he is just putting on a front & he too is crapping himself inside. I can only hope n pray i see beanie tomorrow, ideally i wanna see Bubs HB but know theres a chance i wont? rubbish thing is as im unsure of ovulation i wont really know much from tomorrow if im measuring behind as i very well could be? i can be behind my dates but defo not in front so either way im maximum 6 weeks tomorrow goin off :sex:.

Please be praying for me n bean tomorrow @ 10 am girls i'll be on to update as soon as i can xxxxxx Lov u all xxxxxxx Caz

Thinking of you and your bean, honey! Can't wait for your update!!!

AFM... I think, on top of everything else, I might be starting my withdrawal bleed. I suddenly feel very AF-y and the pink watery stuff has turned to more of a normal AF-like blood. I know I'm due to start it any day now. My last pill was Sunday, and the last time I started my bleed the next day. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to know for sure if its D&C related or AF. They really didn't have any advice at the clinic about that either. So, I guess I'll see what happens for now. But, they said I should only really expect the watery pink stuff after the D&C... So, I'm inclined to think that this is the beginning of AF instead. Ain't that about a bitch? Funny... I might only end up getting 2 days off of the BCP's! :dohh:
I hope this is things getting back to normal for you hun! I know it wont be nice being back on the BCP's so soon, but it will be worth it!
Hello my lovely ladies! :wave:

You guys are seriously the best...I really appreciate your support going through a shit time. It really lifts my spirits. :hugs: :friends:

Cazz, good luck tomorrow girlie!! I can't wait to hear back from you! :happydance: Your scan is at 4 am my time so hopefully you'll have an update by the time I wake up. I'm sending happy scan thoughts your way :)

Hearty, sorry your temps aren't rising. I well and truly feel your pain. Aaargh!! Happy you're enjoying your family time, though.

Mone, aww I'm sooo sorry you're feeling down. :hug: I wish there were something we could say to help you feel more hopeful. I really wouldn't put too much faith in what the digi's tell you...hang in there until next week. It's okay to moan, that's what we're here for!

Sass, sorry the puking got you again! At least you found a way to keep it mostly at bay...I say eat eat eat all day long for your yolkies!

CJ, hope you enjoyed those vodkas!

Megg, back on BC so soon? :hugs:

Nato, how are you feeling symptoms-wise? Other than feeling like testing, that is! :haha: Btw I love your boots and dress...that shade of pink (I think I call that salmon) is my favorite.

Sparkly and Duffy, I'm also using the CBFM. This is my first cycle with it...I got it used, so I'm not sure what you mean by the memory. I wonder if it's using someone else memory!?!

Lucy, I am so sorry you're in pain. :( I hope it went away enough for you to get a good night's sleep. :hugs: I imagine every MC is different, but I hope the worst is over for you. You and Steve are so amazingly strong and will get through this. In the meantime it's perfectly okay to greive. :hugs:

We are in the midst of our first Winter Storm here! I'm holding out hope for a snow day tomorrow at least a late start. :) It's crazy out there!!!
Yeah, it looks like I won't be getting much time off. They need me back on it before the Dec IVF cycle, and this AF will be my last until the beginning of Dec... especially since mine are a bit erratic. I need to make sure that I have one, and this one is pretty well guaranteed. I get it, but I hate it. No real options though. :shrug:

We had some friends over tonight and watched the Rocky Horror episode of Glee. It was great sometimes and horrid other times, but the great times were SO amazing. :) Finding happiness with the small things!
I like that, Megg...finding happiness with the small things. I think it's a good approach. I also watched Glee and enjoyed it...but I don't like Rocky Horror so the music was kind of meh for me.
I was torn... I wanted to "thank" your post for complimenting the idea of finding happiness with little things... but I was appalled that you don't like Rocky Horror! What is THAT nonsense?!?! I "thanked" it anyway... but I have my reservations suddenly! :haha: How can you not LOVE Rocky Horror? :(
Hehe!! You're so funny. :) I actually attended one of the infamous midnight showings with everyone all dressed up...I tried to like it as I normally love getting geeked out.
OMG, I heart Rocky Horror!!! Tim Curry was oddly sexy to me in it. Those lips, that smile, those eyes!!! I'm right there with you Megg!!!

Duffy, I did use the CBFM. I used it last cycle and it was spot on. I got a high the same day I got my positive OPK and I had a temp rise. This time, I got 3 positive OPKs in one day and was still reading low on my CBFM. I stopped using it after it kept giving me low readings. I've never had a cycle this long. My positive OPK was spot on time with when I normally ovulate. I'm surprised I haven't had a temp rise yet. Maybe I should have kept going with the CBFM, but since I'm not trying this cycle, I didn't want to waste the money. It is very strange that this is happening all of a sudden.

Allie, I'm sorry about your mom. Having mine here is such a blessing. She and I were just talking about all the things you don't want to talk about such as aging and dying. I want her to have her affairs in order in case something happens to her unexpectedly. It is a conversation I have with my clients all the time. It is much easier to talk to people about dying when it isn't your mom. Might I suggest that your mother signs a Power of Attorney for health and finance if she hasn't already. It is really important to assign someone to make decisions for you if you are unable to do so. She might have already done this, but if not, it is a good thing to do. My mom is going to make me and my aunt her Power of Attorney. BTW, you shouldn't be getting someone else's "memory" on your CBFM. There is a way to clear the memory. I'm going to clear mine for next cycle since I'll be on letrozole.

Megg, I'm glad your surgery is over and you are recovering. Is getting AF a good thing at this point? I'm so glad they cleaned out your uterus. Now it is pristine and in prime condition for your bub.

Lucy, I hope you are snuggled in for the night. I had pain on and off and bleeding. I was told that it was my uterus shrinking and that as long as I wasn't going through a pad an hour, the bleeding was normal. I agree with the other ladies though, if it persists, call the doctor. This is your body and you need to feel comfortable with your healing process.

Nato, love the clothes. Can we have a runway show???

Sass, I wish you were feeling better. Those babes are giving you a run for your money! I'm looking forward to your scan on November 2!

Caz, I'll check in tomorrow. I can't wait to hear about your scan. I know how scared you must be. I'll be thinking about you!!!

I'll be watching glee online this afternoon. I have never seen Rocky Horror Picture Show (which is weird as I am a bit camp theatre person) and only know Time Warp but looking forward to watching it!
hey girls would it be alright if i join , i know it maybe too early some people know me but im sadly back ttc again hoping 4th time will be lucky for us x
Hey Jenny welcome to our disco world. :hugs:

Caz I'm thinking of you think you've had your scan bu now hope it all went well much love :hugs:

Thanks amanda I did manage to get sleep steve made me a hotwater bottle and I curled up with it. Pain not as bad today but definitetly bleeding now which I guess is a good thing I think.

Morning all! sorry been a bit absent the last couple of days and had loads to catch up on . . .

Nato - Love the dress hun! How goes the waiting for testing, have you POAS yet?

Megg - Sorry about the delay for you hun, a :bfp: would the very best christmas presant for you and will be sending a special message to Santa for you :hug:

Lucy - Glad the pain has died down and you got some sleep. Sending gentle hugs and lots of healing thoughts to you xx

Jenny - Sorry for your loss and welcome to the group xxx

Caz - How did the scan go? Cant wait for the update

CJ - That so called specialist sounds like a muppet and would have gotten a bit of a slap from me!! Hope the bitch can earn her money though and get you some answers xxx

There was loads of other stuff i wanted to say but its all gone out me head! Sorry to anyone i forgot and sorry to everyone having a shitty day the other day. Hope today is a better one xxxx

AFM - Well i feel awful today and like i have a bad hangover - Its great though! Also in the last couple of days i did another digi and got a 2-3 and then on my IC today the line was nearly as dark as the control and much darker then Monday's so i am very happy. Got to go and buy another digi now though to get my 3+ next week, still it helps to reasure me after having panic.
Jen hun how are you feeling?

Luce did they give you the pills to help your uterus shrink, here they are called mitrotan. They cause heavier bleeding at first but help get things back on track.

Raz great to hear those lines are getting darker! I think you can stop testing by next week though lol!

Cazz anxiously awaiting your fab news!!!
LOL i will stop once i get that 3+ but i am always very nervous for the first couple of weeks and POAS to track the lines really helps. Not sure what i am going to do after though how will i feed my POAS addiction? :rofl:
Hey Vicky no I havnt been given any pills.
Oh god new theory about infertility...

Darn it, Vicky! I have type "O" blood. My only consolation I suppose is the article was about those in 'early middle age' and at 26 I'm not there yet. Thanks for sharing, though. It's always better to know!

Cazz, I was hoping for news by now, hopefully you post before the students start arriving and I have to log off (no snow day, sadly).
I'm O as well Allie damn it!!

Caz I hope your okay sweetie and all has gone well :hugs:
Guys relax! Type O is the most common blood type!!!! I posted the article cause i found it to be generalizing and without sound scientific ground!

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