Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

yeah I am amazed at how quick that was. Wasn't expecting a call right away, little alone an appointment in 2 weeks. The bad thing is, I am driving there after work on the 28th, driving home after the appointment on the 29th, and then I am making an 11 hour drive on the 31st to go visit my parents for a week!! Putting on the miles!
I know!! I'm going to be exhuasted!! thank goodness I will have a week off before I have to make the 11 hour drive home again.
Aaaagh! All that driving and being pregnant?!? That makes me cringe, been there done that NO more roadtrips while pregnant ever again!
Good evening ladies! Well, I tagged along with my hubby to a meeting tonight so I could use the free wifi in the building. Hmmm, I think I'm addicted to the internet. I was unhealthily fixating on not checking Facebook for 24 hours....Vicky, you are so nice to your neighbors! :)

hearty, how was your day? :hugs: I hope everything went okay meeting with your client and getting your hair done. I hope it was a bit of a distration from everything going on. I'm sure your heart is very heavy at the moment. Post a pic of your new 'do if you can! I've been thinking of you lots today. I hope the advil and pads were all you needed to get through and everything is on track...

Mel, that is wonderful you got a call back to soon, and your appointment is so soon. I understand you're nervous but I think it's such a good sign that your gyno is on top of things and you have a good grip on your mother's history. What a long drive, though. North America is so vast, it's amazing to think an 11 hour drive here can have you remain in the same state/province yet in the UK if I took an 11 hour drive from where I lived I'd be on the other end of the country!

Jaymes, I see you have a smiley face, good luck and get busy :sex: ;)

Lucy, sorry to hear of your BFN but it could well be too early. I think you're meant to count CD1 as your first day of real bleeding, not spotting, so you're probs not even due until Monday.

I appreciated hearing your mc stories Mel and Amy. I know it's hard to share but hearing it makes me feel so less alone. It's incredibly crappy we all had to go through this. Amy, my mc sounds a lot like yours, but I was at the ER. I knew what was happening when it started, but it was really sudden and surprising and when I called the OBGYN office they said get right to the ER. So, most of the bleeding was within a few hours and mostly happened in the ER waiting room and then my ER room. My doctor was so kind that day, though, as I was there for over four hours bleeding and waiting for a scan to confirm I'd lost the baby. I actually wrote a compliment to hospital patient relations regarding my care that day.

Hope everyone is doing okay.
I love the smiley face Jaymes :)

Well OH and my mom both think I am crazy. They think I should take off the 30th as well from work, and just drive from there after my appointment to my parents' place. It does make more sense, but I hate taking extra time off from work, when I don't really have the time to take off. I have to use all my vacation days for my medical appointments, so they get eaten up, and I am lacking on them for the remainder of the year already. On the other hand, it will be less driving, and probably a little less stressful on me........hmmmmmmmm........
I know this makes me a freak... but I'm kind of jealous of people who have normal MC stories! I found out the first time at my 10 week scan and the 2nd time at my 11 week scan. They were the first appointments I got with each pregnancy! I felt like there was something wrong, but everyone kept telling me I was paranoid. So, I had to convince myself that I was being paranoid, and then I was the one who was right the whole time! What a crock of shit! I only ever really got to about 5 weeks. So, I've never even so much as grown anything with a heartbeat... both were blighted ovums, because no fetal pole or anything was seen either time. I just know how to make a useless, empty sac. And then I carry it around for over a month before someone breaks my heart. FML.
So the appointment and your parents are both in the same direction? I'm with your OH and parents and think you should take the 30th off as well! I know what you mean about vacation days but you'll at least save some gas money (and sanity) by sparing yourself the extra drive.
Sorry Megg I think we both posted at the same time. :hugs: Next time, hopefully you can get an appointment before 10 weeks to help put your mind at ease. I don't know anything about blighted ovums but the way you found out about your mc does make me sad :( :hugs: I'm sure that was really hard! Regarding you saying you knew something was wrong....I was the same....and the doctor told me that a woman's intuition about these things is really strong. Of course, now that we've had an mc it is hard to distinguish between intution and paranoia since we're looking out for bad things.
Take the day off Mel. That sounds like waaaay too much driving to me.
Megg - I'm sorry hun! That is definitely not easy to find out that way, or to deal with either. I agree that a woman knows her own body better then anyone else, and of course now like Allie said, we are going to be paranoid and not sure if we can actually trust our own tuition. Is it possible that you just make a doctor appointment for the next one, but just tell them it's to confirm a pregnancy? And then talk about your history and see what can be done from there (like an early scan)?

Allie - my appointment is 6 hours south of where I live, and then to get to my parent's from there, I would have to do a little back tracking north, and then it's east from there, to the other side of the province. So I think instead it would be about a 7-8 hour drive from there, instead of an 11 hour drive from here.

oh my, OH is singing in the shower, lol!!! he was just watching Johnny Cash on tv. Oh it is making me laugh so much!
I don't think I'll have to wait like that next time... if next time ever comes! Maybe when/if my ovaries wake up! :( But, blighted ovum is basically when the beginnings of a fetus never start to form... just an empty sac.

The worst part was the first time when I knew I should be 10 weeks and the sonographer kept telling me I should be happy because I was pregnant and it "looked perfect for 5 weeks!" :cry: She didn't understand how that was impossible!
awe, that is kinda heartless isn't it! People really don't understand do they?!

I don't really know anything about blighted ovum, except for what you just said. Do they know what causes that at all? I have actually never heard of so many different complications before until I mc myself. Then it was a vast amount of knowledge/facts, and it is overwhelming and kind of amazing at the same time. Who would have thought that there were so many complications with pregnancy?! Especially when you have teens that get pregnant all the time?! It just doesn't seem fair at all does it?!

Your day will be coming really soon, I promise you. :hugs:
What is a blighted ovum?

A blighted ovum is a common type of miscarriage. It happens when a fertilized egg implants in the uterus but the resulting embryo either stops developing very early or doesn't form at all. Nowadays, the term "blighted ovum" is considered out of date. Instead, most medical professionals use the term "early pregnancy failure" to describe this situation.

Blighted Ovum

Lots of good info in that article. Its just a really early loss MMC... It doesn't become a MMC until the fetus starts to form... Blighted Ovum is just when the embryo stops growing BEFORE there's any visible future baby bits.

I wish I believed my time was coming soon! This cycle is really making me depressed. I can't believe I'm at CD21 with no O in sight yet! :(
Hi girls, just a quick pop in. I had a fairly normal day. Saw my client, got my hair done and even did a little retail therapy. I basically only worked a half day and went shopping. I texted Tim that I was shopping and he texted back that he would pay for anything I bought. What a guy! So I bought some cute dresses for my upcoming vacation. Sorry, no pics of the hair, my camera is on the blink and we haven't had time to go camera shopping. My spotting was very minimal today. No cramps. I didn't even go through one pad. I'll have my D&C tomorrow at noon. The stupid nurse who called me to schedule it was looking at my record and was like, "oh here it is, an abortion." I nearly threw up. Bitch. I guess, technically that's what it is, but I've never called any of these abortions. I hate her.

I guess this one is considered a blighted ovum. And I guess my last one was too. Megg, my last one was the same as yours. They could barely see the pregnancy at 6 weeks. They let me hold onto it another 2 weeks to make sure and then they did the D&C for it. My body never recognized that the pregnancy wasn't developing properly. I never bled. I had symptoms. If I hadn't had an early scan, I would have had no idea. My first one wasn't "normal" either. Around 7 weeks I had a little blood so I got a scan. They saw a perfect baby with a heartbeat. About a week and a half later, I had a massive bleed the day of my doctor's appointment. I literally was on the bus and gushing blood. I thought I was miscarrying. When my doctor looked, she saw the baby with a heartbeat. Then they thought I had twins, but realized the "twin" was a blood clot. They told me they would have to monitor it every week. At 10 weeks, I started passing huge clots and was having contractions. I knew I was losing the baby. I went to the hospital and the baby was still in there. The fucking blood clot was trying to dislodge and knocked the baby out of place and stopped it's heart. I've never known what to call that loss. It wasn't a MMC. It was a loss due to a subchorionic hematoma. They are apparently very rare. Yeah, so is having 3 miscarriages in a row.

So I know what you mean about feeling jealous about "normal" mcs. That's why I felt better about this one being "normal." Sad, isn't it?

Megg, I wish I had a magic ovary wand to wave over yours. I want you to ovulate. Your temps and signs don't make sense. I know I don't need to tell you that. Maybe you'll get a temp spike tomorrow morning. You and I are having a sucky week. Sucky, sucky, sucky.

Ok, that wasn't a quick post. I Heart You All. I'll post tomorrow after the procedure. Not looking forward to it, but want to get it over with.

Hey my beuties....

Meggles i know exactly how you feel hun, i hate mmc!!!!! Going in for a scan all happy only to be told that the baby is gone...How do you ever go back for a scan without being sure it will happen again????? Thats why at this point i dont consider myself pregnant yet...Im not gonna allow my body to mess with me again. Are you gonna have the progesterone test this week to see if you did ovulate???

Hearty hun, Tim is a gem!!! Oh and what a bitch nurse!!!!! Did you give her a peice of your mind???? Thats so not on....Honey ive taken the day off work so ill be near a computer until 9 pm my time if you need to talk before or after your procedure. Ill be thinking of you sweets...

Mel i really think driving all those hours is a silly idea but thats just me!
So, I've never even so much as grown anything with a heartbeat... both were blighted ovums, because no fetal pole or anything was seen either time. I just know how to make a useless, empty sac. And then I carry it around for over a month before someone breaks my heart. FML.

That's EXACTLY how I feel this time around. I had a natural spontaneous MC first time around and although it was very distressing it was over very quickly. This time I feel like I am STILL not over the fact that my body kept this growing sac with nothing in it, that I had to have a general anaesthetic to put me to sleep and caught an infection afterwards. I feel like this has totally ruined my life, even more than the first MC.
Meggles i know exactly how you feel hun, i hate mmc!!!!! Going in for a scan all happy only to be told that the baby is gone...How do you ever go back for a scan without being sure it will happen again?????

Vicky I know what you mean we found out at our 12 week scan that our little one had died at 10 weeks. The one thing I found really hard to cope with and still do to be honest is why? We had a scare early on I was spotting and had cramps so got sent for an early scan thinking I was about 6 weeks we were told that they could see a pregnancy was there but couldn't tell us if it was viable or not so we had to wait a week to go back for another scan it was the longest week of my life and I convinced myself that we had lost our baby and we were expecting bad news mum came down to be with us we went for the scan and we were told I was 6 weeks (so a week behind where I thought) and saw a beautiful little heartbeat. Everyone told us now you've seen a heartbeat everything will be ok and felt great well rough but pregnant and when we got to 12 weeks we were so happy then our world crashed. I still dream about that day seeing our little one on the screen he or she looked so perfect. I will never understand why after the scan our baby continue to grow and develop for another four weeks and then died I just dont understand. It may sound cruel but part of me wishes that I had lost the baby at 6 weeks I think it would of been easier to deal with. :cry::cry:

We've have all been through so much and I find so much strenght from all you lovely ladies hope you dont mind me sharing my experience.

:hugs: to you all right I have to go to work!!

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