Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Ok girls well it looks like I'm definitely out started spotting so the :witch: must be on her way. Feel so down its been 4 months since I lost my little one :cry: it took my nearly a year to get pregnant and now I'm wondering whether it will ever happen again for us and if it does will I get to keep my next baby. Feel so angry at the world its just so unfair I should be heading into the final three months of my pregnancy with my first child not preparing for another period :cry:. Had been doing really well and feeling positive but today feel so down about it all. On top of that my mum had just had investigatory surgery after hurting her knee she has ruptured her knee and will need reconstructive surgery she had to be kept in as there was bleeding on the knee then they had to take her back in to flush the knee through having two general anesthetic in such a short ammount of time has triggered an attack of meniere's which she was diagnosed with 5 years ago but has been clear of attacks for 2 years and was doing well. My dad isn't at home as he is up arranging the funeral of his father who died yesterday. So I'm worried about my parents and well to be honest fucked off, it has been a really shit year and it started of so wonderfully I just dont understand how or why its all turned to crap. It's my 30th birthday in nearly a months time I dont feel like celebrating at all plus I'm dreading seeing my brothers wife who is pregnant with her second child and three days behind where I should be. Just want to scream out loud.

Sorry to complain needed to get it off my chest I was fine untill the spotting started guess my hormones have a lot to answer for.
Allie - I am feeling good, but yes, tired all the time still. I usually nap and go to bed early, but I could always use some more sleep when I get up in the morning. Sorry you and DH are bickering still. I hope things get better. Maybe it is just the stress from moving??

Vicky - I am excited about your scan. I know you are scared, but I am sure everything is going to turn out wonderful for you. How do you manage to keep up with the March Mummies thread? It moves way too quickly for me. I finally quit going back and trying to read everything I missed out on, and just post occassionally.

Hope everyone is having a great Monday so far.
Lucy - massive :hugs: to you girl! Sorry you are having a rough time right now.
Luce honey dont apologise for feeling crap or moaning about your shite year! You have every right to be pissed off at the world and we are here to offer a supportive ear for you!
I have no coping techniques for seeing your brothers wife, i went through some really tough times around both due dates where i would hide and cry and scream and act crazy. Thankfully DH let me act crazy and gave me big hugs when i calmed down.
Im sending you lots of hugs and love and i hope you feel better soon!!!!
Lucy, sorry to hear about your parents. :hugs: I don't know why bad things always seem to happen at once...it isn't fair. :( Feel free to moan and whinge away, that's what we're here for. And I'm confident that since you've already had a BFP, another one is on it's way...learning such patience sucks but you'll get that BFP! :hugs:

Vicky, I understand your fears and have my fx and sending good vibes your way. I think I'm always going to be like you from now on...not believing it until I see it. BUT, that said, there is no reason not to believe this will be a healthy and happy pregnancy. :hugs:

As for me, I decided to try my first OPK strip today and I got the second line! Definitely a faint pink and will try again tomorrow and see if it gets darker. In any case I'm going to try to :sex: today even though DH is off work sick and I don't feel so well myself.
I guess this means I must be ovulating in next few days.
Woohoo allie!!!!! I agree you should BD tonight even if DH feels like crap, remember i got mine to BD with a massive tooth infection and fever!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!
Luce I agree with everything Vic just said babe. That's what were here for chicken.

Vicky I just know everythings gonna be coolio :) have they been monitoring ur bloods or are they so happy with ur progress that u don't need them monitoring? Got everything including my insides crossed hun :hugs:

Hearty I'm missing u already babe :cry: can totally understand where your coming from though sweetie, I had a 2 month break from bnb after I lost my last angel. I do hope times a healer & ur back with us very soon babe!

Meggles how are you? Any signs of OV chuck any symptoms if u may have already ov'd? Hope so Hun.

Allie glad u n OH managed to get some sexy time in even amongst arguing :) girl u get a gold star for that show of determination!! My fella gets nowt when were arguing I just can't muster it lol!

All my other lovelies sending u huge hugs ((((())))) x x

lov ya's xxxxx Caz xxxx
Thanks girls I dont know what I would do without you all. I'm feeling a bit better had a good cry and feel a little more in control that and have eaten my way through whatever unhealthy snacks I could find in the kitchen but to make me feel like I'm not totally bad I have had three of my five a day so far. Having steak, new spuds and green beans for tea and sending hubby out for some chocolate and crisps naughty I know!!

My hubby has been great he just hugs me and lets me cry rant whatever.

Cazz yeah my bloods were good last week 4800, havent had them checked again but hoping they still continued to go up and up.... Unfortunately with my last mmc they were very good as well which is the main reason im not as excited as i should be. Thanks for crossing everything for me chicka, but make sure you uncross your lady bits in time to get some BD action yourself!!!!!!!!
Thanks girls I dont know what I would do without you all. I'm feeling a bit better had a good cry and feel a little more in control that and have eaten my way through whatever unhealthy snacks I could find in the kitchen but to make me feel like I'm not totally bad I have had three of my five a day so far. Having steak, new spuds and green beans for tea and sending hubby out for some chocolate and crisps naughty I know!!

My hubby has been great he just hugs me and lets me cry rant whatever.


With a bod like yours hun you can eat your heart out!!!!!:thumbup:
Three cheers for Mr. Luce for being such an angel!!!!!:hugs::hugs:
I'm going insane. I had such an urge to POAS so I did when I got home and surprise surprise it was negative. I'm only on CD26 and have no idea when I ovulated, but I'm guessing somewhere between CD14 and 16.

I'm still gutted though. This happens every time, and then if I get a BFP I lose it. I reckon i've got a problem with late implantation which is a common cause for recurrent miscarriages.

WHY couldn't I just wait until CD32 like I promised myself I would?!
hang in there hun. It could just be too early for testing yet.
So true vicky, the TTC boards are like that too. I ventured in there the other day because this board was quiet and everyone was so optimistic and so happy. Shame that from now on all i'll think when I see a BFP is "oh shit here we go again" *sigh*

The teen boards are fascinating too. All these girls upduffed by accident by just managing to catch the egg at the right time, no planning, or OPKs or preseed or temping or anything. I get so jealous!!

I read the pregnant teens thread all the time!!!!! I love it!!!!!! If only we could be so blissfully unaware!!

Megg i know what you mean, as soon as i hear about a bfp i go into panic mode!!! Im like please please let everything be ok.... The saddest part is that if something does go wrong for some twisted reason im not actually surprised, WTF is that?????

Me too! :( And, I always half feel like it was somehow my fault for thinking of it! :dohh:

Ok girls well it looks like I'm definitely out started spotting so the :witch: must be on her way. Feel so down its been 4 months since I lost my little one :cry: it took my nearly a year to get pregnant and now I'm wondering whether it will ever happen again for us and if it does will I get to keep my next baby. Feel so angry at the world its just so unfair I should be heading into the final three months of my pregnancy with my first child not preparing for another period :cry:. Had been doing really well and feeling positive but today feel so down about it all. On top of that my mum had just had investigatory surgery after hurting her knee she has ruptured her knee and will need reconstructive surgery she had to be kept in as there was bleeding on the knee then they had to take her back in to flush the knee through having two general anesthetic in such a short ammount of time has triggered an attack of meniere's which she was diagnosed with 5 years ago but has been clear of attacks for 2 years and was doing well. My dad isn't at home as he is up arranging the funeral of his father who died yesterday. So I'm worried about my parents and well to be honest fucked off, it has been a really shit year and it started of so wonderfully I just dont understand how or why its all turned to crap. It's my 30th birthday in nearly a months time I dont feel like celebrating at all plus I'm dreading seeing my brothers wife who is pregnant with her second child and three days behind where I should be. Just want to scream out loud.

Sorry to complain needed to get it off my chest I was fine untill the spotting started guess my hormones have a lot to answer for.

:hugs: It does sound like a shite year! I'd be a bit fucked off too! :hugs:

Lucy, sorry to hear about your parents. :hugs: I don't know why bad things always seem to happen at once...it isn't fair. :( Feel free to moan and whinge away, that's what we're here for. And I'm confident that since you've already had a BFP, another one is on it's way...learning such patience sucks but you'll get that BFP! :hugs:

Vicky, I understand your fears and have my fx and sending good vibes your way. I think I'm always going to be like you from now on...not believing it until I see it. BUT, that said, there is no reason not to believe this will be a healthy and happy pregnancy. :hugs:

As for me, I decided to try my first OPK strip today and I got the second line! Definitely a faint pink and will try again tomorrow and see if it gets darker. In any case I'm going to try to :sex: today even though DH is off work sick and I don't feel so well myself.
I guess this means I must be ovulating in next few days.

Sounds promising!!!

Luce I agree with everything Vic just said babe. That's what were here for chicken.

Vicky I just know everythings gonna be coolio :) have they been monitoring ur bloods or are they so happy with ur progress that u don't need them monitoring? Got everything including my insides crossed hun :hugs:

Hearty I'm missing u already babe :cry: can totally understand where your coming from though sweetie, I had a 2 month break from bnb after I lost my last angel. I do hope times a healer & ur back with us very soon babe!

Meggles how are you? Any signs of OV chuck any symptoms if u may have already ov'd? Hope so Hun.

Allie glad u n OH managed to get some sexy time in even amongst arguing :) girl u get a gold star for that show of determination!! My fella gets nowt when were arguing I just can't muster it lol!

All my other lovelies sending u huge hugs ((((())))) x x

lov ya's xxxxx Caz xxxx

No real signs, hun... I had a small temp rise today, but nothing indicative of post-O. I don't really care anymore! LOL Hope you're well!!! :hugs:

I'm going insane. I had such an urge to POAS so I did when I got home and surprise surprise it was negative. I'm only on CD26 and have no idea when I ovulated, but I'm guessing somewhere between CD14 and 16.

I'm still gutted though. This happens every time, and then if I get a BFP I lose it. I reckon i've got a problem with late implantation which is a common cause for recurrent miscarriages.

WHY couldn't I just wait until CD32 like I promised myself I would?!

You still have loads of time! :hugs:

:hi: to the rest of you! Sorry I wasn't more thorough! I'm half asleep!
Hi ladies,

So, I got the positive on the OPK but I still don't have EWCM. I think the OPK predicts the LH surge that occurs 24-48 hours before ovulation, right? Does that mean I shouldn't expect EWCM for another 24-48 hours?

I know these are probably really basic questions but I'm still pretty clueless! Thanks girls. :)

Hope everyone's having a good evening. It's quiet in here today.....we are noticing a hearty shaped void....
honestly Allie, when I used the OPK's, I didn't pay attention to EWCM at all. If the second line showed up, then I made sure we got busy for a couple days, but that was all. I'm totally clueless about all this stuff. I do know that it does predict your surge, so when you get that second line, that's what is going on. Then I would do it for a couple days after, and once that line is gone, then you know ovulation has already occured. By doing that, I found out that I had less then 24 hours until my egg was released, from the time the surge was detected.

I just finished having a root beer float!! It tasted so good. Root Beer seems to be the only thing I am craving, and the only thing that satisfies me.....too bad I can't live off it for the whole 9 months. Gonna have to figure out some food that appeals to me
Thanks, Mel! We didn't get get to BD tonight but we did the day before yesterday and will tomorrow evening. Hopefully that will cover my bases. It's amazing what a small window there is, honestly!

haha, go with the cravings! Your body knows what it needs right now. I looove root beer floats. Mmmm.
Hmm. I just learned on the TTC forums that the test line has to be darker than the control line on those OPKs to mean ovulation. Mine was faint, so it must be too early.

More importantly, why am I awake at 1 am learning about OPKs? ::dohh: Good night....
Hey Allie babe. Yeah the test line has to be the same colour as the control line chick or near as dammit, most women have a certain amount of LH in there systems regarless of where there at in their cycles, me being one of them. I always have 2 lines but at my surge the test line is darker than the control which I love to see :). Good luck chicken x x

mel enjoy ur root beer chick :)

meggles I can understand ur getting fed up now babe sending u a huge snuggle :hugs:

Luce I'm hoping your feeling a little bit better babe lots of love heading ur way xxxxxxxxx

have a good day girls lov Caz xxxxxx
BFN again this morning. ARGH! I am in the worst mood possible this morning, I got into work and a guy I worked with was being a knob and i've just been so angry all morning now.
Allie - Hope your true positive comes soon! :)

Caz - Thanks, love! How're you doing? :hugs:

Mel - Root beer float is just about the perfect summer treat, isn't it? Except I always trade the root beer for Diet Coke! :rofl:

prgirl... Is it Amy? Or am I way off base? Anyway... :hugs: for the BFN, chick! Sorry! Hoping your day gets better!

AFM... Nothing new! :shrug:

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