Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Megg, I know nothing about it either but it sounds like a plan to me!

vicky, your posts seriously crack me up. :) Good luck on Thursday!

Mel, that was way insensitive of her! I doubt you inhaled a harmful amount but it still wasn't cool. Glad you told her not to do it again.

Lucy, happy to hear you're feeling better and I gotta say, ovulating on your anniversary sounds lucky to me! Good luck!

Fransesca, I have been dreaming about TTC, too, I think it's a sign we're thinking too much about it, ahh!

Jaymes, omg, good luck not testing while in CO! If your hubby was with you I'd say test away but not wanting to tell him over the phone makes sense! I have no will power myself, so I hope you're stronger than I am haha. Where in CO are you going? I'm from there!

:hugs: to all you lovely ladies :hugs:
My OPK was a tad darker today but still faint....and I'm starting to have slight cramping on my right side...mittelschmerz? Or would I have a strong OPK by the time that happened? Maybe I'm hallucinating mittelscherz! :haha: I need a new hobby.
lol! I'm just going to say keep testing and see what happens. I like to think positive though, so I know it's going to happen this week :)
Thanks, Mel. My cycles are usually regular but I've never known when I ov before.

I just looked up mittelschmerz on Google health and this made me lol:

"Prognosis: The outcome is expected to be excellent."

I know they don't mean it like we do but yes, let's hope the outcome is excellent!! :)
"Prognosis: The outcome is expected to be excellent."

I am native to CO. 3rd Generation. My G-Grandfather was principle of the high school I went to the year it opened. My sister is currently living in north Denver, and I'm going out there for my nephew's 1st birthday. I am so excited to be going home! :D
Jaymes, that's cool...Colorado is the best. :) I'm from Colorado Springs and went to college at CU Boulder. Have a good time! I'd be be excited too. I was there last month and I actually cried when I saw the mountains, I was so happy.
Morning all!

We are going through another heat wave here and seriously ive had enough already....I cant sleep and getting to work every morning is as tiring as running the marathon! Its 09.30 now and the temp. is already 37 GRRRR!!!!!

Mel i wouldnt worry about the cleaning chemicals, seriously im a chemist so i know that the everyday cleaners are harmless. I on the other hand have to work in a lab with all sorts of lovely toxic chemicals....

Good luck to all you chicks who will not be testing UNTIL THE TIME IS RIGHT!!!!
Keep testing Allie and DTDing to cover all bases.

I had a proper meltdown last night at the sight of my friend (due the day before I would have been)'s 20 week scan photos on facebook. I feel better for it today though - it was a good release.

Still no AF and I have the biggest headache and quite sore boobs. But I have bad cramps so I think she's on her way.

Following Vicky's rule now and not gonna test till the weekend - like I said I would at the beginning of the month!
Hoping those are good sign, Francesca! :hugs: The crying could be too, honestly! But, I'm sorry that you had to see them/feel that way! Its really not fair!

AFM... I took my own CH's away. I started to get twinges in my ovaries again tonight... Will copy part of my post from my journal... Need an opinion! BRB

Back! Quote from my journal:

So, I guess I'm going to tell on myself first. I sort of totally didn't take my handful of pills for about a solid week... give or take a couple of days. I know... That's not cool! But, its seriously become a traumatic event every time I take them. And, I was so fed up with the shitty cycle that I thought "screw it, I deserve a break"... So, I stopped for a little bit. I missed July 11-18, to be exact! :shy: Please be gentle.

Anyway, that's when my chart seemed to go stupid. :( Now, I'm wondering if its connected? Or, if that's just a super odd coincidence? I'm wondering if I've somehow done this to myself. Because, I hadn't really felt much going on in the ovary region lately... just little tiny twinges and not often... then tonight I had some normal ovary twinge/pains after I'd been on them again for 2 days. Is there something in my pills that could affect me that much (ie making my temps less erratic, making them higher, making my ovaries do something)???

In honor of feeling my ovaries again, I DTD tonight. Really, I kind of just wanted to. It had been 3 days without... and it was time. But, it doesn't hurt that it could maybe have helped to make a baby. I mean, if they easily live 3 days, then I should have only just run out of good ones today... and I replenished today as well... right? Makes sense?


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I know nothing about the pills Megg, but glad you did the deed. Makes sense to me to replenish:)

This morning I had such a hard time getting dressed for work. Nothing is fitting anymore!! I still have another week to get through before I am in the city and can buy new clothes. I actually considered wearing OH's clothes!!! I might have to start wearing my yoga pants to work! :(
Megg im sure you know that taking, changing meds will alter your cycle and im sure that this is doubly true when the meds you are taking are actually for your cycle....I dont know the exact nature of the meds and what they are for, but if they were prescribed i think you should take them as recommended.

Fran you are my number 1 star pupil!!!!!!

Mel i often wonder where the hell you live...It takes you 6 hours to get to the doctors, you have no shops around...Is it a dairy farm in the middle of nowhere???????????????
Jaymes, that's cool...Colorado is the best. :) I'm from Colorado Springs and went to college at CU Boulder. Have a good time! I'd be be excited too. I was there last month and I actually cried when I saw the mountains, I was so happy.

We went to CU Boulder as well... My DH sent me a list of the top 25 places to live in the US, and Broomfield was # 19. We own a house there, and lived there on and off for the last 10 years. I almost cried because it showed a picture of the Rockies that was almost identical to the view from my bedroom window out there. I miss home right now like crazy... Now I have stupid renters in my house enjoying my view.

Symptom spotting symptoms today = sore bb's, nausea, cramps, headache and fatigue... I am hoping these are all good signs.
oh Jaymes, those symptoms make me so excited! I can't wait until you get back from CO and test:)

Vicky - :rofl: do you know where Edmonton, Alberta is?? I live about 9 hours Northwest of there. We are almost on the border of BC, and NWT. I am in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees. There is only one road into Town, as the other road leads to the lake. We have one grocery store, 3 bars, a few restaurants, post office, bank, 3 gas stations, small airport, health clinic, a recreational facility, golf course, and that's really about it. It's a small Town of about 1200 people. The nearest Town is 138 km's away (where the hospital is), but we have a doctor that comes here twice a week. The biggest shopping place to get to is 6 hours away. I know it sounds horrible, but it is a beautiful place.

I hope this picture works -
Megg im sure you know that taking, changing meds will alter your cycle and im sure that this is doubly true when the meds you are taking are actually for your cycle....I dont know the exact nature of the meds and what they are for, but if they were prescribed i think you should take them as recommended.

Fran you are my number 1 star pupil!!!!!!

Mel i often wonder where the hell you live...It takes you 6 hours to get to the doctors, you have no shops around...Is it a dairy farm in the middle of nowhere???????????????

Well... They're not prescription meds... nor are they for my cycle. lol I can run down the list quick:

Prenatal Multivitamin
Baby Aspirin
Vitamin D
Fish Oil x 3
Super B Complex
Glucosamine Chondroitin x 2 (for my shoulder that's been hurting)

The last one is the only one that I wasn't directed to take by a doctor recently... but had been told to take it in the past when I had various joint pains here and there. So, I've only just picked it back up because my left shoulder has been giving me hell.

So... None of them are for my cycle exactly. I'm just wondering if any of those can have that sort of affect on things since they aren't really for my cycle.
Wow Megg!!!! well in my case i never took anything and always ovulated CD15-16. Last month for the first time ever i took folic acid, asprin and B12. This made me ovulate CD17-18 maybe even 19, going by the same indicators i always used. I discussed this with doc after my first low hcg level and he said that definately this regime affected my ovulation. So in your case the fact that you consistently take these pills and stopped for a few days could in fact be the reason that your cycle got a bit screwed up. I think the key is not to break routine...

Mel your town sounds very "little house on the prairie", im sure its lovely!!!! Ofcourse id probably go mental but im a city girl who gets restless if i live 3 Km away from the heart of the city!!!!
lol! Well I think we are one step up from "little house on the prairie" :) We are an oil and gas Town, and it's all forest. No farming around here. It does get to you at times for sure not being closer to a big city. But we also get compensated for living here, so can't complain too much
lol! Well I think we are one step up from "little house on the prairie" :) We are an oil and gas Town, and it's all forest. No farming around here. It does get to you at times for sure not being closer to a big city. But we also get compensated for living here, so can't complain too much

Is there no Starbucks? Target? Wal-Mart even? I'd DIE! Here I was thinking I live in the sticks!
They dont need starbucks and Wal Mart they have.....Olsen's Mercantile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:hi: girls

Megg I dont know about whether not taking the pills messed with your cycle or not it might have done just because your body is used to having them.

Jaymes those all sound like promising signs keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Mel it sounds so sweet where you live, I like to be near a big town or city but not live there liked to be close enough to visit but not to be there all the time mind you I couldn't cope with all the driving you do especially as I dont drive.

Well girls I've been back to the dr's today. I had to get someone to look after my class this morning so I could go to the loo and change my sanitary towel (sorry if to much info) managed to get there before I flooded everywhere what a nightmare bleeding has eased of now and I was only working the morning which was a good thing but the pain!! I'm used to bad periods and painful ones but bloody hell the pain has been horrific so went to see my dr. She knows me about lossing the baby and all the others things that have happened since and told her that I felt I didnt know my body at the moment and that my periods are just getting worse. She was lovely straight away said she's going to refer me to have a scan done yay feel like someone is taking me seriously and I can find out if all is okay or not. I'm curled up on the sofa in pain but feeling reasurred working tomorrow then its summer hols :happydance:
closest Walmart is 4 hours away (and it's actually a very nice one, not a crappy one like the one 6 hours away). Not sure where the closest Starbucks would be, but the closest Tim Horton's is 4 hours away as well. I don't think there are Targets in Canada?? Needless to say, I shop online a lot:)

Oh Lucy, I feel for you. I hope you feel better really soon, and I am glad to hear that the doctor is looking after you! Get some rest girl!

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