Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Luce babes great news that you found someone to address your situation! I think sometimes medical professionals underestimate our knowledge of our bodies...
My sister also has terrible periods and they have found that her anemia contributes to this. She drinks cinnamon tea when the cramps get too bad and it helps her alot.
Thanks girls.

Vicky thats really interesting as I suffer from anemia never thought they might be connected may go get myself some cinnamon tea. They've definitely got worse, the dr was lovely she really listened and took me serious which is nice as some dr's (especially female dr's) are so dismissive of period pains/heavy periods. Just pleased that something is going to be done feel like I have some control back plus the dr told me to take it easy over the summer hols to get lots of rest and relax didnt waste anytime telling my hubby that :haha:
:haha: Mel. I told my dh before this move that I wouldn't move here as there was no Target or Starbucks. Within 6 months they built a Target with a Starbucks inside, and a stand lane Starbucks. My response was "Well, crap!"

:haha: Vicky.
Wow Megg!!!! well in my case i never took anything and always ovulated CD15-16. Last month for the first time ever i took folic acid, asprin and B12. This made me ovulate CD17-18 maybe even 19, going by the same indicators i always used. I discussed this with doc after my first low hcg level and he said that definately this regime affected my ovulation. So in your case the fact that you consistently take these pills and stopped for a few days could in fact be the reason that your cycle got a bit screwed up. I think the key is not to break routine...

Mel your town sounds very "little house on the prairie", im sure its lovely!!!! Ofcourse id probably go mental but im a city girl who gets restless if i live 3 Km away from the heart of the city!!!!

I know... Its a lot of pills! There's 3 or 4 of them that I was directed to take so that my already fine thyroid stayed fine or got even better. :dohh: I wish they'd have just said that it didn't look quite right instead of telling me it was fine but I should take a ton of stuff for it anyway! LOL Breaking routine makes sense. I shan't do it again! Thank you!

lol! Well I think we are one step up from "little house on the prairie" :) We are an oil and gas Town, and it's all forest. No farming around here. It does get to you at times for sure not being closer to a big city. But we also get compensated for living here, so can't complain too much

Are you allowed air conditioning? Or is that too high tech? :rofl: j/k

lol! Well I think we are one step up from "little house on the prairie" :) We are an oil and gas Town, and it's all forest. No farming around here. It does get to you at times for sure not being closer to a big city. But we also get compensated for living here, so can't complain too much

Is there no Starbucks? Target? Wal-Mart even? I'd DIE! Here I was thinking I live in the sticks!

Me too, Jaymie! I'm a spoiled little bitch! :haha:

:hi: girls

Megg I dont know about whether not taking the pills messed with your cycle or not it might have done just because your body is used to having them.

Jaymes those all sound like promising signs keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Mel it sounds so sweet where you live, I like to be near a big town or city but not live there liked to be close enough to visit but not to be there all the time mind you I couldn't cope with all the driving you do especially as I dont drive.

Well girls I've been back to the dr's today. I had to get someone to look after my class this morning so I could go to the loo and change my sanitary towel (sorry if to much info) managed to get there before I flooded everywhere what a nightmare bleeding has eased of now and I was only working the morning which was a good thing but the pain!! I'm used to bad periods and painful ones but bloody hell the pain has been horrific so went to see my dr. She knows me about lossing the baby and all the others things that have happened since and told her that I felt I didnt know my body at the moment and that my periods are just getting worse. She was lovely straight away said she's going to refer me to have a scan done yay feel like someone is taking me seriously and I can find out if all is okay or not. I'm curled up on the sofa in pain but feeling reasurred working tomorrow then its summer hols :happydance:

So glad someone is listening to you!!! :hugs: That's great! :thumbup:

closest Walmart is 4 hours away (and it's actually a very nice one, not a crappy one like the one 6 hours away). Not sure where the closest Starbucks would be, but the closest Tim Horton's is 4 hours away as well. I don't think there are Targets in Canada?? Needless to say, I shop online a lot:)

Oh Lucy, I feel for you. I hope you feel better really soon, and I am glad to hear that the doctor is looking after you! Get some rest girl!

OMG! Nooo.. That's FAR! Holy shit! :cry: I'd die!!! I want to come rescue you!

Thanks girls.

Vicky thats really interesting as I suffer from anemia never thought they might be connected may go get myself some cinnamon tea. They've definitely got worse, the dr was lovely she really listened and took me serious which is nice as some dr's (especially female dr's) are so dismissive of period pains/heavy periods. Just pleased that something is going to be done feel like I have some control back plus the dr told me to take it easy over the summer hols to get lots of rest and relax didnt waste anytime telling my hubby that :haha:

My periods were way worse when I was anemic too. Now I'm just shy of anemic even when I'm taking close to 100mg of iron each day. But, they've gotten much better since then. What's the reasoning behind this??? That's bizarre!
LOL! you really don't need an air conditioner here....the seasons are winter, still winter, mud, bugs! we tend to have rainy summers the last few years with only a short term of being hot. Although it is +29 today, but storm clouds have rolled in, so I am hoping we are in for a good storm:)
Really? No air conditioning? Of all the things that I could be happy about in my life, I'm most happy that I wasn't born before air conditioners were invented. I keep my house 66F (~19C). I.WOULD.DIE! :sick:

Oh... Mud and bugs are officially my 2 least favorite seasons now... taking over the previous summer and winter! Jeez! I hope they pay you well for living there!
I keep every window open in the house during summer, as well as shut the furnace off. I run two fans in the bedroom as well, but it hasn't been super hot in here. During fall/winter, I generally have my furnace cranked right up because I am freezing :)

We do get pretty good benefits. We live in company housing and do not have to pay rent, utilities, or taxes. We get somewhat higher wages (but not as good as what they used to be), and we get a monthly bonus as well paid to us. Plus they give us 3 flights per family member a year to Edmonton. So all in all, it's not too bad:)
Sound nice, Mel! It sounds beautiful too. I see you're closer to Alaska than mainland US. Very pretty, but...brrrr. Also, aren't you in 24 hour daylight right now? I couldn't live in a town that small-I'm with the other girls and would go craaazy! But your benefits sound pretty sweet so maybe I could. But right now we live in a metro area of 200,000 and I think it seems small. I miss living near a big city.

Megg, tsk tsk!! At least you have a reason for your cycle going wonky. Glad to see it going back to normal!

Jaymes, those symptoms sound way promising! Woo, fellow Buff! :friends:

Luce, aww :hugs: sorry to hear about your morning but so glad you found a doc who is listening to you. Anemia and heavy periods are definitely related...my bff had both for years, but I think it's the heavy flow that causes anemia and not the other way around. According to my friend.

Vicky, your scan is tomorrow!! I can't believe it! This week has flown by. Thinking of you and sending good thoughts! :hugs:
Allie - yes we have about 5 hours of dark right now. Sun doesn't set until after 11 pm sometime, and then it's light out again very early. You kind of get used to it, and it's actually pretty neat, but you also definitely buy blackout curtains for your bedroom:) 200,000 is a good size of place to live in as well. When I was in College, I lived in a place around that size, and it seemed to be the perfect size. I definitely miss it at times.

Vicky - good luck with your scan. I can't wait to hear all the wonderful details :hugs:

So I am one of those people that likes to read in my spare time. I got my new book in the mail today, and I've already read the first 6 chapters. I am addicted to the Fern Michaels Sisterhood books. I got a little sleepy though, so I had a nap, but I am going to try and read another chapter before I go to sleep. OH has to go back to work right away for the night, so it's going to be lonely :(

Have a great night ladies :hugs:
oh I have to tell you, I checked my mail tonight, and my 10 year old cousin sent me a post card (it's one from the Calgary Zoo and has a flamingo on the front). She wrote "you are such a cute bird. I miss you xoxoxo. I hope I see you soon". It is the cutest piece of mail I have ever received! Made me smile :)
oh I have to tell you, I checked my mail tonight, and my 10 year old cousin sent me a post card (it's one from the Calgary Zoo and has a flamingo on the front). She wrote "you are such a cute bird. I miss you xoxoxo. I hope I see you soon". It is the cutest piece of mail I have ever received! Made me smile :)

that made me smile too! :hugs:
Vicky I can't believe your scan is today! Good luck!!

Mel I would go nuts if I lived in that small a town I think. I grew up in a big city and now live in a town that is considered 'small' which has about 8,000 residents and it drives me mad!

:witch: came for me this morning :cry:

I'm gutted as we DTD every other day from CD10 to CD20, so I was sure we'd caught the egg. Maybe my body just needed a little while longer. I've seen it coming though as I have been an emotional wreck the last couple of days with the worst PMT.

The only saving grace(s) is that I had a 29 day cycle which is really good and now I get to start using my clearblue digital fertility monitor that my friend gave me so i don't have the confusion every month of not knowing when I have ovulated.

Still though, I'm entering month 11 of TTC. That is so upsetting :nope:
Morning girls!!!
Today has started off very shitty...I must have turned off my alarm clock in my sleep cause i woke up suddenly at 09.30 instead of 7....I get ready in 5 minutes and 1 km away from work the bus breaks down :((( I walked the rest of the way which was a 30 minute walk with the temp outside a refreshing 36 degrees.....Plus i wore a new pair of shoes today which gave me huge blisters... Im thinking i should cancel my scan with all this bad luck thats surrounding me today....
Mel - That actually does sound kind of nice! :) And, the postcard made me smile too!!!

Rach, Jaymie & Allie - :hi: How are my lovely ladies today? xxx

Francesca - I'm so sorry about AF sweetie! :hugs: I know how hard it is!

Vicky - Today is only shit because all the good luck is being saved for your scan! I'm batting 1000!!! :hugs: Thinking of you!
My scan is in 2 hours and im ashamed to admit ive smoked like 15 cigarretes.....
I really dont wanna go help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vicky - your scan is going to be great. All the bad things are happening now, because it wants you to be extremely happy when you hear the good news. Everything will be great:)

Fran - I'm sorry about AF. I hope that next month is going to be your lucky month!
Vicky - I am coming to Greece in Amanda's place to hold your hand during your scan... Then I am taking your cigarretes back to the states with me! It'll be great darling. :hugs:
Mel - That actually does sound kind of nice! :) And, the postcard made me smile too!!!

Rach, Jaymie & Allie - :hi: How are my lovely ladies today? xxx

Francesca - I'm so sorry about AF sweetie! :hugs: I know how hard it is!

Vicky - Today is only shit because all the good luck is being saved for your scan! I'm batting 1000!!! :hugs: Thinking of you!

Hi Meggins, I'm presuming you mean me! Theres quite a few Rachs knocking about on here!

I'm fine thanks, sipping ginger ale (say no more)...waiting for next Fri and we'll go from there.

How are you doing?, i see your cycle's giving you some grief at the mo x :hugs:
:hi: Megg!

I am currently feeling like I want to puke! That is a good sign, but as I am only 7 DPO it really is too soon to tell. I did have 4 stabbing pains in my lower pelvic area yesterday and immediately decided that they were implantation... I am probably imagining all of these symptoms. We'll see on Tuesday or so... So far my POAS obsession has given me BFN's, but that is to be expected.

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