Do human beings have the right to commit suicide?

I think people should be able to make the choice to end their lives without being labelled selfish.
Under the dictionary term- you could label people selfish- but who cares- it's not about being selfish or not.... It's about the desperation people feel that leads to that.
A lot of peoples actions could be labelled as selfish... Smoking, drinking, becoming obese- these lead to illnesses and possible early death- are all these people as selfish? I'd say so under the dictionary definition.
My cousin committed suicide- I don't think of him as selfish. His mother doesn't. We remember him and the life we spent with him. Sure we were angry that he did it and didn't seek help- but inevitably it was his decision and I'm sure it wasn't one he made lightly.
The world is a selfish place which leads people to do things like this.
I think it's too wide a question on wether suicide is right or wrong. One person will think very differently to say, a person of religion that's going to be at the other end of the scale.

I'd say for Blah... If you were terminally ill, no treatment available in chronic pain . Or have an illness like motor neurone or m/s... Would you like the choice to be able to do it?

That scenario is very different to someone who has money troubles, can't find a way out and thinks its much easier to kill themselves than. Yes then I do agree that's a selfish act, there's help there in place for such things.

I think dignitas is a very sensible form of suicide. There's counciling and a lot of red tape to go through to do it.
I think people should be able to make the choice to end their lives without being labelled selfish.
Under the dictionary term- you could label people selfish- but who cares- it's not about being selfish or not.... It's about the desperation people feel that leads to that.
A lot of peoples actions could be labelled as selfish... Smoking, drinking, becoming obese- these lead to illnesses and possible early death- are all these people as selfish? I'd say so under the dictionary definition.
My cousin committed suicide- I don't think of him as selfish. His mother doesn't. We remember him and the life we spent with him. Sure we were angry that he did it and didn't seek help- but inevitably it was his decision and I'm sure it wasn't one he made lightly.
The world is a selfish place which leads people to do things like this.

I was thinking this yesterday, alcoholism, drugs ect all possibly lead to an early death so that's really much the same. Just slower.
I think it's too wide a question on wether suicide is right or wrong. One person will think very differently to say, a person of religion that's going to be at the other end of the scale.

I'd say for Blah... If you were terminally ill, no treatment available in chronic pain . Or have an illness like motor neurone or m/s... Would you like the choice to be able to do it?

That scenario is very different to someone who has money troubles, can't find a way out and thinks its much easier to kill themselves than. Yes then I do agree that's a selfish act, there's help there in place for such things.

I think dignitas is a very sensible form of suicide. There's counciling and a lot of red tape to go through to do it.

Yes, probably but I don't think euthanasia is right.

& i don't think drinking or smoking which may or may not cause your death in 30 years is the same as jumping off a bridge.
At the end of the day, if someone has got to the point that they feel they want to end their own life, what is going through their mind most of us could not even nearly comprehend. whether we see it as right or wrong doesnt really matter, to them in that point in time it was the right thing to do, i only feel sadness for people in that situation. x
I still find it crazy that anyone can without reasonable cause, suggest every single person committing suicide has done so in a selfish action without consideration for anyone else.

Its not that black and white, ever.

My dads father didnt commit suicide but he refused treatment for a easily curable disease and died from it 3 years later, after much pain and suffering to his family and friends.

He did it to 'get back' at his mother, who he banned from his own funeral.

Horrible, horrible situation, and very very self-involved for the dying.

his death is not written as a suicide, yet it was one of the most selfish ways of ending a life.

My friends cousin took her own life a few months ago, she felt herself a burden to her friends and family, she was constantly in a mental health insituituion and had been told she must leave soon because she was 'obviously doing better' when faced with the reality of leaving her home (she'd been there for 2 years) and having to go to her mother, who was actually doing much better not having to look after her daughter (though would have of course) she took her own life.

That i find inheriently less selfish than the first scenario yet in this black and white 'all suicide is selfish' generalisation of peoples thoughts and feelings, it would be labelled such.

which is, frankly, absurd.
I think in the case where someone is suffering from a disease and they are not going to make it and can't fight anymore and are in constant pain then they have the right to let go. I know for me I would want that right if I was not going to live and was suffering. As far as committing suicide because of depression or despair no I don't think it is right, but then again I am not in that persons shoes. Some people are suffering so much inside they just don't see a way out, but they don't realize or consider what they leave behind. The questions people have and the why's are painful for the people trying to figure out why their loved ones did this or choose this.

Some people have tried everything therapy, drugs and so on and just feel despair and that there is no way out.
A 16 yr. old girl just jumped in front of a bus last month, cause she was being bullied and had problems at home, my God 16 :cry::cry: it was awful. What in Gods name was she thinking, she was so young and had so much to offer, but she was in so much pain and didn't realize there was help out there. I wish someone would have helped this girl , it is a tragedy.
I just only think it is right if you are suffering medically and wont survive, I would never want to see someone I love in pain.
I still find it crazy that anyone can without reasonable cause, suggest every single person committing suicide has done so in a selfish action without consideration for anyone else.

Its not that black and white, ever.

My dads father didnt commit suicide but he refused treatment for a easily curable disease and died from it 3 years later, after much pain and suffering to his family and friends.

He did it to 'get back' at his mother, who he banned from his own funeral.

Horrible, horrible situation, and very very self-involved for the dying.

his death is not written as a suicide, yet it was one of the most selfish ways of ending a life.

My friends cousin took her own life a few months ago, she felt herself a burden to her friends and family, she was constantly in a mental health insituituion and had been told she must leave soon because she was 'obviously doing better' when faced with the reality of leaving her home (she'd been there for 2 years) and having to go to her mother, who was actually doing much better not having to look after her daughter (though would have of course) she took her own life.

That i find inheriently less selfish than the first scenario yet in this black and white 'all suicide is selfish' generalisation of peoples thoughts and feelings, it would be labelled such.

which is, frankly, absurd.

:dohh: Okay well we're obviously just going around in circles. I think it's selfish, you don't.
I think in the case where someone is suffering from a disease and they are not going to make it and can't fight anymore and are in constant pain then they have the right to let go. I know for me I would want that right if I was not going to live and was suffering. As far as committing suicide because of depression or despair no I don't think it is right, but then again I am not in that persons shoes. Some people are suffering so much inside they just don't see a way out, but they don't realize or consider what they leave behind. The questions people have and the why's are painful for the people trying to figure out why their loved ones did this or choose this.

Some people have tried everything therapy, drugs and so on and just feel despair and that there is no way out.
A 16 yr. old girl just jumped in front of a bus last month, cause she was being bullied and had problems at home, my God 16 :cry::cry: it was awful. What in Gods name was she thinking, she was so young and had so much to offer, but she was in so much pain and didn't realize there was help out there. I wish someone would have helped this girl , it is a tragedy.
I just only think it is right if you are suffering medically and wont survive, I would never want to see someone I love in pain.

I find the bullying suicides most distressing tbh. I know at the time they think they'll never get over it and will be bullied for life but really, in a few years once school is over the bullying will stop and they'll go on with the rest of their lives :(
though the person may feel they are doing it for the right reasons, in essence (generally speaking) that act of suicide itself is selfish. I do agree that a person who attempts suicide is obviously not of clear mind at that time and also agree that they may feel 100% that they are doing what is best for everyone else.

For example, I know someone whos father commited suicide 2 years after his sons death. He left behind a daughter and a wife, aswell as grandchildren and further family. He beleive 100% that he was doing the right thing and was doing everyone a favour. But the sad fact is, he is not around to see the devastation he has caused. He thought of what he wanted and what he thought everyone else would want, but never asked them.

His suicide, I beleive was extremely selfish.

I dont beleive this is really a sound debate though because there are so many variables of "suicide".
I don't like how people are saying suicide is ok if you have an incurable disease, are in pain etc..... What do you think depression is? It's is a serious disease that causes pain and in some circumstances is incurable.
No body wants to die for no reason. Nobody would want to hurt their family and friends. But suicide is a last resort- it's is simply because a person finds it too painful to live.
Really- you cannot begin to understand it if you have not suffered from depression- I have and I thought about how life would be better if it didn't stretch out for the next 30 years..... I don't feel like that now but I could- depression doesn't always go away or be fixed.
And I don't see a massive difference between it and smoking- your risking your life. Causing yourself to get Ill is just as selfish (if we really must go on about it all being about other people)
Theres always going to be someone who has to clean up after you. Government people trying to sort out your financial issues if you have no family, the people who are going to have to arrange your burial, people who have to clean up the mess your body has left and the person who finds you will probably be severly traumatised by it too.

Doesnt that happen when someone dies anyway?

What difference would it make, hanging around for a few years to die naturally? There would still be loads to sort out, the estate, the possessions etc

This always happens with any death, so unless it is selfish to die in general, it doesnt really make a difference when.

Hm, well no. Most people die with friends and family around and in general, they are old and have led long, fullfiling lifes and although its also sad when they die, that was natures way. I think its much much worse for the family and friends when their life was cut short at too young an age.

Free will all the way sorry but its not selfish to feel so low and scared and trapped in your own life that you feel there is only one way out. I've been there and it was the blackest moment of my whole live without a doubt, people say its ok when someone is dying anyway as they are in so much physical pain people hate to see them suffer. What about the emotional pain depression causes the pain no pill dulls or heals? Forcing someone to live with that pain is that not selfish in its self? Personally all death is traumatizing it hits me very hard I've lost a friend to suicide and it hurts and its painful. And I've lost family to illness and old age it wasn't easier just because they didn't chose to die. I've also lost a friend to war, and deep down that pain is the worst it will never heal. He didn't want to die and he didn't need to. Someone saw him and while in hiding aimed a gun and his side and shot him dead in one shot, that to me is far more selfish then suicide.
I still find it crazy that anyone can without reasonable cause, suggest every single person committing suicide has done so in a selfish action without consideration for anyone else.

Its not that black and white, ever.

My dads father didnt commit suicide but he refused treatment for a easily curable disease and died from it 3 years later, after much pain and suffering to his family and friends.

He did it to 'get back' at his mother, who he banned from his own funeral.

Horrible, horrible situation, and very very self-involved for the dying.

his death is not written as a suicide, yet it was one of the most selfish ways of ending a life.

My friends cousin took her own life a few months ago, she felt herself a burden to her friends and family, she was constantly in a mental health insituituion and had been told she must leave soon because she was 'obviously doing better' when faced with the reality of leaving her home (she'd been there for 2 years) and having to go to her mother, who was actually doing much better not having to look after her daughter (though would have of course) she took her own life.

That i find inheriently less selfish than the first scenario yet in this black and white 'all suicide is selfish' generalisation of peoples thoughts and feelings, it would be labelled such.

which is, frankly, absurd.

:dohh: Okay well we're obviously just going around in circles. I think it's selfish, you don't.

The difference being, i am willing to discuss, debate and find reasoning behind my thoughts where as you are just being belligerent.
I dont beleive this is really a sound debate though because there are so many variables of "suicide".

Exactly, too many variables, too many circumstances to possibly label it as one thing or another.
Yes, probably but I don't think euthanasia is right.

So clearly you've never sat at a hospital bed side day after day watching a loved one get weaker and weaker, suffering more and more pain to the point where they are taking so much pain relief, they are unable to speak to you any more yet they can still hear you.

This is a very sensitive subject to me - especially today - my dad is in hospital in the exact state described above. He wants it over, we want it over, we've watched him go through hell in the last two weeks watching him get worse and worse (well actually the last 5years since his illness got worse). He now can't eat or drink, he is bowel continent and during the few minutes a day he is able to open his eyes he just stares at us with a look of pain on his eyes (the eyes which are failing him fast an within the next day or two he won't be able to see us any more) We hate seeing him like this, he hates how he is and also how much it's hurting us to see him like that. When he was told there was nothing else they could do for him, he cried that he wanted it over quickly. The doctors told us it would be 24-72hrs. It's two weeks on Monday since they said that. Mum and I sit there for hours and hours trying make him comfortable, telling him how much we love him, telling him it's ok.

When you've been through that, then tell me you don't beleive in euthanasia!

Sorry to rant but your post really upset me. How DARE you suggest my dad is selfish!
dont let it upset you hun x

Of course your dad is not selfish.

It never ceases to amaze me that we can as humans choose to end the life of a beloved pet in a humane, calm and loving way, yet our hands are tied when it comes to ending the life of a consenting and loved human being in the same way.

One of lifes greatest injustices xx

I am so sorry your going through this x
mindy_mini: please dont let it upset you, although it may feel very personal, i do not feel any posts are made to upset anyone, it is just personal opinion on the subject. I'm sorry about your dad and completely understand what you are going through, as i have been there, it doesnt matter what anyone else thinks, because you know and i mean you really know that its not in the slightest selfish...... big hugs xxx
Yes, probably but I don't think euthanasia is right.

So clearly you've never sat at a hospital bed side day after day watching a loved one get weaker and weaker, suffering more and more pain to the point where they are taking so much pain relief, they are unable to speak to you any more yet they can still hear you.

This is a very sensitive subject to me - especially today - my dad is in hospital in the exact state described above. He wants it over, we want it over, we've watched him go through hell in the last two weeks watching him get worse and worse (well actually the last 5years since his illness got worse). He now can't eat or drink, he is bowel continent and during the few minutes a day he is able to open his eyes he just stares at us with a look of pain on his eyes (the eyes which are failing him fast an within the next day or two he won't be able to see us any more) We hate seeing him like this, he hates how he is and also how much it's hurting us to see him like that. When he was told there was nothing else they could do for him, he cried that he wanted it over quickly. The doctors told us it would be 24-72hrs. It's two weeks on Monday since they said that. Mum and I sit there for hours and hours trying make him comfortable, telling him how much we love him, telling him it's ok.

When you've been through that, then tell me you don't beleive in euthanasia!

Sorry to rant but your post really upset me. How DARE you suggest my dad is selfish!

Actually I think you will find Blah is a nurse and to sit by the bed of dieing people, trying to make them comfortable as possible is her job
Yes, probably but I don't think euthanasia is right.

So clearly you've never sat at a hospital bed side day after day watching a loved one get weaker and weaker, suffering more and more pain to the point where they are taking so much pain relief, they are unable to speak to you any more yet they can still hear you.

This is a very sensitive subject to me - especially today - my dad is in hospital in the exact state described above. He wants it over, we want it over, we've watched him go through hell in the last two weeks watching him get worse and worse (well actually the last 5years since his illness got worse). He now can't eat or drink, he is bowel continent and during the few minutes a day he is able to open his eyes he just stares at us with a look of pain on his eyes (the eyes which are failing him fast an within the next day or two he won't be able to see us any more) We hate seeing him like this, he hates how he is and also how much it's hurting us to see him like that. When he was told there was nothing else they could do for him, he cried that he wanted it over quickly. The doctors told us it would be 24-72hrs. It's two weeks on Monday since they said that. Mum and I sit there for hours and hours trying make him comfortable, telling him how much we love him, telling him it's ok.

When you've been through that, then tell me you don't beleive in euthanasia!

Sorry to rant but your post really upset me. How DARE you suggest my dad is selfish!

Actually I think you will find Blah is a nurse and to sit by the bed of dieing people, trying to make them comfortable as possible is her job

That makes it even more unclear to me, how she can be so black and white about such things... if she has personal experience of a human suffering, how can she just put everything in such clearly marked boxes?
I think in the case where someone is suffering from a disease and they are not going to make it and can't fight anymore and are in constant pain then they have the right to let go. I know for me I would want that right if I was not going to live and was suffering. As far as committing suicide because of depression or despair no I don't think it is right, but then again I am not in that persons shoes. Some people are suffering so much inside they just don't see a way out, but they don't realize or consider what they leave behind. The questions people have and the why's are painful for the people trying to figure out why their loved ones did this or choose this.

Some people have tried everything therapy, drugs and so on and just feel despair and that there is no way out.
A 16 yr. old girl just jumped in front of a bus last month, cause she was being bullied and had problems at home, my God 16 :cry::cry: it was awful. What in Gods name was she thinking, she was so young and had so much to offer, but she was in so much pain and didn't realize there was help out there. I wish someone would have helped this girl , it is a tragedy.
I just only think it is right if you are suffering medically and wont survive, I would never want to see someone I love in pain.

I find the bullying suicides most distressing tbh. I know at the time they think they'll never get over it and will be bullied for life but really, in a few years once school is over the bullying will stop and they'll go on with the rest of their lives :(

I mentioned a bullying example also, however, i think you are wrong on that point. Bullying can affect a life way beyond school and into adulthood sadly.

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