Do human beings have the right to commit suicide?

Of course we do, how suffocating is it to think that we wouldn't be able to end our own life in a time of absolute rock bottom desperation? No-one should 'dictate' when we die and I see that as a dictation. The only exception is with prisoners and the mentally ill in my opinion. Mentally ill for obvious reasons and prisoners as prison should be a form of having some of your basic rights stripped from you. I would feel cheated if I saw someone who was sentenced for a horrendous personal crime close to me then be allowed to commit suicide.
Of course we do, how suffocating is it to think that we wouldn't be able to end our own life in a time of absolute rock bottom desperation? No-one should 'dictate' when we die and I see that as a dictation. The only exception is with prisoners and the mentally ill in my opinion. Mentally ill for obvious reasons and prisoners as prison should be a form of having some of your basic rights stripped from you. I would feel cheated if I saw someone who was sentenced for a horrendous personal crime close to me then be allowed to commit suicide.

But isn't it the 'mentally ill' that are usually the ones to commit suicide? Depression is a form of mental illness and feeling at 'rock bottom' would suggest to me that they are suffering from some form of depression, addiction etc therefore resulting in mental health issues.

The only other cases I could think of was being in the cases of euthanasia.

Genuine question :flower:
I think it is absolutely our own choice. I am not saying it is right, and I am not saying I agree with suicide, but I think we retain absolute control over our own bodies. I find it unfortunate and final, especially when I think of my friend's 13 year old son who took his own life, you can't take that back. But for someone who is in pain mentally or physically to a point where that is the only option they think they have well then it is their choice. I don't agree with ppl who use it for attention, or jump in front of trains or other methods that harm other ppl, the conducters..etc. imo :)
Of course we do, how suffocating is it to think that we wouldn't be able to end our own life in a time of absolute rock bottom desperation? No-one should 'dictate' when we die and I see that as a dictation. The only exception is with prisoners and the mentally ill in my opinion. Mentally ill for obvious reasons and prisoners as prison should be a form of having some of your basic rights stripped from you. I would feel cheated if I saw someone who was sentenced for a horrendous personal crime close to me then be allowed to commit suicide.

But isn't it the 'mentally ill' that are usually the ones to commit suicide? Depression is a form of mental illness and feeling at 'rock bottom' would suggest to me that they are suffering from some form of depression, addiction etc therefore resulting in mental health issues.

The only other cases I could think of was being in the cases of euthanasia.

Genuine question :flower:

That's true however the idea of physically stopping someone who isn't mentally ill (lets say someone who is a widower or has a terminal illness) really sits badly with me. I think at every opportunity we should convince people otherwise but I think there is a line between prevention and pure control and some people shouldn't have that right controlled.

If I lost everyone that I loved, I don't think I could go on. I wouldn't feel like I'd have anything to live for and I doubt I'd ever have enough happy feelings again to outweigh the anguish. Thinking about anyone physically stopping me from doing that makes me feel like i'm suffocating. I guess I haven't really answered your question but it's a really tricky one to answer! Good question though :flower:
I think it is absolutely our own choice. I am not saying it is right, and I am not saying I agree with suicide, but I think we retain absolute control over our own bodies. I find it unfortunate and final, especially when I think of my friend's 13 year old son who took his own life, you can't take that back. But for someone who is in pain mentally or physically to a point where that is the only option they think they have well then it is their choice. I don't agree with ppl who use it for attention, or jump in front of trains or other methods that harm other ppl, the conducters..etc. imo :)

Thing is whats so sad about this kind of suicide is that at some point these kids lives will be resolved.
Makes me so angry when you see children taking thier own lives thorough school and online bullying, it really is getting worse and its terrible to say this as it kind of disregards how they are feeling but it will get better. You change school or move away from an area, get yourself off the net for a start or just grow up and it can stop. they must be that be devastated if my 12 yr old ever got that low.
so terribly sad.
I think the ones who jump in front of trains ect are the ones who really mean to do it, they genuinely want to die. At some point a third party will have to be involved wether you jump off a cliff or take an overdose. Someone has to find you...but i do think a percentage of people taking overdoses dont actually want to die...its just a cry for help.
I think it is absolutely our own choice. I am not saying it is right, and I am not saying I agree with suicide, but I think we retain absolute control over our own bodies. I find it unfortunate and final, especially when I think of my friend's 13 year old son who took his own life, you can't take that back. But for someone who is in pain mentally or physically to a point where that is the only option they think they have well then it is their choice. I don't agree with ppl who use it for attention, or jump in front of trains or other methods that harm other ppl, the conducters..etc. imo :)

Thing is whats so sad about this kind of suicide is that at some point these kids lives will be resolved.
Makes me so angry when you see children taking their own lives thorough school and online bullying, it really is getting worse and its terrible to say this as it kind of disregards how they are feeling but it will get better. You change school or move away from an area, get yourself off the net for a start or just grow up and it can stop. they must be that be devastated if my 12 yr old ever got that low.
so terribly sad.
I think the ones who jump in front of trains ect are the ones who really mean to do it, they genuinely want to die. At some point a third party will have to be involved wether you jump off a cliff or take an overdose. Someone has to find you...but i do think a percentage of people taking overdoses dont actually want to die...its just a cry for help.

I do think though that there is a complete difference in someone jumping in front of a train to someone taking an overdose for example.

Yes there is always unfortunately going to be a third party involved, but jumping in front of a train/bus/car isn't just ensuring that you will die and meaning it, it is also putting them third parties life in danger too. I might not agree with suicide on a whole but to put another persons life in danger while ending your own I do feel is incredibly selfish.
I might get jumped on for having that opinion but if that was my friend/OH/child taken in them circumstances that is how I would feel.

There was a case not far from here a little while ago where someone jumped from a bridge, the lorry traveling underneath ended up crashing as well, luckily the lorry driver was 'ok' but things could have been so different.
Well I guess they have a "right" but it doesnt make it right if that makes sense?
Suicide is very selfish in my opinion.
You cannot declare all suicide and those who commit it selfish for christ sake.
I attempted suicide, i genuinely believed my loved ones were better off without me, years and years of depression had seeped this into my brain, i was childless at this point. I was NOT selfish, i believe i was doing it for the right reasons, neither was i an "angry teenager" it infuriates me to see people say these things, if you have never been in the dark place that pre-empts suicide you could never know.
OH's cousin commited suicide because she was being horrendously bullied, she was not selfish she was desperate.
Whilst i don't think suicide should be legalised i do think that there should be better understanding, i also believe that someone who is terminally ill, in agony, no quality of life who are in the right mind to know they want it to be over, should be allowed that right, its so so wrong they are not.

the fact that you think that youre a burden and everyone would be better off without you is sort of irreevant. you might not think youre selfish at the time, but ultimately, its a very selfish thing to do.
The pain a person feels when living with that level of depression is NO LESS than the pain a person with terminal cancer feels.

Sure, it's emotional pain instead of physical pain. It's still the most debilitating pain you can feel.

If it isn't selfish for the person who is terminal, it's not selfish for the person who's in the hell that that level of depression is.

See, the problem is, everyone thinks they've been depressed. We're not talking the kind of depression that a few rounds of therapy or a quick round of Prozac fixes. We're talking lying in bed for weeks at a time, not eating, not sleeping, not paying bills, not working, unable to think of anything but ways to die... praying, just praying for the sky to fall in and kill you. The knowledge that nothing will ever be the same, you will never be OK again, that due to the fact you can't even pull yourself out of bed you're a waste of space, a waste of air. Useless as a human being. The kind of depression where you no longer care if you've got utilities, you haven't showered this week, and the internal voice in your head keeps telling you over and over again that everyone you know and love would be happier without you.

That little voice doesn't shut up. It makes plans for you, thinks of the best way to handle it. Helps you think of who you want to give things to, who you want to handle your affairs. Who you need to write letters to, praying they understand the level of pain you are in, praying that they'll realize you tried... oh, how you tried. You wanted so badly to be the person they all needed you to be, and you couldn't live knowing how disappointed you were making them all.

That little voice tells you over and over again, that dying is your last gift to your family and friends. You're allowing them to be free, free of the burden that is you. You know they'll be sad... but you feel, deep in your heart, that they'll be relieved too. They'll know you're no longer in pain, they'll know you loved them, and they'll be free.

That little voice tells you the most ugly and hurtful things you can imagine about yourself. He wears down your self esteem, your joie de vivre, and steals everything that once made life worth living. And you can't make him go away. You've tried all the meds the doctors have given you. You've been to therapy appointments. You've tried several therapists in fact. You've been hospitalized for it several times. All you're looking at, for the remainder of your life, is this evil voice telling you what a horrible person you are, what a burden you are on your family and friends, suggesting you hurt yourself, suggesting you die. You spend weeks trying to figure out a way to die that might seem like an accident. You pray for someone to come by and murder you, or your car to fail on the train track. You think about "accidentally" taking a turn too wide on a hilly road, or wonder if you can force yourself to wrap your car around a tree. You spend weeks and weeks wondering what you can do to die without actually having to do it yourself... afraid you'd chicken out and disappoint your family yet again, by making yourself even MORE of a burden... making yourself paralyzed or in a coma, and yet failing at the one thing you should have been able to get right... dying.

You spend agonizing amounts of time trying to figure out the best method. Where you can do it that won't hurt your family more. Making sure you aren't ruining an important family holiday or someone's birthday. Last thing you want is to permanently ruin people's Easter, or something. Figuring out a method guaranteed to kill you, rather than run the risk of not even managing to die properly.

This level of pain, this level of anguish, this level of psychiatric illness... is not understood. It's not tolerated. It's not spoken about. People use mental illness as their jokes, and if you're actually mentally ill, you should just shut up about it, buck up, get over it. People who are at this place in life... who would give everything in their power to just stop breathing... they are not selfish. They are in more pain than anyone who's not been there can even imagine. And hearing people call them selfish, when they've tried... OH how they've tried... is despicable. Until you've walked a mile in those shoes... until you've sat there on your knees and prayed Dear God, please kill me. Until you know what day you plan to die, know what steps you intend to take, until you've wrestled those demons, until you've listened to that damned voice take everything from you that you've loved and left you a shell of who you dreamed to be... you have no right to call them selfish.

And anyone who's been there? We know better. It's not selfish. It's our last option. Our last resort. We've tried it all. We've done it all. It's never getting any better.

Severe depression is as much a terminal illness as terminal cancer. But we're seen as the selfish ones.
But, with mental illness, isn't there at least a chance for a cure, or therapy and medicines, but these people, in their extreme despair, just can't see if we didn't help them...then they wouldn't get to see that. I am just husband was REALLY late getting home from work one day (years ago). He came in and told me he had spotted a young kid (teens) ready to jump from the overpass, as he was going under it. Hubby got out of his car, called 911, and spoke to the boy, convincing him to wait. Never thought much about it after that. Last year, hubby gets a random phone call at his work. It was the kid (now grown up) who tried to jump. He recognized my hubby as an old lifeguard and wanted to thank him. This guy took my hubby out for coffee, talked about his life, and thanked him for not letting him jump. I don't I said in an earlier post, I am on the fence about it...I suppose because I have never been in that situation, so it is hard for me to understand what it feels like.
Not even all mental illnesses can be cured with medication or therapy.
Not even all mental illnesses can be cured with medication or therapy.

well, that is true. My Nana had paranoia pchzophrenia (or however it's spelled - lol) and she was intitutionalized for a bit...told her she wouldn't be able to live on her own ever again. She had it, of course, since she was little, but was never diagnosed. But it got to the point where she was so unstable that she finally wound up in the hospital (this is after we, for years, tried to get her help). Anyways, she ended up leaving/escaping. We just let her go. She did die a couple years later though, because she didn't get a pneumonia treated and she had diabetes which she didn't take care of. RIP Nana...:cry:
I attempted suicide after my dd1 was born. I had severe pnd and didnt have any feelings towards my dd. I was a massive burden on my family and thought everyone would be better off without me as i didnt think i could ever love my child. I now see it as being selfish but at the time i thought i was being selfless. I thought my ex/family would be happier not having to care for me and my dd was young enough not to remember me. I know how awful it sounds but I just wanted my brain to shut off and never switch back on again.
Sorry if anyone is offended by this im just being honest about my experience xxxxxxxx
yes, but where it is wrong is where they involve others - eg train drivers, the people that discover the body - obviously rational thinking isn't generally in place
yes, but where it is wrong is where they involve others - eg train drivers, the people that discover the body - obviously rational thinking isn't generally in place

Actually, I've found those that commit suicide to be very rational in their planning. My godmother's daughter hanged herself in her room and my godmother found her. I think deep down, she would have rather had someone find her because it would give her family closure as opposed to driving away somewhere and them never finding her, if you get what I mean.
I attempted suicide after my dd1 was born. I had severe pnd and didnt have any feelings towards my dd. I was a massive burden on my family and thought everyone would be better off without me as i didnt think i could ever love my child. I now see it as being selfish but at the time i thought i was being selfless. I thought my ex/family would be happier not having to care for me and my dd was young enough not to remember me. I know how awful it sounds but I just wanted my brain to shut off and never switch back on again.
Sorry if anyone is offended by this im just being honest about my experience xxxxxxxx

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I am so deeply sorry you went through that. I am happy you are ok now... That is a hard thing to go through, I am glad you shard this and are here to tell it.. XOXOOXO
I attempted suicide after my dd1 was born. I had severe pnd and didnt have any feelings towards my dd. I was a massive burden on my family and thought everyone would be better off without me as i didnt think i could ever love my child. I now see it as being selfish but at the time i thought i was being selfless. I thought my ex/family would be happier not having to care for me and my dd was young enough not to remember me. I know how awful it sounds but I just wanted my brain to shut off and never switch back on again.
Sorry if anyone is offended by this im just being honest about my experience xxxxxxxx

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I am so deeply sorry you went through that. I am happy you are ok now... That is a hard thing to go through, I am glad you shard this and are here to tell it.. XOXOOXO

Thank you so much for your post :hugs:
Im glad i went through what i did as im a much stronger person now
That was such a lovely post it made me tear up thank u again xxxxxxxxxxxx
yes, but where it is wrong is where they involve others - eg train drivers, the people that discover the body - obviously rational thinking isn't generally in place

Actually, I've found those that commit suicide to be very rational in their planning. My godmother's daughter hanged herself in her room and my godmother found her. I think deep down, she would have rather had someone find her because it would give her family closure as opposed to driving away somewhere and them never finding her, if you get what I mean.

I agree with Blah. You should have seen it when FIL took his life. :wacko:

His "note" to my husband had all of his bank account numbers, PIN numbers, locations of safety deposit boxes, copies of his will, etc.

He constructed this elaborate PVC piping system that hung from the ceiling that went from his exhaust in his truck to the cabin where he was sitting.

Had all of his IDs, personal effects, notes to my husband and my MIL etc all laid out neatly on the table.

Definitely rational. :(
Yes! Sorry hun. I know people don't mean to be insensitive in their replies but I was really fighting being upset and didn't check. :blush:

Its hard when you KNOW that people have the best of intentions but it still hurts. :blush: :flower:

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