I found this thread by googling, and joined the forum just to reply.
THANK YOU, mamas! I was pulling in to Wig Out Central Station before reading this!
I am 5.1, pregnant with a surprise #2. Our son is 6.
The first week I found out, I felt very pregnant-- sore boobs, fatigue, lots of CM, occasional cramps, and other small signs.
Now, a week later, I feel... not that much! Occasional twinges, still have more CM, maybe a tiny bit dizzy now and then, and sore boobs that were super huge feel almost normal.
I am still super worried that something has happened to the pregnancy, but reading all your posts helped me so much, so thank you.
With my son, I had very few symptoms, but they gradually built up (itchy boobs, dizziness). I didn't have symptoms that lessened and came and went-- this is definitely much worse!