Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do, its only wrong if the child is being ignored because the parent cant be bothered to deal with them.
I read something earlier, can't remember where, it was literally a headline about babies in Africa rarely cry. I can only assume it is because most often than not they are being worn and therefore clost to there mummy all of the time, they are breastfed on demand, there mum isn't eating anything that could cause a reaction in the baby (such as dairy etc etc) they most probably co-sleep.
Were the studies done in a controlled environment and based on those that had ONLY had lengthy periods of crying during CC/CIO? For most, from what I have read, CC takes 3-5 days max. Totalling normally a few hrs max crying over that whole period.
The studies are based on children left to cry for certain periods of time (CC) or for an extended period of time. there are many studies done so the time can vary, but i found a generalization tends to be 30 minutes to an hour or longer. Bare in mind that the way cortisol affects the brain is when a baby is left ALONE to cry and is NOT comforted.
ALL children do cry. ALL children are likely to have meltdowns that the parent cannot console and may cry for long periods as a result. They might cry for long periods when ill. Is 3 hrs going to really have that big an impact?
I disagree. There is nearly always a way to comfort or console a child. yes 3 hours would make a difference.
That 3 hrs extra crying could be made up in time by your own child if your own baby came down with a bug. Would you think then, if you child cried for long periods over a period that their health was direct affected as a result of that crying?
I don't doubt that frequent periods of prolonged crying can and will cause damage to a child. But, CC/CC, when used properly is unlikely to equate to much extra crying overall, in the grand scheme of childhood, than a child who was never sleep trained. This is based on it being used correctly and then successfully teaching a child to self settle over a few days of use.
Also, there is a benefit. Once the child has been through the sleep training and can sleep better. You cannot just sweep aside the benefit of a better night's sleep for a developing baby.
I believe there are better alternative methods then CC or CIO.
PepsiChic, can you enlighten me on what PUPD actually is?
i'm not trying to be mean at all i really want to know
i know it means pick up put down but what do you actually do?
I don't see that as cc, i see that as self soothingI use a form of CC I suppose, Arianna has always fussed her self to sleep, and by fussing I mean barely making any noise at all, it's just what calms her down, so I let her do that until she falls asleep, if it turns into anything more than a fuss I don't let her do that.
^^^ In response to this I would like to share our experience. Emma was with me constantly. I rocked her to sleep, I BF on demand, etc but she cried like a banshee at times. I was a devoted reader of the Baby Whisperer and hubby and I used to wonder why on earth Emma didn't give the different cries/ clues as it suggested. I realise now that she just didn't. She did cry and nothing would have changed that. That was the baby she was. She was not left to cry but was comforted immediately but nothing changed her crying pattern.
Whether or not this behaviour was acceptable to another culture or parenting method is pretty irrelevant to me. We are all different afterall and she did what she did. In the words of that much cliched line, babies don't read the parenting books.
no that doesn't offend me at all
i find it interesting.
my main goal for James was taking the paci away because it was causing more night wakings.
luckily he hasnt really cared/noticed and seems happier without it so now no sleep training for me is needed
in between the time i started this thread and now James stopped waking up for his paci and I really didnt need to do any CC. Once we didn't put him to sleep with it he didnt wake up wanting it.
Best decision I ever made was taking that dumb thing away.
If in the future I have sleep issues do you mind if i pm you about PUPD????