Does anyone else NOT like being pregnant?

I am not enjoying being pregnant. That other people are infertile does not make constant discomfort any more palatable much as knowing there are starving children in Africa doesn't make unpleasant food any more palatable. The infertile women might love to wake up one morning with morning sickness and have to crawl to the bathroom because standing up makes them faint; the starving children might fully enjoy foods that I find repulsive. Doesn't affect our relative discomfort. Frankly, I'm glad that there are other women who find it unpleasant too -- not that their experiences are unpleasant but knowing that I'm not some terrible person for wishing I could skip these months and get to the holding my baby part.

To the perfect round tummy lady -- I'm glad things are going so smoothly for you. I don't think arguing this point back and forth is going to do anything more than upset a bunch of hormonal women. I do think you're just trying to back up and defend yourself and there's no reason to say things to upset you. God knows I've pissed off enough women in my life; I can understand why you're defensive and I think you can understand why the other women got defensive -- they felt like you were trivializing their discomforts and accusing them of being bad mommies. That'll get anyone on edge.

All we need is some ice cream and a hug!

This, this, a thousand times THIS!! We don't have to get all catty in here, ladies.

Everyone's pregnancy is different. Al Syr may have a breezy pregnancy right now and most of the ladies I know in real life have also had breezy pregnancies. I would be lying if I said I weren't a little jealous. But, I would go through this again in the future to have more children. I think someone said it earlier that 9 months of puking, fatigue, moodiness, etc, is a minor inconvenience compared to the wonderful lifetime of raising children. If Al's pregnancy is great, then good for her!! She shouldn't feel guilty for it because a lot of us in here are venting about our symptoms.

I understand we're all hormonal and now that someone has mentioned ice cream, and someone else mentioned cake (hello??? check out my avatar LOL)... now I am in dire need of some chocolate ice cream! Anyway, some posts were a little uncalled for, on both sides of the argument, let's just eat some ice cream, yall! :):icecream:
nothing makes me puke more than when some women think they love their children more than others. My child is just as precious.....

I'm sorry if anything I said made you feel like that. Not my intentions, at all. :flower:

Sweetie, everything makes pretty much everyone upset, and I totally agree with your post.

Yea she said "you've never gave birth before" then "lol'd" . . . We know birth won't be a walk in the park but besides that fact the birth itself is a completely separate story than just pregnancy. But just because birth was painful it is not going to make someone NOT like being pregnant.
Mmm...cake AND ice cream sounds about perfect. Looking forward to birthday parties when baby shows up and an excuse to take the time to make homemade cakes and ice cream...perfect awesomeness.
I am a bit mental in that I can't wait for labour. I shall embrace it... and I want to go without pain relief too :rofl:
I am a bit mental in that I can't wait for labour. I shall embrace it... and I want to go without pain relief too :rofl:

I'm ready for it, too! I can't wait to be giving labor so my LO is here!:happydance:
Ok I think this is all getting a little too heated :flower: Every-one is different and some women just don't like pregnancy and everything that it entails and some women do! I don't think that takes away from the fact that EVERY one of us can't wait for our little ones to get here! But we are all entitled to our own opinions on the situation- this is a support forum after-all :hugs:
Ok I just thought I'd have my say and I'm sorry if it offends anyone at all as I don't mean it to but I think things come across different when reading rather than talking.I only came onto this thread the other day ad I thought there mist be an argument by now and I was right so I've only read the last few pages so sorry if I've missed something important....ok,when I first looked I agreed that al Syr had given her opinion and was getting beaten down for it BUT on coming back to look at how the argument was progressing I have a different point of view.for me I love being pregnant but the worry of just getting my healthy baby in my arms at the end of it all is ruining it for me,I suffered ms until 16wks,I have spd blah blah but I never want to complain bcoz to me i know it's all worth And that is why when I saw the thread title I never came in as sometimes when people do hava a little moan about it it does upset me,so my descision was to not look.just bcoz I see my pregnancy like this does not mean everyone should fall in line with me,everyone has different experiences and some people just like a good moan from time to time as I know I do lol my point,sorry I was rambling is,this thread was started for people who don't like being pregnant,so those of us that don't like the thought of that and dont have any support or nice things to say,why come in and start harassing the thread and being sarcastic? I've been bought up to treat people how I want to be treated and I know that if something was upsetting me,the last thing I would want is to come onto a forum for support and get made to feel guilty or a "bad mother" just for not behaving like someone else.u do see alot of threads like "fav thing about being pregnant" and "I love being pregnant" so why shouldn't the ladies who can't quite get there yet get some support I said I love being pregnant coz I know it's our baby in there but if I could be 40wks tomoro and in labour I would as this is a very scary time and I know that anything can happen at anytime and that's the only reason I've gained no weight as the stress and worry is keeping it off.I hope I haven't gone on to much but I've now had my say and will shut up lol xxx
Telling people to just be grateful won't make them feel better about the pains and sickness and worry and complications. Saying, "keep your eye on the prize...a healthy baby...this isn't forever" is much more helpful, IMO. We also need to remember that our hormones are out of whack and this can come out as anxiety and depression in some women. You can't tell a depressed woman to "just be happy and get over it" (though depressed people hear this one A LOT) You can't always control your emotions. It's tough to understand unless you've been there.

I haven't seen anyone express ingratitude about the little ones to come. I think we can all appreciate the gifts we've been given. A little compassion can go a long way. I never make pregnancy moans on the loss or TTC forums and I put on a positive front in public because I never know the fertility issues others may have.

But the moans are there and need to come out. If a woman can't express her pregnancy moans on a pregnancy forum, then where can she?

And I do love being pregnant now but I definitely hated it at first. No one should have to live with the all-consuming worry that comes with constant bleeding and other complications. It was killing me...
totally agree with you starry night. I too had complications and that is awful. I personally worry every second of everyday. I know I am not the only one who worries constantly who has complications. that in itself is terrible, let alone the other symptoms. I dont' hate being pregnant. I came into this thread as pregnancy isn't agreeing with me. So far I haven't had the joys of pregnancy or the stinking glow:) I have zits, if u call that a glow:) I never had zits since I was a teenager.

So it is totally ok for all of us to talk about how we are feeling. To know u are not alone is brilliant. To be able to speak to other ladies who feel like u are feeling makes me as a mommy to be not feel the most terrible human being in the world. I am very grateful for my baby and I pray every day for a healthy baby at the end. Love the fact my child is growing in my tummy, love, love, love it but I can't even get excited yet as I feel like a semi keeps driving over me.
There were times things bothered me about being pregnant, but now that my angel Ava is gone I would go through any pain or any discomfort for her. Everyone feels pain in some form when pregnant, but what is important is to appreciate that you are pregnant and can get pregnant. I can get pregnant very easily, but when I read the threads of the women who can't it brakes my heart :cry::cry: I am so sorry if anyone got offended by this thread, i don't think it meant to offend and it does not offend me but when people go through a loss or can't conceive there is a lot of hurt going on inside them and they may react in their posts. So instead of getting defensive be a little kind and try to imagine what their pain must be like.
xoxooxo :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
I am a bit mental in that I can't wait for labour. I shall embrace it... and I want to go without pain relief too :rofl:

I'm ready for it, too! I can't wait to be giving labor so my LO is here!:happydance:

I'm very much looking forward to labor myself (though I will definitely be getting an epidural, LOL). When I made the comment about, "you must not have given birth yet, LOL" it was suppose to be funny... because trust me, when you're in that much pain you're not so much focused on the "magic" as you are the "holy sh*t, this hurts!". I never said you were going to "hate" it, I don't think most people do... but it's sort of an example of how while you may really dislike something when your going through it, it doesn't mean you don't love the end result- which is the important part.
I hope this post doesn't come across as if i'm arguing, I just wanted to put my side of things across.
I hate how pregnancy is making me FEEL. I've never felt this depressed and ill and had so many physicaly problems at once. The more weight I put on, the more symptoms of my PCOS show, and make me even more miserable and ill. I had my fair share of health problems before pregnancy and now they have multiplied.
HOWEVER there is a huge difference in saying I hate being pregnant, and I wish I wasn't pregnant or I don't care for/ want this child.
I have polycystic ovary syndrome and was told there is a chance that infertility could affect me. So I feel extremely lucky. I love my child already more than anything and all I do is think about how I can't wait to meet her.
But I have the right to say I feel like utter shite. haha.
We are ALLOWED to say we feel crap and don't enjoy going through this part, without getting hounded for it and accused of not being greatful, because trust me, after being so upset after being diagnosed, I am SO greatful.
For those who LOVE the pregnancy, and are happy and glowing, then I'm jealous! haha. But I wont make you feel bad about feeling that way so I feel it's unfair when we who aren't feeling so perky, are critisized.
At the end of the day, we are all close to becoming mothers. And are all carrying beautiful babies. So let's not argue (even though sometimes hormones to get us riled up)
I wish you all happy and healthy pregnancies. We'll be meeting our little ones in NO time. :)
I hope this post doesn't come across as if i'm arguing, I just wanted to put my side of things across.
I hate how pregnancy is making me FEEL. I've never felt this depressed and ill and had so many physicaly problems at once. The more weight I put on, the more symptoms of my PCOS show, and make me even more miserable and ill. I had my fair share of health problems before pregnancy and now they have multiplied.
HOWEVER there is a huge difference in saying I hate being pregnant, and I wish I wasn't pregnant or I don't care for/ want this child.
I have polycystic ovary syndrome and was told there is a chance that infertility could affect me. So I feel extremely lucky. I love my child already more than anything and all I do is think about how I can't wait to meet her.
But I have the right to say I feel like utter shite. haha.
We are ALLOWED to say we feel crap and don't enjoy going through this part, without getting hounded for it and accused of not being greatful, because trust me, after being so upset after being diagnosed, I am SO greatful.
For those who LOVE the pregnancy, and are happy and glowing, then I'm jealous! haha. But I wont make you feel bad about feeling that way so I feel it's unfair when we who aren't feeling so perky, are critisized.
At the end of the day, we are all close to becoming mothers. And are all carrying beautiful babies. So let's not argue (even though sometimes hormones to get us riled up)
I wish you all happy and healthy pregnancies. We'll be meeting our little ones in NO time. :)

Your absolutely right and I agree, but all I am saying if some people do post things that offend just try to understand they are hurting, after a loss it's sometimes hard for people to understand that difference in saying I hate this about being pregnant and I hate being pregnant, sometimes people who have had a loss take it in the way that you hate being pregnant and not fully understanding that what you are saying is what is associated with pregnancy not the fact that you regret being pregnant. Just a little compassion , after my loss I just see things a little different that 's all . But you are right, and I hope you get what I am saying :hugs:
Your absolutely right and I agree, but all I am saying if some people do post things that offend just try to understand they are hurting, after a loss it's sometimes hard for people to understand that difference in saying I hate this about being pregnant and I hate being pregnant, sometimes people who have had a loss take it in the way that you hate being pregnant and not fully understanding that what you are saying is what is associated with pregnancy not the fact that you regret being pregnant. Just a little compassion , after my loss I just see things a little different that 's all . But you are right, and I hope you get what I am saying :hugs:

I completely understand and hope you don't think I directed my post at you! I was just putting in my two cents in general.
I am so sorry for your loss. :hugs:
I had a very early loss a few months before I concieved, I didn't even know I was pregnant so it was such a shock and unbelievable to me. And was told that due to my PCOS I'd probably had losses before without realising. I became resentful, I used to look at pregnant women and be so jealous , and hurt.
And I completely understand how people who have gone through losing a child, could take comments about not enjoying pregnancy, as ungreatful. But hopefully people realise that isn't the case (with me atleast, and probably a lot of other women here,), and I hope when I moan about my sciatica, or gestational diabetes, migraines etc that I don't come across as ungreatful for what I have because I really am not ungreatful. I just don't appreciate comments implying that because I don't ENJOY pregnancy, then I'm a bad person, that's all. I think some posts on here have become personal, (like most threads are starting to get)
So to sum everything up; I understand & again, I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful baby.

:hugs::flower: :hugs:
Your absolutely right and I agree, but all I am saying if some people do post things that offend just try to understand they are hurting, after a loss it's sometimes hard for people to understand that difference in saying I hate this about being pregnant and I hate being pregnant, sometimes people who have had a loss take it in the way that you hate being pregnant and not fully understanding that what you are saying is what is associated with pregnancy not the fact that you regret being pregnant. Just a little compassion , after my loss I just see things a little different that 's all . But you are right, and I hope you get what I am saying :hugs:

I completely understand and hope you don't think I directed my post at you! I was just putting in my two cents in general.
I am so sorry for your loss. :hugs:
I had a very early loss a few months before I concieved, I didn't even know I was pregnant so it was such a shock and unbelievable to me. And was told that due to my PCOS I'd probably had losses before without realising. I became resentful, I used to look at pregnant women and be so jealous , and hurt.
And I completely understand how people who have gone through losing a child, could take comments about not enjoying pregnancy, as ungreatful. But hopefully people realise that isn't the case (with me atleast, and probably a lot of other women here,), and I hope when I moan about my sciatica, or gestational diabetes, migraines etc that I don't come across as ungreatful for what I have because I really am not ungreatful. I just don't appreciate comments implying that because I don't ENJOY pregnancy, then I'm a bad person, that's all. I think some posts on here have become personal, (like most threads are starting to get)
So to sum everything up; I understand & again, I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful baby.

:hugs::flower: :hugs:

:hugs: Thank you and I am glad you get what I am saying, sometimes I don't make sense :wacko: xoxooxxo :hugs:
:hugs: Thank you and I am glad you get what I am saying, sometimes I don't make sense :wacko: xoxooxxo :hugs:

:hugs: don't worry hun I'm the same. The last thing I ever want in my posts is for someone being upset by something I've said because I never mean to come across as personal towards an individual. :flow:
The thing is, that the whole argument started when someone suggested that we should love being pregnant because others can't be, and asked why women on their second pregnancy were doing it again if they didn't like it. It's possible the whole thing came across all wrong and the person did apologize. The reason it really upset me personally is because I feel that there is a huge difference between being grateful and happy that we are pregnant and actually enjoying the experience. I see nothing wrong with the fact that I'm not enjoying being pregnant - my child is loved and wanted and I'm so grateful that I'm having her. I don't see why I need to feel guilty that I dislike being sick every day. I thought the starving kids analogy was particularly poignant.

I'm with the ladies who say we should focus on cake and ice cream now.
The thing is, that the whole argument started when someone suggested that we should love being pregnant because others can't be, and asked why women on their second pregnancy were doing it again if they didn't like it. It's possible the whole thing came across all wrong and the person did apologize. The reason it really upset me personally is because I feel that there is a huge difference between being grateful and happy that we are pregnant and actually enjoying the experience. I see nothing wrong with the fact that I'm not enjoying being pregnant - my child is loved and wanted and I'm so grateful that I'm having her. I don't see why I need to feel guilty that I dislike being sick every day. I thought the starving kids analogy was particularly poignant.

I'm with the ladies who say we should focus on cake and ice cream now.

Completely agree.... Well said!! :thumbup: xxx
And with that I need to ask,has anyone tried the crunchie blast ice creams? Ooooo they are amazing and now I must have one lol xx
I think I'm going to go out for ice cream and get a giant scoop of strawberry or raspberry or something on a waffle cone!! Yum.

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