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Done... I 'AM' Mrs K!!

OH has already whinged about me not liking his choice in waist coat :( Think I'm going to give in and let him choose whatever he wants, as much as it will pain me on the day!

I'm not counting my chickens yet. I'm sure MIL has "embraced" the idea for now but there is still plenty of time for her to change her mind :lol: Time will tell
Ohh no has he :( I'm so glad I went with my OH and I was the one sorting it, I told him we would try on my idea and try on his, he tried mine on first and loved it and didnt even want to try on his idea :happydance: :haha:

Haha well fingers crossed she doesn't change her mind, embarrassing it sounds like a massive step forward with her though haha.
OHs ring and my earrings turned up today:happydance::happydance: Well actually they turned up last week but I was out so they've been at the post office. Lol! His ring is soooo light (as in 'weight') being titanium so he'll be pleased with that, I think :/ And my earring are gorgeous. Need to try them on with my dress and a quick hair do though to see how they look on :thumbup:

No word from the MIL yet on the flowers. Gonna leave her to it. Nervous!

And I 'think' we've come to a compromise on the suits :lol: All the men will wear the same colour waistcoat, then either they'll all wear teal cravats but OH with an ivory hanky, or OH might wear an ivory cravat too. He does look good in the teal

Going back a bit, those shoes I ordered from Next were no good. The plain ivory one were uncomfortable as hell. I shoul have read the reviews because they all say it :dohh: So back on the hunt. I have seen a lovely purple pair in Clarkes but they would not allow for my shoe idea I've got, so dont know. Will discuss options with the bridesmaids on Wednesday :happydance: Watch this space. Lol

In the new year I need to:

- visit reception venue with list of questions and to sort out food options, timings etc
- finish invites and get them printed and put together
- try and do my hair myself, and if that fails, find a hairdresser
Yaaayyyy for the earrings and ring coming, and glad you like them :)

Aww glad you compromised on the suits, at least you'll both be happy now!!

Have you decided about your shoes yet? Can we see the purple ones ?
Yay!! Glad your earrings and the ring are perfect. Such a relief I am sure and another thing to tick of the list :)

And good to hear you managed to compromise on the suits. It must be so hard when you have to coordinate lots of people. My weddings a month today and my OH hasn't even looked at suits yet.......help!

I also want to see the shoes!!

Omg CatStorey, I'd be screwing if we were that close and no suits sorted :lol: But there is a slight chance I'm a control freak. Haha

So the ring...was massively too big :wacko: Need to send it back and order a different size, but we measured him and everything beforehand so no idea how we got it wrong, or even what size he needs!!

Still dont know about shoes. I showed my BMs on Wednesday and my secret idea got a better reaction that the Clarkes ones, but the Clarkes ones are cheaper :shrug: I'll link you to the Clarkes shoes...Shoesies
That's strange with the ring, I suppose you'll just have to give it a guess!

The clarkes shoes are lovely, what's your feelings between them and your other idea ?
We measured his finger on a proper ring sizer and we did measure, and order, correctly. We compared the ring they sent us to the ring sizer and they seem to have sent us one which is 3 sizes too big :wacko: I've emailed them and they are going to exchange it :happydance:

I really like my shoe idea, presuming it works. In some ways I feel like just getting the Clarkes ones and being happy knowing they're done and sorted. But then will I always be wishing I'd gone with my secret shoes?
I think you will regret not doing your idea if you don't do it plus I think you should do it cause I really wanna see :haha:
How are your plans coming along ?
I've given up on the shoes at the moment. Need to have a break from them :lol:

In other news...the MIL!!!! Or more to the point, the MIL and centrepieces :wacko: I knew it wouldn't take long. She's decided she can't/won't do our chosen centrepiece (the branch idea) so as an "alternative" she's suggest 'three shiny balloons tied together, reflecting the surrounding lights and twinkling elegantly' :shock::shock: Now, I have nothing against balloons, but in the theme of our wedding (vintage garden party with soft pastels and delicate lace) I REALLY can't see how balloons will fit in!!!!!!! Am I unreasonable? Tell me if I am. Coz MIL is making me feel like a right ungrateful cow :lol: I entertained the idea a bit and looked at potential options before saying no. Her response? "well I'll just buy them anyway so we can see..." :dohh:
Is your MIL helping out a lot?

OH's parents have no involvement in our planning.
I bought my shoes beginning of the year but now going to sell them as to high, have no idea where to look.

Hows things going?
My MIL offered to do the flowers from the very start. Her garden is amazing and her house is like a florists so I was happy with that. But she is a difficult person to reason with, and so am I, so we don't make the best team :lol:
Right, Christmas is over, New Year soon, need to get my LOs party out the way then I nee to start making serious movements on the wedding planning!! Not enough time in the day :lol:

My priority list is as follows:

Meet with venues to discuss things (food choices etc)
Finalise invites
Finalise music plans (need out own PA systems etc and sort play list)
CARS - OH is supposed to be sorting those :wacko:

The first three I want sorted by mid Feb, so only 6 weeks. Eek. But if I don't then I'm not leaving much time to get all the other things done. A lot of things rely on the outcomes from meeting with the venues so really need to get those sorted!!

Oh this is stressful :dohh:
Oh yeah, and I really need to start making an effort towards losing weight... :wacko:
Hope you had a fab Christmas!

Your plan of things sounds great, how much do you have left after these things, big things little things ?

Eeekkkk don't talk about loosing weight, our new babies due in just over 4 weeks and its making me very sad that I only have 4 weeks left of being a pig :haha: do you have a weight loss plan or goal, I really don't even know where to start :)
I did thank you. Hope you did too?

Those things are the biggest things to solve. But I still have looooads to do. I've been thinking of centerpieces again today and think I've come up with an idea that we like and that MIL shouldn't mind doing either. Meeting with her on Wednesday to discuss. Again!

I bought two flower girl dresses in the monsoon sale today too so hopefully one of them looks good on her, and bought this clutch and these shoes too...



And if I like those shoes when they get here then the previous shoe idea is off!! But the small things are slowly coming together.

As for weightloss...not a clue :lol: I can't do diets. The best I can do is crash diet so need to save that for just before the wedding. But going to start using the gym at work. I've told OH he has to be home a decent time at least once a week so I can use it. But no proper plan, no

Can't believe how close you are. That's gone so quick!! Are you all ready? Have you got all the wedding bits done that you wanted to have done? xx
Good! Bit of a dramatic time for us, OH got appendicitis just before Christmas so ended up being rushed to hospital and have to stay for 4 nights but he was out for Christmas so it's just been a very chilled on for us!

You'll have to let us know how your new centrepiece idea goes down with MIL!

Love the bag and shoes, are they from Monsoon too? Which flower girl dresses did you order?

Haha I have no clue about weight loss either, I've never had to diet or loose weight before, even after I had Bobby I ended up being really poorly and loosing all my baby weight plus a hell of a lot more so I didn't even need to then! I'm dreading it, mine and OHs eating habits are shocking at the minute!

I know it's flown by! I don't know if I have haha, I don't even know where I'm at the minute at all, can't think what I've done and what needs doing! Deffo need to sit down and work things out!
Oh no, your poor OH. Hope he is ok now?

The bag is from Debenhams and the shoes are from Faith. But I've got a bad feeling they are going to be too high. Any excuse to try the dress on again :lol:

These are the dresses:
Ida Pleated Dress

Estella Lace Dress

I've never tried to lose weight before. Not properly. The most I've done is a crash diet just before a weekend away or something. I didn't get back to pre-pregnancy weight until I went back to work after L but since changing jobs I've piled it back on :( I've only got a stone to lose but it's so hard when you don't have any discipline :lol:

I'm sure you've got more done than you think. Are all the biggies done? x
Yea he's much better, just getting his strength back etc!

They are both really nice, you'll have to let us know when they arrive! And if you keep the shoes do we get to know your old idea? Haha!

Aww both the dresses are gorgeous, I bet the hard but will be choosing!

I think I have all the big bits done, it's just all the little bits now which is what I'm not good at!
So all my parcels arrived :) I now have a small bag/purse for the day, shoes (height permitting. Need to try on my dress AGAIN. Such a tragedy :lol:), the table confetti (and if throwing confetti is allowed then we'll use it for that too probably), and Madam has her flower girl dress :happydance: well, technically she has two until I can decide which one to keep :dohh:

I have also emailed both the venues. The ceremony venue is closed until 15th Jan so I can't sort anything with them until then. The reception venue is closed until the 7th Jan (today!) but I've arranged with them to visit this Sunday. That's the more important one so I'm happy about that :)

And I emailed a hair stylist last night...it all started so well :lol: She is already doing my MOHs hair (she does vintage hairstyles) so I wanted a price for doing us both (my other BM won't want vintage style). Well, the trial is £25. Bargain...I thought! Until I asked how much to do it...£125 (plus £25 charge to travel to my dads house which is 20 mins out of town, plus £25 to do my MOHs hair) :wacko::wacko: £175 on hair!??! And that's not including my other BM. I just don't think I can justify that :nope:

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