Donor Sperm IUI/IVF- 2012

CurlySusan, our cycles will probably be about 2 weeks off from each other. I will be in the 2ww while you're gearing up to ovulate. I hope you stick around.

MrsC- The beta results will be back this afternoon, right? I know our clinic allows me to do my blood testing at my local hospital, do you have a lab near them they would let you use?

WANBMUM- We are definitely not going to keep it a secret. I think we would start telling the child as a preschooler, but I'm not really sure yet how we would do it.
Welcome CurlySusan :hi:

WAN~ We don't know when we will mention things yet.

AFM~ I just got my beta back. 94.26 at 11dpo! :happydance:

They want all the bloodwork done in their office so that they know nothing is greeting messed up. I will go back for the 2nd one on Monday.
I'm really keen on telling our little one about how a kind person helped their mummy and daddy to have a baby, but my DH isn't totally on board yet, he hasn't even told his parents about the azoospermia or klinefelters in fact they don't know we've been ttc for 2 years! I don't like secrets and especially ones that can come back and bite you on the behind. There are some really good childrens story books you can get about donors.
Stardust we are almost similar, we both know it's important to tell from an early age butno one knows about our situation so I'm not sure how it will all fit together. I guess it will as time goes on.
Mrs C! Wowserrrrz! What an amazing result. Sounds like your having a litter! Hehe.
AFM I feel no different today :( a week later. 2ww's surely tip people over the edge right? :)
:rofl: A litter would be interesting! It does seem high but I will have to see what Mondays test shows. The line on the test did change pretty quick over night.

2ww does drive people crazy! It did for me, many times. Don't give up though. So many people say they felt like AF was coming and then they get their BFP. :hugs:
MrsC- That is an amazing high number for this early! Congratulations! I love your new ticker!!

WANBMUM- When I was pregnant with my son, I had no symptoms until about 6 or 7 weeks. After that, I had sickness all the way until 31 weeks. lol I do think it's more common not to have symptoms during the 2ww than not.

Stardust- Our IF psych told us the conversations will likely start naturally, usually spurred by something on TV or a regular conversation about families.

AFM- My husband just took his car in for an inspection. It just squeaked by, but our friend, the mechanic, told us to go get a newer car. His was old, but just used to get into work and go to fire calls. We are going to have to buy something reliable and somewhat cheap really soon. I hope we don't have to delay our IUI. :(

If you two pregnant girls stick around, we can continue chatting about the donor aspect of pregnancy too. I know the book I read, and the psych said that it will come up every now in the pregnancy and to talk about it and then let it go. Using a donor can be somewhat isolating; you don't have a traditional conception and there is more though about who to tell, etc...
Canadian~ That is a very interesting website. Theres so many stages in all this. Wanting to know if it worked, wanting to know how many, wanting to know this and that. :wacko: Wait until hubby hears about all this when he calls. :haha:

Sorry about the car. :nope: I hope things still work out for you and you guys can move forward.

I will stick around! I want to everyone get their bfp! I will admit that it's hard to find a spot to fit in over in the pregnancy area. I don't know where all the assisted conception people are.
Canadian, ya you can tell me all about the joys of TWW while I stress about miscalculating my ovulation. I'm sure soon after iui I'll switch to the TWW jitters but I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll distract me with a BFP.
CurlySusan- Do you chart your cycles? I did it for years and can help you pin down ovulation.

DH and I had a moment with the donor sperm. His mom said something about praying for a biochild and suddenly he thought he didn't have his parents support after all. It sounds like everything is back on track; MIL was praying we didn't have to go this route because of how tough it is, but supports us 100%.
Hi ladies, mind of I join you?
I'm new to BnB and have been meaning to post since I saw Canadian first post. We started fertility treatment 10 years ago which is when we discovered DH is azoospermatic. Over the years we've done dozens of TESE and I really so not recommend it.
Recently I was diagnosed with endometriosis which had kicked our rears in gear on trying to conceive. This is our second cycle doing home insemination with donor sperm. As you ladies can imagine, I don't feel like my story fits in very well with your average tww'ers and I would love to join y'all in your journeys.
Good luck everyone and congratulations to the two ladies with the BFP!
Hi ladies, mind of I join you?
I'm new to BnB and have been meaning to post since I saw Canadian first post. We started fertility treatment 10 years ago which is when we discovered DH is azoospermatic. Over the years we've done dozens of TESE and I really so not recommend it.
Recently I was diagnosed with endometriosis which had kicked our rears in gear on trying to conceive. This is our second cycle doing home insemination with donor sperm. As you ladies can imagine, I don't feel like my story fits in very well with your average tww'ers and I would love to join y'all in your journeys.
Good luck everyone and congratulations to the two ladies with the BFP!

:hi: welcome! Sorry to hear you guys have been through so many TESE's, the azoo, and the endo. This is all very hard but it's nice to know there are others for support. Fingers crossed that you get a bfp. Are you taking any medication during your cycles?

Canadian~ I'm glad things are still working out. Your MIL does sound like she has the best of intentions.
Guenhwyvar- Definitely join us! I know using donor sperm presents its own set of challenges and it's nice to have a place where you can speak to others going through the same thing. I've wondered about home insemination, where do you get the sperm? Most of the banks make you ship it to a clinic, or are you using a known donor? Are you charting or using OPKs? I hope you get your BFP soon, it would be great if this was our good luck group. :)

AFM- The good think about Chris having his mini freakout is that he really seems 110% about doing this. I told him that maybe we need some more time to process this and he didn't want that, he said he wants this now. I think it will end up being a good thing, it made him defend our choice. :) He said he is suddenly feeling secretive about everything. He's going on holidays for 2 weeks and his coworkers think he is having his mTESE next week. When he comes back, he is going to tell them we found sperm. ;) Timing is working out well.
You ladies are fantastic!
Mrs C : So far with the two home insemination cycles I've only taking extra folic acid. I've decided that if we go to round 3 though that I'll try soy.
Canadian: I started charting about a month ago and use opk's to help with timing things just right. Because dh wasn't originally for donor I let him decide between buying or asking a friend. He decided to ask his best friend, who it turned out had been thinking of volunteering anyway. :-D Before dh decided I had found Cryos, a Danish bank that will ship to your door. It's a great site with in viewing of their profiles. Personally I much rather prefer home insemination to the clinical iui. (TMI alert) Dh and I bd, then he is the one to, "add the extra ingredients" ;-) it's just as fun as the old fashioned way and keeps dh feeling like he's needed and very much apart of the process.
I'm glad that seems to have been the little extra push your dh needed to be 100% OK with using donor. Family can be a blessing and a curse, but it does seem your mil was just concerned.
This is definitely going to be a lucky thread!
If you need any help interpreting a chart or fertility sign, let me know. I got pretty good at it when I was charting. I charted to avoid pregnancy and then flipped the rules in reverse when I was TTC my son.

I think it would be nice to avoid all of the clinical aspect of TTC. Are your cycles pretty regular? I have been just taking folic acid, vitamin D and then a regular woman's vitamin.
Welcome Guenhwyvar!

Canadian - While I've been charting my cycle for years I've just started temping and checking my opk this cycle. OPK+ came out loud and clear. BBT has been erratic likely due to sleeping with my mouth open, etc.

Somewhere I read you can have opk+ and a clear shift in BBT without actually ovulating. It's probably untrue but I'm anxious anyway.
I always thought that if O didn't happen that you wouldn't get a positive opk. Hmm thats interesting. Does your body have trouble ovulating?
I think my problem with ovulating is between my ears. :)

I'm starting my TTC journey at 38 years old. I'm terrified I've started waaaaay too late to win the baby chase. Although I don't have any reason to suspect I'll have fertility issues, I am still very concerned. I'm tryin hard to relax and to start the TTC process slowly.

I don't have PROOF that I'm ovulating and that bugs me. I'm hopeful that my doctor can put some of my fears to rest on Monday when I have a full check up.

Don't worry about the age thing. If you are ready now you should go for it.

Do you mind if I ask what clinic you are going to? I just noticed we are in the same state :)
I'll be seeing my primary care physician, whom I love, on Monday for a pre-pregnancy check up.

I don't intend to use a clinic for the first few rounds of iui's. Depending on my lab results and my pcp's recommendations I think I'd like to do the following... two well timed (24 hours post OPK+) iui's. Begin clomid on the third round monitored by my pcp if he's comfortable with it. After three rounds of clomid + iui, see an RE for more agressive recommendations.

Now if I were Queen of the Universe we'd all get pregnant on the first try. :)

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