Donor Sperm IUI/IVF- 2012

You can do IUI without a RE? So lucky! My family doctor won't even think about touching Clomid, he leaves that for the OB/Gyns and feels they should be monitored too because of the risk of multiples.

I can't believe I take my last birth control pill on Wednesday. Hopefully, I will be starting my CD1 this time next week.
Yes iui's can happen at home if you're using donor sperm and you choose a bank that will send it directly to you. There are risks but I feel with my background and education the risks are just slightly more than going to the doctor.

If money were no object I would have them done in a clinical setting... but the local prices are too high for 3 minutes of service. (It's between 100% and 1000% more than the cost of washed iui donor sperm to have a iui in a doctor's office. These fees could seriously decrease my chances of funding more than one ivf.)

My health insurance is really good but it doesn't cover fertility services. I'd rather tons of research now, do as much as I can on my own, and save money for more agressive interventions if they're needed.
That is great curlysue, I dont know how long financially we will be able to carry on with IUI, it sure is costly. So are you doing home insemination rather than IUI then? sorry I'm confused :)
I know originally my body was showing all the signs of ovulation, positive opks, mucus etc but I wasnt producing an egg - its like your body does everything it can to set you up for ovulation but it doesnt happen. Thankfully one month on chlomid sorted this out for me.

So I am not feeling positive at all the last few days - I have no idea why but I have been so emotional, crying, thinking how can I go through a 2WW more than once, it is so tough to remain positive :(

For you girls that are pregnant. Did you get any implantation signs? spotting?
I got a big dip in my bbt chart at 7dpo and my temps went triphasic the next day, also last Sunday at 9dpo I woke up in the night with the weirdest pains like being stabbed with a needle, they were so sharp they took my breath away, next morning I had a huge glob of ewcm and I knew this was it :)
Don't feel downheartened, I know how you feel, I didn't think I had the emotional energy to go through this again. Stay strong I have everything crossed for you x
Thanks stardust - I stopped temping years ago :) I never got back into it as I decided I wouldnt obsess and just leave the experts to it. The not obsessing didnt last long LOL

Ive had mild cramps (so mild I wonder if I imagine them) but nothing else. Did you feel hormonal before you tested, like pre af?
I just feel exactly the same as every other month, hormonal a few days before af. teary (i think this rollercoaster has alot to do with that hey)
We will get there, Im not sure when but we will. You all give me hope :)
Curly~ Thats great that you don't have to go to an RE! They can cost quite a bit. I have heard of IUI's being done in a regular dr.'s office but I never looked into it. We don't have coverage for infertility either and IUI's ended up costing a ton because of the testing, monitoring, IUI, and also the sample. I haven't even added everything up yet.

Canadian~ Yay for almost being done with BC! I hope you are doing well. :)

WANBMUM~ I quite charting awhile ago so I couldn't tell you if there was anything there. I didn't have any implanting bleeding or anything like that. I do remember getting a crap on my left side about 6dpo and then on my right side around the same time. After that I just felt little twinges and gas type feeling in my lower stomach at 7pdo. Something I found weird was that my underarm hurt for a full day at 7dpo as well. The only reason I remember all this is because I was using the countdown to pregnancy website and tracked everything I felt. As for being hormonal... I was very short with hubby and we got into some stupid little arguments over nothing. Thats not us at all.
Thanks stardust - I stopped temping years ago :) I never got back into it as I decided I wouldnt obsess and just leave the experts to it. The not obsessing didnt last long LOL

Ive had mild cramps (so mild I wonder if I imagine them) but nothing else. Did you feel hormonal before you tested, like pre af?
I just feel exactly the same as every other month, hormonal a few days before af. teary (i think this rollercoaster has alot to do with that hey)
We will get there, Im not sure when but we will. You all give me hope :)

How many dpiui are you now, I just had sore boobies, a few twinges and crampy feelings, very very similar to AF feeling. I wasn't at all moody though in fact the opposite which is weird for me. X
Thanks mrs c, I have been keeping note of my 'symptoms' too. Only because i thought next month it might help me to keep sane when I feel every twinge.

My poor hubby, this morning I was just crying and couldn't stop. I guess it was alot of built up feelings. I am ok again now. I think the scary thing is we don't know how long a journey we have ahead of us. Such is life.

Star- I am 8dpiui, once this weekend is over I don't have too far to go I guess. The plan is to wait for 14dpiui to test, that's if the witch doesn't get me first, I think af arriving would be easier to deal with than seeing a negative.
Hi girls! We spent the day in the city, looking at used cars. DH's car isn't going to last another winter and we are trying to get something at a decent price, without totally breaking the bank. It's not going to cause us to delay our IUI though, so that's good.

WANBMUM- Sorry you had such a rough morning. This whole process is really hard on the head. It's probably good that you had a cry and got some of that out.

I always saw IUIs as the "cheaper" alternative. But the sperm looks like it will be ~$800 with shipping to Canada, $390 for IUI, $300 for ultrasound at cd11, $75 for them to store sperm for 3 months and the meds will be about $175.
Wanbmum - I'm sorry you had a rough morning. I hope your day gets smoother.

I'm doing a home umendicated interunterine insemination. Washed donor sperm is $420 with shipping and Dewar rental. A visit just to consult with an RE is $480 to walk into the door. Tests are extra. Monitoring is extra. The IUI is extra. And it's all cash up front.

TTC isn't for wimps!

I'm meeting with my physician Monday to check everthing out downstairs. I'll have a full cycle between meeting with my doctor and TTC so if we need to do any blood work there's time. I don't know if my doctor is comfortable prescribing Clomid without supervision but we'll talk about it. I'm personally not comfortable taking more than the minimum recomended Clomid dose without monitoring.

It's quite exciting to hear about everyones early signs of pregnancy.
Wanbmum - I am home interuterine inseminating without medication. I don't know if my doctor is comfortable prescribing Clomid if the first two cycles don't result in a sticky bean. I do know that I'm uncomfortable having an unmonitored cycle if I'm taking a medium to large dose fo Clomid.
Here a washed vial of donor sperm is $420. Add another $20 in supplies for home iui and you're done.

To see an RE the initial visit costs $485. Any tests, return visits, and the iui are on top of that. Also to the best of my knowledge they don't provide funding or payment plans. It's all cash up front.
CurlySusan- I missed one of your posts for a page or two ago. I used to get postive OPKs and not ovulate until the 2nd or third round of positive OPKs. I would get them early, say cd8, then again around CD14, then sometimes have another final surge at day 22.

I've since been diagnosed with high LH, which explains everything. I was getting the +opk because my body was trying to release an egg, but then wouldn't, then it would keep trying until it happened. I'm on the pill this cycle to suppress my body and then it should stay suppressed long enough for my medicated IUI. If this fails, I have to do another 21 days on the pill and then start over.

I hope your doctor runs a few hormonal tests for you and usually the progesterone test after O will confirm it.

I don't think I could put that catheter in my cervix and do my own IUI. I had a sonohystogram when I was 21 and remember how uncomfortable it was.
Curlysusan: Thanks and good luck on your check up tomorrow.

If you need any help interpreting a chart or fertility sign, let me know. I got pretty good at it when I was charting. I charted to avoid pregnancy and then flipped the rules in reverse when I was TTC my son.

I think it would be nice to avoid all of the clinical aspect of TTC. Are your cycles pretty regular? I have been just taking folic acid, vitamin D and then a regular woman's vitamin.

Thanks Canadian, as soon as I get my 5 post minimum I'll be adding my chart to my signature, I'm fairly regular with a cd28-29 with a 12 day LP. Currently I'm 17dpo and the :witch: hasn't got me yet so fingers crossed.
YAY to the almost end of bc!
17dpo when your LP is usually 12 days??? OMG! You are pregnant then? :)

These BCPs are making me really, really bitchy. Poor DH.
I got a faint + Friday. Going to re-test in the morning.
At least you can blame the bcp's... I don't need an excuse lol. :haha:
Told ya though, you were right when you said it might be a lucky thread. :laugh2:
I'm kinda hesitant on believing it... As soon as my gp. is back from vacation in the 20th I'm going to try and convince him to refer me for an ultrasound. I have to see it with my own eyes. :haha:
Curly~ All the clinics I looked at didn't have funding or payment plans. There are financing companies but thats for IVF and your credit has to be amazing to get it. OHSU is the one that offered a couple of different options. Otherwise its always cash at the time of the appointment.

Canadian~ I hope you had a nice time shopping for cars for your DH. If the BC is making you bitchy watch out for the clomid. :wacko: Remember what I told you when I was taking it. It will all be worth it in the end.

Guen~ Fx for you! Good luck testing in the morning.

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