Due around 12th Aug, and looking for a bump buddy

I'm from Liverpool and can't believe how dog crazy you all are :) I have a pug she is just over 1 and i'm scared to death for when the baby arrives as she is so hyper!! xx
pinkbump, Do you know already the sex of your baby or are you on team yelow?

I love dogs, but I am CAT crazy... :haha:

I even started my breeding program 3 years ago, but had to give up because I moved to the UK (one of my lovely females is in Holand, the other one is in Israel with my mum) :cry:

But my baby boy, Cougar (my avatar) is everything for me... I know he will be so jealous... He hates when I am kissing or cuddling hubby... :dohh:
im a cat person too vera, my 2 cats got lukemia and one passed pretty quickly and the oter stayed around for another 3 years :cry: i got bad advise when i got them and didnt get the vaccine for feline lukemia done :cry: i feel guilty eveyday :cry: now i think the vaccine is all-in-one.

I love dobermans :thumbup: and i'd also love a rottie one day when i retire and a newfoundland :thumbup: i would love to have been a vet, you have to go to london to train though which would be impossible for me, it's a shame as i reallly want to go back to college and study something that i can really enjoy a good, well paid career out of but it's so hard to find something. i'd love to be a vet or midwife, but vets i couldnt do for many reasons and midwifery is near on impossible to get into and apparently it's very bitchy! midwifes like you to be a nurse first and if you jump straight into the midwifey they sneer at you and make it difficult when they are suposed to be training you. also once you qualify there is no guarantee of getting a job in your own area. Argh! lifes so hard sometimes!! :growlmad:
Cats are super cute - we adopted the cutest cat a few months ago that was left at the vets but it was so ill that it died, it was really sad as he was only 2 but had renal lymphoma.
Chelsea you mentioned about baby clubs?? Have you got the links for those?
Oh yeh pinkbump, do you know whether you are pink or blue? Or is it literally a pinkbump?
i will sort the baby club links out for you tomorrow, i'm off to pick up my new table and chairs (if i can get it in the car :dohh:)
Aww thats sad to hear and yes it is literally a pink bump so just trying to agree on names at the moment.

Do you know what your all having or are you staying yellow? xx
Yes having a boy! So am buying lots of blue things.

I hope you didn't lift anything Chelsea. If you could put up any info on baby clubs that would be fab. What kinds of things can you get? x
I'm having boy Pinkbump. :thumbup:

Rebecca i've joined literally every baby/parenting club there is! i've had loads off free stuff like vouchers for nappies and free samples and stuff like that. it depends where you shop as to how helpful some of the clubs are.
If you can shop in boots occassionally theres is well worth signing up to. you need to apply for a boots advantage card first then go buy some nappies and wipes etc and you'll get loads of points and it will register you for their club where you get a free changing bag worth £38!! https://www.boots.com/en/Mother-Baby/Parenting-Club/

Tescos is another good one but you need a tescos club card first which means you need to go to tescos to get a card to register, they send you tons of huggies vouchers! even though i dont shop in there ive got a clubcard and signed up, me and hubby went up there and got tons of nappies with our vouchers! saved about £16, also ive been buying huiggies vouchers on ebay too, but many of them are only for use in tescos, hence another good reason to get a club card and do abit of nappy shopping in there :thumbup:
Also sign up to huggies https://www.huggiesclub.co.uk/bump-on-board/member/register
Pampers https://www.pampers.co.uk/en_GB/signup
Advent give you a free gift for answering some questions. i got a bottle :thumbup: https://www.philipsaventfamily.co.uk/
i presume you all got your first bounty packs?
i'm a sucker for a bargin lately so if i find any free gifts, printable vouchers or anything i'll let you know.

Also i've just remembered that asda do a free huggies newborn gift box if you sign up to there club, plus inside the box is 2 more vouchers for huggies saving another £4. not bad for free :thumbup:

Thanks Chelsea!

We are also expecting our little boy.

I not so well at the moment, I am at home with Sinusitis. Going to see the GP tomorow morning. I am with a bloked nose, so I can't sleep properly either.

I wanted to ask how often do you feel your LO? I felt my first kick at 15weeks, but there is not much increase in his movements since... is it normal? Will I feel more later? A bit worried...
Thanks Chelsea!

We are also expecting our little boy.

I not so well at the moment, I am at home with Sinusitis. Going to see the GP tomorow morning. I am with a bloked nose, so I can't sleep properly either.

I wanted to ask how often do you feel your LO? I felt my first kick at 15weeks, but there is not much increase in his movements since... is it normal? Will I feel more later? A bit worried...

i'm sorry your feeling so rubbish :hugs:

I had the same regarding movement so don't worry. :thumbup:

still i can only feel movement on the inside and only on the outside if it's low down, it turns out i have an anterior placenta (which i suspected) so thats why i don't feel anything on the outside higher up. movement has only just really started ramping up in the last 2 weeks to where i feel him regularly now. i really wouldnt worry vera, some people dont feel anything until like 22-24 weeks!!

has anyone bought anymore stuff?
i've got nearly everything now accept my cot (which my mum is buying), a few more sheets and blankets, and other odd litlle bits and bobs. :thumbup:
Again I seem to have missed a million conversations!!! Doh

Firstly, welcome pinkbump. Nice to have you join us!!

I do not know what I am having yet but my 23 week scan is on 20th April so will know then!!!! Cannot wait!!!

Vera sorry to hear you are unwell and make sure you rest up like Rebecca is understandably doing!! I have had a rubbish day at work and am wishing we could afford for me to finish work early but hey ho....not long till Easter hols!!

I have a black German Shepherd that we rescued and he is scared of his own shadow!! We also had cats but they have all died :o(

We go on caravan hols with our dog or camping but I think Chelsea if you go caravaning with two children, bump, three dogs, you and hubby, I will be sending you a prize for being the maddess (if that is even a word!) person alive!!!!! hehe
How are you feeling vera? Any better? Did the doctor give you anything or did they say the 'I'm sorry but as you're pregnant blah blah!' Steam is sometimes good for blocked nose - I haven't heard of the salt tho - how did that do?
We are still very behind on buying things... Have lots of cute clothes for him to wear but nowhere for him to sleep in or travel in or any other practical things like that!!! But he will have a really cute little dungarees outfit from next with a dog on! Was £1.50 on ebay!! Completely new as well - was very chuffed!! I do however think I have finally made my mind up on travel systems and cots etc. Going for the M&P Sola. Want to go for a cotbed but they are sooo expensive new. Has anyone found any good ones?
I also have an anterior placenta! I feel him quite a lot but only quite low and only on the left! He kicks quite a lot but also does other things that just feel really strange like almost turning around or maybe his hands? Does anyone else have this? xx
Somersaults, fidgeting, thumping and poking are what i feel (thumping only since last night):thumbup: i feel him most to the bottom right of my bump (i never really feel him on the left at the front. my placenta must be at the front to the right).
have you looked on ebay for cot beds? you can get nice second hand one, if there's any near you, and they are a lot cheaper than buying new, just buy a new mattress :thumbup:

my dh annoyed me a bit last night, he was on the phone to his mum and i heard him say "i don't want the dogs anywhere near the baby" WTF ???:shrug:
then i heard him say "brandy will be OK she'll just keep away from him" " i know they are going to want to sniff him and will be inquisitive but Oscar doesn't care what he's doing when he's jumping about" ?!?!?!?
so basically he doesn't want dogs near baby but then brandy will be OK. it'll be OK for the dogs to sniff the baby but then Oscar might jump on the baby when he's on a loopy round the lounge with Miley! :dohh:
have i missed something?? is my little boy made of glass? is it so difficult to tell the dogs to stop running round the living room like nutters? we do that now anyway when they decide to have a play, so why will we not be able to stop them once baby is here? they are not that bad, maybe once or twice a week they'll have an energised muck about, they are hardly boisterous rottweilers or anything!!
he doesn't want the baby in a bouncy chair from what he's said, he wants it off the ground where the dogs cant get to it. I'm not sure what exactly he's thinking the dogs are going to do?!!? trying to keep the dogs away from the baby is just going to make them more inquisitive about it and more jealous. once they've had a sniff and got used to it screaming etc they wont be bothered by it.

it's like he doesn't trust that i know what I'm doing. he questions everything, "why are you not buying one of them?" "well the babies going to need that"... blah ... blah.!!! i know i don't need something because i bought everything available with my first dd and wasted so much money that with this one i don't want to waste money on things I'm not going to use or don't need, like top n tail bowls and baby baths. he then questions me on exactly why i don't need these things!! :growlmad: like I'm just not going to bother with something really important!! i either bathed the baby in the big bath or in the sink if it was a quick dip. we haven't got much room as it is for storage so bulky baby baths and plastic bowls are just adding unnecessary clutter that isn't needed. if i do decide to top and tail then i can get out 2 plastic tubs out so it's hardly impossible to top and tail without a pretty mothercare bought purpose made one!!!

ARRRGGGGHHHH!!! bad morning! sorry if I've sent you all back to sleep!! just venting :thumbup:

............Rant over :flower:
Thanks Ladies...

I am a bit better. Doc wasn't helpful at all, he said there is nothing I can take, just keep on the hot water... Not really helping me much. I managed to sleep the whole night this time, but got blocked first thing in the morning... grr

OMG, he just moved and I latterly cud feel him. my belly changed shame as he moved!!! awwww

Don't be too annoyed with your hubby, I know how he feels, and think that he really cares about his little boy.

I am in the opposite situation here. My hubby has a 4.5 years old son, and he is very relaxed about our LO. He doesn't read anything, nor asking or getting interested in what is going on. He thinks he knows everything just because he already have one. It's p****ing me off!
I am so exited and what to buy everything for my Lo, but hubby is telling me that we don't need any of that.
He is talking a lot about his son, but doesn't seem to like talking about the pregnancy and the baby, and I feel like he will not love our Lo as much as he loves his son. :cry:

I am sure that your hubby just feel very excited and that is why he is over protective.

As per the dogs, don't worry, when the time will come, he will see that there is nothing dangerous about it, and he will feel more relaxed!
But he will have a really cute little dungarees outfit from next with a dog on! Was £1.50 on bay!!

Oho, I think I saw that one (the first one), and wanted to buy it so much! It was soooooo cute! :baby:

But bought this one (the green one with the chick) instead:


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Don't be too annoyed with your hubby, I know how he feels, and think that he really cares about his little boy.

I am in the opposite situation here. My hubby has a 4.5 years old son, and he is very relaxed about our LO. He doesn't read anything, nor asking or getting interested in what is going on. He thinks he knows everything just because he already have one. It's p****ing me off!
I am so exited and what to buy everything for my Lo, but hubby is telling me that we don't need any of that.
He is talking a lot about his son, but doesn't seem to like talking about the pregnancy and the baby, and I feel like he will not love our Lo as much as he loves his son. :cry:

I am sure that your hubby just feel very excited and that is why he is over protective.

As per the dogs, don't worry, when the time will come, he will see that there is nothing dangerous about it, and he will feel more relaxed!

i feel awful for feeling that way but he really doesn't seem that bothered, it's only when i mention that I'm not going to buy something he's all 'well why not?' then makes me feel like i know nothing and I'll be neglecting our child if i don't buy something. he wont read any books, never bothers if i have been busy decorating all day and haven't stopped for food, he doesn't care what my bodies going through or how exhausted i feel, he doesn't ask about anything to do with the pregnancy, he expects me to just tell him all he needs to know! he has no idea about labour, he didn't even know what a caesarean was?!!? or a placenta! he's all like 'how am i supposed to know?'!!! I'm like read a f*****g book then, there's loads of stuff online, books in the cupboard, facebook apps about pregnancy and birth. I'm just fed up of being told what to do by someone who knows NOTHING and can't be arsed to learn!
The other week he asked if I'd felt the baby move yet, as i was answering he started making stupid noises and playing with the dog then walked off into the kitchen! he didn't even hear my reply!!!:growlmad: in the end this week i actually told him and he cant even remember asking me!! wtf?!?

i love him loads but this pregnancy he's driving me mad!!
But he will have a really cute little dungarees outfit from next with a dog on! Was £1.50 on bay!!

Oho, I think I saw that one (the first one), and wanted to buy it so much! It was soooooo cute! :baby:

But bought this one (the green one with the chick) instead:

i think i have that dungarees!!?? i love the sleepsuit too! i'm really getting into the boys clothes. especially next :thumbup:

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