I am so sorry Rebecca! I have only just come on here. I went out last night. I so know what you mean last night after I popped out I went in to see my Mum and Dad and they were really worried about me saying I looked white as a sheet and awful. I have been feeling extremely tired this week as it has been hectic and people just don't seem to realise how stressful a school environment can be. I think you are absolutely right to think of you and bubba and put you both first. Nothing is more important now and if you can take leave early then why not.
As for neighbours Chelsea!! Do not get me started on mine!! One side are practically growing cannabis and my hubby is a policeman and they know that! He has been round to speak to them on more than one occasion and rung the police on them to say he suspects they are growing it and smoking it and apparently there is nothing they can do as it is within their own home. As long as he is not selling it....which we cannot prove and we haven't been in their house so have no evidence they are even growing it BUT it stinks my house out daily! EMBARASSING when I have visitors
As for the other side, they are not very nice people and have two young children and all we hear every day are the Mum and Dad swearing and threatening the children and screaming

I have been writing down when and where in a little book and spoken to them about noise level BUT what else can I do!?!? I want to ring social services anon but then she'll know it was me................
Your doctors sounds amazing. Mine are a bit rubbish tbh. Let us know what the results come back saying but keep positive and resting because as long as everything is still closed then it will be fine hun.
I couldn't have a 20 week scan as apparently there are no spaces until I am 23 weeks

( I mean do they not know who I am !? lol.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good and RELAXING weekend. I will try and be on here tonight to check any responses!!!