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Due around 12th Aug, and looking for a bump buddy

I'm glad they did the works on you rebecca and i hope all comes back ok, which i'm sure it will :hugs: just take it easy and relax as much as you can (i know thats easier said than done sometimes!!). im lucky i work from home :thumbup: however i'm not lucky i have a bomb site for a house due to all the redecorating, i wish i never started! lol.
Done a carboot sale this morning and didnt realise until yesterday evening that the clocks went forward :dohh: so i picked the wrong weekend! i was up at 4am (really 3am) and now i'm pooped! my back hurts like mad and me climbing in an out the loft and moving boxes of junk yesterday and today hasn't helped! BUT.... i did find my daughters bouncy chair (i thought i'd sold it ages ago), some neutral baby clothes (vests etc) that will come in handy and my baby monitors AND some moses basket (or in my case hammock) sheets :thumbup: BONUS!! i did also find my daughters cot quilt and bumper set and moses basket but i sold that at booty. :thumbup:

All in all an eventful weekend, now i'm off to soak in the bath and hope it helps my back a little.

Anyone else been upto much?
Oh and are you all on facebook? if you are you can add me :thumbup: chelsea austin and my profile picture is of my tattoo writing on the top of my back :thumbup:

And rebecca dont forget to let us know your results :flower:
As for neighbours Chelsea!! Do not get me started on mine!! One side are practically growing cannabis and my hubby is a policeman and they know that! He has been round to speak to them on more than one occasion and rung the police on them to say he suspects they are growing it and smoking it and apparently there is nothing they can do as it is within their own home. As long as he is not selling it....which we cannot prove and we haven't been in their house so have no evidence they are even growing it BUT it stinks my house out daily! EMBARASSING when I have visitors :growlmad:
As for the other side, they are not very nice people and have two young children and all we hear every day are the Mum and Dad swearing and threatening the children and screaming:cry: I have been writing down when and where in a little book and spoken to them about noise level BUT what else can I do!?!? I want to ring social services anon but then she'll know it was me................:dohh:

Glad its not just me with neighbours from hell! i think about ringing social services but like you said she'll know it's me! i'm not scared of her knowing i just can't be dealing with her then calling them on me out of spite and retaliation or the RSPCA as i have dogs (shes the sort of person who makes stuff up anyway so she would definatly try and get me back if i rang social services on her). not that i have anything to be afraid of or hide i just can't be bothered with people asking me a million questions with her sniggering behind her curtains because the RSPCA van is outside my house etc
i'm just doing what you do and keeping a diary (which the housing association gave the whole street because of her anyway)!! :thumbup:
Thank you all so much! Yes will let you know as soon as. I'm feeling so much better today tho, have even managed some gardening! Cramps have pretty much all gone which is a good sign right? i just hope they dont say something awful on tests tomo. But it's more important that I hardly have cramps surely. Feeling much more positive now I know I'm not going back to work for a year and don't have to see the awful deputy head!
Carboot sales - I love them! My husband refuses to take me tho as he says I always end up buying a load of stuff I dont need! Hahah!I may have to threaten to go alone which could be worse if he isnt there to stop me buying random things tho!
Facebook yes! Will try and find you now. Have added someone called Chelsea Austin so I hope it's you!
Chelsea, I added you (I hope)...

Your girls are so beautiful! I think they got your look!
Rebecca, I am so glad you are feeling better! Please rest more, and really take it easy (ask for a massage from hubby).
Hi, Glad your feeling better rebecca! :thumbup: thats a very good sign if the cramps have gone :thumbup:

Thanks for adding me. :flower:
Purapura - yes alot of people say the girls look alot like me :blush: which i take as a compliment as i think they are gorgeous, obviously! lol :kiss:
I havent actually 'announced' my pregnancy on fb yet, a couple of people who know have made little comments but i havent put anything mentioning it in my status yet. i'm a little scared :nope: have either of you? im thinking of getting a baby gaga ticker for my fb then people will realise from that?!
Chelsea, I didn’t 'announced' my pregnancy on fb either. I don’t want everybody to read/see whets going on with my privet life.

Now to something else;
We (Hubby and me) tought of having our “last” holidays before LO is here.
I will be 24-26 weeks pregs at the time we want to go, so we tought of a relaxing week somewhere.
Do you think I’ll be ok traveling then? Do you have any ideas where to go for me?
I was thinking something like Balearic Islands , Greece or Florida.
What do you think?

Your best bet is somewhere not too far but thats sunny and relaxing. :thumbup:. as long as doctor signs you fit to fly there shouldnt be a problem as long as your not going to australia or anything!! just make sure you check your airlines policy on pregnant passengers before booking but im pretty sure most will take you as your still be in 2nd tri :thumbup:

it's not fair! i want a relaxing holiday :brat:
my baby-gaga thing has just appeared on fb, i tried doing it this morning but nothing come up so i thought i'd just leave it and felt a little releived. now ive noticed its come up lol, why am i so worried about telling people? i think it's because i get embarassed but i dont know why! argh whats the matter with me :shrug: surely i should be wanting the world to know and shouting it from roof tops. :growlmad:
The only reason I can afford a relaxing holidays is because I work for a travel company and I receive money off company's package holidays...
I thought it would not be fair if I didn’t use my discount at all...

in that case the maldives in a water bungalow :thumbup:i would love to go there, bit too pricey though! :dohh: lol.

let us know where you decide to book :thumbup:
Hey hey,

Sorry I don't know how I have missed all these conversations!!!

I have added you on facebook I hope Chelsea! What are you surnames? Mine is McNeil.

I have not 'announced' my pregnancy on fb either as I am the same and do not want to discuss my private private life on fb and also i still have people on my 'friends' list who have not spoken to me in years but guaranteed when they find out i am pregnant will come out the wood work!!!

I am going away but only to somerset in april for 5 days and then isle of wight for a long weekend in may but at least its somewhere!

Anyway we may speak more on fb now??
Hi i am new to this and due on 5th Aug with my 1st lil girl.

Would like to be able to chat to ppl due around same time as so far my pregnancy has left me feeling pretty poo. Bring on August!!! xx
A holiday sounds amazing! I'm trying to persuade husband to have a long weekend away somewhere. I read in my magazine last night that you can fly until 36 weeks!! Isn't that a bit close?! You do need a doctor note tho after week 28 I think it is. Also, all airlines apparently have their own policy so best check with them first.
Still no news from doctors but the fact that I am feeling much better physically is I'm sure a good sign. Still feel really crap about what happened at school but need to start looking fwd to having my little baby! x
Hi pinkpump, your welcome to join us. where are you from?

Yes Charlie you added me. it's great to be able to put faces to names :thumbup:
I keep thinking about a quick weekend break before baby comes but it's quite difficult with having 3 dogs to go away and i'd never put them in kennels! i was thinking about a caravan holiday where you are allowed to take your dogs but im not sure how the dogs would be?! it could end up being more stress than it's worth!! :dohh:
Rebecca im glad things are still going better for you :thumbup: hopefully it was all down to stress and now you don't have work for a year your body has relaxed and you are now de-stressing?!
When i quit my job last jan i instantly felt like a million weights had been lifted off me, i was struggling with bad depression (i was a bus driver for 3 years!!)

Vera any holiday destinations booked yet?

I know what you mean - we have 2 dogs and thankfully our parents are brilliant with coming up and looking after them and then we do the same for them (we have theirs coming next week while they go to portugal for a week). I couldn't either put them in kennels. We go on cottage holidays quite a lot where we take the dogs and it's brilliant. They have been to so many places with us! I do know that some ppl think we are a bit mad that we couldnt put our dogs in kennels but I would worry so much about them. Not sure how they will react to a baby! What dogs have you got?
I know I think it could be stress as well as it has made me feel quite depressed with it all, so I can only think that it is because of work as I love everything else in my life! My husband is amazing and I'm really looking fwd to having a baby. I just need to get a couple more sick notes as the head has said if I get more sick notes and delay my maternity by a couple more weeks it would work out better I guess for both school and me. I just hope the doctor will give them to me...
FB is amazing I love it, but I am the same - I haven't made any grand announcements about being pregnant and I'm not sure why either... I know some of my friends have put their scan pictures. I think it's because there are loads of ppl on my fb that I hardly ever talk to now and like Charlie said as soon as they find out I'm pregnant they will all start being nosey and chummy! I might make do something when baby has arrived.
im glad we are on the same wave-length rebecca :thumbup: i have a minature JRT she is just over 8 yrs old (i got her when my 1st dd was 6 months) she is scared of other dogs as she was attacked in the park as a puppy :cry: so kennels would likley give her a heart attack!! i know she's ok with babies though she'll sniff them then keep away. she doesnt like toddlers or kids but they gotta learn like my dd did! she wouldnt actually attack a child but if she felt threatened she would like snap (gently but scarily as a warning) she does it to me a dh when we play fight! she hates it lol but thats just the way she is.
We have a JRT x Staffy who we rescued from kennels (hence why i wouldnt want to put him in there) he's sooo loving to everyone and anyone so i think he'll be fine with a baby, he'll probably want to lick it to death!! lol
And lastly a staffy whos just a yr old, she's very sensitive so i think she'll c**p herself if i put her in kennels and sit in the corner shaking herself to bits! i think she'll be abit scared of the baby but i have no doubt in my mind they will love eachother :thumbup:

If you havent fallen asleep or stopped reading ages ago tell me about your dogs. i love animals, they are often better than people! :thumbup: lol xx
If you havent fallen asleep or stopped reading ages ago tell me about your dogs. i love animals, they are often better than people! :thumbup: lol xx

:thumbup: I agree!

I don't know yet where to go, as I will need Visa for Florida (That is my preferred destination) :dohh:

Welcome pinkbump2011! Where are you from? :flower:
Your dogs sound so lovely! My parents have rescued a staffy - completely bonkers but so loving! Tend to agree about that with dogs being better than ppl! We have a doberman who is completely spoilt, soppy and a complete baby so would hate kennels and just cry all day! She loves children tho - a friend came over with her 1yo and i was really worried as to what she would think but she loved her and was so gentle and just licked her! We also have a cavalier who is gorgeous, very different from doberman much more independent and not bothered by things. She isn't keen on young children tho and runs away and sits on the back of the sofa out the way. We are both animal mad - husband is a vet so has completely spoilt our dogs!! He is wanting more dogs - I have said that he welcome to get more dogs once baby is born (think he might change his mind pretty quickly when he finds out how hard a baby will be) xx

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