Due around 12th Aug, and looking for a bump buddy

I have a swim suit as well! Still haven't used it though - thought I might try and go swimming but it hasn't happened yet!!!!
Depends how easily you burn I guess to what suncream to go for. I burn really easily and got burnt in the garden 2 weeks ago! You could always take 30 and also get a higher one just in case. I think I read that being pregnant you do burn more easily. What does it say the weather will be like in Turkey this time of year? I imagine pretty hot. I want a holiday!! Very jealous! x
Yeah I noticed your fruit had changed lol. I would agree with Rebecca and say take 30 and one more higher just to be prepared. It takes ages to go off so no worries there.

Enjoy your wedding!!! Have you got your outfit sorted Vera?? I have a greek themed 18th bday party for our friends daughter on 7th May and was thinking I'd just make something out of a sheet but then don't want to look tacky or cheap with my beautiful bump lol!!! Any ideas where you can get cheap outfits online!?!?

Hiya Jollybean! It is nice when you find people that are due around the same time as you as I am the same and have two neighbours who are due one before me and one after but I am not that close to them and so it has been very lovely talking with these ladies even though we'll most probably never meet!? lol. Do you know what you are having?

Thank you for the advice on the Mat B1 form....as always seem ridiculous having to have a piece of paper to say you are pregnant but if that is the norm then who am I to change or not do it!! My midwife just replied to my message erm can you ring me again next Wed and I will sort it out for you...........hhmmmmmm.

Anyway meant to be on PPA so speak soon!
Ha am surprised you can get on this website at school, Hertfordshire block all the good websites at our school!
Next have some nice maternity things and Dorothy Perkins, how Greek does it have to be? haha! Could you wear a white maxi dress with nice accessories and greek it up! Have given school my official maternity leave start date - wooo! 5th June. I know it's before baby is due by a few weeks but it makes sense to time it with when I go back next year. I just hope our baby isn't late otherwise he will be even younger when I go back. Will have lots of hot curry and whatever else you are meant to do just before 10th! People are starting to ask about birthing plans - have you thought or done any of yours? X
Forgot to mention Asos

Good luck getting a dress - let us know what you get!
I got a dress from Mamas and Papas. A simple one... but I don't think its going to be a fancy wedding as both the bride and the groom are coming from abroad.

You can get some nice Greece look like dress in Next...
I'm back :flower:

wow! look at how far up our tickers we are!!! :happydance:

:hi: jollybean
Wow your just over the water from me :thumbup: do you know what your having yet? or are you not finding out until the birth? are you going to QA for your birth? i'm going to blakes in gosport. it's great to meet someone so close. :thumbup:
Thank you for your help on my Greek issue but my OH found a cheap ish website and has bought some outfits online and my mother in law has just been round to take it in as it was a plus size dress and so she has made it more tailored :o) Hehe.

Well done for sorting your dress. We are going to a party tomo evening - thankfully not fancy dress but still no idea what to wear... Can't really justify shopping trip either at the moment. MIght have to go quite casual and wear lots of accessories!
I know - baby is now the size of aubergine/eggplant! I get the feeling he is going to stay this size for ages like the papaya! Although my preg book says he is 24cm now! That is huuuuge!
Thats funny as I saw that I was an eggplant I thought how big is that in cms!! And if you are 26 and 4 days and Im 25 and 1 day and we're both eggplants then it doesn't look hopeful it is going to change anytime soon!!! Lol. Maybe they ran out of food to use!!!!!

I have just finished my planning for next week. I have usually already done it before now but seem to be on the go slow recently!!! Painted our cellar yesterday(which is going to be our dining room) and got a MASSIVE bargain today at a bootfair!!!!! I got a Dutalier (think thats how you spell it!) rocking chair for the Nursery for £20!!!!!!!!!!!! SO PLEASED!!!

Anyone bought anything else recently?!!?
Haha! Agree - clearly can't think of anymore fruit to use! My book says at 25 weeks - baby is 22.5cm and about 720 grams. At 26 weeks 23cm (so not much in it I guess) and about 820 grams. I still would prefer a different fruit every week though!
Oh planning is crap! I am so not missing all of that! My maternity leave is officially starting on the 5th June!
Well done for getting painting done! I had better start on our bedroom now. Had been putting it off as I can cope with other rooms being all over the place but I'm not looking forward to not being able to find clothes etc.
£20 that's amazing for one of those chairs! I would have liked one of those but it was slightly too wide. So have a smaller wooden rocking chair that MIL is going to make cushions for.
Yes have spent lots recently! Eeek! Finally put money down on travel system after so much debating! Decided to get icandy in the end and have bought the main chassis and seat unit new as thought that will be used lots and for longest time. And bought the carrycot on ebay for less than half the price it is in shops, it was only used for 3 months and is in excellent condition! Just need to get car seat now. That will definitely have to wait til next month though now! I think I'm then all done with big purchases! Just all the little things like monitors and changing mat etc. I'm sure there are other things I also need... Isn't there?
Thats cool! Well done. Are you painting or wallpapering your bedroom!? You sound like me, our bedroom will be the last room I will do as can't have chaos in our bedroom lol.

Erm...all I did was type in newborn's shopping list and it came up with a pretty good one and separated it into different sections like clothes, bedding, changing etc!

June! Not far away now!! Mine starts 18th Aug but we finish on 22nd July obviously!! Ekk. Cannot wait!!!! I actually finish on 25th May this term as I have that appointment on 26th May then afternoon is my PPA so taking it at home then on the Friday 27th May, husband and I are going to Isle of Wight for 4 days!!! :o)

A 5 day week!!! How are we going to manage?!!?
Need to paint 3 walls and then wall paper one wall, which I am rubbish at but thankfully have amazing friends that are great at putting up wall paper and said they would help.

Have found and put together a good list of things I need to buy now and another little list of things that if family ask what can they buy for the baby I will be able to say exactly what we need or do you think that's a bit rude? Debenhams have some nice things online.

Going to start aquanatal classes next week which I am very excited about! Although slightly worried about wearing my swimsuit with my huge bump! Can't believe we are all nearly in 3rd tri!!!! Eeeee! x
Glad you've found and made a list and no I don't think it is rude! I think that family and friends will def want to buy you things for bubba.

My friends have said they will help me also so we'll both keep our fingers crossed that they do do it and don't back out lol.

Not looked at Debenhams online....

Aquanatal I have not heard of that!! Going to google it now lol.
Hey ladies!!!

Anyone else having real trouble sleeping because they can't get comfy?!?! Or is that a silly Q!!! I have a maternity body pillow and memory topper on mattress and still cannot get comfy........ P.S. Isn't Vera back today!? or tomorrow or am I totally out with dates?!?! What day do you start aquanatal classes Rebecca???
Hi ladies! I am back! Was reading all your posts on my hols, but couldn't repply, sorry.

I can't believe you are already in the 3 trim, I am getting there slowly! Not sure I am ready! Suddenly I am in panic from what is about to happened in 3 month from now... So scarred and excited!

I also find it difficult to sleep. I don't have any mat pillow. I have noticed that it's not only the bump that bothers me during my sleep, but also I suffer from leg cramps.
I have noticed that my Liam dosn't like when I sleep on my side, he kick me on the side that is on the matress... as if he want me to turn... and if I am on my back, he is happy and all sleepy.
Had great hollidays overall. The flight to Antaliya was really bed, about 1 hour into the flight I started to feel really dizzy and faint, had to stand almost the whole flight, and as it was a night flight, couldn't sleep at all.
On the way back felt much better, even managed to sleep a bit.
Our hotel was brilliant! Full of kids and families, I really liked it! I did archery (was really good in it), swimming, billiard, darts and table tennis! I put on 5lb because I couldnt stop my self from eating cakes... Lol food was so so so good! But I was making sure I am having enough veg and fruits as well.

How was your weeks ladies?
Aww I am glad that you have a good time Vera. Well deserved. I also suffer from leg cramps....its not actually LO causing the problem i don't think but again she kicks on mattress as if she wants me to turn over.....i find sleeping on back is fine at the moment but is it safe? I worry I will squash her????? Does that sound silly??? I am so glad I meet you girls on here!!! lol

I am also now getting in a slight panic as even though we are making progress on sorting the house out, it is VERY SLOW!!! And I also find it frustrating that I cannot do some of the stuff that needs doing!!! What with my Husband working all hours god is sending, I can't keep expecting him to do it all...........I think it is time that I call all the favours in from family and friends as we are both exhausted!!!!!
Glad you had a great time Vera - mmm cakes, I have a bit of thing for cake at the moment!
I sometimes sleep really well and other nights really badly. Kept waking up last week with being too hot or needing the toilet, and then not being able to get back to sleep as was starving hungry!
Have aqua natal on Wednesday which I'm hoping will be really good. Have back problems anyway which pregnancy is not helping, so I'm hoping swimming and being in the water will really help that.
Need to go bra shopping again! Is anyone else really going through bras?!! Only bought one 2 weeks ago and had a fitting and everything so was the right size etc.

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