Due around 12th Aug, and looking for a bump buddy

Hey everyone,

Hope you have a wonderful weekend. I have booked a 4D scan too! I am going in one week!!! I can't wait.

Whoo how exciting!!! See if you can manage to put the photos up on here!!
Rebecca I'm glad you and your lo are ok! You had me frightened for a sec! I had that once too with my 2nd dd, I remember thinking part way through the day that I hadn't felt her move, I tried all the normal stuff and I could feel a part of her leg n so was poking and prodding her ( which would usually result in a swift kick back lol) but nothing! Went to local midwife unit and everything wAs fine but its Soo scary! so I know exactly how you felt! :hugs:

The injection is pretty standard and I don't know of any real downside to it other than it's not "natural". It's supposed to speed up the delivery of the placenta and also it is less likely you will retain any of the placenta which can result in Pp hemorrhage etc (although there is always risk weather you have the injection or not).
I will deliver him myself straight onto my chest so no cleaning or passing around. I'll give him to hubby while I deliver the placenta etc.

Looking at 4d scans for around 130 but one place will only do it up to 30 weeks and the other until 32 which doesnt leave me much time! So chances are we won't have chance to get one :cry:
Thank you for being so lovely! Yes it was really scary actually - the movement has changed though now which is strange have high up movements from his feet and low down movements which I guess must be his hands? Did feel a bit silly though as they took it all really seriously with this monitor thing with paper coming out the top marking his heart and movements etc. So pleased all is ok though. Sort of put me off hospital birth though and am becoming more and more keen on either a home birth or a birthing centre.
No although we would really really love a 4d scan and always thought we would have one I don't think we can afford one either - spent so much already on baby and decorating etc. Have heard they are amazing though Blue12 - I'm sure you'll love it! And you'll have to show us pics. I read in papers that some NHS hospitals are now doing 4d scans a bit cheaper. Managed to find link! https://www.thisisdorset.co.uk/news/article-1016176-detail/article.html
Have tried to find out if other NHS hospitals are doing it but haven't had any luck... x
Rebecca, so happy to hear that every thing is fine. I must say that I am concern as mine is not very active and I am afraid that I will not even pay attention if he won't move for a whole day. There are days I don't feel him for 6 hours then just a bit of movement and another few hours of nothing. Grrr

We are hoping to go for a 4d scan in 2 weeks time. But it is so expensive so I am not sure. Maybe just a normal scan, just to make sure he is alright.

I think that in the last week he was laying across my belly, as I felt cicks on bothe of the sides, my bump was very round and I couldn't bend (?). Can you tell how yours is laying?
I was unsure of whether or not to book a 4D scan - but did really want to see baby's face (sneak peek lol). But I also thought I would do it because I was told at 20 weeks that I wouldn't be having any other scans for the entire pg. At the time I couldn't imagine not seeing my little one for another 20 weeks. Now I have had 2 scans since my 20 weeks (they were worried about baby's stomach organ - everything ok - and then they were worried about fluid levels - everything ok) but then they discovered a cyst on baby's kidney so now I will be having scans every 3 weeks from now till baby's arrival. Now I don't really need the 4D but already paid - I am still going to enjoy seeing baby though - and they give you a video and a cd of pictures which is nice.
Hope you've all had good days?! Really sorry if I worried you on fb! I thought I told you I was having anti d today but maybe I didn't. Couldn't believe waited over an hour and a half!!! They were sooooo slow! I was just really glad I managed to find street parking so at least wasn't paying car tickets! Very frustrating! There is only so much you can do on your phone and only so many ppl you can text. Had lots of jobs planned for today as well! Going for a 2 week free trial at gym tomorrow so plan on having some major fitness sessions as get all the classes included too! If you are interested in aqua natal this website has info on classes in your area https://aquanatal.co.uk/page5/page5.html
Rebecca i remembered about you needing an anti d after you updated fb! lol. my brain doesn't hold information too well latley! :wacko: i just saw 'hospital' and instead of using my brain and thinking 'oh yes she mentioned needing an anti d' i just thought 'AHHHHHHHH!!!' :dohh:

How is everyone else? Vera how is your back? mine hurts mostly below my left shoulder when i am sat down (for more than 5 mins) or stood up (for more than an hour) and if i lay down on the sofa my hips and pelvis seem to 'lock up' so when i go to move or get up i can't actually move! :dohh: i move as best i can and hold on to furniture until it eases off, i actually stumbled to the floor the other day as my pelvis just wouldnt support my legs! :haha: i found it hilarious! lol. even though it hurt. i feel like a 90 yr old with arthritis! lol i could avoid it by not lying on the sofa but id rather do that than have the pain below my shoulder as that pain will last hours and theres no way of stopping it once i get it.
is anyone else getting back or pelvis pain other than me and vera? :shrug:
also rebecca how did you get on at the gym? is it ok to start working out now or have you always worked out?
i walk round the shops and i'm achy and stiff let alone going to the gym!! lol :wacko:
Oh, that sounds painful Chelsea… :hugs:

I have a slightly different pain… It gets worse when I walk or seat, but mainly when I lift a leg, go up the stairs and lift something heavier then 1 kilo. The pain I feel is mainly in my pelvic bone and some is in my lower back.
Some days I am almost fine, and others I can feel the pain throughout the entire day. :dohh:

I am getting really worried here, as for the last 2 days I barley feel my little one. He is usually not very active, but these 2 last days, he is very very lazy. Even when I feel him moving, it’s not strong. I am not sure if I should be panicking or he just having some extra lazy days.

Rebecca, who was the gym? :thumbup:
I cant even walk for more then 10 minutes, so do not even dare thinking about gym…
Vera if you are worried call your midwife. It may be your lo is having a sleepy few days but you should trust your own instinct. Does he move more at certain times of the day? My boy is active most at 6-10 pm. The rest of the day I'll get random nudges and fidgets. He never wakes me up at night so I presume he sleeps from around 10:30pm until 4am when I get up for a wee, then he'll have a fidget for a while then go bk to sleep again! Lol
Ok, we are back... I guess my little Liam just had 2 very very lazy days.
He is bombarding me with kicks today :)
Glad you are ok Vera! It is really worrying when they do something different isn't it?!
Had mw appointment yesterday and she said my iron levels are really good and I must have a very good diet - pah! Have eaten so much crap recently! Seem to be having really random cravings! Loved telling my mum as well as am vegetarian and she is always worried that I'm not getting enough iron and could be anaemic blah blah etc.
Don't really plan on using gym AT ALL! Just going for the free pilates and ball classes and free use of facilities hehe! Am hoping it will help with my back as have a bit of a long standing thing going on from a car accident in 2008. Really hurt myself a couple of weeks ago lifting a 50 litre bag of compost at homebase (there was even a guy waiting to get a bag for himself and didn't even offer to help!), so am back at the osteopath! Aqua natal is really helping with pain though and really can't recommend it enough. The induction guy wasn't really keen on me using gym anyway as he said I shouldn't start doing cardio in 3rd tri. He also said I would have to stop classes at 36 weeks but I think aqua natal is 38 weeks. Not sure what they are afraid of?! That your waters might break and it will make a mess?!! That you would go in to labour? Have you thought much about your births and where you are hoping to give birth etc.? x
Glad all is well again Vera and Chelsea sorry to hear about your bad back and pelvis pains. I am fairly lucky I suppose. I get very uncomfortable at night and get like pins and needles in hips but other than that during the day I am fine....tired but fine.

I had to have a swab today after going for my glucose tolerance blood tests at hospital this morning as I have been getting large amounts of discharge and was getting worried.....I just don't know what amount you are meant to class as 'normal'......

Going away to the Isle of Wight tomorrow with the hubbie Friday - Monday just the two of us and friends are looking after the house and dog so really looking forward to that!! I hope you all having a relaxing weekend ladies!!!!

Speak when I get back

Charlie, how was your weekend?

What did you all do this weekend? I have been to Kidicare.. whoop whoop :) Didn't buy anything though...
Ladies, I need your opinion about something...

I have been experience this for the last 2 weeks and thought it was the baby… I thought he changed position or something.

I have been feeling pressure in my pelvic, as if the baby pushing the bones apart. Also I need my bump getting really hard and it makes me breathless. It can last from 2-3 min to 15-20 min. It also makes me need a wee. It happens about few times a day lately (Was less common before)

The pressure in the pelvic can last for hours, no matter if I seat or walk.

Do you think its BH? Or is it something else? Maybe baby dropped? Any of you experience anything similar?

Sorry if it looks like I am panicking about everything and nothing...... :dohh:
Yes how was the Isle of White?! Hope you have all had lovely Bank Holiday weekends! We have had quite a busy one with friends staying. Started to paint the kitchen today - it is sooo grubby when you look up close!!
oh Vera sorry you are having pains. Have you taken anything for it or tried a warm bath? My braxton Hicks I wouldn't say hurt they are just uncomfortable and last a minute or so. This has some info on BH https://www.askbaby.com/braxton-hicks.htm
Sorry I can't be much help as it is all new to me too. If you are worried though Vera please call mw line as they will know exactly if it is something to be worried about. x
Back from the hospital. I didint feel my Liam for the entire day, and along with the pressure I felt today in my pelvic, was extrimly worried. So I called My MW, and guess what, she is away untill the 6th... So I called the hospital, and they told me to come in. Left work earlier, went to pick up hubby from home, and straight to the hospital. In the beginning, the MW assistant was trying to find Lims HB, and she couldn't! So for about 2-3 min I thought I am going to have a heart attack, but then she found it... It was very faint. What a reliefe. Then they monitored his HB and movements, and it looks like he was really deep inside, as I couldn't feel anything while he was moving.
After they did all the checks on me and Liam, the dr checked if I was not dilated, as I mentioned the pressure I was having today, and the pain in my back. So all looks good. I am fine and Liam is fine... Just very naughty boy!

What I found a bit worrying is that Liam's HB went up and down. It was between 157 and 120 (?) not sure it's normal... But the dr didn't seem to be concerned... Oh well...
I'm so pleased everything is ok Vera! My mw said that the hb can go up and down as when they move about it is higher than when they are resting or asleep etc.
What hospital did you go to? Are you planning on having Liam there? Have you been on any hospital tours or anything yet? x
Rebecca, I went to Lister (10 min away) and I am planing to have Liam there. We are going to visit this hospital this weekend. I was impressed with the service I received there... much better then when I visiting my MW.

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