Back from the hospital. I didint feel my Liam for the entire day, and along with the pressure I felt today in my pelvic, was extrimly worried. So I called My MW, and guess what, she is away untill the 6th... So I called the hospital, and they told me to come in. Left work earlier, went to pick up hubby from home, and straight to the hospital. In the beginning, the MW assistant was trying to find Lims HB, and she couldn't! So for about 2-3 min I thought I am going to have a heart attack, but then she found it... It was very faint. What a reliefe. Then they monitored his HB and movements, and it looks like he was really deep inside, as I couldn't feel anything while he was moving.
After they did all the checks on me and Liam, the dr checked if I was not dilated, as I mentioned the pressure I was having today, and the pain in my back. So all looks good. I am fine and Liam is fine... Just very naughty boy!
What I found a bit worrying is that Liam's HB went up and down. It was between 157 and 120 (?) not sure it's normal... But the dr didn't seem to be concerned... Oh well...