It has just taken me about 20 minutes to read all your threads and catch up on what I have missed lol. I actually have written down what I would like to reply to on a piece of paper as my baby brain is in full swing at the minute along with this heat!!!!!! I have never been so hot in my life yesterday and ended up going to my Mum and Dads and stripping to just my underwear

(luckily their house and garden are succluded (can't spell even though I am a teacher!

) unlike my house and garden)
Our weekend away was just what we needed and I have never slept so much!!! I was sleeping 12+ hours at night and then an hour or two nap in the afternoon lmao!!! Strange as we were in a caravan and usually the beds are horrible but this one was lush (actually seemed better than our one at home as I only seem to sleep 5/6 hours a night with no pm nap!!) Nearly brought the bed home with me!!! Think they may have noticed though!!
I have a feeling this is going to be my longest thread yet as I feel I have not spoken to you all in ages so I apologise in advance and I hope you are all sitting when you do read this! LOL.
Vera - I am glad that you liked your hospital and that they took you seriously. I think I need to start taking more vitamins. My LO moves around a fair bit but not always the same as last two days she has been very quiet but last week, she was very active! I finish work at 36 weeks pregnant but totally agree that I want to finish now!! What date do you finish? I finish July 22nd. Cannot wait! 46 days tomorrow!!!!!!

Good luck for your MW appointment on 22nd June and I hope that the student MW is not there!!!
Chelsea - Good luck starting aquanatal classes on 15th!! After this post, I am going to look into classes around my area as I love water to! I would also like a water birth in a MW led centre but true about them not being able to guarantee a pool for you on the day....did you have your girls in hospital? I had a swab and results back - no infection

and GTT results came through post - NORMAL

I have recently been thinking the WHAT IF LO comes early scenario as like Vera, our Nursery room is still not clear!!! Mum has booked the 16th July to decorate it with me, giving me enough time to clear it out inbetween school etc!! Also would just like to say that I am glad you are here as it is good that you are so knowledgable when we ask Qs!!

Good luck for your next MW appointment on 15th!!
Rebecca - Like I just said usually my LO is very active as well but she is good and doesn't seem to wake me up at night and sleeps for a little while during day!! I have had some heartburn but not too bad. I would be too worried about having a home birth as things do not usually go to plan when it involves me!!!!! I also had a big spend up but in New Look yesterday with my hubbie! He treated me as I was so hot and nothing fits anymore so he let me buy practically the whole shop lol but am feeling slightly guilty now!!!

Congratualtions that your Nursery is all done!! VERY jealous!!! Got any pictures you can upload?? Good luck for your next mW appointment on 8th June! (That is my sisters birthday - random! lol)
My next MW appointment is 22nd June same as Veras!!! 11am. I did not realise that about HV either but thanks for the tip! I will wait and see if I get a letter or ask what happens in our area on next MW appointment.
I know I can't believe that we are all in our last trimesters and we first started this thread looking at our 12 week scans!!! How exciting!!!!! I am glad we have all become

and found each other!!!! I wonder if this post will take up a page on its own!!! :Haha: xxx