Due around 12th Aug, and looking for a bump buddy

I'm drinking the RLT - I love it!! It is yummy! Also taking omega 369 which contains EPO as well.

Lol, I like it as well.. Hubby concern that its too early, but I read that you can take it from 32 weeks, one come a day, and to increase it to 3 cups till 36 weeks. I think its my bloody work that make my BH worse and not the tea, as when I am at home, I have nothing... :shrug:

I cant believe it, I have only 8.5 days to go... :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I cant wait to start preparing the house for my little Liam and also to finish the nursery :happydance:
Hubby didn't clean it yet, but I told him he will have time until I am off for my Mat leave, and after that I will become aggressive.. lol :bodyb: and trow his things out! :dohh:
Chelsea, Happy 35 weeks to you today! :happydance::thumbup:

How was your weekend ladies? Sound like you all had a very busy weekend...
We are allowed to whinge and moan now Chelsea. Well done for telling your husband to sort it Vera!! Start getting the rubbish bags ready - that should stir your hubby on! x
Thought i replied to vera earlier??!!?? obviously forgot to press post! :dohh:

Yay that you nearly finished with work and that your hubby will be sorting out the room so you can start decorating :happydance:

Does everyone have everything for baby yet? i only have a few bits left to get - some are just luxury rather than a necessity.

Gro-bag/sleeping bag
under-cot storage boxes - for his sheets and blankets
lightweight snowsuit type thing?!? (like a thinner snowsuit)
teddy hammock net
Baby carrier

Think thats about it.
I also want to get a pre-steralised bottle kit for the hospital (bottles are already pre-steralized in packets and are disposable) as i plan on bottle feeding and you have to take all your own bottles to hospital.
Also have some extras to get that are probably more luxuries.

Seem to have lots of sleeping bags and got a small shelf from Ikea yesterday (I'm sure Ikea is the cause of my swollen feet!)

Hope to get a swing but keep changing my mind! I want one that I can plug in rather than batteries.
Also need undercot storage - they had some great ones in Ikea yesterday but were out of stock as they were on sale!
Changing mat
Cot mobile
I'm sure there is more that I need!

I really want this. :thumbup: But MIL has gone and got us a crib for the lounge which i have no room for and do not want! :growlmad:
We really wished she asked first as now she's just wasted her money. but we feel mean telling her we don't want it. :nope:
I already have a baby seat from my last dd which doesn't have anything attached to it or anything fancy. its easy to move around the house (eg if i decide to go up for a bath i can take it upstairs and put LO in it in the bathroom, or if i am going to be a long time in the kitchen/garden i can easily move it around) so i'm keeping that. Id like the one pictured to stay permantly in the lounge. Now i'm going to have this big wooden crib too though!! I have NO WHERE for the crib to go.
Lee says he'll just tell his mum we don't want the crib but she got it 2nd hand so can't take it back, she's bought special paint to repaint it, she's bought a new matress and sheets for it! :dohh: I don't want her to be upset! :nope: but i really don't want it :nope:

God what a nightmare!!!!!!!!
I am so happy that this baby will be a second grandchild of my MIL, as she seem a bit calmer with the "presents" especially the moment we told her its a boy... :haha: so she just asked us what we need. I prefer her to buy here in the Uk something for him (where I can "help" her choose), as in Portugal (hubby is portuguese) every thing is so expensive... and I cant control what she buys. :haha:

Chelsea, can you just stack it somewhere and "pretend" you use it? I hate when people buy you things you really don't want/like but you feel uncomfortable not to use it... :dohh::dohh:

I also have almost everything I need, what's left is
dummies (not sure yet if I will use them)
Sleeping bag (do you use it in the moses basket? isn't it a bit too big?)
Baby carrier
Toys! we are planing a trip to kidicare this saturday.
Nightlight (Not sure yet what to buy)
Rain cover for the pushchair.
Breast milk storage containers

And I am planing to pain some pictures for the nursery when I am on my Mat leave (8 days whoohoo), so need to buy the pain and the canvases.

Chelsea, I bought something similar for Liam :happydance: it is so cute...! :thumbup:


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We are allowed to whinge and moan now Chelsea. Well done for telling your husband to sort it Vera!! Start getting the rubbish bags ready - that should stir your hubby on! x

He will put me in a rubbish bag instead :haha: with my cat... :haha:
Lol. I so know what you mean about MIL! It is her first so she keeps just buying things and not asking i.e. breast pump and steriliser which I think are rather personal choices but oh no, hubby says we can't upset her and have to keep it!!!! RAR!!

I have recently upset my Mum as well by having an emotional boil over day and said that I felt like I had been neglected through my sister and had been treading on egg shells because I did not want to rub it in my sister and brother in laws faces that I was pregannt and they were not. Now they are my sister has said why are people not fussing over me like everyone is Charlotte and said to my Mum I feel neglected so Mum said ring Charlotte and ask her what she said to me a couple of weeks ago so she did and I told her how I felt at the time and then she passed the phone over to my brother in law as she was by then crying and said why are you telling me now Im siz weeks pregnant and now feel like shit SO I have managed to upset my Mum and sister all in 2 weeks.................if I disappear for a while then I have run away abroad somewhere and will get to an internet cafe when I can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAMILIES!!!!!!! SORRY ABOUT THE RANT!!!

14 days left at work and cannot wait...........xxxxxxxxxxxx
Both your swing/bouncers looks cute! Are they battery or plug in wall? Have heard some of the battery ones run out quite quickly. Do you mean a little rocking crib or one of the massive ones?! We have been given some 'interesting' things too. We have said to them that it will be for when they come to visit and something for their house!! Seems to have worked so far! You could just say that baby doesn't seem to like it much otherwise.

Oh Charlie, sounds like you just had an emotional day, don't forget you will be knackered from school as well - this part of the year is exhausting without being pregnant, let alone being pregnant as well. Your mum and your sister will get over it and as soon as your baby girl arrives you definitely won't be feeling neglected. Please make sure you don't get yourself too worked up - take some deep breaths hahaha! xxx
I have recently upset my Mum as well by having an emotional boil over day and said that I felt like I had been neglected through my sister and had been treading on egg shells because I did not want to rub it in my sister and brother in laws faces that I was pregannt and they were not. SO I have managed to upset my Mum and sister all in 2 weeks................

Thats abit rubbish :hugs:

I'm sure your sis will come round after she's calmed down and thought about it. :thumbup: Families are just a pain lol. And so are some friends!!
Some of my best mates i absolutely can't stand at the moment, as well as some family members too! I expect it's me being unreasonable but i just find myself snapping all the time and saying what i think.:dohh:

Both your swing/bouncers looks cute! Are they battery or plug in wall? Have heard some of the battery ones run out quite quickly. Do you mean a little rocking crib or one of the massive ones?! You could just say that baby doesn't seem to like it much otherwise.

Well it's fairly big (bigger than a moses basket on a stand). We were going to put it away and just get it out when she comes round but we have no where to put it!! :nope: As he will be used to sleeping curled up like in the hammock or car seat or in our arms i was just going to keep it a couple of days and tell her he wont settle in it as he doesn't like and is not used to laying flat out on his back. The reason i opted for the hammock over a moses basket is because it helps them avoid getting a flat head, helps with colic, minimizes cot death etc so why would i want to lay him flat out in a crib all day?!?:shrug: i know it's each to there own when it comes to what they want their baby to sleep in, but it's MY baby and i've chosen a hammock for night and a chair for the day! GRRR!! Not a flaming crib!

or I may also just tell her once he's born that he gets bad colic if i lay him on his back so i cant use it. :thumbup:

I had a battery swing with dd2 and as long as you buy decent batteries they do last quite a long time. I would only have it on for a while to get her to sleep then i'd turn it off.

I also have almost everything I need, what's left is
dummies (not sure yet if I will use them)
Sleeping bag (do you use it in the moses basket? isn't it a bit too big?)
Baby carrier
Toys! we are planing a trip to kidicare this saturday.
Nightlight (Not sure yet what to buy)
Rain cover for the pushchair.
Breast milk storage containers

And I am planing to pain some pictures for the nursery when I am on my Mat leave (8 days whoohoo), so need to buy the pain and the canvases.

Chelsea, I bought something similar for Liam :happydance: it is so cute...! :thumbup:

Did you get it from mothercare? it looks the same just a different colour. :thumbup:

I bought a few dummies but not too many. DD1 wouldn't take a dummy (she used to play with her hair instead).
DD2 did take dummies though.
Dummies are handy but a pain to break them away from when they get older and also they make them more dribbly!! i constantly had a bib on DD2 as her dummy made her dribble loads. I will try a dummy with this LO as overall i found her easier to settle with a dummy and would rather a dummy sucker than a thumb sucker!!!
It was definately an emotional day!!

I have just my sis coming round tonight so hopefully we'll clear the air properly....will let you know!

Rebecca you are right about school!! I have taken some deep breathes and just need to adapt the 'give a shit' face and attitude for the last 2 weeks and 3 days I have left at school!!!
It went well with my sister and everything is now sorted with her and my Mum which I am obv very pleased about.

I hope you are all having a good day so far!? I have just realised that I have this afternoon which is assembly practice for our surprise assembly for retiring head teacher and then tomorrow is Healthy Living Day so no teaching and then I am off Friday as on a course called Active Birth!!! Anyone been to it already or heard about it?? I can't remember whether you have or not!? Then there is a pregnancy evening on monday 11th july......

I have really bad backache today :o( and keep getting sharp pains in my left side....strange...anyway best go do some marking before children come in from lunch. Speak soon!
i'm glad you sorted it all out with your mum and sister :happydance:

Not heard of the active birth class but sounds good :thumbup: the only classes i go to are my aquanatal and the session before where we talk about different things to do with labour/birth/babies etc

I saw my health visitor today and she was lovely :thumbup: so fortunately i am one of the lucky ones with a nice hv :)
when i said i was bottle feeding she just told me about the new way to make up bottles (things have changed since my dd's), she didn't even say so much as 'are you sure you don't want to try bf' :happydance: i hate being nagged about bottle feeding so i'm happy as a pig in sh*t :yipee:
Charlie, I am so happy to hear that everything end up good between you, your mum and sister. I am sure that it is all hormones, remember you are in the 3rd trimester (tired and hormonal) and your sis is in her first trimester... Its all hormones!
I have never heard of active birth class either. what is this?

I saw my health visitor today and she was lovely :thumbup: so fortunately i am one of the lucky ones with a nice hv :)
when i said i was bottle feeding she just told me about the new way to make up bottles (things have changed since my dd's), she didn't even say so much as 'are you sure you don't want to try bf' :happydance: i hate being nagged about bottle feeding so i'm happy as a pig in sh*t :yipee:
:haha: :happydance:
I am so happy you got a nice one, I am terrified of health visitors as I only hear bad things... ... :)

I have been having really bad week (about 4-5 days now), my PGP is so bad, I am having loads of pains in my buttock/tailbone now :haha: (its painful to sit down even on my gym ball)... and feel like baby is pulling down when I get up or walk :shrug: And the pain in my pubic bone is constant now days... I feel miserable :cry:
Rant over :flower:
Both your swing/bouncers looks cute! Are they battery or plug in wall? Have heard some of the battery ones run out quite quickly. Do you mean a little rocking crib or one of the massive ones?!

Mine is working on batteries. I have asked my mum before I was buying as she is working as a day carer for over 15 years, and she had loads of babies. She said that you don't really need to use the music or the vibration too much, as they just like sitting there, and it's good to let them sit there for 20 min after feed, as it helps the digestion. I will take her advice... :flower:

but I guess every baby is different... some will like it , some will not.
Just got back from Aqua natal - feel shattered now!! Had letter from doctor saying they want to see me about my blood results!!! Going this afternoon so I hope everything is ok. I always assume the worst!
Yes have heard of Active Birth classes and workshops. We were going to do a day workshop but I never got round to booking it and I think all the places will be gone now. They look really good. We had a session in our NCT classes about active birth and I'm starting another class on Thursdays which focus on breathing and movements for birth etc. so hoping that will get me through! Have been having a few feelings today about whether I can actually do this when it comes to it. I have kept just saying it's ages away until the day but it dawned on me today that it actually isn't that long away now...
What's this 'new' way then Chelsea? Share... I plan on breastfeeding but maybe doing a bit of a mixture to give him a top up. xxx
Well after worrying about my blood results from that letter saying they need to discuss them! I have slightly low iron levels! They could have said that in the letter rather than making me worry!!! Have iron tablets - great! Apparently they are on the borderline and when you give birth they drop quite a bit so have some tablets to give me a boost. Can't understand how they were so good last time - was even complimented on them (I felt so proud haha!!!) and not so good this time. Perhaps baby is taking all the iron for himself!!
How are all you all doing? I'm actually really liking that it's raining and I'm not feeling soooo hot! x
Rebbeca, I am so glad that every thing is fine, and its just a bit of low iron...
I didn't got any reply at all about my bloods, and MW didn't get them either... I hope it means all is good.
Well after worrying about my blood results from that letter saying they need to discuss them! I have slightly low iron levels! They could have said that in the letter rather than making me worry!!! Have iron tablets - great!

Iron tablets suck :hugs: remember not to take them with milk etc, wait an hour after having milk before taking one. Also take with fresh orange juice (helps absorb it and helps you poo :haha:) My poo is icky horrible now! can't wait to come off them :sick:

What's this 'new' way then Chelsea? Share... I plan on breastfeeding but maybe doing a bit of a mixture to give him a top up. xxx
It's just the way you make bottles up has changed. before you would literally make all bottles up for a 24 hour period and put them in the fridge and warm them up for use as and when you need one.
now you just put the water in the bottles, leave them on the side, when you need one you add the powder, shake and use. (u can still warm it up a little if you prefer). Hope that made sense :wacko:

I am so happy you got a nice one, I am terrified of health visitors as I only hear bad things... ... :)

You may have a nice one too :thumbup: they do exist! lol

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