Due around 12th Aug, and looking for a bump buddy

Just back from the hospital, looks like every thing is fine.
I hade period like pains yesterday and today.
They did find a trace of sugar I'm my urin so going for blood test tomorow morning. :(
Also had some iregulr contractions while I was there, but they where not too worry as they are not painful. Everbody were extrimly nice and helpful. They tald me it's good that I came in, and I always should call them if I have any problem at all...

I was just reading through my notes, and they wrote there that the baby is head down, and 2/5 engaged (3/5 palpable) :) so that is probably all the pains and pressure I have been feeling down there... Not very pleasant.
I am glad all is good with you Rebecca and good luck having funny poos lol.

Good news about you Vera. It was nice to read that everyone was nice to you as well as I always worry people would think of me as a hypercondriact.....cant spell!! lol. 2/5 engaged! You are so going to have Liam before me!!! I have midwife appointment on wed so will ask her if I am engaged or not!!! Baby was head down last time but she didn't say anything about engaged or not.......Hope you are having a better day today!

Chelsea I remember that is how my friend did her bottles (her son is 2 in oct) so do you do the water and then just store them on the side or in the fridge until you need them??

I have had another long and busy week....course thing tomorrow will let you all know how it goes obviously and then 10 working days left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxx
Yeh I'm pleased there was nothing more to my blood results, just a bit annoyed that I got worried about them and they didn't just leave me a message or write it in the letter that I needed iron tablets - I was thinking all sorts was wrong with me!!!
Glad all ok Vera, you may just have a slight urine infection. RLT can sometimes give strong BH so make sure you aren't overdosing!!!
Hope the course goes well tomo and bonus you're missing a day of school!!!
Going to Wales for the weekend, staying in the middle of nowhere but have located nearest hospital just in case!
Hope you all have lovely weekends ladies! xxx
I am back from the hospital (where I had my bloods). Had to fast from 22:00 in the evening and was back home only at 14:00. wasn't as bad as I imagined. Liam was no happy with no feed lol, he was kicking me from 09:30 until 13:00 non stop, but after that he started to loose his power, and fell asleep (He is not active at this times and if he is, its for 20-40 min max).
So Now I am waiting for my results, I should e able to get them on Wednesday. Feengers crossed I don't have Gestational Diabetes... although chances are that I do have it, as my mum had it when she was pregnant with me :(

Rebecca, enjoy your weekend in Wales!

Charlie, I dont think that if I my LO is already engaged means anything, I heard they can stay like this for ages... with my luck, I will be overdue... :(
Chelsea I remember that is how my friend did her bottles (her son is 2 in oct) so do you do the water and then just store them on the side or in the fridge until you need them??

Yes then add the powder and use. :thumbup:

Yeh I'm pleased there was nothing more to my blood results, just a bit annoyed that I got worried about them and they didn't just leave me a message or write it in the letter that I needed iron tablets - I was thinking all sorts was wrong with me!!!

Going to Wales for the weekend, staying in the middle of nowhere but have located nearest hospital just in case!
Hope you all have lovely weekends ladies! xxx

They just rang me and told me i needed iron tablets and to pick a prescription up from dr on monday. Can't see why they needed to call you in and cause you worry for no reason! :growlmad:

hope you have a great weekend :thumbup:

I am back from the hospital (where I had my bloods). Had to fast from 22:00 in the evening and was back home only at 14:00. wasn't as bad as I imagined. Liam was no happy with no feed lol, he was kicking me from 09:30 until 13:00 non stop, but after that he started to loose his power, and fell asleep (He is not active at this times and if he is, its for 20-40 min max).
So Now I am waiting for my results, I should e able to get them on Wednesday. Feengers crossed I don't have Gestational Diabetes... although chances are that I do have it, as my mum had it when she was pregnant with me :(

I hope your results come back ok Vera :hugs: although the whole way through i've had a feeling you will have liam first so maybe if you have GD you will?:shrug:
I hope you don't though, you have had all sorts of pains and problems without having GD too :(
Aww that'll be funny if Vera is first out of all of us. As long as you and baby are safe at the end of it obviously!!

Rebecca enjoy your weekend in Wales.

The course was ok...not quite what I expected although I don't actually kno0w what I was expecting! Lol. Was shown a lovely home birth video which was graphic but made me think what a beautiful thing birth is and how amazing we are all going to feel when we hold our LOs for the first time!! Was told about breast feeding, bathing etc as well as pain relief benefits and cons which was good. When I finish work I just need to go to the weekly tour of the delivery suite at the hospital and then I think I really am trully ready!! Going to a 30th bday party tonight and then over the weekend we are decorating out bedroom then we only have the stairs to get plastered and painted and that can wait to be honest! YAH!
Charlie, how did you hear about this course? did you pay for it? Sound a bit like my antenatal classes (except the video) .

I am not sure I'll be happy to give birth first lol. I have no idea what to do with a baby. Although the thought of make it 38 weeks instead of 40 weeks sound so good at the moment as I am in so much pain walking and doing anything except laying down.
Hubby is joking and saying he will learn russian so that he can say to my mum "I want my money back, this one is broken" Lol...

My mum had GD at the last 2 month of her pregnancy and I was born 7lb 3oz, and I did not have any problems, so I am not too worried. Although at my last scan my Liam was slightly bigger (1 week ahead) and weighted about a week ahead...
Had a really lovely wkend in Wales - weather was amazing but got sun burnt :( Had to take soooo much stuff and am usually such a light packer! Took all 5 pillows that I now need, duvets to sleep on top of, hot water bottles, ice packs, hospital bag and notes. I knew that if I didn't take notes etc with us I would end up going to hospital for something! Thankfully didn't need them! Stopped in Dorset on way back to see parents - strange to think that the next time we see them I will have a baby!!

Fingers crossed for your blood results Vera - it's horrible just waiting. Did anything show up on your 28 week bloods? I agree, I would happily have baby at 38 weeks! Going to 40 seems like ages away!! Am getting up every 3 hours for the toilet or to rearrange pillows!!!

OMG Chelsea!!! You are a week from being full term!!!! Ahhhhhh!!

Sounds like you covered lots in your course Charlie - did you get to meet any other nice couples? xxx
Took all 5 pillows that I now need, duvets to sleep on top of, hot water bottles, ice packs, hospital bag and notes.

Fingers crossed for your blood results Vera - it's horrible just waiting. Did anything show up on your 28 week bloods? I agree, I would happily have baby at 38 weeks! Going to 40 seems like ages away!! Am getting up every 3 hours for the toilet or to rearrange pillows!!!

So glad you had good time in Wales. You deserved it!
Lol, I also sleep with 5 pillows and 1 double and 1 single duvet. Feel like I am made of glass... :haha:

As per my bloods from 28 weeks, nobody knows where they are. When I went to my MW appointment at 31weeks, she said that they where not sent to her, and she will try to find them. I have an appointment with her tomorrow, so I will ask her if she found them.
I received a phone call yesterday from a blocked number, couldn't answer (was in a meeting), but I am terrified to think it could the results from Friday.. :nope:
As per my bloods from 28 weeks, nobody knows where they are. When I went to my MW appointment at 31weeks, she said that they where not sent to her, and she will try to find them. I have an appointment with her tomorrow, so I will ask her if she found them.
I received a phone call yesterday from a blocked number, couldn't answer (was in a meeting), but I am terrified to think it could the results from Friday.. :nope:

That's bad that they can't find them!!! My doctors lost some of my results when I was 18 weeks and were just generally hopeless so I moved doctors completely. I now have a 5-10 minute drive rather than a 5 minute walk but my new doctors and mw are amazing and totally worth it (apart from the whole worrying me about low iron anyway!) Could you phone your doctors and ask if the results from Friday have come in yet?
Glad you had a good weekend Rebecca. :thumbup:

Vera i'd give the dr a call and ask if they have your results yet. Say you had a missed call and thought it might be them.

I have midwife tomorrow for my blood test to see if my iron has gone up enough to have my baby at the birth center. i hope so!!

Cant believe ive only got 3 weeks 6 days left!!! :shock:
I cannot believe that either Chelsea!!! How exciting!!! We all seem to have a MW app lol. Strange! Course was good. Paid £5 donation per couple which was obv more than alright! Heard about it through my MW. Meet some nice couples but noone willing to share their mobile numbers so may just see them again at a mother and baby session somewhere along the line hopefully.

Went to a pregnancy open evening at a sure start centre near me with my sister last night and got lots of free goodies lol. Then onto aqua bumps and so slept quite well yesterday lol.

Glad you enjoyed your time away. I love Dorset! My OH cannot wait for me to stop playing my princess pea act although I haven't quite got up to 5 pillows and duvets lol.

We have a bump to baby photoshoot on 26th July! Cannot wait!!! Should be nice being dolled up and then photos taken!!!

Vera you cant have long left at work now??? I still have 8 days!!!! ARGH! 38 weeks sounds perfect to me lol as long as bubba healthy then obv dont mind her coming early!!!!!!! xxxxxxx
I don't have mw app today - would have done but as I'm hoping for home birth, mw comes to me which is lovely! So she is coming on Monday as I need to be given the ok from 37 weeks so she is combining the two visits.
£5 sounds really good value! That's a shame none of the other couples wanted to share numbers etc. You are all in the same situation.
oooo bump to baby shot sounds lovely!
Have you had any results from your bloods Vera?
Hope your iron levels have gone up - been eating lots of spinach I hope with orange juice! I'm not sure what I have done with my iron tablets. I was so good taking them for the first couple of days and now have completely forgotten about them, I am so bad at remembering to take pills etc!! Better find them and start taking them again today! :oops:
I have tried to call the hospital yesterday to get the results for my sugar test, but the number I was given is wrong, so I am waiting to my MW appointment today,as I was told that my MW will receive my results.
She also should have my blood results from 28 weeks today, so hopefully I will know what is going on today.

Tomorrow is my last day at work, I cant wait, I am exhausted! Charlie, you are my hero... Working with kids for another 7 (or is it 6?) days!
yesterday had my last antenatal class, so we managed to get 1 phone number from a couple in our town... Lol... We wanted to ask another couple but they ran away quickly the moment the class was over... I bet we will meet them again in one of the baby classes/events in the area...
Back from my MW appointment. I am so so so p**ed off!

1. She told me she has my blood tests from my 28 weeks, and so nicely told me that my Iron is really good. But as I got home, i took a look at this blood tests, and the date is from 5/04/11, I was 20 weeks then! so either someone put the wrong date on those results, or they lost my 28 week blood tests!

2. When I asked the MW yesterday, at my Antenatal classes, if my MW can give me a referral to a physio, as I barley can walk this days... and was told that any MW should be able to give me a referral. So I ask my MW today, and guess what, she don't want to do it, but will leave a note to my GP to give me a referral ASAP...

3. When she was measuring me, I asked her if she could tell me the baby position (I know it, but wanted to hear a second opinion) and also asked her if she can tell if the baby engaged as I feel loads of pains and pressure down there. She didn't even touched my bump, just one "pet" on the top of it, and said 'the baby is laying a bit across (she did point the right direction of his bum but is wrong about the position of rest of the body) so he can not be not engaged' and then said something that she doesn't want really to check and that they only require to check at 36 week appointment only!

I want to change a MW!
I did check in the booklet she gave me, and it does say that she suppose to check the baby position at 36 weeks, but I don't think I want to wait to see if she will, or she will brush me again. I am so upset and annoyed...

Rant over! So sorry to if I sound grumpy...
Chelsea - I cannot believe how fast the time is going...can you!?! Did the time fly with your daughters as well?!?! 26 days to go!!!! You ready and prepared?!?! Has your iron gone up enough for you to have LO at Birthing Centre? Hope so. Rest of appointment ok??

Rebecca - Happy 36 weeksd and only 28 days to go!!!! Do you think the time has suddenly started going faster?!?! Especially now you are off work or not??? Sounds good about MW coming to house. What made you decide to have a home birth??? Just curious. How late on can you decide about whether to have a home birth or not........It was a shame about not exchanging numbers with any couples as like you said yourself, we are all in the same boat......hey ho. Am sure we will meet other mums and dads at groups and stuff......I am useless at remembering to take tablets as well so I hope you start remembering....I used to put a reminder on my phone that went off at same time each day!!! Lol. Aww shame about being a honey dew still and not a water melon!!

Vera - Happy 34 weeks and only 42 days to go!!! Whooooo. Tomorrow is your last day......sooooooooooo jealous!!!!! I have 7 working days left at school with my delightful class of 25 6 and 7 year olds!!! They are definitely grinding me down though as they are getting excited about it being the Summer Holidays soon!!! They all met their new teachers for September today as well!! Bless. You probably will meet the couples again at some point along the line. I would ring tomorrow and ask them to double check your dates and that is really harsh that she wouldn't refer you...what were her reasons behind not??? GP should be able to sort you out though......She does sounds horrible. I'd change!!!

My MW appointment was fine. Blood pressure still low and good. Measuring up what I should be and baby moved from last position but still head down and not engaged as yet! She said she should engage from 36 weeks so at my next appointment she should be!!!!!! EXCITING!!! Got a letter from HV today asking to come and visit 25th July at 1pm......:oS Anyway, I am going to watch Jo Frost Extreme Parenting program on channel four now lol. Speak tomorrow xxx
Oh no Vera! That is annoying! So the blood results they gave were your old ones?!! I have heard that yes if you have bad SPD your mw or doc should refer you. See if you can change your mw. I am so pleased I changed from the first one I saw. My mw has been always checked position from maybe 20 weeks or 24 weeks.
Could be less than 25 days if baby comes early! Anytime from 37 weeks!! Two out of the eight couples from my NCT class have given birth and they were both early by about a week! Hoping mine will be a little bit early - 38 or 39 weeks sound good.
Oooo HV?! Mine will come after baby is born according to mw. Apparantly I will have mw until 10 days after birth and then after that HV will visit - great!!!
I have a real thing about hospitals - really don't like them. I also think that giving birth is completely natural and I shouldn't need to be in hospital. At home I will be able to have gas and air, pool - going to pick that up on Wednesday :) will also have 3 mw just for me (one is a final placement student), less poking and prodding and filling in of charts, my husband will be able to be with me afterwards and not have to leave. A couple of my friends have had home births and said it was amazing - so chilled and relaxed compared to their hospital experiences. I just know that I will be much more relaxed I guess at home and I think from speaking to other ladies, staying calm and relaxed is crucial. So yah! Those are pretty much my reasons hahah! There are quite a few if you have read that far!
I know I really thought I was going to be a watermelon at 36 weeks!! It's a full moon soon I think - isn't that supposed to have an effect on pregnant women?!!
Hope your iron levels have gone up - been eating lots of spinach I hope with orange juice! I'm not sure what I have done with my iron tablets. I was so good taking them for the first couple of days and now have completely forgotten about them, I am so bad at remembering to take pills etc!! Better find them and start taking them again today! :oops:

I still haven't heard from mw so hopefully she'll call monday :thumbup:
I'm rubbish at taking pills too but with my birthing center birth at stake i've not missed one!

Back from my MW appointment. I am so so so p**ed off!

:hugs: i hope your 36 week appointment goes better for you! Some midwifes just seem to do the bare minimum and others seem to do more than they have to. Have they told you your gd results yet?

Chelsea - I cannot believe how fast the time is going...can you!?! Did the time fly with your daughters as well?!?! 26 days to go!!!! You ready and prepared?!?! Has your iron gone up enough for you to have LO at Birthing Centre? Hope so. Rest of appointment ok??

No it didnt go fast with my daughters at all. im so suprised how fast it's gone this time. i think it's where ive been so busy :shrug: i should find out mon or tues about my iron levels! fingers crossed!!! we are ready apart from some pre-made bottles for hospital (mothercare had sold out and so had tescos!!):growlmad: have to get some from asda where they cost more :dohh: are you ready?

Could be less than 25 days if baby comes early! Anytime from 37 weeks!! Two out of the eight couples from my NCT class have given birth and they were both early by about a week! Hoping mine will be a little bit early - 38 or 39 weeks sound good.

I have a real thing about hospitals - really don't like them. I also think that giving birth is completely natural and I shouldn't need to be in hospital. At home I will be able to have gas and air, pool - going to pick that up on Wednesday :) will also have 3 mw just for me (one is a final placement student), less poking and prodding and filling in of charts, my husband will be able to be with me afterwards and not have to leave. A couple of my friends have had home births and said it was amazing - so chilled and relaxed compared to their hospital experiences. I just know that I will be much more relaxed I guess at home and I think from speaking to other ladies, staying calm and relaxed is crucial. So yah! Those are pretty much my reasons hahah! There are quite a few if you have read that far!
I know I really thought I was going to be a watermelon at 36 weeks!! It's a full moon soon I think - isn't that supposed to have an effect on pregnant women?!!

I am jealous of your home birth i would love one. unfortunately with the dogs it's just not practical :-(
I do not want LO coming before 7th aug as thats when dh starts his annual leave and i don't want him coming on the 11th as thats our wedding anniversary. however he needs to come before the 13th because thats when kids, mum and step-dad are going on holiday. So he can come on the:
8th -due date from scan
9th - due date from lmp
:thumbup: i hope he's paying attention! lol :haha:
I do not want LO coming before 7th aug as thats when dh starts his annual leave and i don't want him coming on the 11th as thats our wedding anniversary. however he needs to come before the 13th because thats when kids, mum and step-dad are going on holiday. So he can come on the:
8th -due date from scan
9th - due date from lmp
:thumbup: i hope he's paying attention! lol :haha:

Hahah! Love it! I'd like mine to come anytime between 28th July and 10th August. Really don't want him going over. Our wedding anniversary is 21st August so unlikely he will come then. So it would be nice if he comes bit before then so he's more settled. xxx

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