Thanks all, I am very excited...
Its at 10:00. I will have my IPhone with me, so I will be able to let you know straight away...
I forgot to say earlier that i had a dream lastnight that i was at my scan and it was a boy. don't know weather to believe my dream or not.
So so strange!! I had a dream last night about my scan and it was a girl!!! Ahahaha! It is probably as we are all talking about it so much!
Charlie says dreams are suposed to be opposite so i'm having a girl and your having a boy! lol
I don't think I have ever been so excited either about someone else's scan!
We are hoping to find out and then also just not tell anyone! Hahah! Although I will tell all you of course!! Don't know why everyone I talk to says it's nicer to not find out! Really does my head in! `Wonder if they change my date again!
All my family and friends can't wait for me to find out lol they are all dying to buy little outfits n stuff, i told them to wait until i knew the sex so i could get boy or girl outfits and stuff rather than unisex