Due in June 2014!(88 sunflowers), 37 (blue), 24 (pink), (48) here!

Hey Ophelia, untrained sonographers can really do more harm than good sometimes. When my mom was pregnant with my sister the US tech told my mom she would be born with no face because my sister was stubborn and never faced the camera. The US Tech told my mom she should abort the pregnancy because of that. My mom's reaction was "f off" and my sister was born perfectly normal with a face and everything.

I really hope that is the case for you, sorry you got put in that position and everything is A-OK with your little bean!

I can't believe anyone would say that! That's really terrible- it's like they're telling someone to abort based on an old wives tale!
My mom was pretty upset, and still talks about it 25 years later. This was before she grew a set and let people walk all over her. I know sometimes people say hurtful things trying to do good, but that is NOT something you say to a mom.
OMG these ultrasound techs are just stupid. In my personal experience, I've seen that mom's intuition about the pregnancy is better than any U/S report from the techs.

Yes, we can see the babies in the ultrasound. That's the one good part. Some techs act as if they know everything about the pregnancy. I had the same problem but with "expert" doctors at the NICU at one of the best hospitals in the US. And of course, I have a perfectly healthy baby girl, by God's grace.

All these stats about what is normal and always acting as if something is going to go wrong cause immense emotional and psychological damage to so many families.

Please don't be pressured by the doctors to do things that you do not want to do. Good luck.
Hi everyone!

Hazy baby glad your scan went well lovely pic :D

My scan also went perfect :D 'my due date has changed to the 2nd of June! Here is my pic https://i884.photobucket.com/albums/ac50/jenniferannex/null_zpsca9f0c0a.jpg
Congrats jenniferannex! It's so nice to see how baby like the babies are looking now x
Awww I'm so jealous! I want my 12 week scan nowwwwwwwww!! 13 days!!
12w on sunday, my LO's 1st birthday <3 NT scan the week after. i've been feeling pretty ok for the last week and a half, so i'm worried! but... my boobs have come back! so there must still be something going on. nothing sinister happening down there (except for pins and needles in my foof when i exercise) so i'm just keeping everything crossed for a while longer.

will do a bump pic tomorrow, as it was this time with DS that i took my first bump pic and i wanna see the difference.

loving the scan pics :) not liking the nasty US tech stories!!! grr.

hugs to everyone going through a tough time xxx
Congrats Hazybabt84, jenniferannex!!!:happydance:Not long until 2nd tri:thumbup:

Ophelia- how horrible for them to worry you like that! Especially since you weren’t planning to have any sort of testing done. I agree with some of the other girls and feel like being prepared and knowing for sure might be a good thing. I had an ultrasound last week and they looked at the NT measurement but didn’t give any answers because it was too early and results are not clear at that stage… I was measuring 11 weeks. I’m sure your baby will be perfect regardless.

Sassymom- the nerve of the ultrasound tech telling your mom to abort!:growlmad:

I have such a hard time keeping up with this fast moving thread but I try to read everyday! I hope everyone is doing great and it sounds like we have some early movers.

I was 16 weeks when I first felt my daughter but I swear starting last week I’ve been feeling fluttering and the occasional pop! Exciting stuff!!!

I had a growth ultrasound last Friday. The baby is doing great and pretty wild according to the ultrasound tech. He/she would not stop kicking. :cloud9:The baby measured 11 weeks so we are now only 4 days behind instead of a whole week! We have our NT scan this Friday so the dads are flying out for it. Sunday was my last hip injection and last night I took my last set of pills so as of today I am just a normal preggo on prenatals and baby aspirin.
Ophelia - that tec was completely out of order to do that measurement without your consent. Sounds like she's a bit of a knowitall. I agree with the other girls here, don't feel pressurised into doing anything. Fingers x'd next Monday goes smoothly x

Has anyone heard of the 'nub' theory? It's a way of predicting the gender based on your 12 week scan. If you're lucky enough to get a good shot you can tell from your 12 week scan pic! I don't want to give anthing away in case you'd rather keep it a surprise but it's to do with the angle of the baby's bits... Mr Google can enlighten you more!
Nub theory :)

Yay Jennifer! Beautiful scan pic. I'll update your due date!
Iv heard of the nub theory but I don't quite get it enough to make educated guesses myself! Even though were staying team yellow it's still fun for people to guess before! They can only be one or the other really! x
I just got back from my NT scan and everything went just perfectly!! My little peanut is now measuring six days ahead which puts me at an EDD of May 26, 2014, but they said they generally don't adjust due dates unless the baby is measuring more than a week ahead so my official due date will remain June 1. The NT measurement was excellent, a nasal bone was present and nothing else looked amiss. They let me do the DNA genetic screen instead of the other one, so I will get a definite answer in 10 days, but from the scan it looks like it's unlikely anything's wrong. I've already told my dad so everyone on my side of the family will know and dh will start announcing to his side. I'm going to tell my supervisors tomorrow.

I also got a gender guess. I am tentatively Team BLUE!!! I'm so excited, although dd is going to be disappointed. The sonographer said it wasn't 100% but she was pretty sure. I saw the bulge and I am pretty convinced too. It was funny because my little guy had his hand between his legs and the sonographer said "yep, that HAS to be a boy", lol.

So if the guess holds true, it looks like the old wives tale about the heartbeat is wrong because this kid's heartrate was 163. The Ramzi method would have been correct though.
DS never gave a good nub shot :/ we had to wait til 20w to see properly, little monkey.

hoping i can at least make an educated guess this time.
I too have heard of the nub theory, but have yet to see a scan (other than those given as examples) where you can actually see anything!
Ooo lovely! Our first (maybe) blue sunflower! :eek:
My sister is 18 weeks pregnant and she had her scan yesterday. They told her she's having a girl, but at the 12 week scan they thought it was a boy! She is carrying high so she thought it might be a girl, but then the baby's heart rate was high so that made her think boy. Guess you never know!

My NT scan isn't until the 29th so 9 days to go! I'll be 12+5 then and plan on telling everyone once we see that baby is doing good! :happydance:
I'm so jealous of people who have 12 weeks scans :p I have to wait for my 20 week scan January 20th for the anatomy scan. I can't wait to know if I'm team Blue or team Pink!!
I get to find out what I'm having on December 4th if baby cooperates! The sonographer at my OB's office does gender scans from 13 weeks so I went ahead and scheduled it. That's only 2 weeks away! :)
Thank you everyone! :)

Cali glad yours went well!!

Everyone with scans to come I bet it will fly round and be here in no time!!
I've got 4 weeks left until I find out baby's gender, getting a private gender scan as I just can't wait and would love to know before Christmas!

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