Due in June 2014!(88 sunflowers), 37 (blue), 24 (pink), (48) here!

My scan is this Monday and I'll be 19+6 :)

All day today I've had really dull aching across the bottom of my stomach, sometimes it's not too bad, other time I think ouch that hurts!
I've read it's completely normal around this stage as baby is growing so much! I can't help but worry!!
I don't want to ring my midwife cos I know they will just say take paracetamol and rest! any of you ladies experiencing this?

I have it for second day now . I was worried too , but than I figured if it doesn't get worse and if it doesn't last for a long time at once than it's probably everything stretching :shrug:

Yeh that's what I'm thinking, it's hard not to worry isn't it.

It went before for about an hour then came back! But I can feel her wriggling around so I know she's ok which is reassuring. It just seems so long since I was pregnant with Lily I can't remember what happened and what didn't!
My scan is this Monday and I'll be 19+6 :)

All day today I've had really dull aching across the bottom of my stomach, sometimes it's not too bad, other time I think ouch that hurts!
I've read it's completely normal around this stage as baby is growing so much! I can't help but worry!!
I don't want to ring my midwife cos I know they will just say take paracetamol and rest! any of you ladies experiencing this?

I have it for second day now . I was worried too , but than I figured if it doesn't get worse and if it doesn't last for a long time at once than it's probably everything stretching :shrug:

Yeh that's what I'm thinking, it's hard not to worry isn't it.

It went before for about an hour then came back! But I can feel her wriggling around so I know she's ok which is reassuring. It just seems so long since I was pregnant with Lily I can't remember what happened and what didn't!

I feel like I am more worried this pregnancy :shrug:
May be because the first time I didn't know how everything works and what can go wrong :shrug:
But now I am watching everything carefully and getting worried about every little thing :shrug:
Especially about labor . My first labor was so smooth and quick I am now worried what can go wrong with this one since with DS was everything so easy :haha:
Also girl who knows the gender already ...
Did you get potty shots or did the technician show you the gender parts ?
With my first son I get clear pictures of boy parts but with this one I have been told twice it's a boy but didn't get any pictures or didn't even see anything :shrug:
Not that I don't believe it's a boy but I just can't stop thinking bout actually not seeing the proof :haha:
I have another scan in 4 weeks so I will ask for reassurance since I will be 21 weeks so it should be for sure but still ... I don't even feel like buying blue :blush: , I don't mind having another boy at all , I just wanna proof :blush::coffee:
Proudmomma, for both of my pregnancies the doctor/technician showed me the gender parts. They were both done at 12 and a half weeks at a high risk doctor's office and both turned out to be right. For my boy, the technician did a potty shot and it was pretty easy to see his nuts and berries even before she told me the gender!

For dd, the doctor also did a potty shot and was pointing out the labia, but I couldn't really make anything out. She told me not to paint the nursery but she seemed very confident in her prediction.
Proudmomma, for both of my pregnancies the doctor/technician showed me the gender parts. They were both done at 12 and a half weeks at a high risk doctor's office and both turned out to be right. For my boy, the technician did a potty shot and it was pretty easy to see his nuts and berries even before she told me the gender!

For dd, the doctor also did a potty shot and was pointing out the labia, but I couldn't really make anything out. She told me not to paint the nursery but she seemed very confident in her prediction.

I had all of my scans at high risk maternal fetal office this pregnancy and even the previous .
I just feel like they should show me :shrug:I know that's not their priority but still :shrug:
I am not saying I don't believe them with the gender , I just wanna see it :haha: , it makes it harder for me to take it seriously and real :shrug:
Proudmomma, for both of my pregnancies the doctor/technician showed me the gender parts. They were both done at 12 and a half weeks at a high risk doctor's office and both turned out to be right. For my boy, the technician did a potty shot and it was pretty easy to see his nuts and berries even before she told me the gender!

For dd, the doctor also did a potty shot and was pointing out the labia, but I couldn't really make anything out. She told me not to paint the nursery but she seemed very confident in her prediction.

I had all of my scans at high risk maternal fetal office this pregnancy and even the previous .
I just feel like they should show me :shrug:I know that's not their priority but still :shrug:
I am not saying I don't believe them with the gender , I just wanna see it :haha: , it makes it harder for me to take it seriously and real :shrug:

That sucks that they didn't even bother to show you what they were looking at. Seriously it would have taken no more than five seconds!
Proudmomma: My scan is also the 3rd at 1pm. lol Seems like we'll have the same schedule unless something changes.

I got a potty shot. Idk where you're located, but my dr's office wouldn't dare not give a scan pic to an expectant mom. Especially the potty shot (if they wanted to know). I have at least 8 scan pics from all the scans I've had.

I pay a lot of money to my dr and for my insurance so he treats me like a queen. I don't feel like just another pregnant lady to him, we have a good repore going. I've heard so many negative things about the ladies in UK under the NHS. I couldn't imagine seeing a different midwife for every appointment.

I've also read some other threads that there's a labor ward, delivery ward and recovery ward in different countries. Not sure if it was UK but is was across the pond. I feel we're (American's) are spoiled with an all inclusive suite. This one lady said she had to share a recover ward with 3 other ladies and their babies. LIke I said, I couldn't imagine. I guess I'm culturally sheltered and thought in other 1st world countries we shared the same luxuries. I was WRONG... I digress! There's my novel.. Sorry. lol
Proudmomma: My scan is also the 3rd at 1pm. lol Seems like we'll have the same schedule unless something changes.

I got a potty shot. Idk where you're located, but my dr's office wouldn't dare not give a scan pic to an expectant mom. Especially the potty shot (if they wanted to know). I have at least 8 scan pics from all the scans I've had.

I pay a lot of money to my dr and for my insurance so he treats me like a queen. I don't feel like just another pregnant lady to him, we have a good repore going. I've heard so many negative things about the ladies in UK under the NHS. I couldn't imagine seeing a different midwife for every appointment.

I've also read some other threads that there's a labor ward, delivery ward and recovery ward in different countries. Not sure if it was UK but is was across the pond. I feel we're (American's) are spoiled with an all inclusive suite. This one lady said she had to share a recover ward with 3 other ladies and their babies. LIke I said, I couldn't imagine. I guess I'm culturally sheltered and thought in other 1st world countries we shared the same luxuries. I was WRONG... I digress! There's my novel.. Sorry. lol

I don't think we do too badly with the NHS - I'm very protective of it lol! I think its important that everybody has access to good healthcare and people don't suffer purely because they don't have the money for good insurance. I can guarantee I'd rather have to share a ward when recovering from delivery than be crippled by debt trying to get treatment for a debilitating disease. I'm not having a go at you at all, I just think that the NHS does brilliantly considering the difficulties it has.

Not that I actually have to worry about any of that because at my hospital you have a private room that you stay in the whole way through your stay- I'm sure most maternity wings are getting like that in the UK I think.
Is anyone else suffering with varicose veins at all yet?
I had them in my leg when I was having my son but not this early on. And literally after he was born my leg went straight back to normal!
This time round my right leg is horrendous already and can be quite painful by the end of the day.
So ive got myself some maternity support tights. Fingers crossed they help! I dont think it helps that im on my feet at work all day!
Proudmomma: My scan is also the 3rd at 1pm. lol Seems like we'll have the same schedule unless something changes.

I got a potty shot. Idk where you're located, but my dr's office wouldn't dare not give a scan pic to an expectant mom. Especially the potty shot (if they wanted to know). I have at least 8 scan pics from all the scans I've had.

I pay a lot of money to my dr and for my insurance so he treats me like a queen. I don't feel like just another pregnant lady to him, we have a good repore going. I've heard so many negative things about the ladies in UK under the NHS. I couldn't imagine seeing a different midwife for every appointment.

I've also read some other threads that there's a labor ward, delivery ward and recovery ward in different countries. Not sure if it was UK but is was across the pond. I feel we're (American's) are spoiled with an all inclusive suite. This one lady said she had to share a recover ward with 3 other ladies and their babies. LIke I said, I couldn't imagine. I guess I'm culturally sheltered and thought in other 1st world countries we shared the same luxuries. I was WRONG... I digress! There's my novel.. Sorry. lol

I don't think we do too badly with the NHS - I'm very protective of it lol! I think its important that everybody has access to good healthcare and people don't suffer purely because they don't have the money for good insurance. I can guarantee I'd rather have to share a ward when recovering from delivery than be crippled by debt trying to get treatment for a debilitating disease. I'm not having a go at you at all, I just think that the NHS does brilliantly considering the difficulties it has.

Not that I actually have to worry about any of that because at my hospital you have a private room that you stay in the whole way through your stay- I'm sure most maternity wings are getting like that in the UK I think.

I'd take the NHS anyday. I pay an arm and a leg for healthcare and I've never had any major illnesses and I have "good" insurance. I'd hate to see what would happen if I actually got sick. Even with all the money I've paid I've still been treated like crap.

Last year I had to pay almost $3K out of pocket for a routine outpatient surgery that I had to wait for four months to get scheduled. No one would tell me what was going on or a timeframe or answer any of my questions. I ended up having to see another doctor and then they finally decided to call me. Still bitter over that one.
The NHS isn't all bad, I had a lovely room to deliver my son in and was allowed to stay in there with my husband and new baby for a while. I did end up in a room with 3 other women and their babies but the room was massive and we each had our privacy with curtains sectioning us off. I left hospital the same day that I gave birth. I would love to have this baby in the same room but I believe I'm likely to deliver on labour ward instead incase I need to go to theatre as this pregnancy has been complicated x
I also don't have a different midwife at each appointment. I've been assigned two midwives. My main midwife will see me each time unless she is with a labouring woman in which case I will see the second midwife, both are lovely. This is the same as my first pregnancy where I had a fantastic friendship with my midwife and she was the one who delivered my son.
Completely off topic from current chat but I just was browsing the debenhams sale and "accidentally" bought this - I love bright colours!


And I got a voucher code for an extra 10% off! So it was £4.05! my mum is going to collect In store & bring it over when she visits.
Completely off topic from current chat but I just was browsing the debenhams sale and "accidentally" bought this - I love bright colours!


And I got a voucher code for an extra 10% off! So it was £4.05! my mum is going to collect In store & bring it over when she visits.

Very cute!
I had a response all typed out and then I timed out and lost it! Grrr!

I'm not knocking NHS at all. I was just saying that all I've read from BNB is negative in regards to the NHS and other countries as to how pregnant women are treated.. but everyone would rather rant than rave on just about anything on the internet. There are pro's and cons to everything. Personally, I'm against the US having a government run healthcare system and would rather stay private. Our government sucks though, IMO and not wanting to start a debate.

In my bubble it's unheard of that a pregnant woman not get a scan pic of the potty shot and things not explained as they're being looked at. This lady from Germany said they won't even tell you the gender at the anatomy scan regardless if they know or not and you have to pay for a private one. ???

I also pay a pretty penny for insurance but I make sure I feel like I get what I deserve. It's just like any other goods or service. If I ain't happy, I'm not paying for it.
Hi everyone, sorry I've been missing in action for a little while. So much to catch up on, I've only managed the last couple of pages. Well my anatomy scan is Friday, finally lol. I cannot wait to know now. :) Roll on two more sleeps.

As for the nhs vs insurance. I actually work as a auxiliary nurse/health care assistance for the nhs and from my perspective I see insurance based care the same as private care here, a way for medical professions to exploit people for their money. I work 13 hour days with a hours break all day for £7.04 a hour and as much as I need the money and the nhs resources are stretch, I carry on with my job because I love what I do and I feel fulfilled helping others who without our care couldn't live. Here most of the doctors/consultants here who people pay private to see, actually work in the nhs hospitals too. So while they think they are getting better care actually they are receiving the same care as joe blogs who doesn't pay at all. I find the people on bnb not you Ophelia, as I know you are only pointing out what you have read, only moan because they have either have had one bad experience that has tainted their view which can happen wether you pay or not. Or they think they are owed, which they aren't. Some doctors and midwifes I know sometimes have to work 11 days straight with no days off between, not to mention we have a shortage of midwifes etc to cope with such high birth rates. Sorry rant over. xx
Proudmomma I'm a lot more worried this time round aswell for the same reason I think cos first time round you're so oblivious to a lot!
Also I did get shown little ladies bits too and she did show me where things were. But with my DD at NHS scan she never showed me she just told me 97% certain and that was it!
I find it so hard to keep up with this thread lol! X
How would a lady go about being added to the due date list on the front page? I'm due baby no two on 20th June. Team yellow, I think :)
agree, i miss so much!

12 days until our next scan. Cant wait to see which team we'l be on :D

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