Due in June 2014!(88 sunflowers), 37 (blue), 24 (pink), (48) here!

My first labor was lovely, I coped really well and was 5cm when I went in to labor ward, whole labor was 19 hours. Unfortunately the pushing stage wasn't very good and I ended with a 4th degree tear, having to go to theatre for hours, blood loss, lack of bonding etc etc.

Second birth was an amazing planned c section that couldn't have gone better, procedure and recovery wise, so looking forward to my next planned c section!
I'm a bit worried about how little time I have before this baby arrives.
With my first, my waters broke around 11pm at 38 weeks and my son was born at 2.20am.
With my second, I found out at my last scan that I can't feel contractions, so I went very early on the thursday evening and they kept me at the hospital all night, until the next day when the doctor said to induce me just to go a bit faster. He ended up breaking my waters around 4pm and my daughter was born half an hour later. The midwife missed the birth because he went to the other delivery room to get someone to sign something!!! My daughter was born at 4.30!
So if I manage to realize that my contractions have started, I should be able to get to the hospital in plenty of time, but if my waters break.... I probably won't be able to make it tothe hospital which is 30 minutes away from where I live.
Oh goodness it's such a worry not knowing if you can make it to the hospital isn't it!
Rel, I don't know if you're lucky or not with the not feeling contractions! Lol.
At the moment my worry is pre term labour due to other complications but hoping to have good news at the next scan or at the specialists on the 13th! Fingers crossed.

I wish all you ladies healthy and straightforward labours! Hope all our babies cooperate! :haha:
had my 16w appt... she couldn't find his heartbeat. swapped the battery out, still nothing. got the spare doppler out and eventually found him hiding behind my bellybutton. she wasn't at all worried because she could feel him wriggling away, he'd just dance away whenever she wanted to listen to his heart! hahaha little monster :p

scan in 8 days, wooooo!
I got a call from the High Risk OB US person and have an US scheduled for Tuesday at 8am. This will determine if I need to take a harmony test to confirm/disprove T18. :/
1eighty my heart nearly stopped beating reading your post! Glad they found his heart beat in the end, little pickle already!
Good luck for Tuesday sassy, I really hope all turns out to be well x
had my 16w appt... she couldn't find his heartbeat. swapped the battery out, still nothing. got the spare doppler out and eventually found him hiding behind my bellybutton. she wasn't at all worried because she could feel him wriggling away, he'd just dance away whenever she wanted to listen to his heart! hahaha little monster :p

scan in 8 days, wooooo!

You almost scared me!!! I'm so glad she found the heartbeat.
Must be a day for babies hiding from the Doppler, although mine wasn't quite as naughty as yours (my heart also stopped beating for a second btw, don't do that to us!) but found it in the end and got to listen for a few seconds...was very quiet and sounded far away so bear was hiding somewhere!
Also found out that I don't have immunity to rubella anymore! She didn't really explain if this meant anything during pregnancy, but I will have to have the mmr vaccinations after the birth. Other than that my bloods came back good, even though I feel knackered all the time I was sure I anaemic...but nope iron levels 122!

And this afternoon I have another headache, probably not drinking enough but ugh feel really crappy and my hormones are on overdrive, just cried for about 15 minutes over not feeling well and being tired...
Sqwidge I wasn't immune to rubella with my son so I had the vaccine a few months after he was born. Had my blood tests this pregnancy and STILL not immune to rubella! Apparently some women just don't get immune according to my midwife. We're gunna try one more time after this baby and if it doesn't work then we will give up! Just gotta be careful you are not near anyone showing symptoms of it.
Hope u feel better soon x
I wasn't immune in my first pregnancy so had to have it when Jesse was born, I think you just need to be careful around anyone with symptoms!

I'm still feeling pretty blah, thought id be picking up now but not yet! Did the school run and had to keep sitting down on the way back! xx
Hey ladies! I know I fell off the face of the planet, but I've got big news! Today we found out that our little one is a little boy! It was a total shocker to my husband who was dead sure it was a little girl, I wasn't so sure for the longest. Except for when I was first pregnant I had a feeling it was a boy but I didn't want to jump to conclusions.
Congratulations on team blue :D

For the ladies who have given birth before.....did you have a straight forward first labour? How long was it? And has it made you more or less scared/nervous this time? x
I was induced 5 days over due to high blood pressure and protein in my urine so was a risk of pre eclampsia. I was induced once, nothing happened induced again, nothing, induced a 3rd time, still nothing. After 3 days I was in slow Labour but in tears begging for a c section I was so fed up. The midwife checked me and I was ready to go to delivery to have my waters broken, I was so happy! From then on it was pretty straight forward 18 hours in Labour, epidural after 10 hours and I was pushing for 25 mins and out she came. I'm only scared because I know the pain of the contractions :haha:

had my 16w appt... she couldn't find his heartbeat. swapped the battery out, still nothing. got the spare doppler out and eventually found him hiding behind my bellybutton. she wasn't at all worried because she could feel him wriggling away, he'd just dance away whenever she wanted to listen to his heart! hahaha little monster :p

scan in 8 days, wooooo!
You had me scared for a minute then as well! Glad bugs is all well :)

I got a call from the High Risk OB US person and have an US scheduled for Tuesday at 8am. This will determine if I need to take a harmony test to confirm/disprove T18. :/
Good luck hun :flower: I hope all turns out ok xx
Sqwidge I wasn't immune to rubella with my son so I had the vaccine a few months after he was born. Had my blood tests this pregnancy and STILL not immune to rubella! Apparently some women just don't get immune according to my midwife. We're gunna try one more time after this baby and if it doesn't work then we will give up! Just gotta be careful you are not near anyone showing symptoms of it.
Hope u feel better soon x

I was immune for my first one, my midwife is the same this time as last time and she said it would have been something she, and I would have remembered! But yeah she said avoid people and that I'd have mmr vaccine post birth!

I wasn't immune in my first pregnancy so had to have it when Jesse was born, I think you just need to be careful around anyone with symptoms!

I'm still feeling pretty blah, thought id be picking up now but not yet! Did the school run and had to keep sitting down on the way back! xx

I'm lucky that on the way home from school it's downhill, so very little effort (I'm in a wheelchair!) on my part!
For the ladies who have given birth before.....did you have a straight forward first labour? How long was it? And has it made you more or less scared/nervous this time? x

I was a week late so I had to get induced. Went in Wed afternoon and little boy didn't want to come out until Friday morning. I was scared but really it wasn't that bad. The contractions weren't as bad as I had expected, was very tired during the process especially with family and nurses checking on me so I couldn't get a wink of sleep. I did get the epidural because I didn't know what to expect. Not scared at all with this one, just anxious lol.

Had 20 week scan today and I'm measuring a little bit ahead but the due date is the same. I think everything is ok, the technician isn't really allowed to discuss that stuff. Only bad thing is this little guy kept jumping and moving around he had a hard time taking all his measurements which meant I had to lay there longer with a bladder full of water lol. Hope everyone else is doing well.
With DS I went to work as usual but my back was hurting. I couldn't get comfortable standing or sitting so I called the dr to be check since I had lost my plug the day before. I was checked at 10am 3cm dialated and contractions were 3 minutes apart, back labor I guess. They broke my water at 11am - epidural by 12 pushed for 30 minutes and he was born at 7:42 pm same day. I did have a 4th degree tear but other than that it was easy peasy.

I was also immune to rubella my last pregnancy but not for this one. Just another shot I guess! Lol

Afm: both DS and I had the flu shot. Today we both have the flu. :( I'm feeling pretty crummy and so is he. Bless his heart he's so pitiful looking and just wants to cuddle. I called my OB to see if I can take anything but haven't heard back yet. I may just have to ride this one out.
Ahhhh I've just SEEN baby kicking! Looks so weird but so lovely! He must have some strong little legs! x
Ahhhh I've just SEEN baby kicking! Looks so weird but so lovely! He must have some strong little legs! x

We've been able to see ours too the past few days! It makes it feel more real doesn't it! :)
omg so sorry, i didn't mean to scare anyone!

looking forward to the 20w scan, i want to see how he's measuring. this time with taylor, he had gone from bang on date (12w scan) to 8 days ahead (20w) and he just kept getting bigger :/ i had gestational diabetes that wasn't picked up until quite late in the pregnancy, but have a GTT in a couple of weeks to get a jump start on that. it was already apparent with taylor that he was gonna have a big head by the 20w scan... so i just want to see what the story is and prepare myself accordingly.
Ahhhh I've just SEEN baby kicking! Looks so weird but so lovely! He must have some strong little legs! x

Ah! How cute! The first and only time I've seen baby move was during the ultrasound and he moved nearly my belly button to get away from the wand lol

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