Due in June 2014!(88 sunflowers), 37 (blue), 24 (pink), (48) here!

Well I didn't mage it to June 3rd... Ellie was born on February 23rd via c section at 25w5d. She is doing amazing. Will update more later in my journal is been a crazy couple of days.

Congratulations!! Our first Sunflower born! It's so good to hear she's doing so well. I hope you are doing well too. That must have been quite a shock!
Well I didn't mage it to June 3rd... Ellie was born on February 23rd via c section at 25w5d. She is doing amazing. Will update more later in my journal is been a crazy couple of days.

Wow!! Congrats on your baby Ellie!!! Praying healthy journey for both of you!
Well I didn't mage it to June 3rd... Ellie was born on February 23rd via c section at 25w5d. She is doing amazing. Will update more later in my journal is been a crazy couple of days.

Oh my goodness!! So happy baby Ellie is doing well and hope you are too Hun! Sending thoughts and prayers to you both! :flower:
Wow congrats BabyMaybe, prayers for you and Ellie.

AFM - it's V-Day today! :)
99 days (until 39 weeks!) to go for me!!! :happydance:

Jennifer I can't believe it's only 4 days until you're in 3rd tri! Were almost there girls!

This pregnancy is going sooo fast for me! How is everybody doing? I have a virus at the moment so I'm not very well but generally since my iron infusion and since I started the high dose vitD I'm feeling loads better, I'm not struggling too much yet or too sore! My boobs leak though lol, hope everyone else is okay x
I'm doing ok. Am realising I'm very lucky with my spd- some ladies are getting it so bad it makes me a bit embarrassed I was moaning.

Other than that all good for me and dh saw my belly move last night for the first time which was a bit exciting! Not long until double figures for me now!
Im okay, feeling like this pregnancy is going fast yet soooo slow at the same time, if that makes sense :wacko:

I am so loving the hard kicks and movements although its super hard to sleep without worrying about which twin you laying on, getting comfy is no joke really :nope: Glad dh gets to see and feel the kicks, except the one baby is not is a great position so we hardly feel that one...

Other than that 12 weeks :thumbup: to go, cant wait till we in the single digits, will make it seem more real I guess!
Love being part of this group :) It will be fun when we're all labour watching together :haha:
I'm doing well, I find walking uncomfortable on my lower stomach, like all my ligaments are being pulled, I think I need a bump support band. And I have a bit of spd but it's really not too bad if I'm gentle with myself.
Oh and I've always hated eggs but I've started craving and eating them every day! Never thought that would happen hehe.
Other than that just enjoying feeling my baby girl and learning her patterns, also can't believe how far we're all getting in the pregnancy, really excited to be in the third tri together soon! <3
Mummafrog YAY for double digits for you!!!!

afm- I'm doing great!! I've got my glucose test tomorrow.. I always have low blood sugar, like if I don't eat constantly drops into the 40's which some Dr's say is nonfunctioning low... so I'm weird lol.. but I've been eating great this week, I've eaten eggs and toast every day this week and it's helped me stay Fuller longer.. I'm excited to see my weight.. I've been working my legs out the last week and a half (nothing strenuous ) but I've seen some major improvement on the cellulite I was getting.. even my hubby noticed a difference!!
Anyway.. we have 7 pregnant friends due around us with these due dates: March 17 , may 10, may 30, June 12, June 17, July 20, August 1... and I'm of course June 17.. the two closest to me (may 30 and June 12) are so big already and I'm all barely showing.. granted this is my first and both their seconds but still.. they've also told me they've gained a large amount of weight already.. their philosophy is take advantage of your pregnancy to eat whatever you want!! I don't like that philosophy... but to each his own..

Other than that the nursery is complete! We just finished the room and the closet and now we just need to decorate.. we can't do that until we get her bedding (at my MIL, a gift from her) and the showers will complete her room hopefully!!
Glad to hear we're all doing well!

I am doing ok, old c-section scar is blumming hurting me at the moment, could barely move the other day.
Am happy that i'm definitely feeling kicks and hubby has felt them too! yay! in fact bear is kicking me right now, lol!

Is anyone else just feeling kicks lowwwww down and none anywhere else really? All of mine are below my belly button, have not felt anything above that...is that normal? Was so long ago i was pregnant, i can't remember!
Most of my kicks are lower down. I'm not getting many because of an anterior placenta. My fear is that I have another breech baby. I think they are still very mobile at this stage so hoping he will settle head first when he is ready.
When my baby is breech I feel kicks only by my cervix, but he tends to roll around numerous times a day. He's either breech or lying transverse across me, stretching out (ouch!). Only then do I get kicks above my belly button, and even then not far above. I think they still have lots of room to move though.
I have mostly felt kicks down low for this pregnancy. Occasionally I'll feel kicks around my belly bottom, but for the most part they're down low. I read that a lot of babies don't turn head down until around 28 weeks when their heads get really heavy.
Mine has started kicking me close to the ribs. He rolls around a whole lot, allllll day! Yesterday he kicked DH in the face when he was kissing my belly and talking to Zach.

I am starting to look at daycares and I am feeling really behind. I know most of you have a longer maternity leave, but I have 6 weeks (8max) and so I will need a daycare mid July. Although I would LOVE to be a SAHM like my mom was, it's not in the cards for me right now.
Ok not just me! Not worried about head down etc due to ELCS, but yeah this baby is enjoying beating up my bladder/cervix!

Out of interest how do you know whether it's kicking your cervix?
I get kicks all round, I'd say 50% were low down, on one evening a few days ago I had them higher than they had been before, at least an inch above my belly button, that was very exciting :happydance:
None of us ladies should be worried about baby's position yet, baby still has so much room to flip and turn and is definitely not done with that activity. In the midwifery guidelines they have been updated to say baby's position does not need to be assessed before 36 weeks (unless they want to find the hb) because it has no relavence to where baby will be by the end and just causes mums unnecessary worry!

hehe thanks for noticing double digits day for me Pink :D
I feel kicks low mainly as well. All day long while I'm working. :)

Sassymom, I, too, only get 6 or 8 weeks maternity leave but lucky for us, DF's sister works at a daycare so we've already got an in. Not looking forward to leaving baby girl in daycare as I was never in daycare myself. But especially if she comes on her due date and her first day there would then be my birthday!

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