Hi ladies...
Just catching up...glad everyone is doing well...
I went to my dr yesterday and she confirmed with her own urine test first and then sent me for blood work.....she seemed very "Cautious" and didn't really say...congrats or anything...just.." it appears to be positive" and then said we won't book anything else until my bloods come back...she's like once we see how those are....we'll call and book you a "prenatal 1" appointment...but it almost seemed like she wanted to say ..."if your pregnant" ....I'm trying not to worry too much..I have such a good relationship with my dr...I wanted to ask but just almost didn't want to because I didn't want to ask more...I was afraid i'd cry......I had another test left so I took it this morning and it was super crazy dark...so it made me happy....Waiting for them to call me back....hopefully they call tomorrow......I feel like I'm kinda holding my breath until then......
Katie I cannot believe your dr said that......I am SO sorry!!!!! Wow....people are shocking!!!