Due In May :)

I haven't been here in a while because I've been so busy with the baby, but I wanted to say congratulations to everyone who had their baby too. They look so adorable.

Although I only had to push for 15-20 minutes, I remember when she started crowning and they told me it was gonna sting. It did for like a second, but nothing like going through transition as fast as I had with no epidural. It was like being hit by a truck in a way. Also, I got a lot of stitches and I'm still waiting for them to dissolve.

We stayed in the hospital 2 days after she was born, mainly to get as much advice as we could on breast feeding. It wasn't easy to get her used to it, but the milk came in after 4 days of colostrum. She's latching really well now and eating a lot. She has also started to gain weight. We were lucky she didn't lose more than a few ounces because she was born under 6 pounds and I was worried. The nurses and doctors all assured me she is perfectly healthy though.

A book I read during my pregnancy explained why her birth weight was lower than average even though she is average height (also why my delivery was so fast). It's because I was an athlete during the pregnancy, and the good news is it's supposed to pay off in the long run. I guess we'll see.

Good luck to everyone else too!
I've been having issues with breastfeeding...Alice is a chomper and after she's latched on she moves her mouth closer together so it ends up bruising my nipples. I or so upset today because last night she was constantly wanting to feed and I struggled because of the pain. Midwives told me she would be like this but it made me feel like I wasn't able to give her what she needed. But she's been having wet nappies so the mw who came and weighed her today said that's a good sign she is getting enough. So she suggested that even tho nipple sheilds aren't the best, it may give me some respite and I've got some cream too. OH went out to buy me some shields and ended up buying shells so I've had to make do with just the cream but by going by midwifes advice the last two feeds haven't been as painful, so I'm going to try persevere :)

My mum and gran have met her now and bought lots of things for her lol so she's very spoilt!
My best advice is to just keep trying your best. That's what I've been doing, and the baby is on the right track.
I hope Alice gets the hang of it soon jary.

Glad everyone's doing ok.

Hann how are you you've been quiet?? Good news I hope x
I hope it's good news for Hann too!

Yeah I'm trying to keep optimistic about the feeding, but last night I felt bad because I really considered changing to bottle. I know there's nothing wrong with bottle feeding...I was bottle fed after 2 weeks of breastfeeding as I was losing weight and mum had really sore boobs and I'm fine. But I wanted to prove I could do it naturally and give Alice as much goodness as possible. Plus it's good for me too. It's just the pain is unreal sometimes and even when I position her right she still manages to move her mouth about.

I think my milk is starting to come in tho, have collected a bit in my nipple shells lol

How is everyone and babies? Alice has been crying loads this morning and don't know why :( she's asleep now but easily wakes if we move her lol. I'm slowly recovering; bleeding getting lighter but its stinging more when pee due to healing I guess. Belly still feels weird too!

I'm hoping to get on my laptop later to put up some pics of my bubba :)
Alice Eloise McNicol :)

Just after birth, with daddy and pic from yesterday


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I understand what you mean about the BFing hun :hugs: as long as you and baby are happy it doesn't matter how your feeding them! She is beautiful :cloud9:

Still no new from Hann ... I'm liking the sound of this :D

Noah's not doing too bad, he's struggled a little today I think he has quite a bit of trapped wind :( my poor little man x
Breastfeeding has gone better today but I've fed her this evening from 6:15 ish and she came off for about 10 mind and wanted fed again! She fed for a further half hour so I couldn't go get my supper and she's still hungry! She has slept a lot today so I wonder if she is having a growth spurt.

And poor Noah...my midwife told me to do tummy time for helping her muscles and she said that it can help with wind so maybe you could try that?
Sounds like she's feeding quite well now! Ahh yes be prepared to never have warm food again :haha:

I've never tried tummy time yet but he does love lying on my tummy and he is SO strong with his head!! Caitlin had horrendous colic. She used to scream from 6pm - 10pm every night, it was awful :( we used to ride round and round the dining room with the pushchair, go out in the car, massage her tummy, lie her on our tummy on our arm and many more things :lol:

I don't think Noah has colic I just think he has a little trapped wind at the moment as I went to a friend's house today and I don't think she winded him properly :( x
Hi ladies! I just spent a little time catching up on all of your posts & it's so wonderful to hear about all of the adorable babies being born!

AFM, it's a girl!!! Madelyn Grace was born on her due date - May 7th, at 11:54 pm 7 lbs 9 oz 19 inches!

Contractions only started getting regular around 7 pm and they were suddenly on top of each other! Called my midwife and was encouraged to stay home for a while and try a shower. It was so painful! After the shower we ended up at the hospital and despite originally wanting an unmedicated birth I was asking for an epidural. Well they checked me at the hospital and I was already 9 cm!!! No time for an epidural & it got to the point that I realized i was holding the baby in while standing. As soon as I said that, midwife checked me again and sure enough I was 10 cm and time to push! Around 20 mins later she was out!

I've never felt so primal as during pushing. It was as though my body had no choice but to push every time a contraction came. Very weird feeling.

Unfortunately I ended up with hemotomin (sp?) which basically means when they stitched my second degree tear (which took 45 mins and I could feel the needle going in and out) they apparently missed an artery I had nicked open which was spurting blood beneath my stitches and causing an awful stabbing pain in my bum. Midwife kept coming in, reaching into my uterus and pulling out blood clots which hurt worse that labor. Finally they put me out and sent me to the OR to get my stitches redone. I lost a lot of blood and had to stay in the hospital for an extra day for 2 blood transfusions. I can't believe that as a first timer, labor only really lasted 5 hours (7 pm til midnight)! And I can't believe I did it unmedicated (even though I do admit I asked repeatedly for the epidural only to be told it was too late)!

But, Madelyn is the sweetest happiest baby! She only cries when hungry :) breastfeeding was going well until engorgement where I got too huge for her to latch on properly so I'm actually pumping as we speak. My lactation consultant has me pumping and feeding her the expressed milk in a bottle near my breast so as to fake her out while I sort out the latching problem, but at least she's still drinking my milk.

Good luck to everyone labor ing soon!!!
Huge congratulations Bella! Well done :) do we get a sneaky pic of Madelyn?? X
Congrats bella! I can't wait to see pics!

I so know what you mean about pushing contractions! It's like you can't do anything else.

I think Alice shocked herself a moment ago when suckling as I think she got too much milk in one go! It seems she cries first thing in the morning and in the evening...I've been feeding her so much but she never seems satisfied. I know she's getting enough because she's peeing plenty and last night had two big poops. Plus I can see my milk in the shields when she's feeding. I guess she's just a hungry baby!
I would love to post pics but I still haven't figure out how to do that in a forum :/
Advanced reply and attachments :) but pictures have to be a certain size.

Alice had her first outing in her pushchair to the shops...wasn't out long as we were in a small shopping mall and its so rainy and cold today.

The midwife came round today and gave me a little cup to put in expressed milk and she said I can feed Alice that way. I tried it and she had some but I think she wasn't sure how to drink it.

I was crying in laughter earlier as OH had just changed her nappy and I was about to cup feed her when I heard and felt this massive fart! And yes she made a big poop. So funny coming from such a tiny person!
Jary i know the feeling, trying to get to grips with breastfeeding Ava and its challenging, even though i managed with my second for a couple of months. She is on me constantly through the night, barely going 2 hours and then not settling in between. i gave her a dummy last night after each feed just to settle her to sleep and it worked so got slightly more sleep. i have oversupply again, so day 7 and my boobs are still engorged and painful, and leaking like crazy. my let down is fast and strong and she often coughs and chokes on it. im trying to avoid pumping because i made that mistake last time, want my body to reduce supply naturally hopefully!! i wake up thinking ive had enough get me the formula, but i am resisting for now in the hope of improving.
I think I may have to give in with a dummy soon lol. She sleeps better when she co sleeps with us but little monkey keeps lying on her side and not her back and when I move her she wakes up.

It's night that's the worst but the mw today said you make more milk at night and babies know do thats why they are constantly hungry!
Well ended up back in hospital last night after having a funny turn. Ive an abcess in my c section scar. So now on IV antibiotics and in until at least tomorrow. They may be draining it but are undecided.

I couldnt even hold Ava last night so hubby had to take her home with him at midnight, which meant he had to bottle feed her. Managed to get some sleep and he brought her back today. Decided to keep her on formula now because 1) the antibiotics make your milk taste nasty apparently, 2) she slept four hours after each bottle feed as opposed to 1.5-2 hours with breast, and 3) i am in no fit state to persevere. I feel sad bout it but relieved at the same time
Nearly - more important for you to be healthy and able to care for her! Hang in there!
Hi everyone sorry for the silence, had a horrible 5 days of stop start labour before it finally started for real on Monday night and we had our baby boy late last night. He's totally gorgeous! Was a tricky labour as he turned back to back during it so I managed to labour in the natural birth centre but after 2 hours of pushing he wasn't turning and he actually started going higher even though I was fully dilated. With my slipped discs and sciatica they decided I had to go to the labour ward where I got an epidural and they tried to turn him. An hour later I was allowed to start pushing again and 40 mins later out he came. He is a big boy at 8 pounds 2 but amazingly I had no tears or episiotomy so I'm feeling really normal. We left the hospital after 10 hours and have been at home enjoying lots of cuddles since then. He's feeding really well, really good latch and not too sore at the moment, early days though!
Feel so lucky to have my gorgeous girl and handsome boy!
Yay congrats Hann!!! What have you called your little boy??

Well I can sympathise with you on the back labour! Sounds like a bit of an ordeal but you've done it and he's here! Can't wait to see pics of him. I got excited when I saw you had posted!! We knew your silence must have meant baby arrival!

And nearly sorry to hear about your abcess :( hope you are on the mend soon. I bet you are disappointed about the BF but at least your little on has had some and she will be perfectly fine :)

Alice had her heel prick test today. Wasn't too bothered by it and also only woke once in the night to feed! So we had a good few hours sleep :)

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