Congrats Sasha and Dime!! Its such an exciting moment finding out what we're having
I have an ultrasound on Monday for my 20 week appointment. Its so crazy that I was going to have to wait until then to find out then but was able to know almost a month ago!
Congrats Sasha and Dime!! Its such an exciting moment finding out what we're having
I have an ultrasound on Monday for my 20 week appointment. Its so crazy that I was going to have to wait until then to find out then but was able to know almost a month ago!
Thanks! So what are you having, Litebright?
I FINALLY have some news to share with you ladies! I just got out of the ultrasound and found out the gender! Any guesses before I tell you?
I've got more energy but mornings are still terrible as I feel deathly sick most mornings. And I'm starting to get nauseated drinking plain water. I bought some Propel to try to make sure I keep up the water intake. I still have major vegetable aversions, but I'm coming around a little bit.We find out tomorrow at 1pm this is going to be the slowest day possible!!! I'm so anxious and nervous to find out the sex!
How was everyone's weekend? Seems like we have lost a few ladies from the beginning I hope they are all okay?! Maybe they just got busy with the pregnancy and all
I still get nauseous if I eat breakfast which really stinks! I can only tolerate like a snack in the am. A granola bar and some fruit, had some oatmeal this am and now feel sick.Otherwise can't really complain getting some of my energy back and the heartburn has eased up a bit. Hows everyone else doing?
That is totally, no doubt at all, a boy!I FINALLY have some news to share with you ladies! I just got out of the ultrasound and found out the gender! Any guesses before I tell you?
Yep the sonographer called boy too!It's nice to get reassurance though before I run out and buy tons of boy clothes.
Yep the sonographer called boy too!It's nice to get reassurance though before I run out and buy tons of boy clothes.
I've got more energy but mornings are still terrible as I feel deathly sick most mornings. And I'm starting to get nauseated drinking plain water. I bought some Propel to try to make sure I keep up the water intake. I still have major vegetable aversions, but I'm coming around a little bit.We find out tomorrow at 1pm this is going to be the slowest day possible!!! I'm so anxious and nervous to find out the sex!
How was everyone's weekend? Seems like we have lost a few ladies from the beginning I hope they are all okay?! Maybe they just got busy with the pregnancy and all
I still get nauseous if I eat breakfast which really stinks! I can only tolerate like a snack in the am. A granola bar and some fruit, had some oatmeal this am and now feel sick.Otherwise can't really complain getting some of my energy back and the heartburn has eased up a bit. Hows everyone else doing?
But, baby has become extremely active. She goes crazy in there. Seems like it's going to be another DD1 (very very active a lot of the time).
That is totally, no doubt at all, a boy!I FINALLY have some news to share with you ladies! I just got out of the ultrasound and found out the gender! Any guesses before I tell you?Definitely wasn't shy. Congrats!
yep the sonographer called boy too!It's nice to get reassurance though before i run out and buy tons of boy clothes.
Thanks ladies! My husband started getting choked up when she said "oh look it's a boy." He's so happy. We can't wait to meet him!![]()
Yep the sonographer called boy too!It's nice to get reassurance though before I run out and buy tons of boy clothes.