Due in Sept 2013 looking for bump buddies

I'm thinking early Aug. I'm due the end of Sept so that should be okay I know cutting it a little close but Aug seems to work best for everyone.

We painted the nursery yesterday! We went with a light blueish gray. Going to be ordering the crib and changing table soon. Its all becoming so real! I memeber over two years ago when we moved into our house picturing what this room will look like when we finally turn it into a nursery and now that time is here!:cloud9:

That's awesome. :-) we are debating whether or not we want to rent a three bedroom or if we will buy a house before the baby is born. We are going to apply for a mortgage this weekend to see what we're eligible for. I just want to start setting up his room!!

Its a good time to buy, good luck on your mortgage application. I know buying a house can be a pain but so worth the investment! :thumbup:
Hi there.

Do you mind if i join.

I am due September the 21st by doctor and September 16th by dating scan.
I am now measuring three weeks ahead which i have done on all mine. In my hospital you do not get an anomoly scan so have had no big scan.

I have an 18 month old that was born at 35 weeks and a just turned 3 year old that was born at 36+6. Hoping this time to get to 37 weeks as my last little one picked up an infection in the hospital and was very ill. I do not want to go that road again.

I do not know the gender. I have never found out. I had a feeling my last two were girls and have a feeling this one is a girl also. I am hoping for a girl again but i think my partner is hoping for a boy. Obviously we do not care once it is healthy.

:wave: Welcome!

Yes, it's a great time to buy - VERY low interest rates! Good luck with whatever you decide to do!

We bought our house last May and just about renovated every room in it and it's still not finished. Good thing is, all the bedrooms are finished so i had a chance to get started on the nursery. I just hope all the construction in the rest of the house is finished by Sept. My husband and dad are the only ones working on it - which is a huge money saver but it's taking a lot longer than i expected! :hissy:

Yes, it's a great time to buy - VERY low interest rates! Good luck with whatever you decide to do!

We bought our house last May and just about renovated every room in it and it's still not finished. Good thing is, all the bedrooms are finished so i had a chance to get started on the nursery. I just hope all the construction in the rest of the house is finished by Sept. My husband and dad are the only ones working on it - which is a huge money saver but it's taking a lot longer than i expected! :hissy:

We have our eye on a cute fixer upper in NJ. It's cheap and in a great neighborhood and only 5 houses down from my sister :-) We're keeping our fingers crossed!

Yes, it's a great time to buy - VERY low interest rates! Good luck with whatever you decide to do!

We bought our house last May and just about renovated every room in it and it's still not finished. Good thing is, all the bedrooms are finished so i had a chance to get started on the nursery. I just hope all the construction in the rest of the house is finished by Sept. My husband and dad are the only ones working on it - which is a huge money saver but it's taking a lot longer than i expected! :hissy:

We have our eye on a cute fixer upper in NJ. It's cheap and in a great neighborhood and only 5 houses down from my sister :-) We're keeping our fingers crossed!

My fingers are crossed for you!! I love living close to my family. You'll be glad you live by your sister especially with the baby on the way! Our house is exactly where we wanted to live, yeah we had to fix it up a bit but i think it's better to live where you want rather than buying the "perfect" house in a area you rather not live in. Let us know how it goes!
Thank you everyone for the welcome.

I am another that can't do any rooms up. At the moment we are living with family as we are in the middle of building our house. It is hard going the 4 of us in the one bedroom right now, we have so many toys that they take up the other bedroom and we moved my 3 year old out of her room recently as she had something strange happen to her. She went unconscious for 90 minutes and we have had abnormal results from tests so waiting to see what is wrong/was wrong with her before we move her back out of our room. But we are moving soon to a rented place until our build is complete.

I have a feeling it is another girl i am having so i am going to attack into all the boxes of baby clothes and wash and sort them all in the next month. I also need to get my hospital bag ready by next month as because i have had lletz treatment to my cervix a few months ago and premature births i am on alert for going early again.

I am not sure how i am going to manage 3 under 3 and 3 months. Fun times ahead. I would love to be experiencing the first baby again and how you are able to enjoy all that so to those on the first enjoy every moment.

I am debating whether to get an epidural this time. I haven't had one on the others but don't know would i like to know what it feels like with feeling nothing lol. What is everyone else going to do? I have fast enough labours. My first was under 80 minutes, the second was 20 minutes, they broke my waters and then everything went crazy. I am wondering what way this one will go.
Thank you everyone for the welcome.

I am another that can't do any rooms up. At the moment we are living with family as we are in the middle of building our house. It is hard going the 4 of us in the one bedroom right now, we have so many toys that they take up the other bedroom and we moved my 3 year old out of her room recently as she had something strange happen to her. She went unconscious for 90 minutes and we have had abnormal results from tests so waiting to see what is wrong/was wrong with her before we move her back out of our room. But we are moving soon to a rented place until our build is complete.

I have a feeling it is another girl i am having so i am going to attack into all the boxes of baby clothes and wash and sort them all in the next month. I also need to get my hospital bag ready by next month as because i have had lletz treatment to my cervix a few months ago and premature births i am on alert for going early again.

I am not sure how i am going to manage 3 under 3 and 3 months. Fun times ahead. I would love to be experiencing the first baby again and how you are able to enjoy all that so to those on the first enjoy every moment.

I am debating whether to get an epidural this time. I haven't had one on the others but don't know would i like to know what it feels like with feeling nothing lol. What is everyone else going to do? I have fast enough labours. My first was under 80 minutes, the second was 20 minutes, they broke my waters and then everything went crazy. I am wondering what way this one will go.

This is my first and I'm going to try labor with no epidural. I've been reading and doing a lot of research. And decided that no epidural is the route I want to go. I know its going to hurt but our bodies were made to do this and women have been and still do it without an epidural. Nothing against ppl who chose to have the pain relieve. And who's to say when the time comes I won't change my mind. But I'm really trying to prepare myself to be able to do it without. I'm reading "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth" now I suggest it for anyone who is considering giving birth "naturally".
I had nothing with my last two. The first labour was great. I was told i wasn't in labour that i had a kidney infection. Next thing i know i had her. I do not mind the contractions. I had 3 pushes on each and the sensation of the pressure is what i don't like. But it's only a few minutes so no big deal. Yet this time i am thinking i have experienced it twice with nothing, i wonder what it is like to have an epidural. I don't know if i would have time to have an epidural but i don't know what the drawbacks of an epidural are yet. I have not looked into it.
I had an epidural with my first. I was also induced last time as well. 2 strikes against me I still was only in active labor 7 hours (at maximum, that is going by the time I was given pitocin). I pushed her out in less than 15 minutes. I have decided that I want an epidural again this time. I may have another induction too, but that will be discussed as I get closer to due date. My epidural did not block all the feeling, but I chose to use it more to take the edge off. I didn't push my button often (3 times) and I felt the entire delivery. But I did like the edge taken off for me to get a little rest before the delivery.
I'm having a scheduled C section Bc of complications that may arise from a surgery that I had last year to remove uterine fibroids. Not looking forward to the recovery but its all worth it to have my little guy :-)
I am choosing to have an epidural - no doubt in my mind. I will try to not push my button too often, as adopim mentioned above, bc i would like to still "feel" the delivery. No matter what you decide to do it will be right for you!
Hey ladies! How is everyone feeling these days? I have been really tired lately, but it has been a few weeks now since I have gotten sick! So hopefully I can finally start to look preggo :)

I am wondering how everyone here feels about used breast pumps? I know that you can change all the hoses and everything that milk goes through, but I would rather just spend the money and buy a new one. For some reason, I just can't wrap my head around something that a bodily fluid goes through and sharing that with my baby. I know breast pumps are expensive, but I am more than happy to fork over the money for this. Normally, I don't care about things being used but this is different to me.

I just finally got my mom to understand why I don't want a used pump and now my mother in law is freaking out that I have an expensive breast pump on the registry! People don't have to buy it, so why is everyone so concerned with it? DH says we should just buy it and take it off the registry to get people to stop asking questions about it all the time...

I am wondering how you ladies feel about used breast pumps? Am I being unreasonable?
Hey ladies! How is everyone feeling these days? I have been really tired lately, but it has been a few weeks now since I have gotten sick! So hopefully I can finally start to look preggo :)

I am wondering how everyone here feels about used breast pumps? I know that you can change all the hoses and everything that milk goes through, but I would rather just spend the money and buy a new one. For some reason, I just can't wrap my head around something that a bodily fluid goes through and sharing that with my baby. I know breast pumps are expensive, but I am more than happy to fork over the money for this. Normally, I don't care about things being used but this is different to me.

I just finally got my mom to understand why I don't want a used pump and now my mother in law is freaking out that I have an expensive breast pump on the registry! People don't have to buy it, so why is everyone so concerned with it? DH says we should just buy it and take it off the registry to get people to stop asking questions about it all the time...

I am wondering how you ladies feel about used breast pumps? Am I being unreasonable?

I don't think your being unreasonable at all! It's your body, your money and most importantly YOUR baby. It's your business what u choose to do and others shouldn't be telling you otherwise or freaking out about it. I put an expensive one on my registry too and if no one buys it them ill do the same and fork over the money for it. :-)
I don't think I'd like a used one....I considered it as there are some cheap ones on ebay but I didn't feel right about it either. I'm going to buy one, and besides, that way if anything goes wrong you can take it back, get it repaired etc.
I bought mine. I didn't feel right about a used one either or renting one. I bought mine from Target for $130 (Lanisoh brand). I didn't put it on the registry to avoid unwanted "advice" or criticism from anyone looking at my registry.
Hello ladies

Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. One of my best friends had her baby yesterday. She was due June 13th so a couple weeks early. I was right there with her and right outside the door when she gave birth. I was praying she would have an easy delivery so it wouldn't kind of freak me out for mine. And honestly it DID freak me out! She was in labor over 24 hours! Her water broke at 9:30am Sunday and she didn't deliver till 12pm Monday. She did get the epidural because she said the pain was so severe and she said the epidural was a life saver. But it didn't take away all the pain and I could hear her screaming as she pushed. She was miserable and in so much pain. And she tore which I know is very common with first time moms. On a good note baby and her are doing great both healthy no scary complications like ER C-section or cord around the next so that's good. Her baby was face up though but it didn't cause too much of a problem just more discomfort for her. But after if all she said it was no joke but she would do it a million times over! So I guess my take home message was yes its going to be painful but its all so VERY worth it!

I have a doc apt today at noon and I'm not looking forward to it at all because I don't want them to tell me I need to slow down on my weight gain again, if they do I'm going to FLIP! Like I said before I'm 5'5 130lbs no way over weight so that lady that told me that is nuts I'm sure :haha:

Oh and for the used breast pump question I don't think you're being unreasonable as at all. I'm not going to get my used either but I think we are just going to buy ours and not put it on the registry. But I agree with what the other ladies said its your money, your body, and your baby...so your choice!
Hey ladies! How is everyone feeling these days? I have been really tired lately, but it has been a few weeks now since I have gotten sick! So hopefully I can finally start to look preggo :)

I am wondering how everyone here feels about used breast pumps? I know that you can change all the hoses and everything that milk goes through, but I would rather just spend the money and buy a new one. For some reason, I just can't wrap my head around something that a bodily fluid goes through and sharing that with my baby. I know breast pumps are expensive, but I am more than happy to fork over the money for this. Normally, I don't care about things being used but this is different to me.

I just finally got my mom to understand why I don't want a used pump and now my mother in law is freaking out that I have an expensive breast pump on the registry! People don't have to buy it, so why is everyone so concerned with it? DH says we should just buy it and take it off the registry to get people to stop asking questions about it all the time...

I am wondering how you ladies feel about used breast pumps? Am I being unreasonable?

I wouldn't use a used pump either. If you leave it on your registry hopefully someone will do what we we did with my cousin and a group of us went in on her pump together as a gift. Why are so many people asking about this? it's your baby and it's perfectly normal to register for!
wow this thread has really died! :(

Anyone doing birthing classes?
haha! You're right, it is slow on here :-)
We are taking a 3 hour class called "your baby's first year infant care class" and I will be taking a breast feeding class. We decided to not take a birthing class. What are you doing? Some people say the birthing class is a must, other's say it's a waste of time (it's an all day class at most hospitals here).

I did have an appt yesterday and baby girl is looking great. The ultra sound tech did mention that i have an extra placenta. Does anyone else have this? She said it's not a huge deal, just something they note so when the baby is delivered the dr. removes both placentas.

Hope all your girls are doing well!!!!! XOXO

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