Due in Sept 2013 looking for bump buddies

I am doing well. Morning sickness seems to be completely gone now, but food aversions are still going strong. :( Vegetables are still making me throw up.
Glad your ultrasound went well :) I have never heard of having another placenta but if she isn't concerned than it really probably is nothing to worry about.

I won't be taking any birthing classes. I didn't last time either. My plan is to labor as long as I can and then get an epidural. I have my own way of dealing with pain and it works for me so I'll just stick with that :)
haha! You're right, it is slow on here :-)
We are taking a 3 hour class called "your baby's first year infant care class" and I will be taking a breast feeding class. We decided to not take a birthing class. What are you doing? Some people say the birthing class is a must, other's say it's a waste of time (it's an all day class at most hospitals here).

I did have an appt yesterday and baby girl is looking great. The ultra sound tech did mention that i have an extra placenta. Does anyone else have this? She said it's not a huge deal, just something they note so when the baby is delivered the dr. removes both placentas.

Hope all your girls are doing well!!!!! XOXO

I have also herd both sides some ppl say its a must others say waste of time. We are doing classes at the hospital that I'm going to be giving birth at. They give a walk through of the hospital and go over how things will go, so I think it might help ease some of my anxiety. Just to kind of know what to expect.

You had another ultra sound!!? Lucky you I would like to see my little guy again but I won't be having another US. I also have never herd of having two placentas. Maybe your body was gearing up for twins?

Have you started to feel some kicks?! :)
I am doing well. Morning sickness seems to be completely gone now, but food aversions are still going strong. :( Vegetables are still making me throw up.
Glad your ultrasound went well :) I have never heard of having another placenta but if she isn't concerned than it really probably is nothing to worry about.

I won't be taking any birthing classes. I didn't last time either. My plan is to labor as long as I can and then get an epidural. I have my own way of dealing with pain and it works for me so I'll just stick with that :)

Glad your MS has subsided for the most part! I was getting sick in the am still but then I stopped taking my prenatal vitamins in the morning and I've been fine ever since. So strange because I would take it with milk and eat a big breakfast but it was still making me sick for some reason. :wacko:

How long were you able to go before the pain gets really intense and need the epidural? Did you find that the epidural made the labor longer or not matter. Some women say it was better because it allowed them to rest for a bit before they had to start pushing.
I wouldn't have had another u/s if it wasn't for my cervix. It was measuring very low at my anatomy appt last month so they had to measure it again to see if it raised at yesterday's appt and it did so that is good news but the bad news is i don't get another u/s for a while now:-(
Oh and yes - i too thought that maybe my body gearing up for twins! That's what my mom and sisters thought too when i told them.
I am doing well. Morning sickness seems to be completely gone now, but food aversions are still going strong. :( Vegetables are still making me throw up.
Glad your ultrasound went well :) I have never heard of having another placenta but if she isn't concerned than it really probably is nothing to worry about.

I won't be taking any birthing classes. I didn't last time either. My plan is to labor as long as I can and then get an epidural. I have my own way of dealing with pain and it works for me so I'll just stick with that :)

I understand completely with having your own way of dealing with pain. I think that's probably why i really don't care to take a birthing class either because i know my instincts will just take over anyway.
I'm not taking any classes and haven't done on my others either. I will admit when it got to one stage of my oldest labour i really wished i had because with the tremendous feeling of pressure i forgot how to even breath.

I had no pain relief on either of my kids. I am not sure what do to this time. I don't like the thought of epidural and declined on my others, but i also am dreading this labour. I loved my first childs labour. My second labour was very intense as they broke my waters due to excess fluids and my labour lasted 20 minutes. But i think i won't bother with epidural this time either, it's nice to be up off the bed walking and showering 15 minutes later.
Glad your MS has subsided for the most part! I was getting sick in the am still but then I stopped taking my prenatal vitamins in the morning and I've been fine ever since. So strange because I would take it with milk and eat a big breakfast but it was still making me sick for some reason. :wacko:

How long were you able to go before the pain gets really intense and need the epidural? Did you find that the epidural made the labor longer or not matter. Some women say it was better because it allowed them to rest for a bit before they had to start pushing.

My prenatals are pretty strong things (according to my nurse, but they are just the OTC Similac prenatals) and I was getting sick too. I started taking them before bed and that helped.

I believe that I got my epidural about 4 hours into active labor. It made the last 3 hours of labor tolerable. I liked the fact that I could rest a little before the delivery. Granted, I pushed less than 15 minutes but I felt like I had the stamina to push because I got that little rest. It did not take away all the pain, but enough to help me relax a bit.
I didnt have too much of the meds in my system I was up and showering within 25 minutes of giving birth. It just felt like both my legs were asleep. It didn't hinder my ability to stand or walk on them. But I have heard different stories from different people. I think it depends on how much you push the button too.
I'm having a scheduled c-section so I guess birthing classes aren't really necessary for me. We are going to look into a class about infant care though.
I have an ultrasound on Tuesday and can't wait to see my little guy again. My dr wants a high risk dr to do another anatomy scan Bc the tech from the ultrasound dept reported a FAINT echogenic intracardiac focus on his heart. My dr is 99% sure it's absolutely nothing and just wants another ultrasound by a dr that she trusts. Apparently this marker can be related to downs but she said considering I'm 28, my first trimester screening said I was at the lowest risk possible for downs AND everything else in his first anatomy scan was just fine besides that faint mark she thinks it was a mistake and that its all just fine. There were absolutely no other markers so my husband and I aren't worrying until we have something to actually worry about.
I'm having a scheduled c-section so I guess birthing classes aren't really necessary for me. We are going to look into a class about infant care though.
I have an ultrasound on Tuesday and can't wait to see my little guy again. My dr wants a high risk dr to do another anatomy scan Bc the tech from the ultrasound dept reported a FAINT echogenic intracardiac focus on his heart. My dr is 99% sure it's absolutely nothing and just wants another ultrasound by a dr that she trusts. Apparently this marker can be related to downs but she said considering I'm 28, my first trimester screening said I was at the lowest risk possible for downs AND everything else in his first anatomy scan was just fine besides that faint mark she thinks it was a mistake and that its all just fine. There were absolutely no other markers so my husband and I aren't worrying until we have something to actually worry about.

Good job on not worrying till you have something to worry about! I think that's the right attitude to have :thumbup: I'm sure it was just a mistake :) And your right you prob don't need any birthing classes with a scheduled C-section. So nice that you'll know exactly what day your little guy is coming!

Elephant glad you US showed that your cervix was looking good!

All Girls did you do anything to prepare yourself to be able to give labor without pain meds? Did you deliver in hospital with doc or with midwife?

Adopim thanks for sharing your experience and I think that makes perfect sense that if you push the button less you will be able to feel more and possibly walk around shortly after birth.
I'm having a scheduled c-section so I guess birthing classes aren't really necessary for me. We are going to look into a class about infant care though.
I have an ultrasound on Tuesday and can't wait to see my little guy again. My dr wants a high risk dr to do another anatomy scan Bc the tech from the ultrasound dept reported a FAINT echogenic intracardiac focus on his heart. My dr is 99% sure it's absolutely nothing and just wants another ultrasound by a dr that she trusts. Apparently this marker can be related to downs but she said considering I'm 28, my first trimester screening said I was at the lowest risk possible for downs AND everything else in his first anatomy scan was just fine besides that faint mark she thinks it was a mistake and that its all just fine. There were absolutely no other markers so my husband and I aren't worrying until we have something to actually worry about.

Let us know how it goes on Tuesday! Your odds of anything being wrong seem to be VERY good so that's wonderful news! AND you get to see your little man - YEY!
Thanks for the support ladies! We've known about this for a month now but didn't want to make a big deal out of it. My cousin is a doctor and I called him the day I found out to ask his advice and he said there is a 1% chance of it being downs with just that one isolated marker. I'll def keep you all posted! :-)
Your odds are really good and I am sure baby is very healthy and nothing is wrong.. Let us know how it goes though!
Mimzi i delivered in a hospital with a midwife and student midwife on my first.

I went into it clueless. I had no classes and all i had seen was what i had seen on TV. I expected it to be terrible pain and had thought i would get an epidural. I did not realise i was in labour and the midwives told me i wasn't, as i wasn't due for a few weeks more.

When i did find out i was in labour they asked if i wanted an epidural and i said not now because the pain was manageable. The contractions were coming fast but they didn't feel as bad as they looked on TV and once they were over you felt perfect again until the next one. So it was very manageable. She told me i would have hours of labour as it was my first. My daughter was born an hour after that, my partner barely made it into the hospital. I think i was relaxed because i had no idea what to expect and just went with it. My labour progressed very fast and got more intense and when i got to that stage of saying 'i cannot do this' and wanting the epidural it was too late because when you feel like that you know it's the very end and almost over. The labour was not bad at all and i was surprised i did not have pain relief but then again my labour from start to over was only 80 minutes, 2 minutes of pushing. If it had been hours and hours things would probably have been different.

On DD2 because they artificially broke my waters and said i really should have the epidural as it is painful once they go. They were right, it was like one long contraction from then to her being born. I went fast again, 20 minutes. I found her hard going but it was also the first anniversary of a family member's death and i was emotionally in bits going into that hospital. My second labour was a premature birth and i had not been feeling well for weeks beforehand so i wasn't mentally or physically able for it. I had been in a wheelchair and had not walked or been without pain for weeks. SPD.

I rathered my first labour. Not knowing made it all the more relaxing and easy to go with the flow. You never knew what was coming later. If i could do my first labour again i would have 10 children.

All i would say going in on your first is go in with an open mind. You may or may not want an epidural. Leave your options open and have it in your head i can do this and if i want an epidural so be it. There is no medals at the end of it no matter how you give birth, no matter what we use or don't use.
What i will say is TRY to enjoy it. It is a wonderful experience and every contraction brings you closer to meeting your baby. I keep the gender as a surprise to spur me on to get it over with quicker to find out what i am having. My first was such a great experience even though at times i thought i was going to die or burst or both. After you give birth and are just there looking at your baby, the lines on the hands, the perfect little ears and thinking how amazing it all is. That you get this perfect bundle from something the size of a dot is amazing. I will never forget that feeling. If i could have had gone through labour the next day again i would have. Enjoy it. It is amazing. All of it. Even the not so nice bits.
All Girls

Thank you for sharing your experience! My plan is to try and labor without epidural but if I end up needing one.. oh well. Everyone's experience that I've talked to about labor is so different you never know what you're going to get. I don't think any amount of reading or classes will allow anyone to be fully prepared. But I still do the reading and I'm doing classes lol....:wacko:

So my little guy has been really moving in there lately!! Kicks are even painful sometimes! Can't imagine how its going to get...

Elephant just thought of something I member you saying you hadn't felt movement a few weeks ago maybe you didn't feel movement sooner because of the two placentas? Just a thought... are you feeling her kicks now?
All Girls

Thank you for sharing your experience! My plan is to try and labor without epidural but if I end up needing one.. oh well. Everyone's experience that I've talked to about labor is so different you never know what you're going to get. I don't think any amount of reading or classes will allow anyone to be fully prepared. But I still do the reading and I'm doing classes lol....:wacko:

So my little guy has been really moving in there lately!! Kicks are even painful sometimes! Can't imagine how its going to get...

Elephant just thought of something I member you saying you hadn't felt movement a few weeks ago maybe you didn't feel movement sooner because of the two placentas? Just a thought... are you feeling her kicks now?

Great to hear your little man is on the move, mimzy!

I now feel my little one move more and more - thank you for asking. Still very settle kicks, nothing too strong yet, but it's a relief to feel her now. I really can't wait until i feel a definite jab! I'm sure even though it's painful it's still a great feeling :-)
Hey ladies, just wondering if your spouse has been able to feel the kicks yet??! DH wants to feel the baby so bad, but everytime he has his hand on my stomach, he can't feel it... Even if I can feel it and know he's in there kicking away! Just wondering at what point DH will be able to feel them too!! My friend said her hubby couldn't feel the baby until 25 weeks.

So glad everyone is doing well and all the little babies are just in there cooking away :) Another thing is, have you all realized how close you are getting to the third trimester!??? Soooo exciting!!!
I felt kicks on the outside at 19 weeks. DH felt it for the first time at about 20 weeks. I didn't feel my first baby kicking on the outside until about 24 weeks or so.
Hey ladies, just wondering if your spouse has been able to feel the kicks yet??! DH wants to feel the baby so bad, but everytime he has his hand on my stomach, he can't feel it... Even if I can feel it and know he's in there kicking away! Just wondering at what point DH will be able to feel them too!! My friend said her hubby couldn't feel the baby until 25 weeks.

So glad everyone is doing well and all the little babies are just in there cooking away :) Another thing is, have you all realized how close you are getting to the third trimester!??? Soooo exciting!!!

Yes!! Just a few more weeks until the 3rd trimester!! VERY exciting!
Hi ladies! The dr appt/ultrasound went great today. She has full confidence that he is just fine and didn't see an echogenic focus ANYWHERE in his heart. Thank god!! I got some cute pics and 3-D ones of his face. It's such a relief. :-)

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