Due in Sept 2013 looking for bump buddies

As excited as I am to.meet my little girl, I'm not ready to not be pregnant. I've really enjoyed the whole.experience so far and I'll be sad when I don't feel her moving around in me anymore.
As for working, I'm due sept 28th and my scheduled last day is the 15th. I'd have worked longer but my friends wedding is the 22nd so I'll be busy with that. I am a hairdresser and work on my feet all day but honestly - and thankfully - being pregnant hasn't affected me at work. My baby is still transverse and I think that makes for a more comfortable pregnancy as she isn't kicking my ribs and I don't have any pressure down low. I don't even get up in the night to pee!

On a side note, I wonder who will have their baby first!
As excited as I am to.meet my little girl, I'm not ready to not be pregnant. I've really enjoyed the whole.experience so far and I'll be sad when I don't feel her moving around in me anymore.
As for working, I'm due sept 28th and my scheduled last day is the 15th. I'd have worked longer but my friends wedding is the 22nd so I'll be busy with that. I am a hairdresser and work on my feet all day but honestly - and thankfully - being pregnant hasn't affected me at work. My baby is still transverse and I think that makes for a more comfortable pregnancy as she isn't kicking my ribs and I don't have any pressure down low. I don't even get up in the night to pee!

Great positivity there!
Hey ladies, sorry with the move and being sick I couldn't really get any BnB time in.

I am feeling very very very very very pregnant right now :O
I have pretty much everything except for swelling, but I'm sure that will hit me soon too.

Had my first weekly appointment today and Baby boy is no longer transverse but he's also still very high and free. He is measuring average too :D
Next week is a big appointment, bloods, tests, talking about VBAC labour/birth and my options. Got to go through our plan and discuss what sorts of induction we are allowed if we need it. Also going to be talking about the chances of a repeat c-section and possibly booking one as a back up for around 40/41 weeks.

They are going to start giving me a stretch and sweep at every appointment after this next one so that we can have a better chance at achieving our VBAC.

I am soooo ready not to be pregnant but at the same time I am not prepared to be a mum of 2 just yet, so I am glad to have the time.

How is everyone else going?

Who's due date is next?

Glad you're feeling better! So do you have to go early for a better shot at a VBAC? Is that why they are discussing induction and starting the sweep? Sounds like things will be very soon for you!

I'm VERY pregnant as well. My feet were like balloons yesterday, I had indents from my sandals on my feet! Ligament pain is prob the worse thing for me and being tired.
As excited as I am to.meet my little girl, I'm not ready to not be pregnant. I've really enjoyed the whole.experience so far and I'll be sad when I don't feel her moving around in me anymore.
As for working, I'm due sept 28th and my scheduled last day is the 15th. I'd have worked longer but my friends wedding is the 22nd so I'll be busy with that. I am a hairdresser and work on my feet all day but honestly - and thankfully - being pregnant hasn't affected me at work. My baby is still transverse and I think that makes for a more comfortable pregnancy as she isn't kicking my ribs and I don't have any pressure down low. I don't even get up in the night to pee!

On a side note, I wonder who will have their baby first!

No pressure and not having to wake up to pee several times during the night sounds great. No wonder you don't mind being pregnant lol
No pressure and not having to wake up to pee several times during the night sounds great. No wonder you don't mind being pregnant lol

AGREED!!!! Oh my, have I had some very long nights lately. I feel like I need to pee 24/7, no joke. I must have gotten up at least a dozen times last nigh between 11pm and 430am to pee. Gahhh!!! I need to pee right now haha

Glad you're feeling better! So do you have to go early for a better shot at a VBAC? Is that why they are discussing induction and starting the sweep? Sounds like things will be very soon for you!

I'm VERY pregnant as well. My feet were like balloons yesterday, I had indents from my sandals on my feet! Ligament pain is prob the worse thing for me and being tired.

I think that is what they are saying, that they want things to start happening for me at around 39 weeks if I am to achieve a VBAC. They did say they are happy to let me go to 41 weeks though, so I am confused. But I have my next appointment on Wednesday with the head doctor so I will have lots and lots of questions and will hopefully have a better idea of what they are thinking.
I was under the impression that they didn't think I was very high risk but they are already throwing around things like induction and back up CS, so yeah now I am confused.

I really do hope I can go into labour naturally though. I don't mind getting a stretch and sweep to help out but I would rather avoid anything else and just let it happen. But I suppose I can't control it. I just wish they were a bit more open about giving women more time who have had a previous section.

I think I am starting to notice some swelling now. My feet are starting to really really ache and my hands get that sort of uncomfy feeling when I make a fist.
Cammy well that's good they would let you go till 41 weeks anyways. Since this is your second maybe you'll go before your due date anyways:shrug:

oh yes the achy feet and hands, I've had that for weeks, not fun!

So last night I had to go to the hospital. My vision started to go I was having blind spots couldn't even see the computer screen ahead of me. Then my right leg was a bit numb and my feet pretty swollen. I called my midwife and she wanted me to come in. They checked my blood pressure and urine and everything was normal so no preeclampsia which is what I was worried about! But when I was hooked up to the monitor they said I was having contractions every 6 mins so she did a check, cervix is closed and long, baby is head down, she was able to feel his head and he didn't like it he kicked lol. Left hospital went home and had the worse headache all night. So I'm thinking maybe it was just a really bad migraine? Although I've never had one like that before. As for the contractions they don't hurt but I do get them a lot she didn't seem to concerned about them though since I wasn't dilating. You ladies have any thoughts or experience with this type of thing?
Hi ladies! Hope everyone is having a good weekend! So today and a little yesterday I have been feeling really blah. Head ache and nausea... Almost three up tonight. I got really hot and gross feeling and had to run to the bathroom. My hubby got me a cold wet cloth for my face and neck and that helped. Luckily I didn't vomit Bc I hate it so much! I haven't vomited once during this pregnancy and don't plan to start now lol! My pubic bones are still hurting too. I got up the other day and the pain stopped me in my tracks. Baby is very very active and I can feel his movements both very high and very low so idk if he's engaging or not.

Anyone else been feeling nausea and icky lately too?
Cammy well that's good they would let you go till 41 weeks anyways. Since this is your second maybe you'll go before your due date anyways:shrug:

oh yes the achy feet and hands, I've had that for weeks, not fun!

So last night I had to go to the hospital. My vision started to go I was having blind spots couldn't even see the computer screen ahead of me. Then my right leg was a bit numb and my feet pretty swollen. I called my midwife and she wanted me to come in. They checked my blood pressure and urine and everything was normal so no preeclampsia which is what I was worried about! But when I was hooked up to the monitor they said I was having contractions every 6 mins so she did a check, cervix is closed and long, baby is head down, she was able to feel his head and he didn't like it he kicked lol. Left hospital went home and had the worse headache all night. So I'm thinking maybe it was just a really bad migraine? Although I've never had one like that before. As for the contractions they don't hurt but I do get them a lot she didn't seem to concerned about them though since I wasn't dilating. You ladies have any thoughts or experience with this type of thing?

My coworker went through this recently. She went to the hospital after a minor parking lot fender bender just to get checked since she had the accident. Turns out she was contracting but didn't even feel it. She was put on bed rest though Bc she ended up dilating shortly after. She gets the contractions on and off still but says they aren't even painful right now.
Hi ladies! Hope everyone is having a good weekend! So today and a little yesterday I have been feeling really blah. Head ache and nausea... Almost three up tonight. I got really hot and gross feeling and had to run to the bathroom. My hubby got me a cold wet cloth for my face and neck and that helped. Luckily I didn't vomit Bc I hate it so much! I haven't vomited once during this pregnancy and don't plan to start now lol! My pubic bones are still hurting too. I got up the other day and the pain stopped me in my tracks. Baby is very very active and I can feel his movements both very high and very low so idk if he's engaging or not.

Anyone else been feeling nausea and icky lately too?

Wow same thing happened to me this weekend but I actually threw up! It was around 3am on Sunday morning I felt super nauseous then went to the bathroom and "got sick" several times. I didn't know if it was from something I ate or from the pregnancy. :shrug: But I just laid in bed pretty much all morning and early afternoon Sunday. I also started seeing the blind spots again Sunday evening. After eating something, drinking some water, and laying down they went away. All day Saturday I had several contractions my stomach kept tightening, but they weren't painful so I didn't bother calling my midwife. And my feet and hands are ridiculous, they are so huge and swollen :wacko: I had a prenatal massage this weekend and I do recommend it was heavenly! I wanted a foot massage but they wouldn't do it, I guess it can induce labor.

Hope you start feeling better Sasha, not too much longer!:happydance:
Hi ladies! Hope everyone is having a good weekend! So today and a little yesterday I have been feeling really blah. Head ache and nausea... Almost three up tonight. I got really hot and gross feeling and had to run to the bathroom. My hubby got me a cold wet cloth for my face and neck and that helped. Luckily I didn't vomit Bc I hate it so much! I haven't vomited once during this pregnancy and don't plan to start now lol! My pubic bones are still hurting too. I got up the other day and the pain stopped me in my tracks. Baby is very very active and I can feel his movements both very high and very low so idk if he's engaging or not.

Anyone else been feeling nausea and icky lately too?

Wow same thing happened to me this weekend but I actually threw up! It was around 3am on Sunday morning I felt super nauseous then went to the bathroom and "got sick" several times. I didn't know if it was from something I ate or from the pregnancy. :shrug: But I just laid in bed pretty much all morning and early afternoon Sunday. I also started seeing the blind spots again Sunday evening. After eating something, drinking some water, and laying down they went away. All day Saturday I had several contractions my stomach kept tightening, but they weren't painful so I didn't bother calling my midwife. And my feet and hands are ridiculous, they are so huge and swollen :wacko: I had a prenatal massage this weekend and I do recommend it was heavenly! I wanted a foot massage but they wouldn't do it, I guess it can induce labor.

Hope you start feeling better Sasha, not too much longer!:happydance:

My hands are crazy swollen too!
My vision started to go I was having blind spots couldn't even see the computer screen ahead of me. Then my right leg was a bit numb and my feet pretty swollen. ... You ladies have any thoughts or experience with this type of thing?

Yes these are all symptoms of a migraine. I get blurred vision, spots, loss of speech, and sometimes half of my body will go completely numb like I'm having a stroke. Terrifying. They have gotten much worse in pregnancy. They're called "hemiplegic migraines" - https://www.webmd.com/migraines-headaches/hemiplegic-migraine-headaches-symptoms-causes-treatments
My vision started to go I was having blind spots couldn't even see the computer screen ahead of me. Then my right leg was a bit numb and my feet pretty swollen. ... You ladies have any thoughts or experience with this type of thing?

Yes these are all symptoms of a migraine. I get blurred vision, spots, loss of speech, and sometimes half of my body will go completely numb like I'm having a stroke. Terrifying. They have gotten much worse in pregnancy. There called "hemiplegic migraines" - https://www.webmd.com/migraines-headaches/hemiplegic-migraine-headaches-symptoms-causes-treatments

Thanks for posting the link!
How could I have misspelled "They're"?! OMG pregnancy brain is mortifying sometimes.
: )
oedipamass I didn't even notice lol

So have any of you been "checked" yet? My midwife checked me yesterday and she said my cervix was shorten, soft, and "dimple". When asked what that means she said that she could stick just the tip of her finger in. It exciting to know I'm making some progress already!!! and a little nerve recking as well....
oedipamass I didn't even notice lol

So have any of you been "checked" yet? My midwife checked me yesterday and she said my cervix was shorten, soft, and "dimple". When asked what that means she said that she could stick just the tip of her finger in. It exciting to know I'm making some progress already!!! and a little nerve recking as well....

I get checked for the first time at my appointment next week.
I am very much hoping that I have some progress before the birth this time (with my first I was induced at 38+2, with absolutely zero progression. Tho this time is like night and day different in my attitude, daily life, and sex life than last time, so I'm hopeful!)
My next appointment is at 35 +3 so hopefully they start checking me then. I'm hoping I only have another two weeks or so left - although she is still transverse so who knows!
adopim be sure to let us know how it goes. i'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you that you've made some progress this time! why did they induce you at 38 weeks last time?

litebright I'm with you, hoping for just a couple more weeks! Have they started talking to you about options if she doesn't turn?

Sasha how have u been feeling? I vomited again last night! Had some cramping and was just exhausted today so I stayed home from work. I did read that sometimes vomiting is a sign that labor is near.
adopim be sure to let us know how it goes. i'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you that you've made some progress this time! why did they induce you at 38 weeks last time?

litebright I'm with you, hoping for just a couple more weeks! Have they started talking to you about options if she doesn't turn?

Sasha how have u been feeling? I vomited again last night! Had some cramping and was just exhausted today so I stayed home from work. I did read that sometimes vomiting is a sign that labor is near.

I'm feeling better. My head ache went away and I'm not nauseated anymore. I went to the dr on Wednesday and my cervix is still closed and thick. She did say she's pretty sure I'm having PSD which hurts like a bi#%h! I had the Strep B test too. 2 more dr appts until baby is here!
adopim be sure to let us know how it goes. i'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you that you've made some progress this time! why did they induce you at 38 weeks last time?

litebright I'm with you, hoping for just a couple more weeks! Have they started talking to you about options if she doesn't turn?

Sasha how have u been feeling? I vomited again last night! Had some cramping and was just exhausted today so I stayed home from work. I did read that sometimes vomiting is a sign that labor is near.

I'm feeling better. My head ache went away and I'm not nauseated anymore. I went to the dr on Wednesday and my cervix is still closed and thick. She did say she's pretty sure I'm having PSD which hurts like a bi#%h! I had the Strep B test too. 2 more dr appts until baby is here!

Glad you're feeling better! PSD does sound very painful from what I've read, sorry you're having to deal with that :hugs: I had my strep b test too, on Tues haven't herd anything so not sure if that means it came back negative or if they would just wait to tell me the results till wed (my next apt) anyways since its really not an urgent matter if you do test positive. :shrug: you ONLY have 2 more dr appointments!! AHH I know you must be super EXCITED! :happydance:
adopim be sure to let us know how it goes. i'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you that you've made some progress this time! why did they induce you at 38 weeks last time?

litebright I'm with you, hoping for just a couple more weeks! Have they started talking to you about options if she doesn't turn?

Sasha how have u been feeling? I vomited again last night! Had some cramping and was just exhausted today so I stayed home from work. I did read that sometimes vomiting is a sign that labor is near.

My blood pressure was high and my fluid was low. I was having weekly ultrasounds to monitor the fluid and they found that she wasn't growing as much as she should have been. It was all borderline. My dr decided that she would be better out than in so I was induced.
I am also having ultrasounds before every appointment this time, but that is purely because of my history. My blood pressure is slowly rising, but not even close to high like last time and my fluid looks good so far. We'll see how all that looks on Tuesday too!

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