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Due June 2011, bump buddies reconnect

Miss bb - I'm gna try to leave my maternity leave til about 34 weeks, but with my job I just dunno!!

Brit - I think it will go slow :haha: because well all be waiting for Lo! I haven't even brought my nursery furniture yet :( really need to start!! I think you should post pics :D

Summer - your making me jealous :( I want some sun :haha:

My baby girl will be called Kiara (key-ar-ah) :)

I wonder who will give birth first :) I doubt it will be me, girls are lazy from what I've heard :haha:

Groovy - thanks hun :hugs: have u got a name for LO? X
Char, Congrats on team pink!!!! Can't wait to hear names!

I have been soaking up the sun here in Florida this weekend. It has been 75 degrees. Might go down to the beach again today, I just love staring at the ocean all day, plus it is out my back door. Hehe.

Well have a wonderful day ladies!!!

You wouldn't believe how jealous I am :haha:. Me and DH are planning a quick sunny holiday for a week sometime next month 'cos I am dying to see some sun and blue water.

Kiara that's such a pretty name. I think I'll be with you on our LO arriving late. I've made a prediction with my DH saying that I'm sure I'm gonna be late because so far our LO is quite lazy. I don't feel much in the way of kicks, more like leaning sensations (it's like a little pressure on one particular area mainly). I can't wait to feel proper kicks, especially when my DH can feel them too. Thank goodness for my doppler though 'cos then I don't panic about it. I will post some piccies - I've put some up in my journal but they're not great. I'll hopefully get my DH to take some more, he's better at taking them than I am :hissy:.
OMG OMG OMG... I just felt the baby move from outside :cloud9:. I was just happily having a good nosy in 2nd tri board and felt what I thought was a nerve flicker on my belly (you know, when you get it on an eyelid?). Anyway so I put my hand there and twice I saw my hand move. It was fabulous!!!
Wohoo! Way to go Britt! I can't wait to feel baby girl from the outside - I know it's only a matter of time now. :)
Isnt it great feeling the baby! My little man seems to never stop moving, which is fantastic! I have been feeling him move since 18 weeks, and for about the past 3 weeks he has been moving to where i can feel him when touching my stomach! My hubby finally felt him Sunday morning kick for the the first time! He was thrilled!

i was suppose to have my next check up tomorrow, but the Dr's office called and had to reschedule (Dr is going into surgury tomorrow), so I will be going in on Monday morning! So a few more days to before I get to hear his heartbeat! No ultra sound pictures this time!!
Talking of names, I've just been out this morning to get some baby name books - thought it was about time really. Actually, I've been meaning to for ages but everytime I pop into town I keep forgetting :dohh:. Never mind, got a couple now so me and my DH will be busy from now on creating a list. We've said we're gonna pick about 3 of each (girl/boy) and then when he/she pops out we'll decide on the actual name then.

So what's everyone up to this weekend, anything good? I have a feeling we'll be spending most of it couped up indoors because both of us have caught some nice colds. Bummer! The only thing I really want to happen though is that the nursery blind is put up so I'm sure it won't be too much to ask.
I'll be baby-sitting my niece and nephew with OH tomorrow night, hopefully clearing out the baby's room once and for all, and having a nice relaxing bath at some point!

Can't believe how fast the weeks seem to be going now! Nearly in 3rd Tri and thinking back to when we first found out and 3rd Tri seems a million miles away.

We've started talking about names again. We got down to 3:


Then I had a little think and re-introduced: James and Sebastian.

So we have 5, much like you Brit (even though we know sex) we are thinking of names and then seeing what fits when he pops out :).

Hope you ladies are doing well. And hope those who haven't felt baby kick feel it very soon - its magical - although now when mine kicks my in the privates I'm either wishing he would stop or move round a little lol :)

Have a great weekend xx
Hey there. This weekend my in laws are visiting. We are headed to a college hockey game tonight then chilling on the beach all weekend. Sunday we have a friend coming to stay with us from Sunday till Friday, so we have a busy week ahead.

Well, have a great weekend ladies....and BB great name choices. My hubbys name is James..he goes by jay!
Yup, I didn't end up baby sitting - the baby is now a ninja and I can see him moving and rolling and kicking my belly - he wont let me eat.. when I bend forward he starts to kick "Mummy you're squishing me..."

I washed all the baby clothes, towels and various bits and pieces we have already bought ready to put into the new drawers we have for his room. Smell nice and fresh as opposed to shop bought stench.

Planned out what we have left to buy:

Bottles, Breast Pump and Sterilizer (even though I'm breast feeding I want my other half to be able to feed him too, as I will be back to work after 6 months and doing breast and bottle from the word go should help weaning from my boobies!)
Moses Basket and rocking stand...
Baby Bath - preferably something we can put in our own bath that acts as a support.
Baby Bouncer - gotta be easier than holding baby whilst he falls to sleep, and they say its best to put them down just before they drop off so you don't have to cuddle them to sleep every night and they get used to falling to sleep alone!
Nappies - getting size up from newborn now.
Another going out best set (we have a Tigger top and jeans to last up to 3 months)
Baby shampoo, cotton balls, nipple creams, sanitary towels.. basically a hospital bag.

I have found 2 ready made hospital bags, one from Toys R Us, and one in Mothercare. I'm liking the Mothercare one - little bit more expensive, but it has essential stuff for mum AND baby - takes out the hassle of having to prepare your own... price wise its like £50 max!

Have a great week ladies.

Well went to the Dr today for my monthly check-up. Everything is looking great. I have gained 6pounds, so now i have put on 21 pounds, gosh it sounds so like so much! Baby boys heartbeat was nice and strong at 150 BPM, and my stomach is measuring right on point!

I go take my glucose test in about 3 weeks, and I go back to my last monthly appt March 23, then after that I will be going every 2 weeks! This pregnancy is going so FAST! Getting more and more excited to meet and see my little guy!

Oh yeah, I also got approved to fly, Dr said I can fly up until 34/35 weeks pregnant =0) So now I get to go to NY to see my family! And it will be my last long trip until after the baby is born!!
Glad to hear everything is going so well summer! :)

Had my 2nd glucose test (the 2 hour one this time ugh) on Friday. I just felt like it was a waste of time because I know I don't have diabetes problems - but did it anyway - took a few hours out of my day & was no fun! They can never find veins in my arms and always have to use the tops of my hands and it's painful! (the phlebotomy tech was oh-so-helpful in explaining that "just you wait until you are in labor") .

Also visited a friend of mine who has a baby girl 7 weeks old now - picked up 2 HUGE BAGS of hand-me-down newborn and 0-3 month clothes... had fun going through that stuff and I feel like we already will have a VERY FULL closet with what we have so far plus the hand-me-downs from her.

We've also narrowed down the name list to:


Husband loves Teagan, and I'm partial to Greta! The debate continues. LOL

Hope you guys have a happy Monday-
I was speaking to a preggo friend (only 3 weeks to go for her, jammy madam) the other day and it's come to light that the "just you wait" comments are starting to really grate! I wasn't too bothered by them but then come Saturday my sister said it to me and I wanted to scratch her eyes out, lol. Why do people seem to really enjoy feeding horror stories about labour? The thing is, my sister's had 3 kiddies so it wasn't enough to actually put her off having anymore :wacko:. TBH, I'm quite looking forward to labour - I know it sounds crazy, it's just that it'll be a whole new experience - one that I've never had before so I really don't know how I'm gonna be, whether I'll handle it fairly alright or whether I'm gonna be shrieking like a woman posessed.

Is there any other phrase that's starting to cheese you off? I've been getting a lot of "it's only gonna get worse", which has been a running joke so far.
It sounds as though you've got the right attitude there hun. All experiences are individual and just because it was unpleasant for one person doesn't mean the same for somebody else! I'm open to ideas and suggestions from those who have children, but don't want to be pressured into doing things a particular way.

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