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I know - I keep wondering if I will feel as excited about all of the movement once the baby gets bigger! She's already measuring bigger than my dates suggest - so I may be having a GIANT BABY. lol

As far as names - we are going for old fashioned kinds of names, with mostly German backgrounds. The front-runners:

Ulle (said like Julie without the J)

What do you think?!

ohh im in love with Fay that sounds soo perfect for a lil girl :cloud9:
Hey there!

So the past 2 days, I have been having really bad pains in my upper right butt cheek :blush: So I calle my doctor. She said it is a sciatic pain, as in the baby is sitting on a nerve! It hurts so bad and it gets to the point where I can t walk :cry: But she said to apply ice every hour for 20 minutes, and take tylenol (I really dont want too, but I need this pain to go away!), and to do some exercises that she told me about! If it still hurts in a few days, she suggested a massage :haha: So I hope it goes away soon! I hate not being able to do anything :growlmad:

On another note, I now do not think I will have a shower! I was suppose to drive to NY from FL, it is about 20 hours and do 2 showers, 1 with my family and 1 with my in laws. Well my mother in law could only do it at the end of April and my mom was going to do it in the beginning of April. Well I was going to fly up, stay for the month of April, and drive back with my MIL, but it would be too late in the pregnancy to be doing long trips! So my MIlL decided last night to not have one. So now i can fly up for 1 and fly back, but I would have to ship all the gifts. So I am thinking maybe not too have any at all...its too much of a pain! And the plans kept changing, which is so irritating!!! :growlmad::growlmad: I think I will just buy what we really need!!!

Well have a good day all!
Thanks Crazycowgirl - I have so many names in mind, and none of them just pop out as "the one".... still looking!

summer - so sorry to hear about your changed plans?! Sounds like it would have been very stressful with all the traveling - sorry you will miss out on a shower though if you really wanted one. :( I'm so picky about stuff that I won't miss a shower if it doesn't work out! I can buy only the things that I want in my house. LOL
Thanks Jenna, I really did want one at first! But with all the stress that has been going on, I think it will be easier not to have one! Im OK without one, atleast then I know my baby boy will get what I want him to have and not a bunch of stuff that I will not use or like! Haha! So maybe this worked out for the best!
Summerbaby, Why not try to have a online shower? Just have everyone order your gifts online and ship them to your house?:) then they can just give you a picture of what they got you. But everything ships to your house? Just a idea lol
mommyof2peas, that is an excellent idea! I will have to think about that! I talked to my mom today, she still really wants to throw me a shower, plus I will be in NY for a week to visit, she said not to worry about getting everything to FL, her and my dad will ship it, or drive it down!!! So we shall see what happens!! Im still undecided!
Hope your pains ease soon summer - I can sympathise completely. I resided myself to hot water bottles and co-codamol (as prescribed by my doctor) - I don't like taking them, but its the only thing that keeps me on my feet when the pains so bad. Xx
We got a few gift cards over the holidays and I spent the weekend doing a little online shopping - and yesterday received some of the stuff I ordered.... and OMG, the bodysuits/onesies are SO TINY. I can't imagine my baby being that small, but I guess she will be!!

I ordered a few 3-6 month things too - and they are just adorable. Husband has started buying baby books (he's a college English professor - so of course), and I'm starting to just get obsessed with tiny little outfits.

We aren't buying the "big stuff" like the co-sleeper, car seat, and stroller until closer to the due date (due to space issues), but it's been fun shopping for little bits here and there. I even bought a couple of pieces of artwork for her room - some antique prints from "Peter Pan" from the UK.

How is your morning, girls?!
Thought I better report in since we've been away for the weekend - celebrating our 3 year anniversary in Edinburgh and then flying over to N. Ireland for BIL's surprise birthday party. All was absolutely fab!

Since Sunday baby's been fleeing around like a little hooligan :haha: but it's such a wonderful feeling, especially since we had a bit of a panic on Saturday morning... We had a bit of the other :)sex:) and shortly after I had a bit of red blood - totally crapped me out as you can imagine but I used to suffer from spotting pre-pregnancy so knew not to worry too much.

All this talk of baby showers is making me quite envious. I just don't know those kind of people but never mind - can't grumble really (or at least not too loudly, lol).
Hey Brit - I'm not having a shower either. I don't know anyone who would want to do one for me and I feel a bit bad requesting a get together with the girls, with the intention that they have to bring something for baby, it kinda makes me feel uneasy (not saying its a wrong thing to have or do... just how I feel about it :))

Some people in the UK have them, but I'd rather just have a girlie night and when they baby is born if someone wants to buy something then, I would be grateful for it, but not expecting anything. I think its a personal thing and a relatively new thing to do in the UK, which is probably why I'm having a hard time getting my head round it lol.

Hope all you ladies are ok? I'll be going quiet this weekend as its my first wedding anniversary and plan on having a good ole time :) Xx
Congrats groovychick ok your baby girl!!!

Britt, Congrats on your 3 year anniversary!!!

Well I am still in allot of pain from this sciatica pain. I am going call for a massage tomorrow. OH gave me one last night, It felt great but didn't relieve the pain.
Congrats groovychick on *team pink* !!! I'm team pink too. :)

Britt - 3 years is a milestone - congrats - hope you do something awesome to celebrate!

Summer - I'm so feeling for you with the back pain! That has got to be miserable. I've got a lot of hip pain during the night, even with about 100 pillows all propped up around me, lol - but nothing like sciatica (i've had that pre-pregnancy and it's horrible!).

I go in for my 22/23 week apt on Friday - go over the genetic testing stuff and probably go over the measurements of the ultrasound in more detail with my doctor. I'm curious to see what my weight is this time - I hope I've at least stayed stable! I know I am eating better, so maybe a little weight gain. :)

I'm loving all of the good news around here - yay ladies!
Jenna & Summer - sorry to hear you are both suffering so much :( - its horrendous to be in pain and have nothing to take it away.

Hope you both get some relief and some sleep by the sound of it Xx
Thanks Ladies!

It is a terrible feleing..this pregnancy was going perfect until this came about. I was feeling okay this morning. Still in allot of pain but it hadnt brought me too my knees like the past 2 days. So i decided to do my yoga video ( heard the stretches would help) and about 15 minutes into it 1 stretch was too much and now I am super sore again, and sitting on a bag of ice...so no more work outs for me until this has subsided. But baby boy is great, he is moving allot, he kept me up most of the night!! haha
So I had my mw appt today and all went well (measuring as I'm supposed to so not too big as sooooo many people keep telling me that I'm "huge", which is starting to tick me off). The only thing is I've got to get an anti-d injection tomorrow because of the bleed I had on Saturday (I'm rhesus negative). I'm still sure it was due to my abrasion at my cervix but because they don't know exactly where the bleed was from the injection is a precaution. I feel so stupid though 'cos I would have called them on Saturday about it but it was because we were over in N. Ireland and I didn't have the number... Lesson learnt though - make sure to store mw's number in mobile!

On a positive note, looking forward to seeing the baby again at the training scan tomorrow.

Congratulations Groovychick on finding out you're team pink.

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