Due June 2011, bump buddies reconnect

Oh Brit, yes, yes and yes again!

I'm fed up of people telling me how horrific birth will be... AND... "Wow your big now, it can only get bigger...!" Err... durrrrrrrrr I have a baby growing inside me, thanks for stating the obvious... Like I didn't know!


  • "Oh, do you know the sex...?" - when I say HE all the time...
  • "How many weeks are you...?" - after only asking me the week before!
  • "I bet your going to the toilet all the time.." - actually not yet!
  • "Just you wait till the baby is here, then you'll know what tired is!" - give me a break, purleeeeeeeeeeease!
  • I could go on....... :)
I went to my 25 week midwife appointment yesterday, baby is doing well and he was bum up, head down :) - she was able to find his heart beat immediately because she could feel the way he was laying. Hurt slightly when she asked me to breath in so you could feel where he was, she kind of pushed right from the bottom of bump near my hips up towards my belly button - Thought she'd stuck a knife in me!

Also found out the couple of little episodes I've had where I felt sickly, clammy and faint - the little monkey has been pressing on my main vein whilst I've been stood up! She said best thing is to just sit down. Hope he gets out of that one! :)

Hope you are all ok.Xx
Here's a few of my fave things people say

"Have my kids for the day" / "do you wna take my kids with you"... no thanks I'm growing my own & its not my fault yours misbehave!!

"youll have no dignity after labour".... I'm fully aware that lots of people will be looking at my vagina but they see hundreds every year - as if they will remember mine!!

"wow your getting bigger" ... omg am I :o hmm maybe because I've got a baby growing inside?

"you shouldn't be doing that in your condition" PLEASE DO NOT MODYCODL ME lol this is mainly at work

How is everyone??

Oh yes, here is what i get:

"You are getting big" (well duh, that is a good thing since there is a child growing inside me)
"When is your due date" (this is from the same people that ask all the time)
"When you coming to vsit" (seriously, come visit me, as I am pregnant, and its harder to travel)
and, haha
"You will not be able to travel as much as you did before you had the baby" (This from the same people who ask me when I will be visiting)

So ladies, this is my last week in 2nd trimester! Can you believe we are all moving to 3rd trimester very soon!!! definetly going so fast, but it is so exciting! I think we should keep our thread name the same, just makes its easier, plus we have kept it the same all these weeks =)

Have a wonderful day!
Oh yeah, Jenna, i am liking your name choices!!! My cousins daughter's name is Teagan, such a pretty name!! Cant wait to hear your final name choice!
I hope after our LO pops out that I don't turn into one of these annoying people. I'll scratch my own eyes out if I utter the words "just you wait", lol.

OMG 3rd tri... Where on earth has the time gone? Summer, defo think it's a good idea about keeping the same name for the thread in 3rd tri. I have a sneaky feeling that I'm gonna soon start to freak out about not having all of the things needed. I've created a list (I'm obsessed with lists) for what baby needs and yesterday I was going through it and was quite shocked on how little I've actually got. All the big things are done though :thumbup:, it's just stuff like socks, bibs and cotton wool etc. The other thing I was thinking of is vests... Now, will I really need to put baby in a babygrow with a vest underneath in the summer? I can understand come September when the weather may turn a little chilly but I'm thinking that baby will get a little too hot with all that on. Well, it's on my other list to ask the MW about next time I see her.

Oooh I booked our antenatal class earlier... It's for May 14th - exactly 4 weeks before EDD!! Why do they do them so late in the pregnancy? I am looking forward to going though. Have you booked yours yet or are some not bothering?
Me and husband booked our childbirth and parenting classes for next month (April) - so I don't think May 14 is too late - although I will be glad to get them over with earlier. I've read so many books and feel very informed, I'm kind of feeling like most of the classes are going to be very boring and repetitive - but I will keep an open mind!
Initially they gave me my antenatal class to start at 36 weeks which I thought was cutting it a bit fine, so I rearranged it for 33 weeks. I didn't want to be unprepared if :baby: turned up early!
I also signed up for my childbirth/breastfeeding classes...its April 22-May 27, so I will be finishing that up just before LO arrival!!!!
I have my Antenatal Classes booked on the 7th April :)
Miss BB your antenatal class is a lot nicer time wise. I think I'd much rather have mine ealier.

I just realised something as well... We won't need to start another 3rd tri thread 'cos this one was moved to the "Group and Discussions" section :dohh:. So we can just carry on as normal :thumbup:.

My DH is away this week in America but I've stayed put this time so I've been busying myself with creating my hospital list. Once again, there's sooo much to put on there. I googled a couple of lists and have combined them but taken out some stuff as well. I have a feeling I'll be needing a suitcase rather than a hospital bag :rofl:.

I've also been trying to find socks, bibs and hats, which are quite difficult to get just in plain white. I think I'll have to wait to get the hats when we go to Mothercare. I can't wait for this baby to come so then I can finally buy a bit of colour.

What are you guys busying yourselves with? Hope you're all keeping well :flower:
Brit have you checked out the pre-made hospital bags that Mothercare and Toys r Us do? I think the Toys R Us one has white baby grows in it etc.

I am pleased I got an earlier antenatal class, don't know if I 'd like to leave it too late incase he comes early.

Hello. i keep losing track of these now there in the groups. Counting to 99 days. hope everyone is well xx
Good Morning ladies!

So this is my last day in 2nd trimester, YAY, cant believe I will be headed to the 3rd trimester already. But, I am so excited and ready for these last few months to go quickly, so I can meet my little guy!!

I go next Wednesday for my glucose test, Im hoping everything goes well and the test results come back negative!

So is everyone feeling there little babies moving all the time? My little man seems to always be moving! He is so active, so Im sure he will be all over the place when he is born, kind of like his mom and dad are, haha, we seem to never stop moving either!!!

Well, have a wonderful day ladies!
Ooooh I'll have to check out those bags, thanks for that Miss BB :thumbup:.

Summer - it's amazing that you're hitting 3rd tri tomorrow! What's the plan for the last tri? Got anymore shopping to do or any preparations? I've still got a ton of stuff to buy which is panicking me a bit but my DH has said that we'll go one weekend and blitz on the rest of the stuff.
You may think me mad but I've created spreadsheets for my shopping list and I've now added more to include a list for my hospital bag for both mummy and baby. Spreadsheets/lists just make me feel so much more organised - in my defence, I made a blinkin' good secretary before I became a Domestic Engineer :coffee:.
Not mad at all hun! In fact, I'm very impressed by how organised you are! :thumbup:

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