Due May 1st!! Anyone want to be buddies?

Haha and if you aren't drinking there will definitely be questions flying about. Luckily for my its my OHs work colleague so I don't know many people - still they are people I don't want guessing before our families know! I have gone for a loose fitting dress!

Scan this morning! I'm a bag of nerves - could hardly sleep last night!

Hope you ladies are well! :hugs:
Soph - hope the scan went well!

Super tired today, but I'm sleeping better than last week. Wonder if it was just a little growth happening that made my hips and back hurt. Nausea is back for a little bit - I dry heave in the morning, and then feel better. Then I eat breakfast and feel nauseous again. I'm eating some chocolate now, in hopes it cures the nausea :haha:

I found my doppler and have been trying to find the heartbeat, but with no luck. I know i'm still SO early to find it, but hopefully I can find it before next appt in October.
It was amazing Tweak! Here's a pic!

I am with you on the tiredness - fell asleep at my desk earlier! :haha: I hope the chocolate helps with the nausea! Fingers crossed you find the heartbeat soon - will be lovely to hear!

I thought our group had been deleted when I couldn't find it in the first trimester!


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Haha I know! I had to go to my subscriptions to see where it went!

That's wonderful you had a great scan!!! How's the sickness been?

I found the heartbeat last night!!! Took me only a couple minutes, but I found that beautiful fast beating heart! I couldn't be happier that I found it. I won't try again for a few more days, but knowing that I have been able to find it makes me feel so much better. The sickness seems to be getting worse though. All day mild nausea yesterday, and I was up for a couple hours overnight with bad stomach pains. And more mild nausea this morning. I thought sickness was supposed to go away as you got closer to 2nd tri!? :sick:
Well my nausea and sickness had cleared up then came back with a vengeance yesterday!

That is amazing you found the heartbeat how lovely! :cloud9: aw sorry to hear you are feeling worse! I thought it was supposed to get easier but maybe it's a case of it has to get worse before it get better! Hope it eases for you soon though! :hugs:
Hey ladies! Sorry I went MIA I caught a cold as soon as I got back from my sisters wedding and just been sleeping it off ever since. Had my first scan last week. We have a healthy baby in there and take the progenity test on the 10th. Hope you all are doing well.
:hi: Ny, sorry to hear you have been poorly! I hope you are feeling a lot better! Glad your scan went well!

All well here - slight nausea today but apart from that just extreme tiredness! I have fallen asleep at my desk a few times this week!:blush:

Hope everyone else and their LOs are well! :hugs:
Hey all :hi: hope you're all feeling okay. I managed to catch my son's cold, which didn't last long, but then the morning sickness picked up. Haven't thrown up, but feeling icky! Just riding it out one day at a time. I didn't have any morning sickness with my last pregnancy, I should've known I couldn't be that lucky two times in a row!
Soph - beautiful scan!!

Tweak, glad to hear you are sleeping a bit better. Hope the chocolate helps with the nausea. For me nothing has really helped at times, but the doc says the progesterone may be to blame for that. Have you tried any of the preggo nausea aids? I've tried these ginger tablets but I'm not sure they do anything. I want to find those pops, though. Just keep going and it's sure to calm down soon!

It's awesome you found the hb!! So cool :)

NYX - glad to hear you had a good scan! Hope you're feeling better.

AFM - sorry I've been offline lately, I've been feeling pretty rotten and unmotivated to do much more than watch tv and read! We had our second scan yesterday at 8w6d, baby measuring 8w2d which is a good improvement over last time! HB is 160 vs 109 last time. So much changes in 2 weeks! Our next scan is in a month at 12 weeks, where we'll do the nuchal. If all goes well, I'll start telling people then. Here's a pic of the scan - you can see the little head at the top looks like it's facing front, and the little arms and legs...compared to a dot two weeks ago. Wow.


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ny - Sorry you haven't been feeling well :( Glad you had a great first scan!!

Soph - the nausea got better Wednesday. I think it had something to do with what we had for dinner Monday night. I had slight nausea yesterday, and slight this morning as well. MUCH MUCH better then Tuesday though!

Pita - oh no! hope you're feeling better!

becca - thankfully the nausea is back to mild again. If it comes back, I will go to the store and try those preggo pop things. and maybe the sea bands. I've heard great things about them. Sorry you've been feeling so rotten too! :( But what a beautiful scan picture!!

AFM - 10 weeks today! I can't believe it! I'm sleeping loads better and only have mild nausea. I was able to find the heartbeat so quick yesterday. I tried in the morning, bc of the stomach pains I was having Tuesday and found it within a couple minutes. Then my daughter found the doppler at night (she still doesnt know about the baby) and wanted me to use it, so I put the wand on my belly and found it right away. I'm amazed at how quick I can found it! I don't want to use it too much though, so I'll put it away for a little bit.
Lovely scan Becca!

Pitakat I hope the nausea is easing off for you.

Tweak I bet it is so reassuring finding the heart beat so quick. When do you plan on telling DD?

We told DD on the weekend - we filmed her and she seemed happy enough as soon as we stopped she started sobbing saying she was sad because she felt like she would be left out! It broke my heart! :cry: She has been telling the kids in school this week so she must be getting excited.
We'll probably tell her after the NT scan. Hopefully in a couple weeks. I'm not ready to tell daycare yet (still nervous and anxious), and I know if we tell her, she's going to tell all her little friends and teachers. We talk to her a lot about having a baby brother or sister some day, and if she wants to be a big sister, and she is very excited about it. Last night, as we were driving home from school, I was talking to her about what she learned that day. She said bunnies, and she said "We can get a talking bunny and give it to my baby sister!" :haha: NO CLUE where that came from, because we haven't talked about it in a little bit, but she very much wants a baby sister. She tells me she only wants a sister, and would be upset if its a brother. Soooooo, we'll have one very upset 4 year old if it's a brother!!

Awwww! :( I'm sorry about your DD. I'm sure she'll get more excited as time goes on. I'm super nervous about that happening with my daughter. She's been my one and only for so long, and she's a SUPER mama's girl, so it makes me nervous how she'll act.
Hey ladies!! Sorry lots of us seem to be feeling some kind of yuckiness and hopefully we all pull through!!

Also loving seeing all of those beautiful scans!

Afm not feeling to bad, but I am tired. Lots of naps for this lady and will be doing the progenity test on the 10th. Sooo excited!
Tweak - I think she must have a 6th sense about baby! She has mentioned it before too hasn't she? I think DD is getting a bit more excited, she's been bringing me water and things to help off her own back bless her. That's the same with me DD was on her own for 7 years with everyone's full attention so it is a big deal for them!

Ny what is a progenity test? I haven't heard of that before.

How are we all after the weekend? I am not too bad just so tired and still feeling sicky! I'm also blessed to have my hair falling out! :growlmad: I went to the doctor this morning and basically said there is nothing they can prescribe and hopefully it will be better by 12 weeks! I can't wait to start 'glowing' because at the moment I look awful! :haha:
Yeah, she's mentioned about a baby sister, and wanting a sister & not a brother, but that's about it. She might have a 6th sense! I so can't wait to tell her!

I'm sorry your hair is falling out! And that you're still sick! Hopefully as you near 2nd tri, that'll all get better!

AFM - Feeling pretty good. I have a few moments in the morning where I feel sick, like when I'm trying to brush my teeth, but otherwise feel good. Pretty much just tired. I had a freak out moment this weekend when I couldn't find the hb on my doppler. Tried Friday and Saturday and could not find it. I know the baby is still super tiny, so it has plenty of space to hide, but finding it so easily before is what scared me. FINALLY found it Sunday morning; it was pretty much right next to my own hb, so it was cool to hear both the hb's next to each other. After that, I made DH hide my doppler so I don't use it again. I have an appt Thursday morning, where they'll use the doppler there. Roll on Thursday!
Tweak - happy ten weeks! Glad things are calming down, and yay for finding the HB so fast! Sounds like a good idea to tell her after the NT scan. It's so funny how opinionated LOs are! Can't wait to hear how the appt goes!

Soph - I bet DD will be so happy to be a big sister! It is definitely an adjustment, but if she's telling the other kids, she's probably already embracing her new role :) I thought your hair was supposed to be all glamorous and such when we were pg? I feel like I look awful all the time, lol! I'm waiting for the glow as well!

NYX - i'm excited to hear about the test! Good that you're not feeling too bad, hope the tiredness passes!

AFM - still having nausea here and there, sometimes all day and sometimes just at times. Feeling pretty tired, out of breath easily when I climb the stairs to my job, but I feel a bit better than last week! Like I can actually put some effort into cooking again. I want to bake tonight! I think the weather cooling down is also helping a lot. I'm still hating many foods, but chocolate chip cookies is not in that category :) Next scan on the 24th!
Tweak - good idea getting OH to hide the doppler! I would drive myself crazy if I had one.

Becca - I am glad you are feeling a little better! Did you manage your baking?

AFM - I am still on and off being sick but always feeling it and so so tired! I was asleep by 8.30pm last night. I think OH is feeling very lonely as I can hardly stay up after DD is in bed! I am also so fed up of moaning about feeling rubbish! I was definitely very lucky with my first pregnancy!
Soph, I did get my baking done - cocoa chocolate chip cookies...you might say I was feeling in the mood for chocolate! I also cooked enough for the next two or three dinners. There's nothing wrong with going to bed at 8:30! I seem to get tired midday and then when I get home I somehow have more energy. I guess every pregnancy is different!
cocoa chocolate chip cookies...you might say I was feeling in the mood for chocolate!
Yum, that sounds delish!

Soph, get the rest that you need, it's okay to go to bed early!
becca - I've been feeling out of breath too! I had to climb a flight of stairs to get to my appt today and dang was I short of breath when I got up there! Chocolate chip cookies sound SO good!

Oh Soph! I'm sorry you're feeling sick still! After my DD goes to bed, I'm usually in bed too. But I've been forcing myself to stay up and watch a show with my DH. As long as I'm on the couch not moving, I'm okay.

11 weeks and had my appt today! She found the heartbeat as soon as she put the wand on my belly! Which is such a relief! I was so nervous, especially since in the afternoon, I just haven't really FELT pregnant. But my doctor said everything looks fantastic, and growing right on track. I should get a call ASAP about my NT scan as well. Can't wait to see this little baby again!

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