Due May 1st!! Anyone want to be buddies?

Welcome bombshell and PitaKat! :wave:

Soph - I was thinking I'd have to tell my co-workers that I work closely with, that I was pregnant, when I was really sick. Since it's gotten a tiny bit better, I haven't had to. But I don't blame you for telling! If it'll help them understand what's going on, I would def tell them!

So I guess I still have my all day mild nausea. It's better after I eat, but like 10 minutes after I eat, it's like I'm hungry again and I feel nauseous again. I feel like I'm eating all the time!
:hi: Pitakat welcome!!

Tweak I am going into work today but I still feel so sick and yesterday was sick now and then. Also a lot of dry heaving which is very attractive haha. I think I will tell them today just so they understand if I have to take 5.

That is annoying how quick your hunger comes back around! Are you finding foods that satisfy you? I literally don't fancy anything to eat and the thought of most foods is making me feel even more sick! I have ketones in my urine so my midwife has told me to try and eat/drink more but I am really struggling with it! 😞 My first pregnancy was a breeze compared to this and it's only early days!
Oh yes dry heaving! That's ALL I've been doing. Although this morning, I really thought I'd be sick. Hope telling them goes well! I really haven't found much that satisfies me for long. I'm constantly eating or else I feel sick. I've been trying to snack on healthy stuff, but when I'm at work, it's not that easy.

AFM - Woke up nauseous. Dry heaved a bunch of times, ate a few homemade zucchini banana blueberry muffins but still hungry and feel sick. Home with my daughter today, all day. Husband is working from like 9 am to 9 pm. UGH. It's going to be a LONG day.
Welcome, Dashiki! I swing between nauseous and starving. It's a strange place to be.

Angel, seems like your little girl is very perceptive somehow! Amazing.

Abii - I love gender neutral things! Makes sense for you guys to do it this way, I agree.

Soph, sorry about your symptoms getting worse! I guess it's how it goes. My nausea and tiredness have gotten worse, too. I'm so glad you got to see the heartbeat! It sounds pretty logical to tell everyone since you're feeling so lousy. It must be so frustrating to not find anything appetizing!

NYX - Glad everything was ok!! Sounds like things are going perfect :)

Tweak - I'm right there with you on the nausea! With your history I'm surprised they won't get you in earlier for a scan! I hope they will. Sorry bout the dry heaving. ugh ugh ugh such a bad feeling! Those muffins do sound amazing, though. Hope your day doesn't drag by!

Jess, welcome! I think you'll find that we are a very welcoming community :) Congrats!

Bombshell - how were your numbers? Did you get your scan scheduled?

Pita - welcome and congratulations!

AFM - Got to go in for a scan on Monday and everything was there that was supposed to be! Dot's little heartbeat was 109 and they said she was measuring 5w6d instead of 6w5d, which makes sense based on when we thought we conceived (my opks weren't even positive on the day the app said I conceived..it was six days later). I can't even describe how uplifting it was to see that everything was fine. I'm so excited, and my next scan will be 9/26 at 8 weeks. I'm feeling nauseous a lot and most foods seem terrible to me. Of course junk food appeals as long as it's not too sweet, but all veggies besides tomatoes seem bad. It's hard getting them in! I think I'll ninja stuff up and put it in my tomato sauce if I'm not too tired to cook tonight :)
becca, that's awesome you had such a good scan!! With my daughter (my 3rd pregnancy), my fertility doctor scheduled me for a scan at 6w and then at 9w. I had to ask for the 9w one, but he gave it to me. I'm sure if I wasn't under the care of the fertility doctor at the practice, and just a regular OB, I wouldn't even get a scan. Doctors here in NH are very nonchalant about early pregnancy and pregnancy loss. I also didn't want one *too* early this time, just for fear of not seeing anything and it being too early. At least at this one on Monday, I'll be almost 8 weeks, and I should be able to see something and not be too much in limbo.

Ugh the nausea. I've been nauseous all morning. Took my daughter for a walk in her wagon and dry heaved a couple times. It's definitely worse this morning, after having an "easy" day yesterday.
Had an ultrasound today, baby is measuring a week behind edd which puts me at May 8th, but the heart was 112 bpm and we are totally in love<3 morning sickness is starting to die down(or so I hope) as it is only in the mornings now and I feel good throughout the rest of the day. Had a scare at work yesterday with some spotting and cramps but today's ultrasound gave me the reassurance I needed:thumbup: hope you guys are doing well:flower:
Today was the first day I didn't vomit! So YAY for that! I hope all you ladies that are experiencing morning sickness feel better soon! I've been telling myself that if I'm sick that must mean that the baby is growing tons and that helps me get through those nausea spells and the icky feeling! I've also noticed that when I do have an appetite that I can't eat nearly as much as I could before. I feel fuller faster, is that common? DH said that it's probably cause everything is getting squished in there to make room for the baby, it just seems weird to me.
Becca and Abii great news on the scans. I hope you can both relax a bit more now.

Jess glad you went a day without vomiting. I also can't eat as much as normal it is strange!

:hugs: Tweak, hope you are feeling a bit better today.

AFM I still feel awful, had a minor breakdown this morning because I am fed up of feeling sick, tired, can't eat, can't sleep, bad back and feel really unattractive. OH is being supportive in his own way. In work now counting down the hours until I get home and crash on the sofa!
Abii, glad your scan went well!

jess - yay for no vomit! I can't eat as much as before. And if I stuff myself with food, I feel soooooo sick afterwards. Like I definitely ate too much.

Soph - Big hugs! Hope work goes by fast so you can go crash!

AFM - woke up not feeling as sick as yesterday, and boobs don't really hurt as much. Pregnancy after loss sucks. :( Intake appt at 9:30, but I doubt I'll be able to weasel my way into an ultrasound.
:hugs: Tweak, hope your appointment goes well. I will keep my fingers crossed they sneak you in for a scan!!
Hi ladies!!

Welcome pitakat!!!

Happy to see lots of positives from you ladies!

Feeling absolutely crappy today. A cold came and body slammed me and I have been down for days.

Positive is I met with my nurse practitioner on Monday and everything is still going well with baby and I meet my ob team this Tuesday coming up.
Hello ladies, hope everyone is doing ok in these early weeks! I had a random day on Monday of retching all morning and feeling like total crap, since then the nausea is still there but seems less dramatic. The tiredness however is CRAZY! Somehow the sudden change in the nausea has me worrying slightly, looking forward to my scan on Monday when I will be 7+6
Hope you feel better soon nyx!

Hugs JT! It's so hard not to feel worried with a change in symptoms!

My appt went well. Just went over all my family history and everything. They still had things notated from my daughter's pregnancy, so everything was basically the same. Roll on to Monday for my ultrasound...
Sorry so many of you ladies aren't feeling well :hugs: hopefully the morning sickness phase is a short one!
abii, so glad to hear about the scan, everything sounds good!

jess, I get full faster, too, sometimes - sometimes I'm starving and eat more, then feel too full. it's a weird jumble! glad for the vomit-free day for you.

soph, sorry you're still feeling bad! hopefully things will be better for you soon. until then, enjoy the couch :) it stinks we still have to struggle through work, but eh, it passes the time I guess.

tweak, glad you're not feeling as bad as before. Us on monday! that's awesome!

nyx, darn cold! sorry to hear that. I just got my flu shot and am hearing people cough and stuff around me *holds vampire/cold repelling fingers crossed in front of her* seasons changing here means lots of colds going around. but i'm so glad everything is going well for you!

jt - symptoms can just come and go some days, i've heard it often! I can't wait to hear about your scan :)
Sorry you are feeling so rubbish Ny!

Theres exciting for your scan Monday JT!

Tweak, glad the appointment went well and roll on Monday for your scan. I bet you cant wait!

How are you both Pitakat and Becca?

AFM today touch wood I am not feeling too bad. I am hoping it lasts as I have had a gutsfull of feeling so rubbish.
Glad you're feeling better Soph!

Definitely excited for my scan, but more nervous than anything. Just want to see that heartbeat first, more than anything. Woke up and the always starving feeling has come back. So. Dang. Hungry. I slept horribly last night, between having to get up and pee and my hips are starting to hurt already. I remember this happening with my daughter's pregnancy, but it's wayyyyy early this time. Felt lots of cramping and pressure yesterday, so wondering if there was lots of growth happening yesterday since I wasn't that hungry. We shall see on Monday I guess.

Also was told my fertility doctor is retiring in January :( He's part of the reason I stay at this practice, and he's just so amazing and really listens to his patients. They also told me they changed the scheduling of appts, so I have my 10 week visit booked for October, and then they wouldn't see me again until my 19-20 week visit. Of course, with my history, they're willing to see me again in between that for a heartbeat check and everything. So I will be taking them up on that! But I also have my doppler too, that I can check with.
Glad to hear that you're feeling okay today Soph :thumbup:

Tweak, that's how I was at the start of my last pregnancy, I was always hungry! Hoping for a good scan for you on Monday.

Doing well here, though I'm jealous of you ladies who are already having your first appointments and scans. I'm not able to get in to the dr till November 8th! Small town problems :dohh: I'm considering buying a Doppler so I can check on the baby myself.
Hey ladies I know it's been quite some time that I've checked in. So im 10 weeks today and have my 2nd appt on the 26th. I see many of you have had the pleasure of having your morning sickness continue. For me it's on and off. I have good days and bad. Granted I haven't thrown up at all. Props to you ladies who are working and going through that. AFM, since I work with kids my fall break just started so I'm sooo relieved I can just relax and take the punches as they come... from home Haha. Had a cold for about 2 weeks now and I can finally say I can breathe without blowing my nose every minute haha. Yayy! Good luck to those of you with appointments coming up. :)
Tweak, my hips started hurting too, just like last time, but I seem to be helping myself using a roller everyday (much to the amusement of my DS!) Thanks everyone for your reassurance about changing symptoms.

Scan later today - eeek. Feeling quite nervous! I should also add that I had an extremely dark BFP at 12DPO (as dark as the control) which was really strange...so I'm also looking forward to knowing whether I have 2 in there! :wacko:

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